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03-04-2002, 05:28 AM
I have just signed up to this great place. I like what ive seen so far. i am looking forward to seeing more.

i like most stuff. i am quiet most of the time but can sometimes have outbursts.

I like oral mostly.....if you could buy a pint of a womans 'love juices' over a bar it would be my fave drink!!

03-04-2002, 05:32 AM
G'day and Welcome to Pixies

Join in and have fun....cause we are :D

03-04-2002, 07:28 AM
Welcome to Pixies danziggy

Have a look around and enjoy yourself

03-04-2002, 10:43 AM
Welcome to Pixies Danziggy! And you are right, this is a great place...!!!

am quiet most of the time but can sometimes have outbursts

I hope you aren't too quiet...cause we all love to hear some outburts from the new members..we welcome it!!!:D

Now...make yourself comfortable because the bar is always open here!! ;) :D :D

03-04-2002, 01:10 PM
Nice to meet ya.....just come on in and mosie on up to the bar.........we're all friends here and can't wait to see a few ''outburst''....lol.......our casa your casa........

03-05-2002, 09:29 AM
danziggy---Welcome!You will get to know the different members by their"handles."You will feel much more"at home"then. Irish
P.S.Familiarity doesn't always breed contempt.

03-05-2002, 09:38 AM
Welcome! You wll be in need of a 12 step program to rid yourself of Pixie's influence after only a short time....
Hi <she says sheepishly> My name is Lilith, and I am a Pixaholic :D
Have fun!

03-05-2002, 03:04 PM
Hi, My name is Aquaman43, and I'm a Pixaholic...
It started with a couple posts after browsing the womens pic section, ya know, just to let the ladies know I appreciated there pics... then I started my own threads, posting pics, joining in word associations, until I had 800 posts in just 2 months... Oh, the humanity... er, uhm... yes, well, uhm... Welcome to Pixies! Have fun!!

Lady Pleaser
03-05-2002, 05:30 PM
welcome to Pixies just join in and have fun.

03-05-2002, 11:10 PM
Hi, my name is sweetstuff and I'm a Pixaholic. It all started when the men were refusing to post more pics because they weren't getting enough comments, and I began to reply to threads... Next thing I knew I had the whole Pixies' crowd over for a Christmas party à la Canadienne, and we were licking butterscotch schnapps off each other and taking polar bear dips in the lake... And then all of a sudden I was the graphic designer and marketing coordinator for the world's most revolutionary invention, the Patented OldFart Slippery-Dip, and I got started on the whole perpetual motion thing and contracted ROS (recursive orgasm syndrome) and since then, well, I just haven't been able to leave! :o

Then again... Why the heck would I want to??? :confused:

Welcome to Pixies', Danziggy, and don't let weirdos like myself scare you off... This is a fantabulous crowd of people and a really wonderful place to hang out. Stick around for a bit and you'll feel like one of the family... (Trust me, that's a GOOD thing. We may be dysfunctional but we're the sexiest family alive, I bet!)

--- sweetstuff