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03-28-2002, 11:33 AM
What's the correlation between how many times a picture is viewed and downloaded and its quality and appeal?
A few of my pics have been downloaded almost a hundred times, whereas some only have 10 or so.
One factor is the pic's sequence in a series. I've noticed that in almost all series of pics, the first few get dl'ed a lot and the middle and later ones to a lesser degree. That is , unless they're VERY hot and then that equation goes out the window.

Anyone else got any input on the subject?

03-28-2002, 11:54 AM
LOL, I like your mathematical model... :D

I think you're right on the mark with the series-position factor --- it seems to me that people check the first and last of a series, and only if they're really appealing will they 'bother' with the in-between pics.

Another factor is the title of the image and/or the 'blurb' that the poster puts with it. If the poster indicates that something particularly exciting is going on in the image, that image tends to be viewed more often.

One thing you have to remember, though, is that this stuff predicts how often the pic will be downloaded but says nothing about its "quality and appeal" (as you put it). If someone doesn't download the pic, they don't see it (not surprisingly :rolleyes: ) and are therefore not in a position to judge its appeal.

Think of it as packaging on breakfast cereals or something: take a kid to the store and they grab the most colourful box, the one that promises the best prizes inside, but that has nothing to do with how good the cereal will taste when they actually get it home.

Personally, I rarely revisit pics --- if there's one I particularly like I'll download it and view it that way. Not everyone does that, though, as a lot of people have to worry about leaving traces on their computers. Those people do revisit pics they like, therefore, which I suppose does give you some kind of indication of appeal; but I think that most pics accumulate more views from people randomly surfing through than from revisitation.

(Just guessing here :confused: )

Any other thoughts on the matter?

--- sweetstuff

03-28-2002, 12:01 PM
I've noticed the drop in the views of pics in the middle of a series also... but I will always look at the complete series if I start it... you never know what you might see! And I've seen lots of goodness here, that's for sure. ;)

03-28-2002, 12:09 PM
One other factor I forgot to mention: I usually notice that once there's a significant difference in how many times the different pics in a series have been viewed, that difference tends to perpetuate itself --- the more popular pic continues to get more views, and the gap widens. Still more to do with packaging than with quality...

I'm with Aqua, though --- once I start a series I'll 'see it through' to the end... I love the build-up and the variety that you can get within a series. Plus, with a series, it's a little closer to being actually present, since you get different views and perspectives on the same 'event' and can watch things progress, whereas a single pic has less context. Not that I have anything against single pics either --- there have been so many stunning ones here!

--- sweetstuff

03-28-2002, 12:35 PM
the women's pics get way more views than the men's....wonder why that is :)

03-28-2002, 11:12 PM
Yep, beats me.

03-29-2002, 05:10 AM

...there are pictures of men in here?.............

03-29-2002, 08:05 AM
PF - I only know that because I've posted some myself :)

03-29-2002, 12:11 PM
Yeah, there are plenty of good men's pics in here, and I'd like to think that mine are among them. I personally look at all the pics: men, women, and couples. I'm honest; some of the guys' pics turn me on, some don't. Same way with the girls. One thing that increases number of views is being selective with what you post. Only put up the best ones and you'll get more views.

I've noticed that only a very few people on here ever respond to guys posting their pics. I'd like it if everybody would go on and at least say"Nice set" or something for the guys. I think Motega said this a while back as he was kinda irritated that nobody was viewing his pics. If they're good, I don't care who responds(guy/girl/couple). We won't think any less of any of the guys if they respond to a men's pic. Guys may get discouraged if nobody tells them their pics were good.
anyways, see yall later. I'm about to go post some more of my pics.

03-29-2002, 01:44 PM
foos, the subject of so few comments to mens' pics has come up before, Diva gently chastised other ladies for not speaking up... lately, we seem to have an influx of not-so-shy ladies unafraid to comment on the men's pics, I for one am all for it... I tend to look in to the mens threads to catch the ladies' comments about them, and if one mentions a specific trait I might open a pic to see what the deal is... I don't get anything from looking at another guy unless there's some part of a woman's anatomy wrapped around him, know what I mean? But sometimes the ladies comments about the guys are a turn-on in of themselves... quoting the Nick Lowe song, "I just wanna hear Girls Talk..."

03-30-2002, 12:00 AM
Gotcha. I missed that post . Anyway, thanks to all the good people that keep the site going.

03-31-2002, 09:46 AM
Lately I’ve been busier than I care to be and don’t get the time I’d like to spend here at my Pixie home. With the guys picture being last on my list, I often never get to them at all, but our ladies do help let us know what they like to see with there comments. They’ve given me so much pleasure with their pictures, I guess I owe it to them to pay attention.:yellghst:

03-31-2002, 09:59 AM
well i'll be honest and say i look at all of the ladies pics. I would also like to say that any fool can dig a hole, but it takes an artist to build a statue :D

if you know what i mean :D