View Full Version : What made you decide...?
02-26-2002, 03:48 PM
A question for all the members (well, okay, actually a couple of questions):
I was thinking about how we're able to create our personas here from scratch, something we can't always do in life. It's a neat opportunity to play out who you really are or experiment with someone you might want to be. So, that got me wondering:
What made you decide on your handle/nickname when you registered? (I.e., how does it represent who you are?)
Given that very few of us realized how active we'd become in terms of posting when we chose our handles, would you have chosen something different had you known? (I.e., do you still like the name you picked originally?)
I'll kick things off:
Personally, I picked 'sugarfreecandy' because I'm diabetic; and I also like the seeming impossibility of the image (though the stuff does actually exist)... I also go by 'sweetstuff' because it was a childhood nickname, and I think it kind of goes with the other handle --- plus although it didn't start off with any flirtatious connotations, it certainly has that potential! ;) I think both names capture the combination of playfulness and kindness that I try to maintain in my life. (No comments as yet on how successful I am with that... :rolleyes: ) I still like the handles, though I occasionally wonder how my persona here would be different had I chosen a different name.
So whose turn is it next? Tell me why you are who you are here!
--- sweetstuff
02-26-2002, 04:15 PM
well i will admit i picked mine scorpi42 for a few reasons its the handle ive used since i came on the net plus i am a scorpio sun sighn and the forty two is from the douglas adams hitch hiker books which has a funny trick of appearing every now and then
Originally posted by scorpi42
and the forty two is from the douglas adams hitch hiker books which has a funny trick of appearing every now and then
As much as I love Douglas Adams, 42 has nothin' on 43 when it comes to poppin' up everywhere!! As for Aquaman... well I can't say... being a Superfriend and all I must maintain my secret identity!
02-26-2002, 04:45 PM
Lilith~ Demon Queen~ Seductress~Temptress~ It all sounds so good!
Recently I had several friends who have been given the news that they have terminal breast cancer. I have been watching them die with regrets. I decided I was not going to have any, or as few as possible. So I quit my secure,well paying job and have gone to school (yes at my age) to get my teaching degree. In my first class Mythology I did a research project on Lilith and learned of her wicked ways. I fell in love with her. Her refusal to submit, her lack of fear of God or anyone, her seduction of lonely men in their dreams, and the fact that she has accepted blamed for all the perceived evils that us females have caused throughout history. She is immortal, naughty, independent, fierce and all that I am too. She would not have regrets! So I am Lilith and I could not think of a better personna to relate to.
02-26-2002, 05:16 PM
I have always been LoveDiva4u since I have been on the net..
I picked Love because everyone should feel it once in awhile and Diva because, I am first and foremost a Lady, and in my eyes....A Diva is a Lady...(not a teen looking for ;) :D)
The 4 U is simply that...for you....(must have been a lonely day when I registered it..lmao) ;) :D :D
02-26-2002, 05:48 PM
Since I got on the internet, my attitude toward others and the way i react to what I felt were''strange ideas has changed.
''mindboxing'' is what i call taking my ideas, reactions and interactions and see how they affect me and the people I interact with.........505 is just a id number........
02-26-2002, 06:24 PM
Irish has been my actual nickname for 35+yrs.More people in the
motorcycle lifestyle and racing&mechanical world;Know me by
"Irish"then my surname.It was natural for me to pick that name
because so many people;already;knew me by that name.
What Mindboxer said is true.When I was younger;I thought;that
if you thought differently then I did;that you were wrong!I now
realise that you might think differently then me and still be a nice
person as long as noone is hurt! Irish
P.S.Different strokes for different folks!
02-26-2002, 06:27 PM
I picked mine because I would have loved to have been a bunny girl in the london playboy club in the 60's.
02-26-2002, 06:32 PM
I chose Nubian because of my African heritage and because of my respect for the early Egyptian culture.
02-26-2002, 07:14 PM
I like to mix things up a little... I have a million different screen names on a million different boards/clubs/groups. My names are usually chosen based on the interest that the group focuses on... but in this case, it's as simple as having just read an email from my hubby in which he opened with "How's my cutie pie?" and so that clicked in my mind and I went with QTPie!! :D I have some "fun" Yahoo screen names, such as "luvzzz2BE10", "SinWagon127", and "Your_BBW_Fantasy" :p
02-26-2002, 07:29 PM
The name Saddaddy Came from a Comdy Fishing Video . On the tape they were catching Large RedFish (SEABASS ,RED DRUM) . I love to Fish for the Big ones .The 62 is my Birth year . I Combine the 2 & started Using the Name On the internet . No I wouldn't Change My Handle . In Fact My Boat is named THE SADDADDY ..:fish:
Generic Man
02-26-2002, 07:32 PM
Generic Man because self-depreciating humour is a strong point for me.
And it keeps my ego from swelling because I tend to be anything but generic. ;)
02-26-2002, 07:44 PM
I picked the nickname as Glyndwr was a Welsh hero. He is also mentioned by Shakespeare in Henry IV so I thought the name wouldn't be completely obscure. I've used other nicks in other places, especially when I first started surfing, but now I only use Glyndwr so I guess that means I'm happy with it.
02-26-2002, 07:56 PM
my original screen name was just based on the first past of my free e-mail address (before the @ sign)... but I was happy to be able to change it to this one...
I am still a kid at heart and for the longest time have used cartoon charters for the names my computers, accounts, domains, etc....
MilkToast seemed a good one for this board... the character is the small roach from Bloom County that was always causing trouble of some kind... the original Milquetoast is from an old cartoon stip that long pre-dates the Milquetoast in Bloom-County...
Pronunciation: 'milk-"tOst
Function: noun
Etymology: Caspar Milquetoast, comic strip character created by H. T. Webster died 1952 American cartoonist
Date: 1935
: a timid, meek, or unassertive person
though the description of the type of person only applies when I am introduced to a new group... once I get comfortable with the folks around I am the least bit unassertive :)
I'll have to see if I can dig up the clipping of the cartoon that made me suck a fan of the little bugger...
Jay has been my nic name as long as I can rember as for my persona I just try to be truthfull and respectfull of the other users and to post whenever I have somthing to say.
02-26-2002, 10:07 PM
Long ago, there was a prog-rock band called King Crimson (actually still around, w/a different lineup); The 1st album led off with a song called "21st Century Schizoid Man"; some years later, a buddy passed the doob to me, called me "21st century Scotzoid Man", and the nickname stuck. I've never looked up what "schizoid" really means, just assumed it was something like a schizophrenic(sp?), I guess "Scotzoid" means something like a Scot; Any attempt to read deeper meaning into this will be met with extreme ridicule...
Wicked Wanda
02-26-2002, 10:09 PM
Scotziod, hon. As an RN who actually passed her Psych rotation and her final exam, I can tell you that a schizophrenic is a deeply disturbed person who often hears voices, or believes he or she is controlled by alien or government satellites, or has other delusions. Someone who is schiziod has a split personality. Not the same, but hard to tell apart thanks to TV and Hollywood.
Anyway... about my nickname.
Halloween is also my birthday so I always have a good time dressing up.
One year, still in Nursing School, I decided to go a party as The Lady Godiva. I found a flesh- colored body stocking and a knee length blonde wig.
(It would have been a waist length on anyone else)
While I was getting ready, a male friend came by my dorm room and said "Hey, you look just like that chick in the Wicked Wanda comic in Playboy!" He went and got a copy of Playboy and showed me a picture of the character. She was very petite figure, with long blonde hair. I don't remember her name, but it wasn't the title character.
I was already called "Nympho Nurse" and "The Naughty Nurse" because of some "indescretions" while in school. (There were already rumors about me and my dorm roomie, I slept with a lot of the residents and medical students, and worse, *while on my own time* a med aid found me in bed with a male patient. As we were both nude, and in a position often represented by a two digit number, no excuse was possible. I was very careful the next 7 months) The name "Wicked Wanda" stuck, and I thought it was better than the other two names. It caught on quickly.
As I have explored my sexuality, I have found that the nickname suits me. I love to push the limits of accepted female sexual behavior.
Also, "Wanda" is very close to my real name.
02-26-2002, 11:11 PM
I got the name from a book I read. She was the heroine, and a strong woman with a huge sex drive. My girlfriend read it, said it sounded like me, and so here it is, and has stuck. I have two others... Tsts_like_chkn- after a skit I saw on "Comicview"
and whatyouwant
I like Sadora the most though
02-27-2002, 12:10 AM
I'm amazed at both the variety of names and the variety of reasons people have for choosing them. It's intriguing to see the amount of thought that some of you have put into your names/personas as well --- so neat to see you all reflecting on that. I'm learning all kinds of new things about everyone! In some ways these handles we use are far more telling than our real names could ever be...
--- sweetstuff
02-27-2002, 12:34 AM
Well the Bama is from my state (Alabama) and Kyttn is both a nickname for my given name and also refers to how I act, I'm playful, graceful(I used to do ballet) and I know how to use my claws and charms.... mew, purr?
02-27-2002, 02:43 AM
Bilbo, from my favorite writtings by JRR Tolkien,
have had many nicks over the times but bilbo always was a fav.
Also from my partisipation with Role-Playing games such as D&D and AD&D.
Bilbo is a prankster, but a serious thinker,
can pop-up at anytime with out notice, but very loyal with close friends,
mischeiveious, and philosopher.
But above all else with not allow himself to go without food
02-27-2002, 04:46 AM
What made you decide on your handle/nickname when you registered? (I.e., how does it represent who you are?)
I heard it and loved the name so i adopted it for my online life:) "Sharniqua" does not really represent me.....
I could go into a chatroom under another name and those that know me would pick me in a flash....i can't alter who i am just by changing my name....i am more no less
do you still like the name you picked originally
Yep....i do :)
02-27-2002, 05:40 AM
My sister started to call me that when I became
a grandfather-to-be. Told her I wasn't old enough to
be a father, much less a grandfather, but it stuck.
Non-confrontational, unlike the "Wannafuckyabrainsout"
Happy with the nick.
02-27-2002, 04:20 PM
It is a combination of part of my name and what I do for a living.
It is still a source of confusion and up to two days ago, I still keep getting asked if I have a cock ;) . I mean, like why?
I still like it.......but I just wonder if I should have chosen something less ambiguous
I certainly never questioned your gender!! ;) (Are we going to see any new pics soon??!!) :D
02-27-2002, 06:54 PM
Ambiguous only if you ignore the avatar.
02-28-2002, 09:59 AM
Red-it's my fav color
Laycee-it's what all my cop friends call me
AKA Froggy because I collect frogs (those of you who know my screenname for AOL know another version!)
02-28-2002, 12:06 PM
When I chose my nic, I tried to convey something about my sexual personality. Luv2please portrays that I am a person who is not but self centered or selfish and shows me as a considerate person who gets off on the desires and pleasures of my sexual partner as much as my own.;)
02-28-2002, 01:32 PM
i chose my nickname because it's a long running joke i have with my brother.
:D there's only room on this planet for one legend :D
02-28-2002, 01:51 PM
i wanted my sn to be radius...but for some reason it wouldn't let me do it...guess someone already took it :(...but the radius is a bone in the arm...and you block with that particular part of your arm in martial arts...i am a martial anyway i just thought...replace the u with an e...and just live with it
Reverend Silky
03-01-2002, 04:06 AM
i'd be a filthy fibber if i said my tag had deep, transcendent meaning. i'm talkin' britches a-blazin' here. Reverend Silky just fell outta my brain, much like every other little nugget of weirdness that i've had my personality attached to. let's see, there was chubmonster (still my personal favorite), gimphead, gimphole, gimpressive, gimples, chimples, chunky monkey, Bobdamn, nazzreth, Sir Sweet-Ass of Knockin'-Boots Kingdom, Buddha-fied, Cap'n Swank of the S.S. Wooha... the list goes on and on. but i think i'll stick with this one for now. it just smacks of sugary sweetness, don't it? *grin*
Prophet Reality
03-01-2002, 06:25 AM
Well, in my younger and darker days I played a lot of role playing games. In most of them I was a wizard-like character. Well, due to my personal interests, freinds started calling me the Prophet of Reality, so I carried it over to here.
03-02-2002, 07:01 PM
Blast and darn it, wish I had some deep and meaningful reason for choosing MissX.
My email name is a bit dull and so I went with the female version of MrX, my bloke's nick.
03-02-2002, 07:11 PM
Some may think it somehow corresponds with the planet, but it doesn't,
I love the Old 60's and 70's Mercury Cars, i'm simply a Ford Maniac if you want it to be put in general
03-03-2002, 08:11 AM
Mercury_Maniac---Around the time that I was in school;everyone
who was cool;had a nosed&decked,lowered,chopped top,cruiser
skirts,Crager Mags,Hot Rot Black Primered 49,50 51 Ford or Mercury! Irish
P.S.In those days;there were alot of car clubs and hot rod clubs
in every town.That's called dating yourself.I graduated High School at 17yrs.That was 1961!
03-03-2002, 08:35 AM
Mercury~ Most exciting sex I ever had was on the hood of a late 70's model Cougar.:D<you don't happen to have a gray one?> :D
03-03-2002, 11:56 AM
I chose my name because I used it as a character in several stories written to a special friend and has alot of happy and fun memories.
03-03-2002, 08:01 PM
Well I wanted something original, you go into a chatroom and you see bigdick and wellhung and cum machine and they all piss me off LOL. Big noting stuff.
Amazing how all the men in chatrooms claim to have 9" cocks when a mere 5% of men are endowed like that. So pretentious and I am not pretentious.
So before you ask girls, my manhood is just a little under 6" hard and that is fair dinkum. You can check it out for real if you don't believe me LOL
So grumbleguts came from being original and a reflection of my quirky sense of humour. Self depreciating stuff but its unique and is not offensive and I reckon its a bloody good nic.
This is a great thread, really interesting how the nics originated
03-04-2002, 12:00 AM
Let’s see. The question is, does my nickname really say anything about me?
This may be surprising to some but I have this attraction to the feminine gender of our species.:D I have yet to find anything that so exclusively symbolizes femininity and all it’s bewitching allure as this icon of womanliness.:p In my mind, there is not man (or woman) who does not relate the vision of PANTIES to the sensuality of femininity. That was good enough to state my affection for the gender.:cool:
Well my choice of name was twofold really..
First it was after a song by Ultravox, that fine 80's band called , funnily enough, Mister X
Secondly I thought it kinda suited the whole anonimity of the internet ....
Not as profound as some of your fine choices but hey!
07-10-2002, 07:51 PM
Well, my nick was not supposed to have been "Mistrality", it was supposed to have been "Mistral Wind". I started on aol and Mistral Wind was taken so I modified it. I'm thinking maybe, for Pixies, I should take back the name that I believed was rightfully mine. lol
The name originates with a HEART song from the album, "Dog and Butterfly". I was capitivated by the song and did some research.
A "Mistral Wind" comes up suddenly from a dead calm...rising to great proportions...and then, just as suddenly, disappears.
I was thinking that my entering a chat room was like that. I enter, quickly raise a ruckus (or, in times past, the erotic temperature) and then leave as suddenly (no Shakespearian death scene exits for me..the kind that take forever).
07-11-2002, 09:10 AM
You know SFC im so glad you started this thread because it gives me a chance to explain the whole Iam2evil thing....
First off , the handle was the choice of my hubby , who was a pixie-holic long before I...and when I posted my pics for the fist time i used hubbys handle because i was much too lazy to come up with one of my own....needless to say it stuck, but the ironic thing is that it truly fits me well.....I am an evil little bitch and quite proud...but thats not a bad thing to me so there you go. Im "evil" in the good sense, the indulgent sinful sense to be precise *winks*
and for all of those who are curious, yes i will be adopting my own handle eventually but this does not mean there has been a "split of the evils".....he's just tired of taking responsibility for my debauchery....LMAO
*kisses* Mrs.Evil
07-11-2002, 10:07 AM
I hadn't seen this one before.
VGA from the hi-resolution computer screen.
VOY from voyeur.
It seems to be a name that is never in use whenever I try to sign on someplace new (unlike some other handles I have used in the past). I don't like having to tack numbers on to the end of a handle to make it unique.
It also matches my predeliction for voyeurism. Watching on the computer beats getting arrested peeking in windows. (NO!!! That never happened to me!!! ;) )
As a voyeur, I'm usually a lurker at sites I visit, never posting anything, just reading what others post.
(Hmmm... over 460 posts here. Maybe that last sentance isn't so descriptive of me here at Pixies.)
07-11-2002, 02:10 PM
This is a GREAT thread!! Thanks for reviving it!!
Well, let's see, before I began surfing sites like Pixies and other erotic story sites a few months ago, I had only belonged to all female, "Suzy-homemaker" type groups. Mostly ones for ladies who quilt, sew, collect recipes, etc. (Yeah, hard to believe, right?)
Well,not that many women in my age group are into "adult" websites or whatever you prefer to call them ...but in case I ran into any friends, I wanted an ID that wouldn't be recognized by any of them. Didn't want to blow my image so to speak. So I tried to think of something "cutesy" and very unlike my usual screen name.
My usual screen name is Sleepygal. That being because of doing an early a.m. paper route I never get enough sleep. Originally it was Sleepygal_13..13 being my birthdate. Too many thought I was 13 yo so changed it to Sleepygal_101348. The numbers indicating my birthdate again. I'm still not used to being Sugarsprinkles...I'll always be Sleepygal to me. :)
07-11-2002, 02:48 PM
I choose my user-name because it is my name :D I don't know where the x3x3 part came in though. I just thought that it would be kinda creative, I guess ;)
07-11-2002, 03:24 PM
Wonder why I never saw this thread before....great Idea!
Aside from music, I am also a bit of an electronics nut...I set-up and untangle home entertainment systems, and used to be a hi-tech repair techician. Anyway, "Murphy's Law" as many know, states "Anything that can go wrong, will." I became known as "Murphy's Lawyer" in electronic and CB circles, for my dogged determination at solving problems and fixing things..but Pixie's wouldn't take the apostrophe in my name...or the space, so it just truncated to "Murphy". I found it easier to say and type than "Murphy's Lawyer", so I kept it...
As for my personna, what you see is waht you get, this is it, the real me...telling it like it is and enjoying the people and the humor.
Midnight Kiss
07-12-2002, 12:02 AM
Well, when I 1st started surfing I had just gotten my 1st divorce. I was sad and looking for anything to make me happy. Joy1st was the nic I used and still use on ICQ and MSN. I was looking for Joy 1st above all things. After using it for a few years and everyone knowing the nic I wanted something no one knew and that I could use to show my "naughty" side. I have been Midnight_kiss in several areas as well. So day to day I am Joy1st and when I am in a naughty mood I am Midnight Kiss. Then yahoo messes everything up by not letting me have either name, ,lol, so it is a combination of the 2 Joyful_kisses. And there you have it, I am still looking for anything that will bring joy to my life, I am just doing it more from the naughty side now, ;)
07-12-2002, 04:32 AM
Dicksbro? You guessed it, I have a brother named ... Louie? ha ha :D :D LMAO
07-12-2002, 09:33 AM
I have several different screen of which is definatelynuts, my yahoo screen name. Thats what people call me sometimes when i start discussing my ideas.
For this forum I wanted something different. I love heat, sexual and meterological.... and I am Texan, born and bred.
I have a few others...but those are reserved for very special people ;)
07-12-2002, 09:27 PM
I've actually had PixieSprite as my ICQ name for years. When I found this place a few months ago, it just seemed fitting somehow that I use the same name! :D
I chose this name because a sprite is a water fairy, and since I swim so much and I am kind of impish the way a pixie is, it matched me!:)
Wicked Wanda
07-12-2002, 10:33 PM
As Hallloween is my birthday, I always go all -out in costume.
One year, while in nursing school, I was dressed as the Lady Godiva in a flesh -colored body stocking and a very long blonde wig. A male friend came by my dorm room to chat while I was finishing my make-up and commented on how much I looked like a character in his favorite adult comic.
The name of the comic was "Wicked Wanda", but the character I was supposed to resemble was named "Candy Floss". But the name stuck, and I soon added the nickname "Wicked Wanda" to my list.
I was already known as "Nympho Nurse" and "the naughty nurse" after I was caught in bed with a male patient earlier that year. ( I was NOT on duty!! or in uniform!!!)
I have used all of the above nicknames on web sites, as well as my real first name and middle inititial.
But I like WW the best.
07-17-2002, 08:14 PM
I took my name from my real name and my birthday.
I am Roxanne Carol Marie and my birthday is 9-16-70. LOL
on other chat programs I am known as sweetroxanne
Nice Guy
07-17-2002, 08:27 PM
I chose this name cause it is for the most part exactly what I am. I'm just a Nice Guy. Never used this nick anywhere else.
07-17-2002, 08:57 PM
my nickname was given to me by my college roomates, I was horribly shy when i 1st got there and when we would be barflying it they would tell girls to SKIP THIS ONE when pointing at me...Well after years of beer and sex i wasnt so shy anymore but the guys still call me skip.
07-17-2002, 09:10 PM
my nickname is one that I have had since childhood... since the 7th grade to be exact when it was bestowed upon me by what remains one of my all time favorite teachers, Mr. Huberman. Not sure why he came up with my nickname as I don't recall him giving any of the others one... I was the lucky one.
When I first began spending time online, shortly after my divorce, I had begun a new journey of sorts.... enrolled in college... raising my son... beginning a new journey... so I felt it was only fitting to use a name that was dear to my heart... and one that brought images of spring and new beginnings...
I am glad that this journey has brought me to this wonderful place.
07-18-2002, 04:30 PM
axe is my arcade games tag (yes a misspent youth)
31 is my age
that simple
and no i would not change it now
07-19-2002, 07:10 PM
Guess why...? Ok, I am german and as many know already, my name is Stefan. When I started with my first post I had to get a nickname quickly, and I wanted to show that I am not the usual american or australian or something. So the decision was easy.
But I must admit it is a dull name, yes, I might have changed it if I could...
07-20-2002, 09:37 AM
the women i work with gave it to me. you see my employer provides my work clothes and there rather loose fitting, so one day i came into work with jeans a t-shirt and boots on and one of the women says "nice butt mike" and another one replied "yeh cute glutes" and i thought great screen name and i've used it ever since.
07-21-2002, 09:12 PM
I've had Devillishgirl for probably 6 wasn't my first screen name and I'd been hard pressed to even remember what my first sn was. I got tagged with this one because all of my friends said I was "devilish" outside what was considered conventional in this little uptight super-conservative religious town. I'm bi(WOW! Must be the first one around here or something), used to shave my head, had piercings and am tattooed, not to mention my overall prediliction for sex. So the name stuck, I like it, it's all me :D :p
07-22-2002, 12:01 AM
Nothing to tell. Just my name :D
07-24-2002, 07:01 PM
it's what I like to do...
07-24-2002, 07:15 PM
I'm not quite sure where it came from .... other than the first j which is my first initial -- since mine isn't gender identified, I used my avatar to help.
If I had it to do again ... I'd probably delete a j or 2 -- jjjj just feels like I'm stuttering :D
Sassy Rose
07-28-2002, 11:34 PM
I chose Sassy Rose because my name is Rosalind which means "beautiful rose" and when I first came on the internet I was leary of giving out my full name. The "sassy" part was actually given to me by a friend on yahoo; he said that after the first few times we met he wondered how I could use a name like mamaduck because I was much too sassy for such a gentle matronly name. Everyone else just kind of agreed with him and since then I've been Sassy Rose.
07-29-2002, 12:54 AM
This is the only place I use this nick. But this is also the only place where my nick fits who I am and what I like doing. Many people have constuctive hobbies like wood working and what not, and others have some not so constuctive hobbies. My hobby "thinking" doesn't normally get anything done so many people would put it in the non-constructive catagory, but it isn't, it is in the productive catagory. I don't know why I just love to think about things, some people may think it is boring but it is somthing entertaining that can be done anywhere any time, and you would be suprized what you can figure out : )
07-29-2002, 02:46 AM
old soccer nickname kinda funny slowest guy on the team lol
07-29-2002, 04:23 AM
This is a great idea! It's fascinating, the little nuances of character that start emerging. (And Wanda, certainly revelations bring up a hard reaction!!! :D)
I've always been a crossword junkie, and I particularly enjoy anagrams, so of course it won't take you long to work out what my alter ego is based on. It's not a perfect anagram, of course, there's one letter missing. But in case you need another clue, my favourite vegetable is also supposed to be an aphrodisiac...
I'm very happy with my screen name. I haev enough of a job maintaining one secret identity - the idea of running several alternatives makes my head spin! :confused:
08-06-2002, 04:06 AM
I posted this in the other thread, but I guess it's better suited here. My name is probably self explanitory, I fell erotic and I am 51 :) My avitar is non gender and one I use on my web sites, guess it evolved over the years, as I have.
Very good thread....
Helped to see some of the pixies better.
King Crimson my goodness have not heard that name since the late 60's..
m45 was a name I started to use on the net I am male and at the time I was 45, that was over 3 years ago.
I shall keep it..
xanna having a dick I THINK NOT!!!!!!
08-06-2002, 01:59 PM
I actually have two nicks....the "indecent" one is Anaiss... I chose it, because I have a website with my erotic stories and as the domain 'anais' (from the erotic writer Anaïs Nin - friend of Henry Miller) was already taken, I just 'misspelled' it to Anaiss... and that has been me for some years now... but always related with sexy stories (pictures, audios and videos in German *lol*) - but for even longer I have been Arabella....that is the 'decent' me. Arabella is my official homepage, where I tell a lot about myself, Barcelona and my hobbies. (
Well, in just two days I am more or less telling here everything about myself.....I will have to stop myself...but pixies really is addictive...:redghost:
11-06-2002, 05:57 PM
Ok, "newbies", what about you??????
11-06-2002, 06:05 PM
Lorelei is my name. Never wanted to use anything different. :)
11-06-2002, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by Anaiss
I actually have two nicks....the "indecent" one is Anaiss... I chose it, because I have a website with my erotic stories and as the domain 'anais' (from the erotic writer Anaïs Nin - friend of Henry Miller) was already taken, I just 'misspelled' it to Anaiss... and that has been me for some years now... ]
Anais' name is part of my online "screen name".
11-30-2003, 02:07 PM
SuccubusKitty is a combination of two things I have been accused of being. A succubus and a cat
The cat is pretty obvious, I walk, stretch, etc... like a cat. I take dainty bites and I tend to Meow sometimes when I am in a silly mood. And less obvious...I am a redhead and Samuel Clemens had a theory (according to Robert Heinlein) that while everyone else was desceded from apes, redheads were descended from cats. I thought the idea was actually pretty interesting. :cool:
The Succubus is a female demon who is reported to have sex with men (usually at night). Some reports have the men never waking again, others have them held in thrall to the demon, desiring her more and more. In any case the demon drains the men of all their vitality by having sex with them in order to maintain their existence. Now this pertains to me, because I have never had sex with a man that didn't want to continue the liason. I have also caused men to have sex with me for so long that they literally didn't have the energy to move for up to thirty minutes afterward. I have been told that I will, "Kill a man" and that I am "Just like a succubus, sucking all the life out of [them]". :devil:
I have used the nickname other places too like MSN and such, but usually I use DreamRaven or MorrigansChylde reflecting my religious views :)
12-01-2003, 12:12 PM
*sniffle* for a moment there I thought the delightful SFC had come back to us oh well.......O.K. Why the Nick ? I just made it up one day, I needed a new one for the naughty things one here. I didn't want to use my main online nick for a couple of reasons.
12-01-2003, 03:52 PM
I've really enjoyed reading peoples reasons for their nick's... mine is not as interesting, I don't think, but anyway;
The nick isn't really too difficult to explain, for those of you who've been here any length of time!! After all, over half the Av's I use are of.... DANGERMOUSE
.... the Greatest Secret Agent in the World!
The reason is simply it was my absolute Favourite cartoon when I was growing up ..... and still is in a lot of ways, mostly nostalgic I have to say! :)
The "383" bit comes from the digits I had on my car when I first moved to the Isle of Man; when I first got on the internet, my mate set up a Yahoo account for me.... Dangermouse was already taken by someone (cheeky sod!!) so I was dangermouse383 from then on. DM383 is just easier to type! ;)
It's my main nick on ICQ and Hotmail too, although I have lots of others!!
12-02-2003, 12:57 PM
Lakritze is the German word for licorice. The word started out being used as a password for some sites that required one to enter.Since I was eating some Collard and Bowser licorice taffy at the time,the name stuck.(excuse the pun).The name just evolved into an idenity of it's own.
12-02-2003, 05:29 PM
I decided on mine because:
~~~I'm a Scot ( celt)
~~~I'm a nurse(angel~~~~hahaha!)
~~~I have a really cute "celticangel" tattoo!!!
12-03-2003, 04:20 PM
um nikki1979 my names nicole and ppl callme nikki and i was bron in 1979 nothing grand for me LOL
12-05-2003, 02:31 PM
Mine is fairly self explanatory as well ... Im a dancer and a rugby player, it suits me, and it somewhat illustrates my unorthodoxy(i may have just made a word up there, i'm not sure but it fits), seeing as how most people that don't really know me exclaim "dance and rugby, thats a weird combo" ... thats me. Even if i ever (perish the thought) quit dancing completely or stop playing rugby, i will still consider myself a dancer & a rugger.
02-26-2012, 04:10 PM
Any wanting to add to this list?
02-26-2012, 05:28 PM
I'm in AZ; I was a redhead at the time I joined, plus I liked the idea of "red hot." It applied to both the weather here, and my aspirations. :)
Lord Snow
02-26-2012, 09:44 PM
I have been Nights Watch or Lord Snow since I got my own computer and hit the net. I got it from the book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin (the first book hit hbo A Game of Thrones). In the series the Nights Watch was a group of men who stood on the wall in the north that separated the kingdom from the wild and what lay beyond. They hold no loyalty to any lord, king, or country. Jon Snow (better known as Lord Snow) was the bastard son of the highest ranking noble in the north. An outcast because of his bastard status, though a good man. I've always been an outcast, I've always been a good man.
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