View Full Version : Masterbation
08-09-2001, 09:41 PM
Hi, everybody!
I just read this cool quote...
"The nice thing about masturbation is that you don't have to dress up for it." --Truman Capote
Which brings up the question, guys and gals... what's your favorite way to masterbate? Do you know any special tricks you can share with us... hmmm?
Love licks,
Young One12
08-09-2001, 10:30 PM
Well when i jack it, All i need is one of pentunia's pictures and my right hand. There is always the "stranger" where you can sit on your hand for about 10 min till it goes numb and then rub one out, though i've never tried it. I like it most when my girlfriend just rubs me the right way.
~Young One~
08-10-2001, 06:59 PM
I've always loved water and even when I was a little girl would let the facet spray directly on my clit to make me cum. Now, I sometimes use my waterpic, or the jets in a jacuzzi is great! :p
Now that I've cum clean ... pun intended! ;) ...can I hear some other ideas?
08-11-2001, 05:04 AM
it's best when shared...We like to masterbate each other...The water thing sounds cool...something to try tonight...
BTW petunia...Nice pics...We loved them
08-11-2001, 05:31 AM
Oh, I agree, Rubert&Chili :)
Ed and I also like to masterbate for each other... kinda put on a show. He especially likes to watch me with my vibator... then it isn't long before he joins in. lol I love that man!
08-11-2001, 05:52 AM
One of my favorite ways is in the shade house surrounded by lush tropical plants with the mist sprinklers going. I'm covered in baby oil and the combination of oil and fine water spray makes my body very slippery. I really enjoy taking my time and prolonging the pleasure, plus there's something primitively satisfying about cumming while your in a rain forest type environment.
Love the pics Petunia, keep em cumming;)
08-11-2001, 06:47 AM
hmmm... so you like water, too, huh? nice :yellghst:
08-12-2001, 05:00 PM
Hi Petunia
I've got to admit I share your enthusiasm for the shower, especially on power setting. The water hits your body like fiery needles, the sensation of these needles on the end of my cock just after I've cum makes me erect again almost straight away. Do you think Ed would take the camera into the bathroom while you were having some watery fun?
08-15-2001, 06:32 PM
My current favourite way is while sitting at the keyboard reading erotic stories with pics and browsing chat boards & seeing sexy pics such as yours. Pls post more so I can finish the job.
08-16-2001, 06:12 AM
Petunia--I have always liked the idea of being watched while I'm
doing it!(By a female)I like the idea that a female knows that she
turns me on that much.I was once told by a woman(at work)that
she often masturbated while thinking of me.Altho it was flattering,
it didn't turn me on that much,even though she had a very sexy
body.When she posed;nude;for me;while I masturbated,it really
turned me on.When I was younger;I was often hospitalised;with
stomach problems.I was laying in a hospital bed;one morning;and
masturbating.I looked up and a young and sexily built nurse was
watching me.She raised her skirt;to give me visual stimulation;but
offered no assistance.When I came;she just smiled;and she left.
This went on daily,until I was discharged but she never helped or
offered manual assistance.Every morning,she would come by my
room;raise her skirt and make up&down motions,smile,watch;and
leave after I ejaculated. Irish
08-19-2001, 09:32 AM
every mans fantasy that :)
08-24-2001, 04:47 PM
Anybody who masterbates probably knows this quote already but I'll throw it in anyway...
"99% of all men masterbate and the other 1% are liars"
08-24-2001, 07:20 PM
The most erotic way to masterbate i have found is a nice hot bath.....with many fantisies involving Petunia, Leigh, Sharniqua ect.ect.:D
08-25-2001, 01:07 AM
I grab my favorite erotica and masturbate in front of the sliding glass door and windows of my balacony, hoping someone out there is getting quite a show...
a Woody Allen quote i heard the other day
"don't knock's sex with someone you love"
08-25-2001, 03:09 PM
mmmm i was reading this post and seeing as my beautiful and horny girlfriend has gone out for the night, it really got me in the mood for some self love. and then i saw Petunia's pic on this thread as i REALLY got in the mood for it. mmm so i thought id share with you all what im gonna do...
first of all im gonna start by reading some of the wonderful erotic stories on here... maybe a masturbation one, or a m-m-f/ f-f-m... just to fire up the old engine...mmmmmm actually tonight i think i may read ANY one that appeals to me... i want this to last
then im gonna start to browse the pics of all you guys and girls here whilst rubbing myself through my jeans. but you people are so hot the jeans arnt gonna stay on for long... ;) i'll get totaly naked and comfortable and turn the lights down low while still getting bigger and harder by looking at the pics... but i wont touch myself, not yet... i want to be teased by the sexy pictures until my cock BEGS to be touched, i mean i want it to ache... just so i can feel all the relief later when i start to slide my fingers and fist up and down my shaft.
when the time comes i'll softly start to run my fingers along my hot length, just to get reaquanted with my old friend...
by this time i would be dripping with precum just waiting to be tasted id use my finger to spread it across the head of my cock until it feels like its going to burst... and then i'll taste it, savoring the flavor of my own sex... then it will be time to pay some attention to my swollen purple head... i'll take it in my fist so the underside is against my palm and i'll gently rub it in my hand... gradualy applying more pressure until the natural lube of my precum fades... thats when i know i need some baby oil.
i'll take the oil and pour it on to my palm and then suddenly and quickly fist the whole of my cock from top to bottom imagining that im inside amy, or one of the girls with pics on this site... tonight i think i wanna fantasise myself doing amy doggie style while she takes care of another mans cock (maybe one of the guys on the board) in her very talented mouth... this in itself would usualy send me over the edge... but tonight i want to wait for my climax...
then i think i'll go back to the classic female-female situation in my head... this time amy is with one of the girls here... ill imagine them kissing and touching each other... taking turns and in a 69....and ill imagine im in the corner watching them silently
i'll imagine that the other girl is teasing amy with a vibrator... almost making her cum... but always stopping... making her beg. i'll mimic what amy is feeling by always stopping myself cum...
that part of me takes me over... where i know that i need to come... where my body takes over and i have to feel my ass and cock spasum in sexual pleasure. thats when i get the oil and cover my hands with it. i lean back and use both hands on my needy burning cock... maybe ill use one to rub across my balls tummy and chest roughly pinching my nipples as my fist and hips move together in fantasy-born lust...
just when i get that feeling deep within my balls telling me im about to cum i'll take a well lubed finger and slide it in my ass... making my semen shoot all the way up my chest as my genitles feel that sort of orgasum that is achieved when you pay real attention to yourself... i'll pump my slippery cock until the very last convulsion has faded away... leaving a very messy, yet happy individual to lie there in bliss...
ohhhh i think ill go and make that a reality later... ;)
i hope this didnt bore you all to death... (those who bother to read it at all) i just thought there might be someone here that might appreciate this :)
lots of lust- cody
08-25-2001, 06:36 PM
no replies? oh well... if anyone wants to know i just had a lot of fun all be myself :) teeheehee
*memories* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
cant wait to show amy that post lol
08-25-2001, 07:41 PM
i appreciated it....sounds like you had a lot of fun:D
08-26-2001, 05:02 AM
fun... oh yea! :D i can still feel the relief now ;) lol glad you enjoyed it :D maybe when we get our new digital camera i'll take some pics? thats if anyone wants to see them that is :confused:? -cody
08-26-2001, 05:09 AM
I wanna see:D
08-26-2001, 09:40 AM
An awesome display allround Cody. You've got a great imagination, as for the pictures I think it's a great idea and look forward to seeing the both of you! Then I'll I won't have to imagine next time I'm spanking the monky.
Bye for now Eru.
08-27-2001, 05:00 AM
Digital cameras are well and good, but a polaroid and a
moderate scanner will serve almost as well.
Looking forward.
08-27-2001, 02:27 PM
hey again,
no quote this time.
thought i'd give my own masturbation procedure. mostly done under the blankets because i find it gets sweaty and gives some extra lubricant. I start off stroking slowly to get some pre cum flowing and then I rub it all around the head of my dick. I leave it go limp for a bit as more pre cum starts to emerge. then its just a matter of holding on before blowing my load over myself.
the longest i lasted was about a week. you should have seen the mess...
08-28-2001, 04:37 AM
Many times I masterbate, and I dream of Purple Layc.
Also of Petunia, Andie, Leigh, and all the other women of Pixies.
(can you tell I'm busy lots??)
08-30-2001, 07:40 AM
Hey Nut, that's nice to dream of me, but you don't have to........
08-30-2001, 01:29 PM
i love this topic! please keep posting. where, when and how?
I'd like to participate. For me, masturbation is a totally different thing from sexual intercourse.
When you are with your partner making sex, there is always the thought of him/her whatever you do. It is a joint pleasure that you share. Of course there is nothing wrong about this and it's wonderful.
But when masturbating, it's only you and you are to pleasure only yourself. This is a totally different thing, playing with yourself and making yourself cum, through all your imaginations.
I think they are both different from eachother and have different pleasures
08-30-2001, 02:04 PM
very true... which brings us to the when and how of masterbation...what do you like?
09-02-2001, 03:33 PM
i like to lie on my right side in bed, with a towel or something wrapped round my right leg. then i touch all 5 fingers together and make a point with them, and push that point against the very top of my dick. this makes me cum really fast, so if i want to draw it out a bit longer i use my trusty left hand while looking at some of the girls (and guys) on here.
01-27-2002, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Tayntdluv
I grab my favorite erotica and masturbate in front of the sliding glass door and windows of my balacony, hoping someone out there is getting quite a show...
finding myself watching as you put on your show,,, wondering if there's any way i can help?
01-27-2002, 03:09 PM
thought i'd share...
i tend not to grab my dick in the 'traditional' fist-around it way. Usually I lay on my back and move against my hand (flat). I sometimes go to the more traditional hand grip when I am getting particularly close.
A lot of times I masturbate in the restroom at work.. usually engaged in a fantasy involving girls at work, or, more likely as of late, women from Pixies! ;) As for how, just check my Strokin for Pixies thread... (hehe)! Sometimes I jack off in my car, and I've found that pressing really hard just below my balls will stop the cum from shooting, thus saving a messy cleanup. Still feels great, though. ;) Occasionally I'll play with my ass, either inserting fingers or a dildo into it... fucking myself to I spray all over my chest, and sometimes it even shoots onto my face! (Which is a turn-on for me as well...)
Btw, Cody... I really liked your description of how you do it.. thanks for posting!
01-28-2002, 04:14 PM
I noticed not many females have posted on this topic yet...I don't know about y'all but I LOVE masturbating:D
Being a regular since 12 years old, I've learned many tricks in the trade...too many to post here, i'll be here all night..but a visual that ALWAYS gets me off is picturing a female-female 69 (usually with myself and someone i know or watching two other women)..i think this stems from the fact that my first manually-stimulated orgasm from masturbation occurred while watching lesbian porn (when i was 12) and getting off right at the 69 scene.
One thing: I LOVE being watched and I especially love watching (male or female)...i think one of the most intense things i've done sexually was forcing my partner to watch me masturbate, spread-legged in front of him with him between my legs (no touching to build tension) and then right when I was about to cum, grabbing him from behind and pushing him inside me so I could cum all over his cock....believe me, he came withing 3 seconds :) try it with your partner tonight!! i guarantee great results
oh, and the craziest place I've masturbated was sophomore year Geography class :D
oh, and the craziest place I've masturbated was sophomore year Geography class :D
Would love to know how you did that? ;)
The craziest/riskiest place I maturbated was at my desk at work in the middle of the day. I sit in a cubicle that people can just walk by anytime. No door, no lock=no privacy. ;) I'm just not in a direct line of site with anyone.
01-28-2002, 06:03 PM
hmmm, sometimes I'm surprised I did it or even got away with it, Aquaman..but i was in Geography class, as I said and my professor had moved me to the back corner of the classroom in a larger, teacher-style desk that just the opening in back where one sat (i couldn't sit in the two-student tables like everyone else becuase apparently, i talked to much ...go figure)
well, in that big desk, i was hidden from mid-stomach - down, so during a test one day when it was really really quiet, i was horny and decided to see if i could get away with masturbating. having 19 other kids in front of me unaware of what i was doing was such a turn on and i came without anyone catching on, including the professor. so, maybe being the talkative one in class isn't such a bad idea
Oh my gosh that's the hottest story I've ever heard
02-01-2002, 07:58 AM
I am guy...:rolleyes: ...few...words...maybe when reading through this site take of a piece of cloth every now and then until I get naked....actually I like to lock my door to the appartmant and making sure my parents don't come for abother 2-3 hours. I like to walk around or surf this site or other totally naked and hard penis (that especially is fun to feel it hard for quite some time)for while and then get close to windows and watch girls and hope they see me and want to come in :rolleyes: and join me. And music like goa ambient trancy that makes your stomch feel funny. + erotica not hardcore porn...:o
02-15-2002, 01:58 AM
First of all, Petunia, that picture is hot!
I've been using the "Fleshlight" to masturbate lately. I highly recommend it!! It is probably as close to the real thing as you can get. Gets me off every time! Here's a little annimation I made up to demonstrate :) Whatcha think ladies???
03-13-2002, 08:35 AM
I like to get erect first, then to tie my scrotum really tight. I then wind cooking twine round the base of my shaft: it causes my tool to feel as if it's about to explode and it really reduces its sensitivity. I work only on the head while thinking about having sex with an ex-BBW partner while her sister videos us. (it's just a fantasy: it never happened).
I take it nice and slow for about half an hour then need about ten minutes of frenzied effort to release. I coincide that with the thought of my partner offering me her sister's arse.
The twine reduces the intensity of the pleasure in my my tool but it extends the ejaculation time considerably. It's not quite painful but definitely headed that way and my glans are usually very sore until I bathe them.
The real treat, however comes after the release because my erection remains sufficiently hard for me to pleasure my current partner immediately if she has been watching. I prefer it when she watches because she helps to guide me through my fantasy. But when we couple afterwards, it's just raw sex.
I am usually so desentitised that I simply cannot release again until I remove the twine. My current partner is very multi-orgasmic, repeats quite rapidly, is a big squirter and goes for ever if I can keep up with her. (This isn't fantasy - it's very real)
03-17-2002, 10:04 PM
What about a 'posh wank' i.e. wanking with a condom?
My ex girlfriend never believed this is wher the wrappers came from - it would be great if someone else confirmed they' posh wank'.
Tango Seven
03-18-2002, 06:01 PM
I enjoy masturbation as it is a means to relax and to indulge oneself in fantasy. Don't get me wrong I enjoy intercourse with my partner but sometimes it is just nice to be alone with your imagination.
04-02-2002, 03:20 AM
I was given a hand job once with my cock wrapped up in a pair of silk panties. It was awesome. It makes me tingle all over right now to think about it.
04-02-2002, 04:50 AM
ive had a girl wrap her hair around it and wank me till i came in her hair. it was very nice. her hair was so soft.
i prob just do it most when im in the bath. nice and relaxed. but it does tend to stick to you when you get you end up havin a shower after.
04-02-2002, 04:31 PM
I use a vibrating toothbrush and those pull down hose shower heads, sometimes when I'm desperate and away from home I use a pillow corner.
04-02-2002, 07:49 PM
Hey people,
Masturbation is doing yourself yourself!!
So tell what you do when you do yourself alone!
Me....I like to jerk off thinking about all the sexy things I missed...and doing it the car in middle of a traffic jam is a great soother!!
04-02-2002, 08:05 PM
Hey people,
Masturbation is doing yourself yourself!!
So tell what you do when you do yourself alone!
Me....I like to jerk off thinking about all the sexy things I missed...and doing it the car in middle of a traffic jam is a great soother!!
04-03-2002, 12:16 AM
I generally use my hands. Left thumb under shaft, four other fingers massaging my balls while my right hand strokes the shaft in either up and down motions or pressured circular motions with my index and middle finger of my right hand.
Also have used : DizzyPen, rounded end of coke bottle through pants (somehwhat in public), vibrating toothbrush ( JadeFire suggested it to me bein my g/f and all ), misc other vibrating things.
Tango Seven
04-13-2002, 07:25 PM
We like to masturbate each other, it's best when shared and to be able to bring your partner to orgasm is very satisfying. However, there are times when I like to maturbate on my own, I find it very relaxing and satisfying. Sometimes when I get horny and my wife isn't in the mood for sex she encourages me to masturbate. Masturbation is very much part of our sex life.
07-17-2002, 10:12 AM
Just laying on my back listening to my fav cd... and massaging my shaft and balls very, very,very slowly... :)
09-14-2003, 04:42 AM
Anytime-Anyplace-With Anyone From The Opposite Sex...You Catch My Drift
04-21-2004, 12:15 PM
water is good, a showerhead stimulates the clit, i love that. makes the bathwater go funny tho!
Usually, after a fresh shave, I like to stand in front of the mirror and oil up my cock and balls. Sometimes, I'll put a figure in a my ass and put a little pressure on my prostate gland, while i slowly stroke away. I like to put a small shaving mirror nearby so I can get different views.
04-24-2004, 01:59 PM
You must to take of my opinion! Why? Simply because it is backed by 41 years of continuous experience in my 51 year life-span! Convinced? Then give it a try!
Standing/sleeping/bathing/eating/drinking anytime!
Simply think of HER and you are on!
04-24-2004, 08:15 PM
I love to masurbate perusing the lovely ladies pics here on pixies....usually the back hand method, but always with some oil to keep the friction down and the pleasure up.
Rick Forbes
06-08-2004, 03:34 PM
No surprise coming from me, ladies and gents. Two words: "prostate massage."
06-09-2004, 12:09 PM
gulp :slurp:
I like two hands well lubed.
Coach Knight
06-10-2004, 09:03 PM
One hand on the mouse and one on the cock.
JK ... mostly just one hand squeezing my balls and the other jerking my dick.
06-15-2004, 03:03 PM
Personaly I thank God for Masterbation :)
06-18-2004, 01:37 PM
i love to use stuff like bananas and whipped cream cos it feels really nice and sexy, but also, again, the faucet on my clit is nice but what's nicer is to attach a small hose (say 0.5m) to the faucet and then let a jet of warm water hit your clit because that makes me cum every time
06-18-2004, 07:16 PM
The shower is great! I fantasize about my girl and POW!
06-19-2004, 01:57 AM
Denny, I sure can tell you've got a lot of love goin on in you lately! Congrats!
Yeah, the shower is nice at times.
06-24-2004, 12:42 PM
i love masturbating in front of my partner to tease him. he's not had girls before that would do it, and i think he was kind of suprised the first time i did. he gets kinda impatient tho and likes to jump in and help. how do you girls (and guys) keep your partners from interrupting too soon? i think i may have to tie him to something next time :D
07-12-2004, 12:14 PM
lets cum together sexy cyber kitten
11-16-2007, 11:27 AM
Hi, everybody!
I just read this cool quote...
"The nice thing about masturbation is that you don't have to dress up for it." --Truman Capote
Which brings up the question, guys and gals... what's your favorite way to masterbate? Do you know any special tricks you can share with us... hmmm?
Love licks,
my favorite time and way is during the day and I am on the puter in and adult chat room having cybersex... :loveshowe :69:
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