View Full Version : St. Paddy's Day

03-16-2002, 10:44 PM
Ok, depending on where you are, it's now or soon will be St. Patrick's Day... so... wondering who else out there has Irish blood coursing thru their veins (usually hovering near the boiling point lol)... we already know about our old pal Irish, and it seems like we have a few fiery redheads aboard... so who's wearin' the green today? Erin go bragh(sp?)

Just a scots-irish-anglo in the mid-south...

03-16-2002, 10:47 PM
MEEEEEEEEEE! Wearing my best green silk panties! Goes great wih my red hair..... Still hoping to get pinched though :D.....Irish by marriage... leprechauns will visit my home tonight andtrash the joint ......

03-16-2002, 11:06 PM
I AM A LIL IRISH hehe i have the white skin and the green eyes, wish I had more irish in me *giggle* I am going out to party tonight and tomorrow, drink like we irish know how :)

03-17-2002, 10:55 AM
My wife has the map of Ireland on her face, as they say.(Reddish blond hair, blue eyes, light skin) If you watched the St. Patrick's Day parade from New York City maybe you saw her, she marched with a local college. I guess that makes me part Irish even if it's only about six inches of me. :D Happy St. Patrick's Day!

03-17-2002, 12:27 PM
I’ll give you the names of my grand kids. Last month we baptized Quinn Michael and next month we will baptize Shannon Kasey who is Erin Kelsey’s new sister.:)

Lilith- Irish by injection counts too. Now bend over here and let me see if those are truly Kelly green… (I know more than a pinch is going to happen here;)) If you feel something up under your skirt Lil, no concern, it’s just a parched leprechaun:p:p.

Sarriah- Let me check and see if you are wearing your green today:rolleyes:… Oh yes, I can assure you will get more Irish in you if I can help it:p.

luv2please- Luv, I tried to watch the parade but couldn’t see it from here under Lilith’s skirt.:D

03-17-2002, 08:29 PM

Bloody Guinness!

03-17-2002, 11:17 PM
I'm irish. Have the pale skin and freckles, but lack the red hair.

03-18-2002, 05:38 AM
Originally posted by Oldfart

Bloody Guinness!

i'm not irish, but i don't mind a pint of guinness

03-18-2002, 10:23 AM
"Irish"---Thomas J.P.(Patrick,confirmation name)Ahern---Blonde hair,Blue eyes,Fair skin.(Heavily tanned)
Irishs wife---Donna Lee Ahern---Light Brown Hair---German,Irish,
American Indian,Fair skin.
Irishs Daughters:Colleen Erin Ahern---Almost Platinum Blonde hair,
very fair skin.
Kelly Shawn Ahern---(dirty)Blonde hair,fair skin.
Irish Grandchildren:
Magic---Dog,118lbs,Black with White markings.Black Lab & Rottw
Oreo---Kitten(wt.?)Black with White markings.(approx.6mo.)
Both animals are male but have been neutered!(Oreo last week)
P.S.Only thing missed;since I stopped alcohol.:Decantur of 'Tulemore Dew" Irish whisky ;bought and drank;every St. Patricks Day!But this way;I get to see a few more St. Patricks Days!
One of the things not missed---The fools making total assholes out of themselves and drinking "Green"beer on St.Patricks Day;
a day when the amatuer drunks come out and EVERYONE is Irish.

03-18-2002, 11:03 AM
You have a lovely family there Irish!

Happy Belated St-Paddy's day!

03-18-2002, 02:14 PM
man oh man i drank to much Guinness and car bombs and Irish cream.. LOL and *smile real big at PantyFanatic.

03-18-2002, 03:53 PM
Well, I have no Irish in my Family, But i am 100% Scottish, Hey Its Celtic, so I'll celebrate too!

03-18-2002, 04:11 PM
Belated St. Paddy's Day greetings to the Pixies' gang! I'm only a quarter Irish (County Sligo ancestry) but I felt privileged to exercise that part of my heritage! Did I celebrate? Yes, in my own unique sort of a way... I couldn't make it up to my parents' ceilidh, nor the feish where my friends were competing, because I was working, but I did stay up until 4 am baking mocha irish cream cupcakes for my staff... Does that count? :rolleyes: Oh, and although my uniform is strictly black and white, I did manage to wear green where no one but Pantyfanatic & his ilk would ever be likely to see it... ;)

--- Sweetie O'Stuff :D

03-18-2002, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Oldfart

Bloody Guinness!

Hey you Old Fart dont take my name in vain !!!! LOL:mad:

No Irish in me that i know of I am a wee scots laddie by ancestry. My family originates from Edinborough

03-18-2002, 06:36 PM
My wife is part irish, by way of a grandmother who married a West Indian. Sadly though, we've lost touch with that side of the family. Happy St. Paddy's day to all.

03-18-2002, 07:04 PM
As I said in another thread.There are two kinds of people in the
2:Those that wish that they were Irish! Irish
P.S.Grumbleguts---Don't feel bad that you have no irish in you.Just
bend over and I'll see that is taken care of.
Nubian---That is argueably;your wifes best part.Welcome back!

03-26-2002, 10:03 PM
I know this is a bit late but just had to chime in on this thread....
I'm only Irish by injection...LOL! But did try to give my boys good Irish names

1. Donald John O'Neill
2. James Paul O'Neill
3. Thomas Patrick O'Neill

Husband's family used up the best names: Terry, Peggy, Jill, Kevin,
Erin Colleen, Shawn. Didn't leave us a lot to pick from. Oh well....
Before he stopped drinking in '89 my husband used to love Tulamore Dew too, Irish!