View Full Version : Absolute must read
03-03-2002, 07:16 AM
This is for all those members with a zero beside their number of posts.....You're here now, so you may as well post something. Only takes a few seconds. Tell us something about yourself.....anything you won't be judged.
03-04-2002, 10:34 AM
Good idea Legend. Lets move this to the top.
03-04-2002, 10:36 AM
I don't think it's working though :(
perhaps if we post some replies.....
03-04-2002, 10:39 AM
Yeah right...LMAO...
So many of us have tried this tactic before and it never worked. ;)
I don't know why more members don't participate in the threads...
With over 5,000 members you would think that more than just a handfull would post!!
(Maybe they don't have a keyboard!!! :D :D :p)
03-04-2002, 10:42 AM
You go girl!
03-04-2002, 10:44 AM
I think a lot just come to read the stories and look at the pictures. Even though they don't post doesn't mean they don't contribute to the board. No big deal if they don't want to post.
03-04-2002, 11:05 AM
No big deal if they don't want to post.
Oh I agree Fallen...
(no skin off my butt if they don't post) :D :D
.....but it sure would be nice if they did is all we are trying to say!! :D :)
03-04-2002, 05:00 PM
OK;I'll post but I get the skin off of Divas butt!! Irish
03-04-2002, 06:27 PM
OK, I'm not a virgin any more!:fish:
Thanks for stepping up nto the plate J_L!
03-04-2002, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by legend won't be judged.
Not even if you are female and won’t let me peek up your skirt.:p I’ll never use the word SELFISH , just that you’re a private person!:(
03-04-2002, 09:35 PM
Your right support for this depends on everyones input. hello to all. pixies rocks
03-04-2002, 09:46 PM
This is really a friendly and fun place. You'll enjoy it I think.
Only two words of warning!;)
1. It becomes addictive as hell.:rolleyes:
2. Watch out for Dive.:eek:
03-04-2002, 09:55 PM
We don’t want any more people like us in here!:redghost:
Especially if they’re a hot female or couple!:eek:
(ledgen- think that’ll work?):rolleyes:
03-05-2002, 10:45 AM
Got two of them to post Legend!!!!!
Welcome to Pixies J_L4fun & Mechdad!! Glad you decided to take the plunge! :D :)
03-05-2002, 01:02 PM
Welcome J_L4fun and mechdad :) thanx for posting :)
mechdad- i see that u have 3 posts...that's great, keep going.
J_L4fun- happy for you...keep posting
:D :D
PF- i thought of the reverse psychology angle...that was my next try :)
03-05-2002, 02:28 PM
Okay folks I am a newbie and still trying to figure this out. You can see my intro in personals. How do I add a line that comnes up everytime I post something, I mean like Diva's thing about men are like snowstorms, I already have aa avatar so I got that one done.
By the way I am male, I am a registered nurse in an Emergency room in PA, and love this forum and site.
03-05-2002, 02:45 PM
click on the "user cp" button, then "edit profile" and go down to the section labelled "Signature". enter your signature in the box. easy. :p
03-09-2002, 09:22 AM
Ok, here ya go. My first ever post and probably my last.
I just come here to read the stories and the threads. Some of them are soo great. But then you get stupid ones. Well yuo gotta take the good with the bad.
Anybody like cyber sex??
Msn messenger : Davidrobert30
30 is the date of my b'day, 30th April.
Hope to speak again.
Ok, here ya go. My first ever post and probably my last.
I bet this won't be your last post its like thoghs lays chips comercial that say bet you can't eat just one well I bet you can't post just one besides if every one just came to read the forum there would be nothing left to read.
03-09-2002, 02:53 PM
Ya know, I've often wondered why people register at a BB site to never post messages there? In the past (at Lit, AA, and Pixies) I have gotten several PMs from people I've never seen or heard of who have Zero posts... C'mon people!! Post! :D
03-09-2002, 07:23 PM
O.K. here goes! This is a really great site and I really enjoy reading other peoples posts. I feel as if I know alot of you just by reading these. I visit and catch up when I can. (have a very jealous wife who would not undertsand me having any flirty conversations) I think I posted one reply to young lady who was having some difficulty some time back, only cause I knew of a similar situation from an friend of mine from the past and thought it might help.
Love you guys, the cool converations, and not to foerget all you beautiful women who post these hot pics (The Dawg Drools)
03-09-2002, 08:02 PM
Glad to see all the post here........I kinda did the same thing for a while...just coming for the great pics and to read the stories.....
then something made me to reply to one of the word game threads and i"ve been addicted to pixie's ever since.....hve also started exploring the chat rooms and they can be a blast too!!!!
(what's AA,diva ?)
hope yall hve fun and keep cumming bac to pixies and joining in the fun!!!!!!!! see ya in the threads!!!!!
Demolition man
03-10-2002, 02:47 AM
ive posted a few times read alot... im still a virgin at age 20.. and reading here makes me wana go have some wild wild wild sex... hehe i wouldnt even know where to start.....
03-10-2002, 04:04 AM
well i dont know why people dont post..... ive been here for a week and ive posted a bit!! I just like to compliment all the lovely pics....and maybe take part in the games etc....
I have lots of fun anyway!!
03-10-2002, 04:16 AM
Originally posted by danziggy
I've been here for a week and ive posted a bit!!
A bit?!?!? You've been here one week and have 107 posts and you say you've posted "a bit"?!?!? :eek:
(Then again, I've been here 2 months and have over 400 posts! :o )
03-10-2002, 05:03 AM
Made my first couple of posts the other day... Nice place :)
See you all around!
03-10-2002, 05:20 AM
Welcome to Pixies, MR_bloke. :)
03-10-2002, 12:08 PM
mindboxer505---In my case;AA;stands for Alcoholics Anonymous.
I think that it's s site on the web also!Take notice that I didn't say
"like Pixies"because pixies has no competition! Irish
03-10-2002, 12:13 PM
welcome to the newbies - PantyFan, dtydawg, Demolition man and MR_bloke :) enjoy your stay :)
03-10-2002, 03:13 PM
A bit?!?!? You've been here one week and have 107 posts and you say you've posted "a bit"?!?!?
Sorry Playful but i just cant seem to stay away!!
is that bad or good!!!! :D :D :D Def very good i hear you all shout.;) ;)
okie...i gave a blowjob once...and swallowed cum without knowing it...=PpPp
03-16-2002, 08:27 AM
welcome to Pixies ethy :) feel free to post whatever you like (as long as it isn't offensive) :)
03-16-2002, 05:01 PM
Let me add my welcome as well, ethy... I'd like to hear more about how you can swallow without knowing it, can you elaborate?
Of course, by "offensive" legend refers to things like being rude or mean to others... in terms of sex topics, takes some pretty far out stuff to offend most here ;)
03-19-2002, 11:02 PM
Ok I was dared so i did it !!!!!!!!!!
03-20-2002, 08:21 AM
Sorry, Mr Bloke
I've grabbed the same Avitar as you. Guess we both have the whole world in our hands!
Welome to fellow newbies. It's fun contributing but I think it might get a little too much if we all did?
03-20-2002, 09:32 AM
welcome to Pixies Luv2read :) thanx for introducing yourself
03-27-2002, 06:09 PM
once you first post u just cant stop
hihi all :)
very good mb i have to say and everyone is so nice
04-04-2002, 12:58 PM
Not my first post, and definately not my last
Hi ti everyone, and welcome to all the new members!
04-05-2002, 07:12 AM
well since I started this thread :d....I'd better say welcome to all the new members :)
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