View Full Version : ********The Bitching Thread********
02-27-2002, 10:53 AM
I took this idea from reading the posts after seeing Scotz's attachment in the funny picture thread about "Some asshole talking on his cell phone got creamed!"
On a daily basis things piss us off....could be the clerk at a department store, the paperboy, your boss and yes even your spouse..... :D is the thread to VENT YOUR FRUSTRATIONS!
My frustration for today is :
The damn Snowplow driver!!!
Over the past week, we have received about 60 cm of snow and I think the snowplow drivers wait around the corner, until you are done shovelling........then decide to go by!!! They must love doing that!!! Piss me off...... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! :D :D :D
02-27-2002, 11:02 AM
I work in a grocery store....and nothing pisses me off more than when we get these stupid ass customers who go and buy $500 worth of stuff 5 minutes before we close....i mean come on...don't you think i want to have a life too!!!!
02-27-2002, 03:07 PM
I am in college trying to get my degree in nursing. I get up at 5:30 every Tuesday morning so that I can show up on time for class so that I can learn and excell. There are two women, and it never fails, that show up, take the daily test, complain about their scores and instead of staying and getting help they leave. Now, ordinarily I wouldn't care what they do, but yesterday in particular, they came to me and asked for my help. WHAT THE TRASH?!?!?! If you want help, stay in class and get it from the teacher. Don't ask me to take time out of my day to help you if you dont care about your education or problems. I mean seriously, would anyone else have helped them? Or am I just a mean person? ARGH!!!!!!!
Lady Pleaser
02-27-2002, 05:08 PM
Damn people who won't get out of the snow plows way, I almost ran over three of them today.
02-27-2002, 05:18 PM
People Who Pull Out on the Road In Front Of A Big Truck & take off Slow! AirBrakes Don't Stop A Big Rig FAST! Is it Me or are They Trying for a new Career as a HOOD ORNAMENT!
02-27-2002, 05:51 PM
I don't usually get ''pissed off'' at people, but those that can't use common courtesy, like saying ''excuse me'' when they bump into you kinda irritate me the most. I work in a large retail store and it really gets me how rude some customers are...
02-27-2002, 06:06 PM
People who get pissed off really piss me off!:p
02-27-2002, 06:24 PM
Well, since you asked... I'm not angry kind of person, but there are a few things that just can't help but piss me off (sorry, Luv2Please :D). My personal pet peeve? Inaccessible buildings, and wheelchair lifts and doors that break down incessantly. Try pushing an almost 200-lb man in a wheelchair up a ramp in 6 inches of snow (with a layer of sheet ice underneath) wearing heels and a skirt, and you'll have an idea of what a date with my boyfriend feels like. Imagine that he's a sweetie and has just presented you with a dozen roses... which he is now carrying in his lap while you try to maneuver him, his chair, and the extra width of the flower box backwards through a door which you have propped open with your foot and/or your backside because the mechanical opener is broken for the fourth time this month.
Honestly, it's not such a hassle for me to deal with it, and I'm pretty used to this sort of thing by now (we've been together almost 2 1/2 years), but what's the guy supposed to do when he's alone and trying to make it in by himself? It's ridiculous... :rolleyes:
--- sweetstuff
02-27-2002, 08:56 PM
Drivers who think that their mirrors and indicators are there for purely decorative purposes...:mad:
02-27-2002, 09:07 PM
Damn people who won't get out of the snow plows way, I almost ran over three of them today.
I knew there would be a snowplow driver oh man..let me at him!!!! :D :D
Tim Horton's drive through....grrrrrr...they are slow...
maybee they would be alot faster if they woudl stop asking the people "Would you like a muffin or donut with that mam?"
If I wanted a muffin or donut...don't you think I would have ordered one after I orderd my black coffee????? grrrrrrrrrrrr
02-27-2002, 09:50 PM
I wonder if this is just me.... I am a college student and one of the worst observations about people that I've made since I started school is that the people who are just plain clueless are always the ones with the most to say! Ugh! There is a guy in a sociology class I'm taking who announced the other day that women should not be allowed in the workforce because they are more nurturing and should be taking care of kids... let's just say he saw a very un-nurturing side of Kate that day...
02-27-2002, 10:10 PM
let's just say he saw a very un-nurturing side of Kate that day
lmao....sorry but that just cracked me up
On the serious it is not just you
02-27-2002, 11:20 PM
Down here, it's the Hardee's drive-thru... always asks you if you would like to try our new smoked sausage biscuit, or apple-cinnimmon roll, or "$6 burger", etc.... only reason I don't give em a scathing sarcastic reply, is I don't want to piss off anybody who could spit on my food...
02-28-2002, 09:43 AM
Have to agree with a couple of them here...
The cell phone users, I work in a store/truck stop. People come in talking away on the phone and tell me I am rude cause I don't want to interupt their 'oh so important phone call that cannot wait until I'm done shopping' and not say hi or thank you.
Saddaddy--I know what you mean...know alot of truckers and even tried to help a driver that died from trying to avoid a four wheeler
Customers who get bitchy with me when I ask them if they want a muffin with that.... just joking
what realy pisses me off is people I work in the service industrie and for the most part I find that people are just rude and inconsiderit )sorry about the spelling)
02-28-2002, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Sharniqua
Drivers who think that their mirrors and indicators are there for purely decorative purposes...:mad:
i can sure sympathise with u on that...but i'm used to it now, so it doesn't bother me any more.
funny story - my mate was driving in the lane beside this other car. the driver saw a park on the other side and crossed lanes, at the same time as indicating and with no mirror or shoulder check, crashing into the side of my mates car. His reply "Didn't you see my indicator". My mates reply "Didn't you see my car!"
02-28-2002, 02:18 PM
The thing I hate the most is when I am the one who f**ks myself up and I can not blame some one else for it........ Lost 4 lecture classes notes by losing one damn notebook this morning.......bad one to be pissed at but me! :(
lilith I'm sorry your note book was in the ghia this morning when I picked it up so you can blame me.
02-28-2002, 02:29 PM
you are just what needed.... thanks! (((((hugs & kisses)))))
02-28-2002, 02:53 PM
Uh, Jay, did you happen to pick up my notes as well? I can't find mine either... :confused: :rolleyes:
--- sweetstuff
p.s. Lilith, whenever I'm being forgetful, my father likes to quote Red Green to put a positive spin on things --- as he says, "My thoughts may wander, but at least they get out every so often!" :D
02-28-2002, 03:00 PM
if you have at least four friends doing the same course (as i did) then everyone only needs to go one day a week each :D and everyone has the notes
02-28-2002, 03:01 PM
People whom still Bitch and winge, after the mojority has chosen
The way Australian's have been portrayed over the Illegal, and I stress, ILLEGAL, Immigrants comming to our country
02-28-2002, 03:05 PM
bilbo- and then u turn around and they're having a bloody convention on the thing
02-28-2002, 03:17 PM
I was copying my notes for the other 3 girls who I rotate with like you said and that is when I lost the damn things..... now they are1/4 screwed as well.....
02-28-2002, 03:22 PM
lilith- that's when u get the notes off someone in the year above u
02-28-2002, 03:31 PM
Legend --- I'm a big fan of the rotation idea too, but what do I do if I'm in my final year and the people a year ahead of me have already graduated and gone off to bigger and better things? :confused:
--- sweetstuff
02-28-2002, 03:47 PM
ahhh that's where you think ahead SFC....u get them at the end of the previous year
any more tricks u need to know....just ask me
02-28-2002, 03:50 PM
and now back to the topic at hand.....
i hate when people bitch and moan that they have some problem and then don't try to do anything about it themselves...expect other people to solve it for them
02-28-2002, 03:59 PM
Good news! A sweet kid from school called and said that he picked up my notes for me. Lucky this time..... half of my teachers are new this year and there was no last year or even last semester notes to get, I tried that already ........ I would still have been able to pass the classes but I expect to do more than simply pass..... Thanks for the suggestions, all!
02-28-2002, 04:16 PM
LOL, good thinking, Legend!
And Lilith --- so glad you got your notes back; it's such a relief, isn't it? Mine just turned up under the living room couch, of all places. I blame my roommate's cats. There are little tooth-marks all over the cover --- though I can't think what would have made my notes seem like appealing nourishment to a pair of 28-lb. cats... *grrr*
--- sweetstuff
02-28-2002, 04:19 PM
SFC~Your cats would love my notebook.... it's filled with Oceanography notes they would smell the fish for miles........
02-28-2002, 04:34 PM
Yeah, Lilith, I bet they'd love Oceanography. I'm still trying to figure out what they wanted with my Apocalypticism notes, though --- who would want to smell like the end of the world??? Or maybe it was the notes on New Religious Movements --- in which case, I suppose I should be on the look-out for feline cults forming in my apartment... :rolleyes:
--- sweetstuff
02-28-2002, 04:41 PM
SFC - I think a cult that worshipped pussy would attract a lot of members don't you?
02-28-2002, 04:44 PM
LOL! ROTFLMAO, Legend --- good one!!!!! :D :D :D I love a quick wit...
--- sweetstuff
02-28-2002, 04:53 PM
i love the challenge of someone with a quick wit
02-28-2002, 08:39 PM
I get a hard on every time that I smell fish and it's not the notes that I want to eat!
Seriously;I have many pet peeves but the one that irritates me the most is when I am shopping at someplace(like Wal*Mart)I just
want to get what I am after and get out;Not look at everthing.It
seems as if;everytime;there are two little old ladies;who;probably
haven't seen each other since the last time that they made everyone else miserable and have to discuss every happening in
they're lives.They are usually going both ways and block the whole isle so that you can't get by.Then they think that I have no
respect for my elders because I say"Excuse Me but someone has
otherthings to do than bullshit."
Diva---If you think plows are a pain;you ought to live on a state highway.Everytime that you get the driveway bottom done;the
plows come by with their"wing"attachment and fill it back in!If you
don't get it immediately;it freezes;and then a snowblower only
breaks it's shearpins. Irish
02-28-2002, 10:16 PM
I was going to put this in the funny picture thread...but think it's rightfull place is here...:D :D :D
So shoot me!!!!:p
Them snow plow drivers better watch out!
Wish we had snow..;-(
02-28-2002, 10:21 PM
Diva, u just crack me up sometimes :D
02-28-2002, 10:29 PM
Heeheehee :D :D
If I can make Just One person smile a day...then I am happy....!!! :)
02-28-2002, 10:38 PM
smile and the whole world smiles with you :D
03-01-2002, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
If I can make Just One person smile a day...then I am happy....!!! :) In that case, D... you can be happy for at least a couple of days... I would probably empty that gun in the old geezer that works at the next table from me... I can fill up this thread with the many ways he finds to piss me (and everyone else) off! For anyone who's a fan of Dilbert comic strips, I can sum a lot up by comparing him to "Hammerhead Bob", who doesn't know he's boring you, will follow you to the restroom to finish his story, an expert at whatever subject you happen to be talking about, and will butt in to your conversation to share his pearls of wisdom... funny thing, I never had high blood pressure till I got stuck next to this idiot!
03-01-2002, 10:26 AM
will follow you to the restroom to finish his story, an expert at whatever subject you happen to be talking about, and will butt in to your conversation to share his pearls of wisdom
Sounds alot like a member here!!!!!! :D :D :p :p ROTFLMAO!!!!
03-01-2002, 11:05 AM
i know of a certain MEMBER that likes to hang around with me :D
03-01-2002, 12:23 PM
I am trying to upload a new avatar from my computer and it ain't working!!!!!!!!!!!
03-01-2002, 01:00 PM
LoveDiva4u---That's OK!Iliked your old avitar better anyway! Irish
03-02-2002, 12:40 AM
I agree, I think the old av somehow captures the spirit of our Diva, whether she looks like that in real life or not... also pleased to see you drop the "middle-age" designation... now I need to work on Lileth & her "bitchy member" thing...
03-02-2002, 09:10 AM
Scotz~ <pulling out her whip preparing to take care of him once and for all:D> What is it that you disapprove of?
03-02-2002, 10:30 AM
Think I'll just take this matter over to the "questions & answers" thread... before someone gets hurt...
03-07-2002, 12:48 AM
MY bitch of the day/night is insomnia................... I hate being awake when the whole world is zonked out. ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
03-07-2002, 08:22 AM
i get that sometimes....reminds me of a song - Pennyroyal Tea
I'm so tired I can't sleep
03-07-2002, 09:57 AM
Tell me about this Pennyroyal Tea.... I grow herbs and have tons of Pennyroyal thought it was poisonous..... I just use it as a ground cover.....If I drink it do I take a dirt nap?:D
03-07-2002, 10:06 AM
Lilith---FYI--When males have a wet dream when taking a dirt-nap
they fertilize the ground.That is benificial for growing herbs. Irish
03-07-2002, 10:17 AM
Pennyroyal Tea - a song by Nirvana, on the albums In Utero and MTV Unplugged in New York
Pennyroyal - Mentha Pulegium, a member of the mint family, native to England and parts of Europe. A variant, American Pennyroyal, Hedeoma Pulegioides, native to California.
Apparently will relieve flatulence and abdominal colic due to wind. CAUTION: Avoid during pregnancy.
pennyroyal tea - an infusion of the dried leaves of the herb pennyroyal.
Hope this explains.....btw: don't read too much into anything I post. :)
03-07-2002, 01:23 PM
I hate the sound of the phone ringing because the receptionist is too f**king lazy to answer the phone. IT's YOUR JOB, BITCH...ANSWER THE F**KING PHONE!!!!!!!!!
Sorry...she's really getting on my nerves today!
03-11-2002, 11:23 PM
I hate the sound of the phone ringing
Ohhh so do I do I!!!!..but in my case it's this little girl who calls for my daughter...she must call here 20 times a friggin day!!!! Grrrrrrr....
Even when I tell her "sorry she isn't here"...she will call back 15 minutes after that!!!
03-12-2002, 12:19 AM
Not to mention the GD telemarketers... 3 of the MFs called tonight before dinner...
03-12-2002, 12:51 AM
LoveDiva4u---Do what I used to do;when my daughters;lived home.They used to call for my oldest daughter and I was running
a motorcycle shop ;in my garage;but on the same phone line!I
didn't want useless calls when my customers would be calling.A
busy phone line was lost revenue to me.They would say"Is Colleen there?"I would say"Yes."I'd then hang up.They didn't ask
to talk with her.They just asked if she was there.She;eventually;
got her own phone!
Scotz---Listen to the whole phone call on an awnsering machine.
9 out of 10 telemarketers will hang up before the whole awnsering message is thru.You also don't have to pay for any other services.I had an awnsering machine from working nights;
anyway.You just need the patience to stand there and listen to the message.You can pick-up if you want to talk to someone.I got
twenty calls before 9.00 one morning! Irish
03-12-2002, 04:22 AM
Tell them you're a consultant and ask how much they'll pay
for your time. At $450 per hour, that's almost 7.50 per min.
03-12-2002, 11:50 AM
here's my bitch....the piss weak sentences crims get when they go to court
03-12-2002, 12:08 PM
heading to court in one bitch deadbeat parents who after their kids are taken away do not EVEN show for court!!!!!GRRRRRRRRR!!!
03-12-2002, 10:29 PM
Irish - I've used the answering machine method, but I've already gotten up to check caller ID so I answer anyway, & tell em not to call back... we've got a new law in TN that says they have to put you on their "don't call" list...
OF - I like it, I'll add that to my reportoire of ways to f**k with the bastards... when I'm feeling my oats, I'll ask them what they're wearing, etc. Better yet, when they ask to talk to the Mrs., I tell em she can't talk with my dick in her mouth...
03-12-2002, 11:51 PM
LMAO scotz~ I will just mumble and moan next time........
03-13-2002, 12:05 AM
Scotz---When I have asked them to remove my name from their
calling list;they give me a 1-800# to call and tell me it will take
about 1mo. to remove it.The last culprit was for the Discover Card!
You can also tell them that you are eating and if they will give you
their #;That you will call them back.SUPRISE;they never give you
a #. Irish
03-14-2002, 12:48 PM
My bitch of the day:
I was doing some work this morning when the phone rang, so I answered and it was some guy for my mum (who was at work) I asked if I could take a message and he said "Well do you know where I can get hold of lisa and david [insert my surname]?" (dont know why he asked for mum not dad either)
There isn't any1 in our family called lisa or david, so thats what I said. I wouldn't have minded but he's called back 4 times asking the same thing!!!!!!
Thing that generally pisses me off:
I work in a shop on saturdays and on my department there's only 2 people who've been there longer than me (out of 7 of us), so I know what I'm talking about but some people (especially old ladies) have a tendency to take one look and assume I dont know anything. (There was the 1 woman that looked over the top of her glasses and actually said "well you're not going to be able to help me" before I'd even said anything).
03-14-2002, 01:18 PM
i've heard about a solution to get rid of door to door salespeople (and others) quickly. what you do is answer the door in your birthday suit and ask them if they would like to come in for a cup of tea. :D
PS - i've never been game enough to try this though :)
03-14-2002, 01:23 PM
I wish you would..... I come by your house 2 or 3 times each week just trying to catch you that way ;)
03-14-2002, 01:52 PM
No disrespect intended,
a few years ago, (mmm, quite a few) i happened to open the door just as Legend descibed, thinking a particular person was there, and it was a bunch of JW's, and I haven't seen them since
03-14-2002, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
I wish you would..... I come by your house 2 or 3 times each week just trying to catch you that way ;)
damn! I'm not going to sleep now.....gonna stay awake (and naked) until you cum around again. :D
03-14-2002, 02:32 PM
Bilbo---No loss.I hate to insult your looks;but;you usually can't even insult them to make them leave.I used to have signs;on my
front&rear;doors.They said:No Solicitors,No 7th day adventists,No
Jehovahs Witness's! My wife took them down!She said that they
looked "Trashy."I said;"So What?They work!" Irish
03-14-2002, 02:54 PM
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?
We have all been to those meetings where someone wants over 100%.
How about achieving 103%? Here's a little math that
Might prove helpful.
What makes life 100%?
If : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
8 1 18 4 23 15 18 11 = 98%
11 14 15 23 12 5 4 7 5 = 96%
1 20 20 9 20 21 4 5 = 100%
2 21 12 12 19 8 9 20 = 103%
So, it stands to reason that hard work and knowledge will get you close, attitude will get you there, but bullshit will put you over the top.
03-14-2002, 03:09 PM
So that was you Bilbo :D:D...<jk> I am sure if that story was true they would come back for more everyday:D
04-04-2002, 11:41 AM
I just filled up my van yesterday with friggin gold!!!
My fill up costed me 57 bucks!!!!
And that's before the price jump of .10 a litre!!!!!
My wages sure don't jump that high!!! :mad:
04-04-2002, 04:16 PM
I had 3 of my dogs in the house, two medium sized, one German Shepherd.... some JWwitnesses came up so I put up the babygate, about 3 feet high... once the JWs got to the door, the dogs (friendly, search and rescue/show dogs that I work with children) started growling... the dogs cleared the babygate and rushed the front door, the JWs ran (never seen someone run that fast in a skirt and heels!!!) and got in their car as the dogs made it out the door (I forgot to shut it...... oops heheh) the dogs, instead of giving chase just sat on the door step and watched them leave..... they never came back... I think the dogs were laughing.....
04-04-2002, 04:31 PM
I sure don't envy Canadians! The Canadian dollar is the pits!! Of course, it's great for us when we travel there, but you guys get screwed when you visit here. We were just there in February for a funeral and I've never seen the exchange rate so high in our favor! I know it's no consolation, but gas prices are going up here too. They're using the crisis in the middle East as an excuse, but the prices jump every summer because of vacations.
04-04-2002, 04:34 PM
SO bama.......yur bitchin cause they didnt catch the JW's?????
Pooooooorrrrrr puppies!!!!!
I'm sure they'd just spit'em out.....prob leave a bad taste in their mouth that listerine couldnt get out!!!!!
04-04-2002, 04:37 PM
they were here yesterday too..... they just love me;)
04-04-2002, 04:45 PM
I used to have a sign on the front door that said
"NO solicitors!
Jehova's Witnesses Get the Hell off My Porch!!"
It may have been rude, but it did the trick...
I loved watching thru the window when they'd walk up on the porch, read the sign and quickly leave....:D :D
04-04-2002, 04:53 PM
As a young dumb full of c*m fresh from the navy ready-to-explore the states hothead....i once bought a gun......was cleaning it when they came to my door....i thought it was a friend that had just called about going tubing on the salt river in az.....i opened the door cleaning it......they saw a big 9mm close to their faces.......took off screaming to a nearby van and peeled out like a bat from hell......never saw them even in the neighborhood after that.....i didnt get it til i looked at my hand.......lllllaughed my ass did my friend..........
04-04-2002, 06:44 PM
M.B.505---I have a solution for you because you can get in alot of
trouble if they told the cops; and you didn't have a permit.I have a
concealed weapons permit but I bought some little stickers;that I
put on my doors and windows of my garage/shop.They have a
picture of a hand holding a revolver.It says:BEWARE in bold letters
on the top.Under"BEWARE" it says"Never mind the dog!Beware of
the owner"I used to have my bike and customers motorcycles,and
lots of tools;in there! Irish
04-04-2002, 09:16 PM
thanks irish...but not long after that i go rid of thing i did .....kept me from doing something really stupid......and i did have a permit....but i wound up reenlisting not long after that so i sold it ...but thanks any way.....all i have now is an old single shot rifle and it is all broken down for storage..
04-05-2002, 07:27 AM
Sugarsprinkles - you should come to Australia, you could buy Northern Territory, complete with OF :D, for about 5 american cents.
04-05-2002, 08:02 AM
Legend exaggerates!
17c plus coupons.
04-05-2002, 08:50 AM
**Now where did I put that book of coupons?......** ;)
04-05-2002, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by legend
Sugarsprinkles - you should come to Australia, you could buy Northern Territory, complete with OF :D, for about 5 american cents.
If I had any cents (sense) I'd be doing something constructive with my life...instead of living on my computer! LOL!!!:D :D
04-05-2002, 12:40 PM
17 let me see.....**pulls out pockets......moths fly out**** uuummmm....eeeeerrr......aha......can i give ya an I O U slip????
I got some serious ideas for an area that size.....does the words.....pixies nudist colony and rehab center strike anyone with a similar idea???????? Hey the coupons yet???******looks under couch cushions..******Hey! here's a quarter.......hehehe........
04-05-2002, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by mindboxer505
looks under couch cushions..******Hey! here's a quarter.......hehehe........
.....and 3 pretzels.......2 crayons.....OH! So that's where that concom disappeared to!!!........"Hey, honey, don't you ever clean under these cushions???":D :D
04-05-2002, 01:07 PM
hehehe wheel cars........and one unidentifyable object i handle with protective gloves.....just for me own sanity....remains from last weeks popcorn fight......yep...every thing in its place........jezzz fatherhood!!!!!!
04-05-2002, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by mindboxer505
...jezzz fatherhood!!!!!!
Motherhood has it's joys too, MB!! Stepping on Leggos barefoot in the middle of the night on the way to the bathroom!
Putting all the damn stickers on the Hot Wheels garage or city at 2 in the morning on Christmas Eve!
Plenty more examples, I will spare you! :D
04-05-2002, 07:10 PM
petrol prices tell me about it the uk has the higest prices
in europe with a big 75% in tax
04-10-2002, 11:03 PM
Driving to the office this morning on the Interstate, I looked over to my left and there was a woman in a brand new Mustang doing 65 miles per hour with her face up next to her rearview mirror putting on her eyeliner.
I looked away for a couple seconds and when I looked back she was halfway over in my lane, still working on that damn makeup!!!
I'm a man, but it scared me so bad, I dropped my electric shaver, which knocked the donut out of my other hand. In all the confusion of trying to straighten out the car using my knees against the steering wheel, it knocked my cell phone away from my ear which fell into the coffee between my legs, which splashed and burned Big Jim and the Twins, ruined the damn phone and disconnected an important call !!!!
<please note tongue firmly planted in cheek>
04-10-2002, 11:07 PM
RATFLMAO @ Scitzoid
04-10-2002, 11:21 PM
Garage owners who think just because I'm a woman I don't know anything!
Tire blew out this morning. DH came out to change it. Discovered a spring had broken which caused the blowout. Called garage to tow it and estimate repair costs.
WELL, they call me and proceed to inform me I need 4 tires, ball joints, and tie rod ends PLUS the spring(s)!! Quoted me a price of over $1500.00!!
BULLSHIT!!!! If I'm gonna get fucked over, I'm not going to pay $1500 for the privelege! Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I'm an idiot!!
DH just replaced the tie rod ends a few weeks ago! He just checked it out when he did a brake job 2 weeks ago and the ball joints are fine! What kind of moron do they take women for????
I told them "my husband can do the ball joints and tie rod ends....just fix the spring!!" So instead of $1500, it's "only" $388! And I think that's for 2 springs. I suppose it *is* a good idea to replace both sides, so will not argue about that.
I once had a garage try to get me to replace a radiator at a cost of over $500!! Are they nuts?? Do they think I'm nuts??? Or rich????
These guys just piss me off so bad!! Even tho' they can't screw with me, there are so many women out there, especially older ladies, who have no choice but to "trust" these cheats. And I also know that not all mechanics and garages are like this, but the ones that are give the rest a bad reputation!:mad:
04-11-2002, 12:28 AM
I believe they just screw anybody, m or f, SS... seen some real criminal activity go on in some hidden camera stings on TV...
04-11-2002, 01:55 AM
FAMILY--That's my big bitch for the day. They want you to be independent etc. etc. Yet every decision you make tends to bring about a complaint or 5,000 ways you should do something. Your life seems to not be your own after it's critiqued in committee by a gaggle of goofy geriatric...that's a bit too much. If I hear one more order disquised as a suggestion I'm going to lose my damn mind.
04-11-2002, 10:21 AM
how people want to have legal injecting rooms, but they won't get the government to subsidise life saving medicines
04-11-2002, 12:37 PM
My bitch of the week is a little odd.
My hubby and I are in an open relationship. We also swing. Anyway....
After chatting with a guy online, and by phone, after exchanging photos, etc. we decide to meet face to face, and perhaps play if we hit it off.
We decide on a bar & grill, and I get there 5 minutes early. He gets there 30 minutes late with a lame excuse about his office being hell. We talk awhile, and things are going pretty good, but he WAS late. Then for the kicker, after buying my own drinks and dinner, he wants to know if I will split the hotel room!!
I am not a money grubber, but like to be treated like a lady. The least he could do was take me on a date! What nerve!!
04-11-2002, 12:40 PM
Sadora~ That is a truly a legit bitch.... did you fuck him anyway?:p
04-11-2002, 12:45 PM
No Lilith... I did not.
I told him that when he learns to treat a lady as such, he will get laid alot more.
He acted like I was some greedy bitch.... said women can't figure out if they want to be equals of not. I said that if it was a business trip, I would be more than happy to pay for half the room.
Some men are brain dead!! I don't hold it against the rest of them!
04-11-2002, 12:53 PM
You Go Girl!!!!
04-11-2002, 01:56 PM
Sadora---While I am not into swapping;I think that you did the right thing!Tell him to go home and jerk-off.It sounds like he is only interested in his own satisfaction;anyway.Just my $.02. Irish
P.S.Different strokes for different folks.
04-11-2002, 02:15 PM
Then for the kicker, after buying my own drinks and dinner, he wants to know if I will split the hotel room!!
what a asshole!! he must have thought this will be easy ive already got her so i dont need to try.
he sounds like a complete dick!! sounds like he didnt put any effort into it at all. was he wearin a bin bag aswell??? or did he try to look good for you???
its no wonder some men cant get a girl!!!
04-11-2002, 04:06 PM
Peers who are constantly asking whether I have ( screwed, boned her, shagged her, rammed it in her, cracked her, f***ked her, pooped her cherry. etc. ) when referring to my g / f.
I wish they would realize that she isn't just some piece of meat and actually a human being that I love deeply. If only they could see her the way I do, they would not say these things - and what's worse is they do it on purpose knowing what I have said to them... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: !!!!!
04-14-2002, 11:29 AM
I can't stand it when I follow the rules and the people around me do not. I know the one time I didn't I'd get bitched up and down about it.
04-14-2002, 11:34 AM
Some men are brain dead!!
Tell me something I didn't know!!! :D :D
Sorry you evening was lost Sadora...but you were right in not "fucking him"....
Hopefully your next rendez-vous will be jerk free!!!!:D
04-14-2002, 01:53 PM
Scotz-----You're right about garages(service stations)screwing people!Years ago;I watched a TV show;where they unplugged a
rubber hose on an automatic transmisson.You wouldn't believe the different estimates that they got from different places.The best was at a local garage.An employee went for a test ride with
the owner;of the car.When they got;on the other side of the block
he climbed under the car,plugged the line back in and said"Don't
tell my boss!"The worst offender was "Amco"Transmisson.Their
estimate was several hunndred dollars. Irish
04-14-2002, 02:31 PM
Ok, here goes...woohoo I finally get to vent my anger out on someone besides my boyfriend...hehe!!!
I'm an assistant manager at a 7-11 and on the weekends I do paperwork....every sunday this *bitch* that I work with (and that's putting it nicely) stands around and reads the newspaper and eats for 8 hours...while I'm in the back doing my work shes just standin around bein lazy....GRRRRRR!!!! AND then every 2 hours she has to go to the bathroom...for 20 f*kin minutes...and she reads and talks on her cell phone while in there.....I SWEAR I'M GONNA HIT HER ONE DAY. It wouldn't be so bad if she was nice to me or even tried to show initiative to work...but no she just complains about bein there and blah blah blah....I HATE HER. OK I could go on but I probably don't have to....she is just horrible and I hate working on sundays because of her stupidity.....
Stupidity should be my opinion.
04-16-2002, 01:17 AM
I didn't think that I would ever post in this thread because I seem to be bitching about certain things alot. So I just decided that I'd keep my mouth shut when this one opened up.
I have to admit that tonight something happened that pushed me over the edge.
I hate people that go through the drive through at a fast food place, and ask the person on the other end of the speaker how much things on the menu are.
Do they NOT see the big sign out near where their car is ??? It has these things called LETTERS on it..and usually (but not always)right after the letters, are some things called NUMBERS. If you read those two things, you should be able to figure out how much the food (in this case) costs. Some of the signs even come with PICTURES to help explain what the item is.
(come up for air, Nutworld)
It may come to a shock to people, and evidently most people don't realize, that the store employees probably don't have the entire menu committed to memory, and can't recite all cost on a whim. That is the reason for the sign that is back there in the first place.
(breath, nutworld, breath)
It was completely shocking to me to hear a customer complain that
A)because I didnt have the menu committed to memory, and
B) didn't know the price of a newer item that they wanted.. the result of this was,......... and I quote:
"you are a fucking idiot, and we are leaving".
I've never in my life had the F-bomb dropped on me by a customer at a place of employment. I don't mind having someone complain that the service I give is slow, or I'm not speaking clearly enough, but is there a call to drop an F-bomb, when the customer has the info at their disposal? Is there anywonder that the general consensus is; that people are getting more and more rude.
We now return you to your regulary scheduled broadcast.
04-16-2002, 04:37 AM
Sadora, some people just can't help being cheap ass-holes.
Sympathy is called for, because he'll probably never know his
Nutworld, shame on you.
The customer is always right. Arrogant, insufferable, horrible,
opinionated, mistaken in matters of fact, but right.
04-16-2002, 06:40 AM
I can handle "right"...but the F-Bomb?
04-16-2002, 07:05 AM
Nutworld---Those are the same people;that get in the Exact Change Lane;on the turnpike and then look for the money while
everyone else waits.
O.F.I had this discussion with my supervisor;on a previous job!The
business rule is that the customer is always right.In reality;they
are seldom right. Irish
04-16-2002, 07:11 AM
Whenever you see another person getting mad;just look at them
and say:Anger is the wind;that blows out the light of the mind!"
If you think that they were mad before;wait until you see them after you say that!SUGGESTION-Stand Back. Irish
04-16-2002, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by Irish
just look at them
and say:Anger is the wind;that blows out the light of the mind!"
I believe that thought is TOO advanced for many of our customers. They just wouldn't get it.
PS- might that be part of why the job you mentioned is a "previous" job???
04-16-2002, 07:21 AM
Hey Sugarsprinkles,
your IN box is full.
04-16-2002, 07:30 AM
LOL So is yours!!! Clearing mine momentarily!!
04-16-2002, 07:31 AM
oops...that damn glass house of mine..
04-16-2002, 07:53 AM
Nutworld---I knew that that question would come up.Must be my
pyschic powers.The awnser is NO.I have worked for that place
twice.It is a fill in job.The supervisor mentioned; is one of the owners of the business.It is an automotive parts supplier.I was
originally hired by his father and he knows that I know automobiles;like the back of my hand.I guess that he figures that my mechanical knowledge is worth putting up with my shit. Irish
P.S.His father died a few years ago.The business is now owned by
him,his brother,and their brother-in-law.(sisters husband)
05-30-2002, 10:48 PM
I realize I am late in replying to this thread but the saying goes.......better late than never!
My biggest pet peeve?
Ever drive behind a car with a child standing up in the back seat? Believe me I know it doesn't just happen in Pa. I have been up and down the entire east coast of the USA and I have seen it throughout all states. If I can make a plea here tonight then I will be happy!
First and foremost let me say ........I have no children of my own....but I am not unaware of the horror of not wearing a seat belt!!!!
The addage......."It will never happen to me"......has been repeatedly regretted by many parents that think this initially! We are all at matter how good a driver you are.......there is always one fucking asshole out there that might just have your ticket in any one particular day!
TY......I feel so much better now!
Mrs. Lix
05-31-2002, 04:21 AM
getting told "well you dont look gay" iam
not having a go as hetrosexuals i have
heard it from gay people to as if all gay and
bi people look and talk the same the media
dose not help
not all gay men are thin
the amount of deprest gay men who think i dont
measure up to the gay ideal is scary
ok bitching over :confused:
05-31-2002, 06:49 AM
Axe- Stereotyping does suck eh..just remember that its them with them problem not you.
Mrs L- Oooo that realllly pisses me off hun. Having kids of my own I always buckled mine down and pulled over if they got out. I see it alll the time and it makes me wanna knock on their window and beat the crap out of the dad and show him what it feels like to crash with no belt.
One thing that has been pissing me off as of late is motorcyclist. You know the ones...that have no rules to go by! Here I am, sitting in a 45 min queue and here comes Mr "I dont need to wait like everyone else" and takes the center. Grrrr, just because he CAN do it doesnt mean he should! All the others hafta wait, why cant they. If and when I get a bike, I'll wait with the rest or turn around for a different route.
05-31-2002, 10:33 AM
Oh manz... sure is a very bitching day for all of you. Cool down manz! Look on the brigh side. Tomorrow is just another day... ;)
05-31-2002, 05:01 PM
Hmmmm....not all motorcyclists "take the centre"...I'm one of the ones that wait...and agree with you that, that is how it should be...not only do i consider it rude for MC to do is bloodywell dangerous....
For those that do "take the centre"...please be aware that the other vehicle drivers will not be expecting you to be there....all it takes is one vehicle driver to open a door or such and your eating bitumen or worse!!:eek:
I seen a motorcyle cop do it here the yesterday....and i just shook my head and thought "Now he's setting a sterling example":rolleyes:
05-31-2002, 08:09 PM
As far as motorcyclists go:"Judge not;lest yee be judged yourself!"In over 43yrs. of riding;I have found that there are jerks
in every lifestyle.Over the years;you learn not to judge all;by the
actions of one.You usually find that the person that rides the smartest;is the one that knows how much damage that pavement
or dirt does. Irish
06-01-2002, 04:54 PM
most accedents between a car an a motorbike
is the falt of the car driver now before assumsuns
are made iam a car driver keep an extra eye out for the
motorbikes please
06-01-2002, 08:05 PM
My bitch is that my gardens, and grass is out of control!! In Florida, the problem in the summer is getting things to stop growing, or at least let you catch up. It seems like I always have 5 things to do, and only enough time for 2 of them.
06-01-2002, 10:36 PM
I'm sick of people asking if I'm "excited" to go into labor! Yeah I'm ready to bake a cake at the first sign of pain!? Only one woman asked "are you scared?" And a few who understand have asked just simply "you ready?" Yeah I can't wait to hold this little girl, but no I am not excited or thrilled to be on this side of labor, ask me in a month!
We've had two friends of the family crash on motorcycles in the past four days (one died, the other is in icu) so I agree, everyone on the road is responsible for their actions no matter what your driving/riding. I wish parents would put helmets on their kids here when riding with them though, because it's not law in Colorado. :mad:
06-02-2002, 07:02 AM
I'm amazed to read that it's not law for cyclists to wear helmets. It's been a law here for years. They also have "on the spot" fines for anyone not wearing a helmet.
06-02-2002, 08:51 AM
Legend---Like seatbelts;you hear Pro&Con stories.I;personally;
know of one person who died;BECAUSE of a helmet.I like seatbelts but hate the feeling of having a shoulderbelt on!One of
my daudhters;had a ProbeGT;and the other had an Eagle(Talon?);
both cars had seatbelts and shoulderbelts.I bought a seatbelt;at
an accessory store;and installed it in my car.When you're racing
motorcycles;it is mandatory;to wear a helmet!The solution should
be left to the operator;I think."Let those who ride decide."I think
that it should be a personal choice!Not one made by people with
no riding experience! Irish
P.S.Overrated-I have never heard anyone say that they want to
feel the wind in their hair!(NO-I am not bald.I have long blond hair.)
06-02-2002, 11:46 AM
Dropped my bike badly once in the early 70's.
Broke my helmet, not my skull.
Argument won me.
06-02-2002, 12:59 PM
My arguement for seatbelts; not just lifesavers, but facesavers as well... had a low-speed impact in the 80s (wife driving), neither adult belted, toddler in back in padded age-appropriate seat... wife needed stitches to un-slpit her lip, I needed surgery to return my nose back to near its original postion... child was unharmed, he did cry, I think his face may have bounced off the pad... we all buckle up in our family now...
06-02-2002, 01:18 PM
I personally know of one person who died;BECAUSE of a helmet
"One who died" VS "How many who have lived"
I think."Let those who ride decide."I think that it should be a personal choice!Not one made by people with
no riding experience!
What about the people in that have to scrape bits of a motorcyclists head off the road cause they wore no helmet!!!
Or the ER people who have to try to put the victims head back together after it has slid down the road at 100? k/h
Sorry Irish....i am a motorcyclist and i believe Australia has it right....compulsary helmets to all
06-02-2002, 02:15 PM
Sharni---It's called free choice.You believe one thing and someone else believes something else!I;personally;don't believe
that someone else should tell someone what they should do.I
cringe;everytime;that I see someone on a bike;with shorts and
sneakers;but it's their decision to make.The person that died was just one that I know of;not a %/%.My belief is that nothing should be mandated.If someone slid down the road at 100?;with
out a helmet on;it's obvious that they were not the sharpest knife in the drawer;anyway. Irish
P.S.The views expressed are those of the thread responder and
having fought ;in the jungle to defend those views;should not be
infringed upon.
06-03-2002, 07:08 AM
Ooh, I've unwittingly stirred up a hornet's nest, so it seems. I think for helmets and seatbelts, the pros far outweigh the cons - ie more people are saved because of them, than people who are killed.
Are we going to let a young child decide whether they need to wear a helmet or seatbelt?
06-03-2002, 08:28 AM
My wife;told me;yrs. ago;that I was going to give myself an ulcer;
worrying about whether people did the safe thing or not.She told
me that from my years of racing and lifes experiences;that I hate
to see people make the same mistakes that I have made.As she
said;"People are going to do what they want;no matter what!"I'll
just do as she said and let people believe what they want.One
person;looks back;at you;from the mirror;and you have to be happy with the way that person believes!In other words;all of the
arguments;in the world;aren't going to change or solve anything!!
06-10-2002, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Oldfart
Nutworld, shame on you.
The customer is always right. Arrogant, insufferable, horrible,
opinionated, mistaken in matters of fact, but right.
have to fervently disagree here. :(
Nutworld did not report he was unpolite to the customer. But he was insulted by the customer.
IMO an employer who protects his employees from rude customers looses one rude customer, a customer probably hard to satisfy if ever and at high cost. But he keeps the spirit among his employees up-tone. Employees will feel respected as human beings, their self-confidence and soft motivation remainling intact and they will find it easy to be polite and constructive and helpful to customers who earn it and are in fact willing to pay proper money for proper service and not to steal employer's money by consuming 2 tedious working hours of an employee :(and then buying a pair of precision-matched washers :mad:
By the right spirit and soft motivation of his employees the employer will earn way more money on all other customers than he had loosed on the one rude customer leaving. It not only feels good, it pays to be nice to your employees !!! They are humans just as the customers are.
Recently i investigated possible webspace providers for my nu website (me intending to start a business with explantion-needing audio products). One company, seemed to offer huge webspace for reasonable but not cheap money. I am observing them for quite a while (do they disappear?) and finally decided to risk a closer look. I read the legal stuff, found nothing to complain about, was surprised to find that they guarantee >99% server uptime per contract, (no other competitor, in the US, in Germany, whereever, dared to offer such, most "indicate they would be about 96% uptime under normal circumstances)
And then i found the paragraph regulating rude customer behaviour to service staff. You are obliged to treat service personell politely, without menaces, without foul language. Otherwise they can kick you out. By contract. Without refund.
Great! i tought, a company protecting their employees that way will have good working spirit and skilled, fast-responding people, i thought. Choice made, no further investigaion needed, case closed.
This is a business partner i know i will like. :)
BTW, comparing prices and quality of their service, they are quite cheap.
06-10-2002, 12:06 PM
me rarely bitches at others, not my style, not my mood... but here in Germany, well, we have no speed limit. And we have a certain sort of drivers bullying the 3rd lane free at any price. Had it once, when driving home form work on a very crowded Autobahn that i was driving at about on the 3rd lane.
In the rear mirror i saw a well-known flashing of head lights. "get from the 3rd lane now" i thought, looked for a gap, tired to go into it when a drvier dozing along on the 1st lane decided to take that gap, too. Well, i had to pull back on the 3rd to avoid a crash and in the meantime the flashing mainiac was right behind me, bumper2bumper @ 170 km/h, trying to bully me out of his way, cursing, shaking his fist and then overtaking me on the "grass" lane .
Never was i scared more in traffic, i strived to the next parking exit very carefully, and let the shakes fade ... it was 30 minutes until i could continue driving.
Such people make me angry, redundant lack of responsiblity sense! I would vote for protecting the society from such individuals. They should not get any tool harder and faster than their own dick to play with and to hurt others. Put them in a rubber cell :mad:
06-10-2002, 08:14 PM
dice45, relax mate. when you've been here for a while, you'll get to know which and when people are being tongue-in-cheek.
06-11-2002, 06:54 AM
relaxing :) guess i have to learn that. Hardly ever do. Too passionate for that :) But doesn't hurt if the forum elders now and then get a clue how they are arriving at newbies, communicatively, isn't it?
BTW, i sensed the tongue-in cheek, but Oldfart's statement was based on a very common comprehension of the supplier-customer relation. A comprehension not looking over the edge of the dish one is sitting in, IMO. A comprehension i experineced very often and with own pain, BTW. So the topic triggers me immeditately. Could not resist :)
"It pays to be nice and caring to your your employees":
I had this topic with my parents very often, getting backup from my mother and unbelieving stares from my father (who ended his carreer as general manager responsible for administration and staff, BTW, so he should have known by experience) . My mother and me used to tear his complaints about his employees into stripes on appropriate occasion, demonstrating him how he (or in most cases his boss, the owner) turned his employees sour. By requesting examples from him and then analyzing this very example. "And what follows from that? and from that? and what is the consequence for the employee then emotionally?" and so forth ....
BTW, he never admitted to agree to my mother's (and in the last years also my) advice but nevertheless tended to follow the advice in most cases. He must have done a good job otherwise as the employees never called for joining the union and electing a Betriebsrat (employee's speaker). FYI, 3 people out of ??? demanding Betriebrat elections are sufficient, according to German laws. And ??? was 780 in this case. I had the opportunity to visit company my father was working for for several occasions and i met the owner, too. He was a mean and frightening man, but you could not sense that from the employee's mood, tellya. My father must have done a marvelous job moderating the owner's emotional impact.
Today both my parents and me agree that treating the employees nice and respectful was key to a good working spirit and no desire for Betriebsrat. It pays. In Deutschmarks in that case :)
And there were some exceptions where the employee (valuable ones!) made the terrible mistake to ask the owner himself for financial help (which could have served the purpose of golden handcuffs) and he snorted "I'm not a bank!" at them.
Stereotype response pattern: the employee first telling the other collegues his dissappointing experience ("For whom am i working here!?"), bad working spirit spreading from that and the valuable employee leaving soon (or in 2 cases) not coming, not signing the contract .
Any idea how much cash runs up advertising for a job, any idea how few valuable people this effort yields, any idea how much goes into that person's training? It costed Deutschmarks in any case, more than i make a year. Stupid!!!
No Q, treating customers worse than one self expects to be treated is utterly inexcusable. Should i come into the situation to have a row with my employee about right that topic (which may come some day) and he/she ie not willing and succeeding to improve customer handling, I may see myself forced to unemploy him/her and not waste time with it. But i will know i am the cause. I should
A) not have hired a person with incorrigible attitudes.
B) i should not treated him/her the way i did.
Either or both.
Aren't we in the bitching thread here?
I bitch about bullying, stupid employers. :mad:
And you see, cannot stop talking/ranting about that topic :)
You and the other elders will have a lot of fun poking me and getting my explosive temperament go boom, promised :)
06-11-2002, 01:33 PM
did you know this pix ? ... :)
06-12-2002, 10:00 PM
Ok, I really gotta blow off about this...say goodbye to your privacy, fellow Americans, now anybody can visit the site below & see your driver's licence...I checked for mine already, they've got it, they've got everybody's, I'm still steamed...check it out for yourself, & write your congressman, let's put a stop to this...
06-13-2002, 11:01 PM
thats pretty funny scotzoidman..........i was about to go bullshit
06-14-2002, 12:05 AM
Shhh, don't tell em dark...make everybody check it out
06-14-2002, 10:13 AM
ARGH LOL scared me for a sec there ROFL!! :P
06-14-2002, 11:46 AM
Funny Scotz but true...I put in your name and there you were :):):):)
06-14-2002, 12:02 PM
Knew I shoulda shaved before havin the picture made...
06-14-2002, 01:16 PM
Scotzoidman---The website works perfectly!I typed in my wifes
name and the picture;on the license;looks exactly like her.I forwarded;the website;to her at work and she doesn't think so.
(No sense of humor!)After knowing me for all of these years;you'ld
think that she would expect something like that.THANKS! Irish
06-29-2002, 08:41 AM
It’s when you are caught up with the daily routine of just keeping busy with going threw life, doing whatever you think you’re suppose to be doing for some reason you can’t remember:( . After years of trudging on, you stumble onto something that catches your attention:rolleyes: and after a second look, you notice somebody that is actually stirring YOU:eek: . You watch for a while and after seeing how quick, witty, gorgeous and guttsy she is, you get closer to the situation and soon find that you’re remembering what it really was all about:) . Pretty soon you’re in the middle of the party and just having a ball along with all the other super people you meet because of her:D . She just keeps everyone and everything going hot, fast and smooth for you and everybody while taking care of all the problems and headaches that comes with a ruckus, happy environment and can still be the star.
Then she gets a summer job and goes away until September:mad:.
Doesn’t that kind of thing piss you off Diva?:confused:
06-29-2002, 08:50 AM
Pantyfanatic---Well said! Irish
07-21-2002, 09:48 PM
My pet peeve! Ok...this might only mean something to a person who works in any sort of repair industry, but here goes. Someone calls in to report that they have no dial tone on their phone line...and they noticed it TWO WEEKS ago...and then they're crawling up our asses to have it repaired YESTERDAY! <hrmph> Ok, enough complaining...back to work
12-05-2002, 01:37 PM
Ok, at the risk of being called a SCROOGE or GRINCH.........and I'm sorry if it offends anyone...................................
Is it REALLY necessary to play Christmas and other winter Holiday songs EVERY OTHER SONG on EVERY radio station????
I'm sorry, really I am. It's not that I don't like Christmas songs......but do we have to have them crammed down our throats NON-STOP from Thanksgiving on??? I have tried Rock stations, Country stations....and it seems I'm flipping stations constantly. I understand how some Christmas shoppers enjoy the music and that it does help get one in the mood. But my complaint is the frequency......
For one thing due to various circumstances in my life right, I just don't have the Christmas Spirit this year. And all the Holiday music only makes me feel more lonely and depressed. I can't be the only person who dreads this aspect of the Holidays.
Or am I????
12-05-2002, 03:24 PM
I always thought that SS stood for SugarSprinkles!I didn't know
that it stood for ScrodgeSprinkles!Seriously;I haven't had any
Christmas spirit in years.In my opinion they have just made it too
commercialised.It's just another chance for the merchants;to
suck as much money from you as possibleEven our Christmas card list has dwindled to hardly nothing.They keep raising the Postal Rates;and that's the only time that you hear from 85% of
the people. Irish
12-05-2002, 03:41 PM
I haven't been bombarded by Christmas songs on the stations I listen to. I do grow tired of hearing them in the stores when I am shopping though.
12-08-2002, 04:44 AM
A short list:
People who think they deserve respect only because they have lived on this earth long enough to be considered 'old'.
The way men are portrayed on television advertisments.
Intrusive authoritative fundamentalists.
Parents telling bald-faced lies to children in order to 'preserve their innocence'.
The bilious lies emanating from Microsoft, and their new licencing policies.
Parents who romanticize about how their parents beat them.
My inability to communicate verbally with the opposite sex. :(
My appearance.
The collapsing of the IT industry just as I'm poised to enter it.
People talking loudly on telephones near me.
I'll probably think of more later.
12-08-2002, 06:10 AM
I just want to remind you that we don't want to berate or belittle others (or ourselves)...
My appearance.
shouldn't be on your list.
Some may remember that we got onto someone else for doing that very thing a while back. (BamaK - ?)
Just a friendly reminder;)
12-08-2002, 08:35 AM
I detest seeing Xmas .
Its Christmas so if it has to be abbreviated why not C'mas?
I will not buy anything from a store that has an Xmas sign.
I am not religous but taking the christ out od Cristmas hits a raw nerve in me.
12-08-2002, 09:29 AM
I agree with GG.It ALL amounts to what I said about Christmas
being so commercial!I'm certainly not religous but they have
taken the"Christ"out of Christmas!"X"didn't die on the cross
for us! Irish
P.S.Please don't send religous comments.I'm not disrespecting
anyones beliefs(sp?);I know that everyones are different!
12-08-2002, 10:27 AM
Just a note about the X in Xmas......I have heard another way to consider that a cross. I knew a preacher who actually would use the X to unite both the birth and crucifix. You can see things in many different's all about personal interpretation.
My bitch is the freaking malls saying their hours are til 10pm but all the stores I wanna shop at still closing at 9. I say all or nothing!!!!!
12-09-2002, 04:14 AM
Oh, poor Lilith, what should I say? The shops close here mon-fri at 8 PM, sat at 4PM, sundays closed completely (except petrol stations and bakeries).
About the Xmas: We use XXX for kisses, right? Perhaps it´s because kiss and Christ- sound similar???
So it´s possibly kiss-mas??? :D
12-09-2002, 04:59 AM
It should actually be called Yule still.
12-09-2002, 12:25 PM
Aye! I have a christmas tree, with lights and metal/glass ornaments and a Yule tree with totally home made ornaments, I even made the star from oak branches.
My bitch is people buying the kids a puppy for christmas then throwin it outside after the festivities. I had several ppl ask if we had scottie puppies small enough to fit in a STOCKING. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
01-15-2004, 08:37 AM
Seems like a good time to review this thread.:D
As soon as diva checks in, I can start my plow and get that street clean.;)
young henry 2
01-15-2004, 09:55 AM
OK PF I'll be look out you get the engine started
01-15-2004, 10:59 AM
I hate it when PF BUMPS threads. :D
Everyone else is ok! Just PF!!:p
01-15-2004, 11:15 AM
I hate recruiters who want to talk to you daily -- for long periods of time -- when there is no job to be found.
Dont waste my time, bub.
01-15-2004, 12:57 PM
The collapsing of the IT industry just as I'm poised to enter it.
The collapsing of the Chemical INdustry just as I was poised to enter it.
Getting screwed over by the infamous spiked dildo of asrape by every job I have ever had since graduation.
01-15-2004, 01:27 PM
Two teenage daughters and a 21 yr old daughter all having their periods at the same time and being major bitches.... just fucking shoot me now!
01-15-2004, 01:32 PM
Back to bloody work today...and not at all amused about the fact!!
01-15-2004, 02:11 PM
Gee I would ahve expected flutelady's pet peeves to be people who ask?
"So are you the master of the skin flute?"
"Where exactly did you stick that flute when you were at band camp?"
01-15-2004, 02:30 PM
flutelady---As the father,of two daughters,who were teenagers,
many years ago,I sympathise with you!Luckily,my daughters didn't
Bitch about much,but sure got "moody". Irish
01-15-2004, 02:54 PM
LMAO... Cunninglinguist, when I used to chat all the time, I got asked those questions constantly. Now that I don't chat anymore, I seldom hear it. But since you asked *weg*, I've been told that I'm pretty good at it... ok real good at it, hehe.... never went to band camp tho, but I wouldn't ever do anything to muck up the keys on my flute. It costs a fortune to have the damn thing re-paded!
Irish... I've got 4 daughters (the oldest doesn't live at home any longer), and it can get wild. Mostly they get bitchy with each other, you should see it in the kitchen after dinner when they do the dishes... YIKES! Moody, oh yeah, they can get moody... quite unlike me.... lol
01-15-2004, 03:10 PM
What really annoys me if you're flying along a highway at about 60mph or faster, and you have to stop in good timing at traffic lights, and some tosser comes flying up so fast behind you, they are stopping by "pumping" their brakes, e.g taking their foot on and off. And if you don't like it when they sit up your ass at the lights, you move forward, and they do too. Get away from my valuable car!
10-24-2004, 01:50 PM
Guess I'm just getting in the BUMPing spirit today
My husband and I went out and around for my birthday today. We went for a little drive to get out of town and then we did a little bit of shopping and then...WE CAPPED THE DAY OFF BY BUYING HIS SON A $160.00 BIRTHDAY GIFT (His birthday was last week) SO THAT I CAN SHIP IT OUT TO HIM TOMORROW. You could say it hit me wrong. The son is now on the phone with dad wondering where the package was that dad sent. The first I knew about the gift/package was when we picked it up today. Maybe I should be feeling more generous? :madfire:
02-27-2006, 10:40 PM
I hate when people are driving along, stop suddenly and turn.....with no signal or anything.
02-28-2006, 07:03 AM
If you MUST talk on cell and drive--Use the BLOODY FARGIN" Attachments for it!!! Oi! Both hands on the steering wheel please!
02-28-2006, 07:10 AM
What's better than one eye with pink eye? You got it. :( TWO.
Can my luck possibly get any shittier? Wait, I probably shouldn't ask that.
02-28-2006, 07:49 AM
being woke up during a gooood dream
02-28-2006, 10:35 AM
Why is it that when I'm sitting up I don't have too many cold symptoms, but as soon as I get tired and want to hop into bed...I start sneezing, hacking, and sniffling????
I *tried* to go back to bed again -- after only about 3 hours of (unrestful) sleep last night -- and immediately had to get back up because I didn't want to wake Mr. Osuche.
I'm convinced God hates me.
02-28-2006, 11:16 AM
Osuche, I'm not sure exactly what is going on, but...yes, I notice that my asthma acts up a lot more when I try to lie down then when I'm sitting up.
Sucks, because I also can't sleep when I'm sitting up.
02-28-2006, 11:40 AM
Mrs. WI falls asleep on the couch. Now that, in itself, doesn't bother me at all because I know she's tired.
But she puts a show on that I don't care to watch, then passes out. She wakes up during commercials because they're so loud...different rant...and turns the volume down.
Now I'm sitting there watching a show I don't want to watch, and I can't hear a fucking thing! :mad:
Icing on the cake: She wakes up when I go to leave and she says "What's the matter? You just don't wanna spend time with me!". :rolleyes:
02-28-2006, 12:18 PM
Osuche, I'm not sure exactly what is going on, but...yes, I notice that my asthma acts up a lot more when I try to lie down then when I'm sitting up.
Sucks, because I also can't sleep when I'm sitting up.
(((((gekkogecko))))) ~~~ I think we need a sleepers anonymous club. Maybe we can fund some research to stop this awful plot against us.
Here's hoping you sleep well tonight. :)
02-28-2006, 12:19 PM
Mrs. WI falls asleep on the couch. Now that, in itself, doesn't bother me at all because I know she's tired.
But she puts a show on that I don't care to watch, then passes out. She wakes up during commercials because they're so loud...different rant...and turns the volume down.
Now I'm sitting there watching a show I don't want to watch, and I can't hear a fucking thing! :mad:
Icing on the cake: She wakes up when I go to leave and she says "What's the matter? You just don't wanna spend time with me!". :rolleyes:
I've never understood how watching TV is a group activity. *there's* a group activity!
02-28-2006, 12:35 PM
I've never understood how watching TV is a group activity. *there's* a group activity!
I throw too much heat. And I pet, which apparently can be annoying. ha ha
02-28-2006, 12:36 PM
I throw too much heat. And I pet, which apparently can be annoying. ha ha
Ya know, the heat problem can be solved by getting naked. Which -- of course -- makes the petting easier. :D
Or did you mean you PANT.....well, that's OK too. ;)
02-28-2006, 12:41 PM
Ya know, the heat problem can be solved by getting naked. Which -- of course -- makes the petting easier. :D
Or did you mean you PANT.....well, that's OK too. ;)
Even nude people can overheat. Actually, when I'm nude...I'm warmer. And when I'm being pleasured...I'm like a blast furnace!
And I only pant when I see boobies. :D
03-06-2006, 06:58 PM
I got called a Raciest.......lady told my boss that I slid her change back across the counter and would'nt hand it to her. She said it made her feel like she had a disease or something. WTF!!!!! I hand back people change all the time....if her change was slid to her then it was because she poured her change on the counter to pay me and I slid coins back into the pile. I'm not picking up all her change she dumped out so she can put it back in her purse. I could care less the color of someone's skin!!! It ticks me off!!!!!!!
03-06-2006, 07:36 PM
Not to worry SODA. Most of the time it's the raciest that first has something to say about race. :cool:
03-06-2006, 08:44 PM
We see a lot of people here who play the race game the moment things don't go their way.
Just as an example, alcohol is forbidden from a number of Aboriginal communities as a defence against violence in the community.
I had an Aboriginal woman come in to send a couple of parcels to a dry community, but when fronted for ID suddenly forgot how to speak English. I am forbidden to accept freight without adequate ID by Air Transport Regs. A caucasian woman butted in and accused me of being unfair. I offered to send it against the white lady's ID, and explained that if there was anything naughty in the parcels, she was legally liable. She backpedalled so quickly I thought she'd tear up some of the tiles on the floor.
At that moment the security staff came in and announced that one of the cartons contained Bundaberg Rum, a dozen gas cigarette lighters and a bag of dope.
For some bizarre reason the white lady no longer wished to proceed with the transaction. The other girl bolted, but as I already had her details, some nice gentlemen collected her stuff and had a chat with her about the dope.
Racism is 90% bullshit and 10% perfect poison.
03-06-2006, 11:24 PM
Thanks guys!!! I'm just getting tired of the customers running to my boss when ever they can't have their way over something. The company's motto is the customer comes first but when it's something that goes against policy then I'm the bad guy and they go running to my boss. It's getting old....wait, I'm getting old. LOL
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