View Full Version : Massage Fantasy

03-30-2002, 03:13 PM
Here is a copy of my first attempt at an on-line story. I don't believe it matches Glyndwyr's Romance style, but I think it has its good points. Please let me know...

03-30-2002, 08:47 PM
Very good, Murph! Enjoyed it immensely and am looking forward to the next installment with bated (sp?) breath.:D

03-31-2002, 08:35 PM
Thank you Sugarsprinlkes.
Things are a bit crazy here, with school being out I've got no privacy to get into the muse, but soon...

03-31-2002, 10:19 PM
OK~~~~> I am just gonna wait here until you finish with Tammy. I have this horrid crook in my neck(and round tits;)) and I think you are just the man for the job. Great story... look forward to reading more when school starts!

04-01-2002, 08:04 AM
Thanks Lilith,
Gonna try to start Part II sunday night, if all goes well, could have a post by Monday.... meanwhile, try not looking over your shoulder when reading at the cumputer. LOL jusst kidding.

04-04-2002, 01:16 PM
but how do you manage to sleep after writing a story like this? :D :D :D

04-04-2002, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by RandyGal
but how do you manage to sleep after writing a story like this? :D :D :D

A little ky does wonders...

04-04-2002, 01:26 PM
Lube is the secret to EVERYTHING. :D :D :D

(keep a tube in your pocket next time you write...i'm sure it'll make things go nice and smooth.........mmmmmmmmm) ;)

04-04-2002, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by RandyGal
Lube is the secret to EVERYTHING. :D :D :D

(keep a tube in your pocket next time you write...i'm sure it'll make things go nice and smooth.........mmmmmmmmm) ;)

Kinda useless in my pocket - keep a jar of vaseline close at hand!

04-04-2002, 01:55 PM
All vaseline will do is make your keys all greasy.....

tell ya a little secret though,

KY makes these neato little handy dandy miniature tubes.
Like little carry-out packages....take 'em, tuck 'em anywhere and everywhere.

That really should be my personal motto.

Take 'em and tuck 'em so you can um....f**K 'em.

:D :D :D

05-07-2002, 11:59 AM
with randygal on tha, ky anyday over vaseline.

05-10-2002, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Murphy
Thanks Lilith,
Gonna try to start Part II sunday night, if all goes well, could have a post by Monday....

Hey Murphy....it's been over a month....how's part II coming along??? Or is it???? Are you??? Sure would love to read Part II whenever you get it done.....:D ;)

07-13-2002, 10:47 PM
very nice Murphy... would love to hear more... tell us what she does for you in return :)