View Full Version : Pixaholics Anonymous
03-07-2002, 05:16 PM
HI My name is Lilith and I'm a Pixaholic. <kicks the dirt looking down at the floor> I was just doing a Google search one day when I came across this site. 4 months and 4 zillion posts later, I am hooked. I have seen and read things that would make a sailor blush<Mindboxer, Nutworld(Navy men I think)> I know it's wrong to leave my computer on 24/7 just in case some one has something interesting or illicit going on but I just can't help myself.
As a self professed Pixies junkie, I now call this meeting to order....<bangs her mouse on her desk>:rolleyes:
03-07-2002, 05:25 PM
<adjust his straight jacket on his arms> Hi......I....I .....I'm mindboxer<sob sob> I am an pixie's aholic also.........can't get my hands out of the chat room........think about corncobs and wineglasses all day.......... tigerrs, kyttns,,,, ladies in there tub with a whip driving me........<buries face in canvas covered arms> can someone scratch my back??????corn on the cob burns on my back.........can we get this going?????gotta be back in the chat room for my daily fix........<blushes> no more handcuffs please Lilith.......(can't bang my mouse.....wife wouldn't understand)
03-07-2002, 05:32 PM
I have to say although im still a bit of new on the block so to speak i have to go back to work next thurs. i dont know how im gonna cope. i just cant stay away from here!!!!!
03-07-2002, 05:58 PM
Pixie-holic here and proud of it!!:D
03-07-2002, 06:19 PM
~standing up~
Hi I'm Glyndwr and I'm a pixie-holic
For the last 10 days I've been in a re-hab place called R/T. I started shaking and getting into cold sweats. I couldn't last, I thought I could handle it, but here I am.
~sits down, twitching~
03-07-2002, 06:38 PM
*clearing throat, blushing*
Ahem... Ummm... Hi, my name is sweetstuff and I am most definitely a Pixaholic of the worst order... I wasn't so badly off until the whole ROS (Recursive Orgasm Syndrome) thing started, but since then I've been in a perpetual state of Pixtasy (like ecstasy only far, far, far better)... (Maybe I should change my theme song choice to K.D. Lang's "Constant Craving"?)
It's been two minutes since my last update and I'm already in withdrawal...
I don't know whether to bless or to damn my DSL connection! I think I need to work out a way to plug that ethernet cable directly into my body, and forget about the computer interface...
Aaagh! I can't take it any more! I have to post this so I can see who else has poted what while I've been typing!!!
*running off the podium, tripping and sprawling headlong as I go, but picking myself up off the floor, grabbing my laptop, and hot-footing it to the nearest phone line*
--- sweetstuff
03-07-2002, 07:10 PM
Hey SFC can we share that laptop Huh? Can we? Can we?
I just need it for a few minutes, I'll give you anything you want...
03-07-2002, 07:18 PM
Glyndwr ---
Anything, huh? Hmmmmmmm................
And will you give it to me over andd over and over? ;) :p :o
This might be worth some careful consideration..............
--- sweetstuff
03-07-2002, 07:21 PM
I stand before you an abject example of Pixiholicism.
Shameful as it might be to come to a site looking for sex, I found it in a way that I had never cum across before.
Lots of nice people sharing sexual fantasies, incredible pictures and many interesting threads. They werent calling other people fucking assholes or cheap sluts but were incredibly supportive, helpful and respectful of others and their feelings.
If you do put shit on someone thats when you cop the collective ire and told its not welcome here.
Far out how come I can be a pervert and feel good about it LOL.
Yes I tread the valley of sexual freedom and enlightenment and when I turn on my puter I come to pixies first thing.
What a shameful being I have become.
03-07-2002, 07:25 PM
grumbleguts you have not become shameful............but supported and helped..
would you like it any other way?????? i think not!!
i came here just wanting some good stories.... i found a lot more than that!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D
03-07-2002, 07:36 PM
I've considered can have it over and under and through and in and out and long and deep but I just need to have that laptop first....just for a few seconds....just a quick one.. you can have it straight back
03-07-2002, 07:44 PM
Glyndwr --- Your offer is very tempting, but I can only accept it on one condition. we have to borrow a set of handcuffs from Diva or Aqua and I will remain cuffed to the machine for the duration of your use. I've seen what a deperate Pixaholic will do for a fix of Pixtasy and I can't afford to have you doing that to my computer --- I need my own fix far too much! After you're done using it (and I've topped up my fix as well) we can maybe use the cuffs for something else too... ;)
--- sweetstuff
03-07-2002, 07:55 PM
You drive a hard bargain sweets. Now you just bend over while I attach the cuffs, one on your wrist....then through the handle of you laptop....and down to your a big game of twister ;)
Mmmmm ~lovingly stroking the keys and your calf muscles~, ohhhh that feels good ~tracing my fingers over the shift key and the back of your knee~ aaaaaahhhhh yessss ~trying a hard return on the enter button, grinding against your ass~
03-07-2002, 08:02 PM
*drooling shamelessly and moaning something incoherent*
You see what Pixtasy does to you, folks? Look at this poor sweet girl, reduced to a dribbling (but delighted) fool by this addiction...............
03-07-2002, 08:06 PM
you can dribble over me sugar if you like!!
03-07-2002, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by sugarfreecandy
*drooling shamelessly and moaning something incoherent*
You see what Pixtasy does to you, folks? Look at this poor sweet girl, reduced to a dribbling (but delighted) fool by this addiction...............
Oh my god I feel an overdose coming on...~running my hands up and down your flanks, trying to find where the dribbling is coming from~
03-07-2002, 08:37 PM
As the facilitator of this meeting, I feel the need to point out that this behavior is completely inappropriate and in no way conducive to your recovery........ but due to my voyueristic tendencies, which have been greatly developed here at Pixies, I can do nothing but watch in envy, licking my lips. Do you think I could get a modem medically inserted, for easier access? I need a fix so bad sometimes I find myself heading to the electronics department while I am out shopping just to sneak online. OHHHHHHHH! THE HUMANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!
03-07-2002, 08:37 PM
(damn jacket...lilith said it'd help.......)<<stands up barefeet showing>>hhhhand cuffs didn't woorrk......<wipes head on canvassed arm>> can still type with toes..........and wife wonders what im doing behind my computer layiing on the floor.....sfc you can sit on my face......i'll be still ........a lil pixtasy from you'd be mavelous right now..<<falls on floor>> first let me get this damn straight jacket off first!!!!!!! <twist and turns on floor >>> almost...... almost.....
hi I'm jay and I'm finaly becoming a pixaholic Iwas shy at first but am coming out of my shell and can't stay away. lilith I took the librety of installing a laptop in the ghia for our trip so we won't miss any thing or suffer the withdral
03-07-2002, 08:47 PM
Jay~ You are dreamy!!!!!!! You know just how to keep me satisfied! I am packing light, a suit and sunglasses..............
thats more than I'm bringing a smile and sunglasses
03-07-2002, 08:51 PM
Our moderator is jumping ship folks!!!!!!!!! Grab her!!!!!!!!!!Don't let her get out the door!!!!!!! We won't never get the cure for pixtasy!!!!!!!!!
03-07-2002, 09:04 PM
couldnt resist changing my member title!!!!!!lol!!!!!!!!!
03-07-2002, 09:09 PM
Ummm, hello. M name is Xanne and I am <sob> a Pixaholic. It started off as a mere dalliance, an innocent search for erotic stories.......then I found the forums. Quietly........... I watched as others posted, then the fever to post gripped me too. Then came the digital pictures (oh!!) ............
Suddenly I was spending all my free time at pixies, neglecting my projects, coming home early so I can get to pixies, keeping the browser at pixies at all hours, just in case someone posts.........What I need is a PDA with internet access so I can surf at pixies on the go.........that is the only way I can go on and not miss anything here!!
03-07-2002, 09:15 PM
<<still twisting on floor, grunting>>hey ,do they have such a thing ?? (Asking in reality???computer illiterate/ pixaholic) gotta find one of those.......won't have to get off the foor.........
03-07-2002, 09:33 PM
Xanne! You're a genius! My Palm is internet ready --- just have to pay for the account and I'll have a way to pixify myself on the go... Wonderful! (Mindboxer, it's true, it exists... Though web pages have to be in a different format I believe. Haven't actually tried it yet, though as I say it's a possibility!)
And Lilith --- Well, if you want to jump in here with that whip of yours, go ahead... But be warned that I have full training in bullwhip use myself (from a play I was in once, don't ask...) and you'd be wiser to challenge me to pudding wrestling or something else if you want me to stop what I'm doing... Otherwise, just let Glyndwr and I pixify in peace! You know how desperate we are... From one Pixaholic to another, pleeeeeease let us continue!
--- sweetstuff
03-07-2002, 09:34 PM
Glyndwr's remark on a pixaholic theme song reminded me of one that Diva posted on a song thread here....goes kinda like this..............they're coming to take me away,
haha hoho hehe,
they're coming to take me away
haah hoho hehe.....................
something like that..............i'l Try to leave Pixie's and find the august.........2007...........can anybody help me here?????????:D :D
03-07-2002, 09:44 PM
Mindboxer~You have been naughty, now go to MY room...
SFC~I will suffice by watching for now although the pudding thing sounds like fun. Chocolate ok? I am diabetic too so we will do the whole sugar free thing....or maybe another medium....foam or bubbles
03-07-2002, 09:48 PM
Lilith ---
I can supply the sugar-free lactose-free chocolate pudding if you do decide to join in... Otherwise Glyndwr and I will just continue to Pixify merrily along.... Ooooooh, it feels soooooo good..... :o
--- sweetstuff
03-07-2002, 09:53 PM
WE are definitely pixified........thought this was suppose to cure us..............sfc hows about sugar free jello, cherry flavor??????
<<scurries off to lilith's room>> got the key for my jacket???????lilith hid it and won't let me out......such torture....beautiful ladies about and i'm tied up.......well ain't got my toes if i can just get them in the tub or on lilith's giant bed............
Umm....hi. I'm kind of new here but I feel as if the addiction has already taken over. While trying one day to distract myself from my studies i came across this site and couldn't stop reading the erotic stories. <<begins to shake with the thought>> They were just the most wonderful stories <<tear>>. Then I accidently came across the forums, and I can't tear myself away. I too wish to take part in the sugar free jello and pudding. <<drop down to knees, begging>>please, please mindboxer and sfc take me with you. I'll do whatever you wish!!!! Please!!!! <<collapse on floor, sobbing>>
i'm not one to miss out on a jello and pudding paty may I come along to please I promis(sp) to be verry naughty. and these ladies may be more than mindboxer can handel alone
03-08-2002, 11:30 AM
<<rolls over to ash>> <<licks her ear>>>> don't worry babe.....we pixaholics have to stick together(nuf pudding here to stick us all together) how do you feel about prehensile toes????
jay..... the more the hornier er .... i mean merrier.........any help calming these beauties is appreciated.........
<<<<<<struggles to rise....pulling ash up with him>>>
now let's get back to the meeting......a few members that i Know are pixaholics haven't checked in yet..........sit on my knee and i whisper sweet nothings(love to rub jello all over yaur body) in your ear...............ahem......some one's coming........sssssssshhhhhh...........
03-08-2002, 01:06 PM
*comes in in disguise*
*takes off sunglasses*
my name is bottloboy an(hey is that jelly??) i am a pixieholic of the highest order.. i crave pixies 24/7 i beg do sexual favours and will post photo's if my naked self just so that my addiction is filled... i hear the names of my brothers and sister's who share the symptoms i have but i (hey that's no sugar lactose free chco pudding) (wanders off to get messy)
(5 mins later) i am a pixieholic if there is a cure it is larger doses of postings and a injection of erotic stories ..long live my craving for pixies and all who play in her warmth
is there still room for one more guys... maybe other may wanna cum in...
Hi, My name is Aquaman43... and I am a Pixaholic. I, like so many of you here, found this site in a search for erotic stories. And everything seemed fine until I discovered the forums. Yes, the forums, where I found pictures of temptresses with names such as Leigh and Sharniqua. These virtual Succubi have coaxed, nay!, I say drafted, others such as Xanne, Sxxxy14u, and Sugarfreecandy into the business of bewitching the unwary Pixies viewer into a delicious, I mean, dreadful cycle of constantly checking for new posts for fear they have missed out on viewing a different pose, or perhaps a view from behind... There are also the insightful discussions, jokes, word games, poetry, and other threads of this kind, which are proliferated with writings and beautiful erotic pictures from the worst offender of Pixtasy dealing, often referred to as a Goddess, she is really THE Head temptress (so to speak), LoveDiva4U! Oh, Dammit, who's got that laptop!! Have I missed a post? Are there any new pics?? What about my PM's... did I get a new PM??? I was waiting for a reply... I just need to check real quick... I mean those are my handcuffs after all... Ok, can I just look over your shoulder...
There is another member here that is also responsible for keeping us addicted to our Pixtasy habit... just when you think you can break away... whn you think you have control...
Lilith comes along cracking that whip and stirring things up!!!
OMG... we're ALL doomed...
03-08-2002, 05:04 PM
Ahhhhhh yessssss! Brings to mind that song, "It's the sweetest hangover... I don't wan't to get over".......doomed is right......<checking in for my 5:00 fixxx late, shaking, trembling>
03-08-2002, 05:19 PM
I seem to have come across this site completely different to all others, and i'm new and addicted in a very short while :) but personally the addiction is worth the prize :) *slinks back into the backgroud out of site and continues to watch, considering his chances at the pudding.*
I can't stay away im supposed to be doing work and sleep and stuff but theyre kind of just not working, out as good as i want.
03-08-2002, 06:20 PM
<<bows to Lilith>>>>ggguess were all doomed<<sob sob>>>achk ....ack<<head twitches uncontrolably>>ack ackoh my god!!!!!!!we're all Doooommeedd!!!!cross the shoulders a little... lilith.........Craack......aaaaaaaahhhhhh........ rolls over to any more jello???????..........who's got the laptop?????? lilith and diva hogging it again??????damn!!gotta have my pixie fix fast......
nnnnooooooo!!!! lilith, don't hurt me...<<crawling away towards laptop>> I..!!!!'t ....oh GoooooDDDD!!!!. Where is that jello, my ass is burning....mindboxer, would you mind rubbing it??? Please, make it all better.
03-08-2002, 07:24 PM
*pulls out some ice cream to go with the jello*
ASH;"my ass is burning"Maybe some of this will cool it down?
Hands the ice cream to mindboxer
03-08-2002, 08:43 PM
Sweetstuff suddenly becomes Not-So-Sweetstuff
NOT SO FAST, everyone! Step AWAY from the laptop!
It's MINE, I tell you, ALL MINE!!!!!!
Maniacal cackling echoes through the meeting hall as SFC pulls out her bullwhip and cracks it loudly in the air
03-08-2002, 08:44 PM
SFC's brilliant getaway plan is foiled as she slips in the sugar-free pudding, landing squarely on Aquaman's lap...
03-09-2002, 12:08 AM
ack ack <<head jerks>> givme that laptop..........(ice cream bucket cradled in canvas covered arms slipps out) augh!!!!!
not the whip!!!!!!!!
<<grabs sfc by the ankles>>come here my lil pretty!ah hehehe!!
toes seek out her whip.......
time for some tickling and ...I know where sfc is ticklish at!!!!!!!!! ah hahahahaha!!!!!!!toes seek out her sides.............hands go for her thighs............. tickle time sfc................
rest of pixaholic members shake their heads as the feverish chills and finger jerking begin to take over the group...............
ash whispers...''he's help for him now..........he's definitly pixified..........mmmmmmmmmm now where's that laptop'':D ;) :D
03-10-2002, 12:34 AM
i'm away for two days, i post on another thread about being pixaholic, and ask for directions to the meetings and then BANG....i found them anyway....funny that
03-10-2002, 12:59 AM
I don't need no stupid meetings, I don't have a problem... I'm in complete control here, I... can quit after the next one... I'm allright, really...
(call me Pharroh... king of denial)
03-10-2002, 12:47 PM
Scotz~ With you being in such a deep state of denial, I feel as if it would only be right if I personally guide you through your recovery process;)......... go find Legend, he's new to PA as well, and meet me near the schnapps fountain <no water fountains in the building so we had them install those instead> this recovery process (if done right) can be long and hard ;) but I will gladly volunteer to place myself between the 2 of you until we cum up wit some sort of solution to this problem of Pixtasy.......
03-10-2002, 01:03 PM
Lilith, good to see you back at the meeting --- I was beginning to worry that I was the most seriously addicted Pixaholic here, since most of the others disappeared from the meeting for the weekend! It was just me and Mindboxer wrestling for the laptop, Legend wandering about all disoriented, and Scotz over there in the corner rocking himself back and forth and muttering 'I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay'... The meeting hall was feeling a little cavernous with everyone else gone.
The good news is that I've finally beaten Mindboxer and reclaimed my laptop --- but the bad news is that Pixaholism seems to be getting worse than ever. I'm starting to have these irrational thoughts, like 'Maybe if I post more pictures I'll get it out of my system and won't be so hooked' --- that'll work, won't it? If I just totally go on a Pixtasy blitz maybe I can wash it right through my system... Ohhh god... a Pixtasy blitz... ooooh what a thought... excuse me folks but I just can't help myself... *breaks down sobbing* I just have to post!!!
03-10-2002, 01:10 PM
Lilith, could you just hold on a sec while I check these last couple of posts.....
03-10-2002, 01:14 PM
legend~exsqueeeeze me! No I need it now.... after all the sooner we finish the sooner I can get back to the word association game :D
03-10-2002, 01:17 PM
*trips over in haste*....don't start without me :p
03-10-2002, 03:06 PM
*looks as though he is feeling all left out from the meeting, but this is unusual even for him to be this quiet.* Sweetstuff ive been here all along just watching biding my time :) my time with the lap top will come :)
03-10-2002, 03:30 PM
not if i get there first iikiibuu!! ready race ya for it.......go.....
03-10-2002, 03:45 PM
In your dreams, boys --- this laptop is mine, all mine, I tell you!!!
*Cradling her iBook in her arms, stroking it, and crooning to it*
It's okay, little one, they can't separate us... They can try but nobody's going to take my little blueberry baby away from me, nobody... Come, my pretty, hush now, let's Pixify a little...
03-10-2002, 03:47 PM
Iikiibuu ---
Don't mind me, just a little obsessed here... Kinda hard to notice anyone around when I can't take my eyes off the glow of my screen... I'm sure you understand, being a fellow Pixaholic and all...! :D
--- sweetstuff
03-10-2002, 03:48 PM
Not even if i give you a lick of my lollie pop????:D :D
i will just hold it for a second, honest i will give it back. he he;) ;)
03-10-2002, 03:53 PM
That's a mighty tempting offer, Danziggy --- but you saw what happened when I let Glyndwr use it, even with it handcuffed securely to me! There's no way I'm letting go of my little blueberry baby any time soon... Besides, I need my fix sooooooo bad............! :rolleyes:
03-10-2002, 04:03 PM
maybe you will let your grip go if i eat some of your candy?;) ;)
mind you then i would be so busy tasting the sweet stuff i would forget to take the laptop!! oh well never mind just to get all hot and sticky would be good enough!!;) ;) :D :D
03-10-2002, 04:18 PM
Taste all you want... but I'm NEVER LETTING GO!!!
On the other hand... oooh... oh my... you're awfully good with your tongue... yes... harder... faster... OMG OMG OMG!
:o :o :o :o
OMG, I've just discovered that there is another level of Pixtacy!!!!!!!!!
I'm getting Pixified and indulging my Oral Freakishness at the same time!
This is sheer heaven......... but it's not going to help my addiction any! :D
03-10-2002, 05:20 PM
"sits down with the puppy dog eyes directing them straight into those os SFC, eyes begin to water. Begins to wine and paw your leg." Pllleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee????????
you should know by the way this wolf can run really fast and we're all endurance and power :)
03-10-2002, 06:20 PM
Givmme that damn laptop!!!!!!!!! gotta get to 1000 quick!!!!!!!!!sugar free cndy..........i'll race ya!!!!!!!!!!!Now!!!!!!!!give me that damn laptop before i pour this ice cream in your lap!!!!!!!
nnnnneed my fix quick1!!!!!!!!ahahah.........just stopped in from my supper hour for a quickie....mmmmmmmmmmmmmfeel ssooo ggggoooddd!!!!!!!!!!<<<fingers twitch across laptop>>such a relief!!!!!<<good grief!! i am hooked!!!!!>>>>>
1000 entries here i come!!!!!!!!!
03-10-2002, 06:24 PM
~sidling in hoping the laptop is left unattended~
Now where did SFC leave that thing?
03-10-2002, 06:40 PM
Over here, I snuck in an hid it while everyone else was occupied...good thing I brought in those handcuff keys and freed the poor was getting quite crushed there....and sticky with all that jello 'n' ice cream....shhh don't tell anyone, cause Im new here and really quite shy.
03-10-2002, 06:45 PM
*ponders on a way of getting the lap top* any chance what so ever about getting to the lap top in a polite, nice and you know in a non active way ;) or am i going to have to do something???
03-10-2002, 06:47 PM
well, depends if you make those puppy dog eyes, then let me rub your tummy I might let you look at it from a distance, other than that's all mine.....
03-10-2002, 06:51 PM
how about the eyes the paw And i lick all the sticky stuff off? no???
03-10-2002, 06:54 PM
go on then, you talked me into it, I'm just a sucker for puppy dog eyes
03-10-2002, 06:57 PM
blast there's my minders with the "hug me" jacket, gotta iikiibuu (throws laptop) catch,,,,you owe me
03-10-2002, 06:57 PM
Here boy ~throwing stick out of the door~
Go and fetch it
~turns around to Miss X~
I see you are new here...I'm the er..uh..Official Pixie-holic Laptop Inspector and I'd better take a look at the one in your hand
03-10-2002, 06:59 PM
*sits by MissX's side and rests his head in her lap for her great kindness*
03-10-2002, 07:02 PM
*growls rather menacingly at Glyndwr, shows his teeth. While pawing the lap top behind him* its taken me nearly a week to get this im aint giving it up for no stick ;)
03-10-2002, 07:23 PM
Mmmm ~thinking~
How about a nice juicy steak?
03-10-2002, 07:59 PM
*continues to growl* when ive done with this im burying it in a place no one will ever find it mwahahahahahahahahahah. *Looking horrified at the person he has become he is adamant at now sticking to a no lap top diet. Places the lap top on the floor and goes over to the corner and sobs quietly*
<<ash runs for laptop while everyone else is distracted with the jello, pudding, and oral favors>> HA HA HA, It's mine...ALL MINE!!! I knew the quiet waiting would pay off. Gotta have my fix,it's....been....too....long. <<she tries to sit down, but ass is still sore>> <<decides to stand in a darkened corner where she can still see all the action>>
03-11-2002, 12:39 AM
AAAUGGGAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!Time's up ash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!got that damn jacket off now i don't have to type with my toes!!!!!!!!!!!!
slips behind Ash.........''HEY ASH'' Youre late for an exam!!!gimme gimme........I'll lick your neck!!!!hehehehehehe!!!!!!!
<<spanks her ass>>>> Now gimme that laptop!!!!!!!
03-11-2002, 12:43 AM
Hey mindboxer you wanna go have ash for a few mins and i have the laptop then swap ???
you know i will be givin it back just to get spank ash's ass!!!
:D :D
OOOOWWWWW!!!!!! <<ash drop laptop in pain after mindboxer gives her a good slap on the ass>> that's not fair <<pout pout>> I wasn't done with it!!! you owe me!!! hmmm...yes, you certainly owe me...and i believe i'll come up with the punishment... you have been a very, very naughty boy mindboxer. i need something to keep my mind off of pixies, and you just made yourself my entertainment. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
03-11-2002, 03:09 AM
*Sweetstuff has been without her laptop for 8 hours at a movie marathon (in French no less...) and is experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms by the time she returns. When she arrives at the meeting hall and finds her beloved "blueberry baby" flying through the air and covered in edible muck, she loses control and breaks down in tears... Collapsing next to the tearful Iikiibuu, she dissolves in wracking, shuddering sobs --- until an idea strikes her...*
By jove, I've got it!
The answer is as plain as the Palm in my hand........... God bless Internet-ready appliances! :D
But shhhh, I'm not going to tell any of the other Pixaholics about this --- I've learned my lesson, should have kept my mouth shut about the laptop in the first place!
What's that? Pardon me?
Oh no. I did just say that aloud, didn't I... Dammit. :rolleyes:
03-11-2002, 03:20 AM
give us a go sugar i will do anything!! just let me have my fix please im begging. what will you have me do??
see what i have become just for a quick fix....... i must have my fix...i must have my fix
03-11-2002, 04:50 AM
<<still hogging laptop>>sees ash's red-marked ass point toward him.......""here mb..........hehehe<<momentarily pixified....laptop drops from hands....danziggy grabs it and runs.........>>HEY, no fair ..turns back to ash with evil grin on face........''gonna get you my little pretty!!!!!! (inbest wicked witch of the west voice))entertainment ehh?? I'll got some ''entertainment for ya!!""<<chases ash across the room jumping over the chairs of Pixaholics in the state of withdrawals>> ''Gonna get you, Ash!!'''
03-11-2002, 05:35 AM
hey hey ive got it ive got it!!! if you want it you gotta catch me!
its all mine, MINE i say.
:D :D :D
danziggy runs and hides in cupboard under stairs *thinks no one will find me here*:p :p
<Aquaman waking up from a weekend long Pixifed stupor with only the memory of a beautiful SFC dropping into his lap... >
Anybody seen the laptop??
03-11-2002, 12:04 PM
<running in........... panting> "Just taking a break from Spring Break.... finished flogging my cabana boy early so I stopped in to catch a fixxxxx...I mean meeting.....these meetings are a crucial part of our discovery.....I mean recovery. Who has that damn laptop? I have a tied up, slightly used, cabana boy to trade for it......"
I'd opt for a tied up Lilith instead! ;) Man, I need a fix bad... Lilith, wanna help me cut a square out of this cardboard... we can pretend it's a monitor and take turns posing behind it... dammit, that won't work! How are we going to do a word chain thread that way... WHERE IS THAT LAPTOP!!... Alright, who's got a money?? There's a discount PC palace down the street... I'm sure we can pickup a used laptop cheap....
03-11-2002, 08:38 PM
OMG!!!!!!! I am soooooo strung out! A day without Pixies is like a day without.........well anything good at all! Got to get my close to posting... it is near orgasmic......oh yeahhhhhhh!!!!!!!
03-11-2002, 08:47 PM
*Collapsing on the floor, shaking and shuddering in relief as the long-awaited Pixtasy finally returns, flooding her veins with digitally-induced euphoria...*
Oh, thank god it's back...
03-11-2002, 11:19 PM
"I don't need no stinking meeting....!!!!
I need more men's pics!!!!!!!!" :D :D
Sorry for the outburst....I'll go back to the corner now...
<There is a telephone jack in the corner behind MY chair>:p
<<ash goes tumbling over chairs with mindboxer right on her tail, finally comes up with a plan>> yes, the cupboard under the stairs, it's the perfect hiding place. <<ash climbs in, surprised to see danziggy passed out from a pixie high, with the laptop in his hands. >> Oh, so this is where it has been. hmmm...i suppose i could stay here a little while...i'm sure everyone outside is ok...yeah, they'll be fine...they seemed pretty distracted out there. <<ash begins posting as quick as possible>> ooooohhhhhhh yyyyeeeaaahhhh!!! that's it!!!!!
03-12-2002, 01:16 AM
<<danziggy comes round from his high and sees ash with the laptop!! he goes to grab it but sees her great ass and is mesmorised by it!! Ash sees danziggy noe awake and gets up gives a quick wiggle of the hips and runs out the door!! >> *wow what a cute ass she has* he thinks to himself.....*but wait where is the laptop??????* he gets up and runs outside only to slip in the jello and pudding*
03-12-2002, 01:55 AM
<<jumps head first in to cupboard>>> got yu ash!! now if i can't have that laptop, ill have you(with jello of course!!)<<closes door>>heheheheh hahahaha hohohoh he he he he!!>>>darkness falls across the cupboard door as ash squeals>>care for a tickle ash???...........
finished flogging my cabana boy I have been called alot of things in my life but nevere cabana boy lilith hey wouldn't these meetings be more productive if we installed a bunch of computers so every one could go to pixies with out the bickering and sexual favours oh wait never mind. I'll just bring my laptop and see what offers I'll get for it
Ahhhhhh, after a fitful night of convulsions and twitching I am finally able to sit still and comforted... Pixies is back up and I am back to the meeting with my bargain laptop (and heading for Diva's corner!), so I can peruse new posts and compose some of my own... (Sorry I don't have any new pics Diva... how about a private viewing?? ;) )
03-12-2002, 09:44 AM
Jay~ I was hoping you wouldn't find out about the cabana boy....If you'd like I could watch your lap top while you take the ghia and run for coffee(long night) ;) ;) I promise it will be here when you return :D
03-12-2002, 12:03 PM
....must post....
ok....i think i'll sit in the corner with Diva now and keep her company. any suggestions as to what we can do to pass the time Diva? :D
lilith what do you take in your coffee and what do I get to do to you in return besides getting to drive you...I mean the giha and where is that cabana girl I ordered??
03-12-2002, 05:02 PM
Begins to have severe withdraw symptoms from not having the lap top long enough. *Begins to find all possible means to keep his mind off of things, by pulling out a 500 piece puzzle, after a while he begins to see that the puzzle is in fact of everyone he knows from pixies. Begins to tilt backwards and forwards*
03-12-2002, 07:16 PM
Why hasn't anyone told me about these meetings??
>goes to the corner and pouts for being left out
03-12-2002, 07:25 PM
Sadora~ each member must come to this self realization on their own. You can not be forced to confront the demons you wrestle me if you think you are gonna get that lap top before I do.:) In time each member will discover their true addiction and come here to where it is safe, ..... unless you slip in the pudding....When you are fully prepared to accept the fact that you too have become a Pixaholic.... we will be here for you....:D
03-12-2002, 09:04 PM
yeah.....anytime.....just watch out for lilith's whip.........IT'S MINE ALL MINE>>>MINE I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!<<little to the left, lilith.....ahahahahah>>now where's that pudding covered
03-12-2002, 09:27 PM
<Damn this corner is getting crowded, getting hot too...Mmm...somebody smells good...very good....wonder who it could be.....Mmmmm...Sniff, sniff, sniff..... yeah...that's men's colonge.....Mmmmmm... >
Did the meeting start yet? :confused: :D When do I get to plug in??? :D ..the laptop ...I mean... ;) :D
03-12-2002, 10:21 PM
i just got back from dancing in the moonlight and i heard the laughter... may i join in (sits down and waits til the laptop is free)
*pulls out wap mobile... * know i am sure i can use this... ... ohhh it it's working....*.... i like.... *starts to dance again as he hears the sounds of pixieholics moving to there own beats*
*akes out bottle of davidoff's cool water* is this the one diva??
it's okay sadora can i help you get through this??
oh, fun, a puzzle!!! <<ash slowly walks towards iikiibuu, careful not to frighten him off>> hey boy, what's up, mind if i help <<iikiibuu continues rocking>> alright.....maybe some other time <<she then hears mindboxer calling for her>> i'm over here. hey, mindboxer, do you think we should do something about iikiibuu. "ah, fuck him", responds mindboxer. you know, that could be just what it takes to fix him. <<ash begins to work on iikiibuu to get him out of his catatonic state as mindboxer contemplates joining in>>
03-13-2002, 12:39 AM
<<steps behind ash>>got a puzzle pices for you to fit in right here ash.....can i lick the pudding off your butt first???? iikiibuu is working something over.....cant respond right now......shall we go back to the closet?????wait and snatch that laptop from aquaman .hehehe come here my sweet........<<pulls her to the closet>> we'll just wait our turn on irish's soapbox.........
03-13-2002, 12:49 AM
<<danziggy gets up all covered in pudding and thinks i'm gonna go sit in the crowded corner and get some company>> hey diva the smell is everyone covered in wanna have a taste???? <<danziggy slumps in the corner rocking saying * must post must post*>>
03-13-2002, 07:35 PM
~strolling in green eyes flashing around the room, making a mental note of all the slumped figures~
I've just seen an article in the On-line Medical Journal that a regular visit to pixies, as long as it's not excessive, can be good for you. Apparently it increases the heart rate and boosts the production of red blood cells. The deep breathing also has a beneficial aerobic reaction on the lungs. I'm allowed 30 minutes of pixies a day............I'm now on 26 October 2003
03-13-2002, 07:59 PM
Pixaholic hangovers can be dangerous. I should get help.... Is there a doctor in the house? If not maybe someone wants to play doctor?
03-13-2002, 08:03 PM
Trust me...I'M a doctor ;)
03-13-2002, 08:05 PM
Doctor Glyndwr I presume....:D
03-13-2002, 08:09 PM
~smiling kindly and looking attentive~
Tell me....where does it hurt?
03-13-2002, 08:14 PM
oh Doctor!
I had to go a whole 5 hours without a fix today! I am absolutely quivering with anticipation. Hey I thought you docs used stethoscopes to hear the heart. I am not sure your tongue will work....... ohhhhhhhhh never mind it is definitely working.....
03-13-2002, 08:18 PM
Did I not mention I practice alternative medicine, my tongue can pick up on your hearts beats through the sensitive areas on your if you'll just bend over I need to take your temperature
03-13-2002, 08:21 PM
ROTFL~ I assure you I am over heated.... I will just wander over to the schnapps fountain to cool off......
03-13-2002, 08:24 PM
~standing with my thermometer out - red faced~
I bet George Clooney never has this trouble
03-13-2002, 08:27 PM
Let me assure you Mr. Clooney ... has nothing on the good Dr. Glyndwr. What is your perscription to cure this problem of Pixaholism?
03-13-2002, 08:30 PM
I'm still working on the cure at the moment, but if I found it would anyone want it?
03-13-2002, 08:32 PM
"if there's a cure for this I don't want it ..I'll run from it".....she sings>>>off key<<<<<
03-13-2002, 08:34 PM
You can run but you can't hide. They'd find you some how ~paranoically looking over my shoulder~
03-13-2002, 08:39 PM
Do I need to get Mindboxers little white coat for you? Hmmmm... then your hands would be tied .... ooooooo! Do I go for the laptop or torture you while you are helpless? The temptations..... decisions decisions......
03-13-2002, 08:40 PM
!!em erutrot, em erutroT
03-13-2002, 08:44 PM
OH God! We may need an exorcist not a doctor Glyndwr is speaking in tongues! A very talented tongue at that!
03-13-2002, 08:46 PM
The only cure for my tongue is for you to sit on it :p
03-13-2002, 08:50 PM
Well I can still type while in that position right?:D
03-13-2002, 09:04 PM
let her sit on your face....glyndwr......that way she can't beat me any more..hhehehehehe <<<<now to hide that whip>>>>>...
if an excercist is needed I belive the rev. silky may be able to do it how bout it rev?? as for the cure glyndwr as far as I'm concerned you can keep it.....
03-14-2002, 09:33 AM
I have discovered there is no cure!! Just fun!! I am covered in pudding, watching erotic sights all around me. Some self-help meeting!! Who has the lap-top?? Any chance I can just have a peek? I won't touch, I promise!!!
No no Sadora, You're going about this the wrong way...if you want the laptop you need to promise TO touch... but not the laptop! ;) I think we can come to an arrangement... :p
03-14-2002, 12:24 PM
*SCREAMS!!!* never again no no no no no no. I have been 3, 3 damn days with no form of pixies :( *cries* i NEED some help *ponders* hah hah *pulls out a blow torch and incinerates the puzzle* well thats a little relief. MMMMMMMMMMM pudding, anyone mind if i just sit here, personal licking service here :)
03-14-2002, 01:14 PM
Sadora, i think you should stay in the corner with me and maybe we can work off some of that tension.... :D
03-14-2002, 04:08 PM
iikiibuu, come in the corner with legend and I. I need personal licking sevice, and nobody will give this poor girl a fix.
03-14-2002, 04:16 PM
slowly and cautiosly walks over to the corner where sadora and legend are located, rests his head in sadoras lap and begins to lick her legs.
03-14-2002, 04:27 PM
As everyone has gone he skulks back over to the deserted corner and lays down lonely. *Begins to ponder on a solution for everyone to gain their fix at the same time but under controlled conditions.*
03-14-2002, 06:51 PM
~waking up in a heap in the corner under a pile of coats~
Oh no another blackout, too much over indulgence again
03-14-2002, 06:59 PM
MissX sidles back in, slowly and cautiously, but everyone seems engrossed either in the corners. Oh no, I've missed vital learning , can anyone bring me up to scratch? My work is suffering and my boss is getting suspicious because I walk around in a daze muttering "must get to forums" Am I done for?
03-14-2002, 07:03 PM
I am afraid it is hopeless..... my advice is to just quit your job and succumb to your addiction :DWelcome you are in a safe place now......<walks over to Glyndwr holding up a pair of boxers> "are these yours?"
03-14-2002, 07:08 PM
Sorry;for not participating.This thread just reminds me too much of
Alcoholics Anonomous;of which;the State made me participate!
Sorry;my problem;I just can't enjoy it! Irish
03-14-2002, 07:10 PM
~looking down and blushing~
Oooops thanks Lilith I thought it was a little chilly in here this evening
03-14-2002, 07:19 PM
i think we need to build some legalised Pixies injection rooms
03-14-2002, 07:22 PM
Good idea, that way I could visit Pixies in my megre few minutes of a lunch break rather than doing without till the evening!
03-14-2002, 07:27 PM
Perhaps then you would have to rename your lunch break to something more appropriate
03-14-2002, 07:31 PM
true, do you think I could add that to my appraisal as self development?
03-14-2002, 07:32 PM
You could, however you could use this thread as evidence of team building and developing inter-personal bonds
03-14-2002, 07:35 PM
the only danger being I would have to admit to being hooked....doh and our HR team just rolled out the new Pixie policy! I would be done for, my mother would be so dissapointed in me.....sob
03-14-2002, 07:37 PM
I sympathise totally, there are rumours my employer is to introduce compulsory pixies tests on a random basis
03-14-2002, 07:41 PM
random! what they don't give you warning first...(panic) I mean Im kind of a wall flowery type person,,,if it got out, omg I would be done more watching the jello and icecream fly
03-14-2002, 07:45 PM
It's just scare tactics, you've got to be strong and bluff it out, however sitting in the office shouting "lick the pudding off my ass " could draw attention to oneself
03-14-2002, 07:50 PM
true as most of the people on my floor are easily my junior....oh no I could get done for encouraging people to get hooked to Pixies! I caught myself tonight about to rave about the site to a work colleague....ack, must stop this now....
03-14-2002, 07:53 PM
~lol~ Yes that can be quite a heart stopper, also I've caught myself on a couple of occasions start to mention people from pixies in conversations with friends
03-14-2002, 07:57 PM
picture the scene, the canteen stopped in mid chat, a spoon slowly coming to a rocking rest on a table as HR make a note of your name to have a "chat" with you it is much safer to come to these meetings.
03-14-2002, 08:05 PM
WOW you have a 'chat' room at work? Can i join huh..can I..can i?
03-14-2002, 08:11 PM
of course you can, Im sure our HR team won't have met someone of your "calibre" before...just don't tell them about Pixies..this is my special place :) where is everyone else? has the meeting ended for this week?
03-14-2002, 08:14 PM
I guess it has... I really should go also 1.30 am isn't the best time to go to bed when there's work the next day :)
03-14-2002, 08:17 PM
I know what you mean, Im going to look like something the cat dragged backwards through a hedge tomorrow...hopefully I'll not be late for the next meeting
03-14-2002, 08:25 PM
I'm sure it won't take long to catch up if you are late :)
Just take your top off and jump up and down, that should get everyone's attention ~weg~
I just woke up from a jello shooter bender and can't find any one or a computer now need fix I do
03-15-2002, 02:52 PM
hehehe....i have a connection in my room, so i never miss out....anyone care to join me :D
03-15-2002, 03:10 PM
Get everyone's attention maybe, get P45'd for sure....but could you imagine how they'd write up my personnel file :)
03-15-2002, 04:36 PM
Back from a wonderful day at the beach but all I could think about with each crashing wave was the orgasmic tide of Pixtasy. Needing a fixxx..........legend, someone, hook me up and hurry :D
03-15-2002, 04:36 PM
Thinking about an appraisal
Miss X is a charming individual with a unique style of leadership. Her commitment to short skirts has meant that the majority of the males in her team will follow her any where. It is true to say that they always look up to her.
She is an extremely hard worker who only stops for lunch if there is jelly and ice cream on the menu, but even then she hardly has time to eat often simply staring at it before returning to her duties.
Miss X has encouraged many men in her section to become outstanding employees. She posesses above average communication skills, both oral and written, often spending hours at her keyboard.
In conclusion Miss X continues to perform in an exemplary manner, if she would only stop moaning loudly at inopportune moment she would be a model employee. I would recommend her for a raise immediately.
03-15-2002, 06:38 PM
lol, thanks for that! now to smuggle that into my personnel file and get back to posting on Pixies....I can't help that moaning thing, it is all the amazingly sexy people on this forum...I have to keep coming back for more....think Im totally hooked.
03-15-2002, 06:59 PM
It is totally addictive isn't it? You start off just doing a couple of minor posts like "Nice tits" or "More pics Please", I thought I could handle it. Next you try a longer post or even a reply to a story in the interactive board, I told myself I'll only do one line and then stop. It's then one line becomes two and the next thing you know you're doing paragraphs. Then it's too late there is no way out, you've got your own threads and are posting pics, sneaking off for a quick picture taking session whenever you can, selling things to buy a better digi-cam ~shudders~ pixies is a cruel mistress, but I can't do without her
03-15-2002, 07:08 PM
exactly, I mean we stumbled across this site accidentally and thought great, we hung around the stories for a while then plucked up the courage to register in the forum. From there it was a simple step to do a first innocent post....and suddenly Im leaving work on time to get home and log on, then we're posting pics.
I tell myself its just for half an hour then I'll log off, hours later and Im pretending that its not really midnight and that I can actually stop whenever I want, its just that I want to see the next word in the "word association" thread, then I'll switch off, honest....
03-15-2002, 07:13 PM
Yes there is always that nagging feeling that if you log off now you might miss something dreadfully important
03-15-2002, 07:20 PM
Yes, the thread to surpass all threads, the ultimate thread,,,,I'd better stop before I get too fanatical,,,surely there has to be a way to break this spell?
What on earthy am I saying?? I wouldn't want to log off and never come back, I love it here :D
03-15-2002, 07:23 PM
So is 'little and often' a better way of controlling this thing rather than 'pixie binging' on a weekly basis?
03-15-2002, 07:27 PM
Good idea, and then there is always the usage increased associated with a "new thing" which tends to calm down over the initial few weeks of use. Did you 'pixie binge' when you first joined the forums?
03-15-2002, 07:32 PM
I'm still doing it!!!! I sometimes go away for days at a time and then the decision is to carry on where you left off or just start anew from when you rejoin. A tough call either way :)
03-15-2002, 07:35 PM
I'd wondered if you were still hooked, I don't know I think it was the 622 posts that gave me a hint. Why is it just so appealling?
Im guessing that everyone has a different you think that would make an ok thread or has it been done before? (can't believe Im thinking about new threads at such a late hour, surely a sign of the new and over eager)
03-15-2002, 07:40 PM
There have been so many threads I don't believe there is any one person who could remember them all. The secret is to continue to enjoy yourself and have fun, if I didn't I wouldn't come back :)
New, eager people like yourself keep everything fresh and long may it be so
03-15-2002, 07:49 PM
It is such an open and welcoming place that new bunnies like me soon begin to feel confident about joining in. That and the fact that there are people who have been posting here for a long time and who are still posting and enjoying it.
Thx for the advice, I'm sure that I'll onto a "little and often" pattern soon!
03-15-2002, 07:53 PM
You can of course do 'lots and often' as well, especially if there are photos attached ;)
03-15-2002, 08:02 PM
yeah the pics section is good, I love the comments that are posted. Though it was really nerve wracking posting the first pic,,,that moment of should I? shouldn't I?
03-15-2002, 08:09 PM
~lol~ I remember that feeling well, that for me is half the fun, the buzz of doing something that a lot of people would never even contemplate in one of their wildest fantasies. You have nothing to be nervous about ;)
03-15-2002, 08:16 PM
apart from getting nervous about my laptop breaking and not being able to get online :)
03-15-2002, 08:21 PM
That would be a tragedy :(
I need all the fellow addicts in this support group I can get
03-16-2002, 08:29 AM
i don't think i'll be much help....i'm dead tired and yet i still had to get on here again
03-16-2002, 09:07 AM
All my friends have deserted me because they can not get though to me on the phone...... I tell them to call my cell that way I can still keep in contact with the real world....... now if I can just figure out which is the real world....... I have been strung out for so long now it is a blurrrrrrr........a pudding colored blur........ said I would not get online..... not today..... at all......I have no will power
:( resistance is futile....... I have been assimilated <now I know I am done for~ actually speaking in trekkie talk>:D
03-16-2002, 09:49 AM
Lilith---You say that all of your friends have deserted you.That is one of the ways to tell who your REAL friends are!Your Pixies friends are still here. Irish
P.S.When I stopped alcohol;I found who my real friends were.
They still came to my house&business.You'ld be suprised just how
many of your;so-called friends;don't come over because they know that there is no booze there!I always told my friends that what they did was their business.I was quitting for my health!I
didn't preach to them.I'm not Father Irish.
03-16-2002, 10:13 AM
ooh, Irish is attending the meetings.....i think he's a Pixaholic who's just in the denial stage :D
I'm a little concerned with MissX's time spent on pixies, she's forever scouring the forums, and coming up with new ideas for our pics, and getting all excited over a new thread. Wait a minute why am i complaining !! the sex is great!
Woohoo! Go Pixies!
03-16-2002, 01:23 PM
*droopily walks in the room after being up all night helping people at a party.* Hello im sorry for depressing tone contribution, but could i just have a shoulder to rest on??? being alone sucks majorly :(
lilith I have your fix right here I hope you don't mind my lap top has been down my pants so that no one would steel it when I passed out. but feel free to come and get it.
03-16-2002, 03:50 PM
I am sooo hooked on this site. I find myself thinking like mrsX, ill just log on for a half hour, then next thing I know its already midnite and I have to get up at 5 hehe. This week that we started postin pics I was late to work almost ever day and up till at least 1:30 every night :) Who would have thought that this would be so great.. Every one on here is just so wonderfull, great pics, nice replies. Its just the best site. I never would have even takin pics of me and my hubby if it wasnt for this site. At least not pics like the ones we have taken HEHE :) Im hooked :)
03-16-2002, 04:13 PM
Jay ~ are you gonna hold still this time or make me chase you again? On your mark, get set,<grabs for his crotch> GO! :D
03-16-2002, 05:12 PM
Hey there iikiibuu, you're sounding a bit down there...there's a nice corner over here and there's still some ice cream left over from the previous meeting!
03-17-2002, 12:30 PM
hello im back at the meeting again.
03-17-2002, 12:58 PM
*In a dire attempt to attract more people other than himself to the meeting he brings all types of ice cream and puddings, and just for SFC some sugar and milk free products which taste just the same and are just as good which he has made*
03-17-2002, 02:19 PM
I'm on a diet, but what the hell. :D
*enjoys the mint chocolate chip ice cream while contemplating how fast she got addicted to this place*
03-17-2002, 04:43 PM
*checks his carrier bags for diet products* I'm sorry ill start finding ways in which to make things sugar free and with as little fat as possible.
03-18-2002, 11:16 AM
>> looks around, notices that it isn't so crowded now.
Okay, who has the rocky road?? It is a little cold, but the pudding was getting boring.
I haven't found a better site out there with such nice people!! The only problem I have is that I can't always log on, sometimes I have trouble. AHHH!!
03-18-2002, 11:21 AM
Just won lottery!!!!!!!!!....LAPTOPS FOR EVEYRONE!!!! :D :D
Damn.......I really wish I could say that....LMFAO ;) :D
03-18-2002, 11:29 AM
How about a top lap, i could use one of those :D
03-18-2002, 11:33 AM
Or better yet...a lap dance!!! :D ;)
03-18-2002, 11:44 AM
so long as you whisper in my ear as well :D
03-18-2002, 11:48 AM
Won't whisper.....just nibble your I feel myself up! :D
(Remember..I can do anything I want to you...and you can't touch me!! Bar rules!!! :D)
Tango Seven
03-18-2002, 06:29 PM
Great site and really enjoy reading the forums. Keep it up as my wife says to me!
03-18-2002, 06:33 PM
I stand, penis in hand, with my chin held high and proudly proclaim that I too am a Pixaholic. Some disorders are just worth having in my book.
03-18-2002, 10:18 PM
Welcome back Nubian, folks have been asking about ya... knew ya couldn't stay away too long... and yeh, why would anybody wanna be cured of this addiction?
i'm back. yea!! wow, it's been a while. hey iikiibuu, i sure could use some of that icecream. the last few days have been so dull, and i was thinking about it yesterday and realized it's b/c i haven't been on the site in so many days(well, at least so many for me). hey, i'm already feeling better. where are more of the original pixaholics. come back people!
03-19-2002, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
(Remember..I can do anything I want to you...and you can't touch me!! Bar rules!!! :D)
yeah, but i can give u ideas :D
03-19-2002, 10:21 AM
It's REALLY hard for me not to log onto this place its the first site my computer goes to when i log on. So even if i want to do some work BANG PIXIES!!!!! You know what this place needs?? it needs a kitchen how can this place not have a kitchen?!?!?!? :)
03-19-2002, 10:25 AM
I agree defiently needs a kitchen...and it's got to have a nice huge kitchen counter!!! ;) :D(at the perfect height of course! ;) :D)
03-19-2002, 10:27 AM
Don't forget a sturdy table :D..... should be an 'eat in' kitchen :D
03-19-2002, 10:49 AM
Oh yes in..take in again.....take out ...Mmmm should be a solid oak table!!! :D
03-19-2002, 10:54 AM
Right so its settled then theres going to be a kitchen. I mean come on if im going to go about not touching the lap top i need something for people to eat :) Keep people busy in erm "activities" :) *begins to blush*
03-19-2002, 11:08 AM
iikiibuu---Hopefully;there is more in your lap;to touch;then just a lap top! Irish
P.S.Liberate yourself.
03-19-2002, 11:19 AM
I don't have the lap top someone else has and i don't want it. I "affects" me i don't like what i became when i had it, so i need to find substitutes, and hopfully people will aid my aim of not touching the lap top.
03-19-2002, 06:16 PM
I wonder if there are any female english pixieholics who can lift the spirits and self doubs of our friend Ikki.
I have known some really nice people who think they are ugly, I thought I was ugly as a teenager. It turned out that my opinion was not shared by other people. You seem like a decent bloke to me Ikki and perhaps with the help of some friends you can progress forward past self doubt and virginity.
03-19-2002, 06:25 PM
LOL not bad for a newbie eh been the centre of attention in such a meeting dominated by the likes of Lillith. Its ok i know im ugly and i got this well founded knowledge from many others :) its ok the virginity thing i guess is my own fault. But i am trying to highjack more of these threads by my own incessant rambling and nuiscance presence well so i getting a kitchen or what?
03-19-2002, 07:19 PM
Thanks Scotzoidman. It's good to be back. Pixies is the additiction that keeps on giving.
Originally posted by scotzoidman
Welcome back Nubian, folks have been asking about ya... knew ya couldn't stay away too long... and yeh, why would anybody wanna be cured of this addiction?
Nubian, great to see you in attendance! I am glad I can finally take this gag off and start speaking again... ;) Oh, Diva... you want to grab some ice cream and meet me in a corner.. :p I got this great idea from one of Sarriah's threads... ;)
03-19-2002, 09:03 PM
Iikiibuu ---
I'm right with you in the kitchen! I looove to cook! (*sizzle sizzle* ;))Only all my best recipes are on my web-site, so I kinda need my laptop connected to the internet and...... oh dear....... Pixies' just popped up. I'll be right there to make some more pudding but I neeeeeeed to get my fix first..... You don't mind do you? :D
--- sweetstuff
*jay stumbles back in out of the cold* hey iikii lets get started building that kitchen but i think we\ll need some help any women with tool expierince(sp) apply with photo
03-19-2002, 09:47 PM
Tools, eh? Well.... I've been told that I'm good at creating expansions...... :o My particular specialty is screwing. I am also good at playing with nuts (& bolts)... ;) Tongue and groove panelling is my favourite, though. :p
Photographic documentation accompanying my application may be found on my threads in the women's forum.
--- sweetstuff
03-20-2002, 04:36 AM
Hun you are a fully qualified erection engineer with out a doubt.
post grad studies in the suction lifting area <he he>
03-20-2002, 08:09 AM
I'm absolutely Pixified after only a week. I can't get over how open, honest and friendly everybody is. It's my first time in one of these truly interactive experiences and a great release. In time, I'll learn to interact better. Meanwhile, I just love the banter that goes on between the core Pixaholics. I'm getting to know you all as real soulmates. Thanx all!
03-20-2002, 08:34 AM
Kiwi~ now that you have accepted that you are sufferring from Pixaholism...... you have a few choices to get your fixxx.....
1. Fight for the lap top
2. Join Miss X in the corner for ice cream, pudding, and God knows what else
3. If you are handy..... help SFC in the kitchen I am sure she could use another tool;)
4. Find me ;).........
03-20-2002, 09:34 AM
i am a great chef and i like to cook nude... or i am an okay companion to you lillith??
03-20-2002, 09:44 AM
i think i'll join Miss X in the corner for ice cream.....but only if i get the strawberry :D
03-20-2002, 11:15 AM
Lilith, magnificent thoughts about you being on top - promise me I can when I find you? ;)
As for the lap top: no need unless it's your lap I'm fighting for... or Miss X's or SFC's or any of the other great ladies here. ;)
Joining Miss X: Well, come along too, won't you...we can have an I scream, you scream, we all scream party. :redghost:
SFC? :D I'd be soooooooo happy to stir in her kitchen anytime, or anywhere else for that matter: her photos certainly stirred me and, in truth, I can't get her out of my head (sorry, heads).
And as for the delightfully Bitchy Member, I've started trawling for you already. :fish: I will find you because I know you really want to be found. And when I'm on your lap...we'll we'll see won't we.
Meantime, thanks for making me feel welcome here! :) :) :)
I think we need to move the slippery dip into a room adjacent to the meeting hall... (i'm sure SFC will have NO problems with this!) :p
03-20-2002, 04:45 PM
Been thinking....... I am here, hanging out, trying to catch a fixxx so often maybe I should change my personna to "Lola"...... anyone know where I can find an avatar of an old bar hag?
03-20-2002, 05:00 PM
Great idea about the slide, Aqua... Or of course we could just move the meeting to the Slippery-Dip, and I'll build the kitchen there... All those hard-working tongues need sustenance, after all! I was thinking I could arrange a slide-up window (as opposed to a drive-through) so that folks wouldn't have to interrupt their perpetual pleasures for food... What say you?
--- sweetstuff
p.s. LMAO @ Lil --- or is that LMAO @ LOLA??? :confused: :D
03-20-2002, 05:04 PM
Lil is 18 & Lola is 81>>>>>> I think I will stick to what works for me....
03-20-2002, 05:39 PM
next to the kitchen we can all have our nibblies and relax or maybe be naughty <grin>
now which ladies will sit on my lap ????
any volunteers
03-20-2002, 06:03 PM
lol my kitchen has been hijacked :) i think ill just keep my ideas to myself next time its safer :D.
*walks back over to his corner*
03-20-2002, 06:56 PM
No it hasnt, the kitchen is still there mate
Just adding to the general facilities, you can use the spa too.
03-20-2002, 07:15 PM
Lilith---I wish that you would make up your mind!I was just going
to tell you that an-old bar hag-is usually found in an old bar.By my
reasoning;that would be the place to look for your avitar of an
"Old Bar Hag." Irish
03-21-2002, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
Kiwi~ now that you have accepted that you are sufferring from Pixaholism...... you have a few choices to get your fixxx.....
1. Fight for the lap top
2. Join Miss X in the corner for ice cream, pudding, and God knows what else
3. If you are handy..... help SFC in the kitchen I am sure she could use another tool;)
4. Find me ;).........
LoL well a kind of friendly corner experience with ice cream and pudding of course!
...and of course you can get the strawberry Legend, I've been keeping it safe for you think I could sneak in some beanbags over here?
Hi, my name is Eros.....and ::sob::: i'm a .....PIXAHOLIC!
Hello Eros! It's Ok, just talk a bit about your feelings when you want a Pix Fix. You're among friends. :D
iikii your kitchen wasn't stolen we just thought we would help you and I will have to go over all the pics that came in with the womens applications
03-21-2002, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by iikiibuu
lol my kitchen has been hijacked :) i think ill just keep my ideas to myself next time its safer :D.
*walks back over to his corner*
Oh no! I can't build a kitchen without a head chef... Iikiibuu, I think you and I need to work very closely on this project and I'm really counting on your input! ;) C'mon back to the kitchen --- and let me remind you that the head chef gets first dibs on tasting anything we cook up! :p
If Iikii doesn't come back to the kitchen soon, I'm going to quit and go hang out in the spa for a while with Grumble... Kiwi and others are welcome to join me there as well, and maybe once we've, erm, released some tension, we can all go for a ride on the Slippery-Dip! Eros, come join us too, and I'll help comfort you, I promise... ;)
--- sweetstuff
p.s. MissX --- beanbag chairs have a definite potential, I'd advise you to sneak in as many as possible............ ;)
Prophet Reality
03-22-2002, 04:08 AM
Is it too late to step forward.
Hi, I'm the Prophet of Reality and I am addicted to Pixies. I try to stay away, but I can only do for a short time and then I have to log on and see what has been added since I left. Stories, pictures, and just general postings. I can't stop, I need help. (Falls to floor sobbing as the universe quacks around him.)
03-22-2002, 06:20 AM
SFC go enjoy yourself :) i just NEED to do something to keep me occupied from the lap top, and what better way than to cook eh? unless anyone can forward me some more helpfull ideas?
Well i appear to be the only one here again :(
03-22-2002, 06:37 AM
Miss X I want some pudding lets eat it in the spa
then we will grab Ikki and get him in too, sweetstuff will help him settle in .
Then we can have a group hug/grope and then chill out in the bean bags with a few quiet ales.
this is a good clubhouse
Pile in pixiholics
bean bag chairs are a good idea but lets stay away from the vinal/leather its hot in here and all the naked bodies will stick to the chairs and that can get quite painfull*he sais as he rubs his sore ass.
03-23-2002, 04:03 AM
Right bean bags it is then and I'll choose a gentle fabric for all our sensitive areas Jay :)
Grumble - Spa? You guys have a spa? Great, race you!
03-23-2002, 12:23 PM
Ummmmmm is it too late for the meeting? I would have been here sooner but couldn't tear myself away from the computer long enough to get here. *sigh* MMy name is vamp eyes and I am hopelessly addicted to pixies and it has taken effect so quickly..... HELP MEEEEE sobbing uncontrollaby
thanks missx now if only I could find some one to sit with
03-23-2002, 01:55 PM
jay---Did you change your avitar or do I have you mixed up with someone else?(entirely possible) Irish
03-23-2002, 02:06 PM
Jay - well, why don't we all go to the spa, then we can come back to the beanbags! a win-win situation :)
03-23-2002, 02:29 PM
Right the kitchen pre installed or is it going to have to be built? I'm willing to do some DIY im good at DIY :D
03-23-2002, 02:50 PM
But we're here in Pixies, surely Diva has a magic wand that will allow you to have a kitchen without having to DIY it? I mean we've got a spa now and I'll bet that the neighbours are really nice too :)
03-23-2002, 06:24 PM
Mmm I'm getting all prune skin in the spa....and Im all alone :( is there no one else here? *sad face*
Ok Im getting out that Spa and donning my jeans, checked shirt and big boots,,,someone wanted a kitchen installing?,,,so where's that hammer?
03-23-2002, 07:05 PM
im here i bet you in the race :) i had two windows open :) no need to feel silly :D
03-23-2002, 07:06 PM
doh! so where do we start, you getting the kitchen cupboard stuff delivered, how about that big ol' kitchen table?
03-23-2002, 07:10 PM
mmmmmm i was hoping it was already all delived hoping it just needed fixing up and sorting out :D or hopefully it would be one of those where the people deliver ot and then they fix it
03-23-2002, 07:12 PM
well hey I've got a hammer and a screwdriver so I guess we're ok either way...has it been delivered yet? It'ud be great to have it all up and working before the others got here....we could even have something cooking (not that Im good at domestic stuff :) )
03-23-2002, 07:16 PM
right well this is up to you either way it should be fun :):o well if all goes well what do you think i should cook? think i should get something from SFC's book?
03-23-2002, 07:21 PM
yes, yes and I think I see the workmen here, that means that they can concentrate on the installation and we can do the cooking for the others :)
So what you got in SFC's cookbook? I fancy something savoury to start then something sweet! mmmm better make lots of sweet as I know there are a lot of people here with a sweet tooth!
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