View Full Version : Tattoos
02-19-2002, 06:59 PM
Hi Folks. I have been contemplating getting a tattoo. I think they are cute and sexy and I really want one. I have run into three problems though, 1. I dont know what tatto I should get; 2. I do not know where I should get it at; and 3. I am afraid it will hurt. If anyone has any tattoos (that are girly) can you please post them here and any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
02-19-2002, 07:26 PM
Nurse Traci---There was a previous thread on tattoos.You can;
probably find the information that you want in it.
I have had two for years and can tell you that they don't hurt.One
is on the inside of my forearm and that is a tender spot.It burned
a little but wasn't bad. Irish
02-20-2002, 12:15 AM
I don't have one, but I want one. My hubby as 12 of 'em! :eek:
I want to get two...
One will be an ankle bracelet, not sure the design yet, but I want to have my kids' names (Jacob and Caleb) intertwined in it. :)
The other one I have in mind is more difficult because I know in my mind what I want, but have not seen a picture of it, except for the little smilie guys we post on boards!! I want a "horny angel"... a sweet looking cherub angel but with a mischeivious grin and horns popping out of her head knocking her halo crooked. :D That would suit me to a "T"!! :p If anyone has ever seen a picture like that or is talented enough to sketch something like that I'd be forever grateful!! I can't draw stick people! ;)
02-20-2002, 12:15 AM
I only have one though Souls is designing me another... mine was a highschool grad gift from my dad (I wanted my nipples pierced but he wouldn't hear of it) I didn't know what I wanted on me for the rest of my life (until I met souls heheheh...) so I chose something very dear to me. My religon. I have a tat that is 3 inches in diameter on the right side of my lower back... it hurt like hell but it was worth it...
my advice is this: get something that is VERY meaningful to you but not too cliche....
02-20-2002, 12:20 AM
I'd have to agree with that Kyttn!! I've always said no matter WHAT I will not get any mans name tattood on me unless its my kids!! I have thought for YEARS about what I would want and ever since then I have been waiting until I SEE a picture even close to what I see in my head... then I will get it! But I also like your idea of a religious symbol. Another one I considered was something in memory of my mom. That, I would never regret. But one at a time! ;)
02-20-2002, 01:00 AM
a lil off the subject, but still within the area of body modification, piercings... any words of wisdom? I'm afraid to get my nipples pierced but I want them done
02-20-2002, 03:06 AM
well, i'm a body-piercer. so if ya have any questions, feel free to ask here or message me. i'm also heavily tattooed already, with plans for a bodysuit as soon as time and circumstance permits. i've always considered the sensation of being tattooed as more of an annoyance than anything, but over the past 45 hours in the chair or so, i seem to have been able to detach myself completely from the discomfort aspect of it and focus more on the pleasure. there's no way to describe the feeling of bein' tattooed to someone who isn't already. it's an amazing, one-of-a-kind experience.
as far as chosen designs for my fleshy canvas, i'm a little different than most every other ink collector i've met, in that it's not the specific image i'm tattooed with that has special meaning, but that i AM tattooed. once you can willingly sit in a chair while someone buzzes and digs away on you with an 8-needle grouping for a few hours, you begin an introspective journey with many paths. it just might take you to a place you've never been... and never knew you needed to be. but hey, that's just me.
02-20-2002, 08:03 AM
QTPie---My wifes name is tattooed on my right forearm.I didn't
get it until I was married for 15+ yrs.Just to make sure.I rode to
a shop in Newport,R.I.and there was alot of drunken sailors there.
One must have had 25 names on his body.24 crossed off!
nazzreth---Shows how times have changed for the better.Mine
were done with a 6pt.needle selection and gone over 4times.
The artist would wipe the blood off;each time,before he went over
;the design;again.If he did the tattoo;he would guarantee the
color for a lifetime! Irish
02-20-2002, 03:16 PM
I have 5 tattoos! I love them! They aren't painful, depending on their placement.
As far as design...sister-friend, be sure it's something that you won't mind on your body 10 years from now! Seriously! And if you don't want people gawking at it all the time, you may choose to get it somewhere discreet (above the breast, ankle, small of the back...though that's a bit painful, butt/hip). All of my tattoos are designs I did myself...and have significance for several reasons.
I wouldn't advise tatooing someone's name...just a thought!
02-20-2002, 03:20 PM
Is on my chest, right where my breast begins to swell.
PS. It means "Creativity dwells"'s on the left side, above my heart.
02-20-2002, 09:56 PM
Irish, that's sooooo funny about the guy with 24 names crossed off!! ;) He's one giant scratch pad! :p We are coming up on 10 years of marriage, and though I have no plans to ever part from him -- in fact we are renewing our vows in the summer, throwing the wedding we never had -- I still don't think I want his name on me! Maybe a symbol that represents him or our relationship... but that's just me! ;)
Prophet Reality
02-20-2002, 10:32 PM
I agree with everyone here. Get something that is significant for you. The small ofthe back can hurt. I would say going for areas that are easily covered. Like the bicep, the chest, hips or legs. The ankles are very ;ove;y, but can be painful. As my friend says, "Go for the area that is farthest from the bone." He is a tattooist. Try to design something special, or find something that is not common. After all, I think just about everyone has thought of that really cool heart or panther. And if curious I only have 4, but have plans for many, many more. Once money and time permit.
02-21-2002, 12:39 AM
hehe believe you me, Irish, i can relate. my personal slinger is a close friend and, in one of his lighter moods, admitted that he often purposely hurts his clientele more than is necessary if it's their first encounter with him. sounds cruel, sure, but his reasoning is, to me, flawless. in his words: "If I drill 'em as hard as I can and they still come back, then I know they're serious about something you and I hold very closely".
i can't bring myself to pick a favorite piece, but below is kinda my personal logo, the word 'GIMP' done in a clean graffiti style on my left wrist. this was taken about a week afterwards, so it's still a little odd-lookin' in the photo. looks much better healed and has held up well over time.
okay, since there was no pic in sight, my guess is i'm a tech-tard and have no idea how to do sumthin as simple as attach a photo to a post.
02-21-2002, 01:32 AM
nazzreth---I know where your buddy comes from.When I got my
first one;a green shamrock,outlined in black,with yellow highlights,
it has a freehandwritten Irish with a freehand scroll,all outlined in
black,with Red&yellow fillins.There is a stencil with just the outline
of the Shamrock.I wondered what the price was because I wanted to know if I had enough money left to get my wifes name
on my other forearm.The artist(an older man)quoted me a price.
I told him that the guy that was two people in front of me got just
the Shamrock and it cost as much;plain as mine did.He said"Yeah;
but He was a candyass!He passed out three times!"Also he said that I had to ride my motorcycle;back to N.H.(about 100mi.)after
getting both forearms done.He said that candyasses didn't do that! Irish
P.S.That was true about the guy with all of the crossed out names
02-21-2002, 02:31 PM
on my right shoulder. I must be a wuss because it hurt. Got my coat of arms because im Irish and its has a lot of meaning to me.
Thinking about getting another one somewhere with the initials of my kids because kids are permenent.
02-21-2002, 03:03 PM
Rockhard---My Aunt&Uncle went to Ireland a few years ago!They
were going to get a copy of my family crest.I pictured something
like;roaring Lions heads or the like.Imagine my dissapointment
when they came back with the real thing.My family name is"Ahern"
and it was a couple of heron birds.Nothing wrong with that but
my"Macho"expectations sure took a blow. Irish
P.S.Moral--Don't count your chickens before they are hatched!Once again my legs are tired from JUMPING to conclusions.
02-21-2002, 03:13 PM
The guy who does my ink, tells me that the best places to get tattoos...if you're not into the pain, would be areas that get a lot of exposure (ie. areas that get a lot of sunlight, are touched frequently...areas that aren't as sensitive, and areas with pleanty of "meat"...haha...fat in my case). I've kept to his advice, with the exception of one, and so far, I'd say Carlos knows what he's talking about.
02-21-2002, 03:52 PM
Did I understand that correctly?? Less pain for "meaty" girls? What a relief!! Finally my "ample flesh" will come in handy to someone other than my man!!! ;)
02-21-2002, 04:03 PM
You know it baby!!!!
PS. I'd love to share your meaty flesh!!!! ;)
02-21-2002, 11:48 PM
well, now, such ain't always the case with the flabby folks. there are other factors at play. first, tattooing over stretch marks is a fiery bitch. not only does the process of tattooing chubby flesh take longer on its own than (i hate to use the word) 'normal' skin, but ink put in through stretch-marked skin adds even more chairtime and usually looks, well, pretty shitty. but ya know, the most important part, above all else, is that you shouldn't be dissuaded from the experience just because it might be a little tougher for you to get tattooed than somebody else. as long as ya stay open-minded, flexible, and patient, you'll be fine.
if ya go to this link (, you can take a look at some early pics when i first started gettin' inked. i think you hafta join the club to see 'em, but it only takes a second. i'd just attach the files, but for some reason, i can't figure it out.
02-22-2002, 12:05 AM
my tat hurt like hell but it was worth it... I love it.
The place I got my tat done was involved in a shooting so it closed down... I don't want to go anywhere else... unfortunately I'm going to have to go to florida to find Johnny Rotten again but it would be worth it.
Always Kyttn
02-27-2002, 08:19 PM
I have to agree with Nazz, i have many tats and im a girl :) I can say that the feeling is one of a kind and can not be put in words!.. I love all the ones i have and love every min that i sat in that chair. I think i have about 15 tats all together and they are not small, but are still hidden. have some on both legs and one on my shoulder, that is an irish heart and birds that says daddy's girl. Then farries and goblins all over my legs, cats on the other ankle, and two goblins on my lower back.. They arent ugly or gross just my style...
One word of wisdom is THINK about what you want to get because if you get something you are not sure of and you arent happy, well there is only two options, cover up's that tend to be painfull and hard so ive heard, or get it removed. Dont know how that one feels tho hehe....
~oOo~ Sarriah ~oOo~
Reverend Silky
03-01-2002, 01:44 AM
i usta be nazzreth, so...
any chance you'd have photos handy of yer work, Sarriah? i love to see other people's ink and, well, i have a thing for heavily tattooed women. *grin*
i'm in the process of gettin' some work on my right arm covered, and most everything on it will eventually follow. i haven't noticed that it's any more or less painful, just kinda strange. however, when i had a wack-ass piece on my right leg fixed, it hurt like hell for a few minutes and scarred pretty badly because of how poorly the ink was put in to begin with. *headshake* fuckin' scratchers...
as for removal, i'm told it's substantially more painful than gettin' inked in the first place, and easily five or six times more expensive.
03-01-2002, 09:45 AM
Reverend Silky---I just crossed Nazzereth off of my list & entered
Reverend Silky.You'ld better not change your mind because I'm
running out of room by my computer.The guy who did my tattoos
originaly;would go over your tattoos if he did them so I assume
that he used the right ingredients.(sp) Irish
P.S.That was 25-30yrs ago so he's probably dead now.He was pretty old then!By go over them;I meant change them.
03-01-2002, 06:21 PM
Silky, I had pics of all the before and during and after work of all my tats, but got some weird virus on my comp that just targeted the pics that i had on there :confused: Wierdest thing i have ever seen LOL... I am new here and im saving some money up to get a better cam and will gladly take some for you..
Sarriah --,--'-@
ps will you post some of yours too ?
Reverend Silky
03-02-2002, 04:22 AM
i'll stay Silky for a while, Irish... probably. heh. the reason i didn't have the original slinger redo the leg-piece was because, well, he's as much an artist as Hitler was a humanitarian. i only let him carve on me to begin with because it was free and i was still new to the industry.
that's cool, Sarriah. no hurry or anything on the photos. just lemme know.
as far as postin' my own, the best thing i can do is post a link to a site where you can find a few examples of my work, since i'm a slobberin' tech-tard and dunno how to attach pics:
i think ya hafta join to see the albums, but it only takes a few seconds.
03-10-2002, 06:52 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by BamaKyttn
[B]I only have one though Souls is designing me another... mine was a highschool grad gift from my dad (I wanted my nipples pierced but he wouldn't hear of it) I didn't know what I wanted on me for the rest of my life (until I met souls heheheh...) so I chose something very dear to me. My religon. I have a tat that is 3 inches in diameter on the right side of my lower back... it hurt like hell but it was worth it...
my advice is this: get something that is VERY meaningful to you but not too cliche....
That's good advice, BamaKyttn. Kyttn knows me & that I'm a tattoo artist of 12 years. I myself have 27, 25 of which I did. Getting one that's important to you is the most important thing.
2nd would be where it's at. Anywhere ya get it, it's gonna @ least sting.The more flesh in the area, the less it'll hurt.If ya want it on your shin or somewhere on bone, it'll hurt MORE. The tattoo
on my palm hurt more than the skull in the center of my chest
Think hard of what ya want & where. == ; )
03-10-2002, 05:58 PM
Yeah, it took me about 3 years to figure out what I really wanted done, eventually went for a Celtic circle....then couldn't resist and got another one a couple of years later. I would really like another one but need to think of a location.
03-12-2002, 12:09 AM
Here is my all time fav tat. shows my true Irish side (if only a lil irish) hehe
In the banner it says daddy's girl
03-12-2002, 12:10 AM
This is the first cat that I had my artist do. I have two others now that are WAY bigger on the same ankle, oh and the others are pure black not like this one
03-12-2002, 12:11 AM
This is one of my first goblins on my left ankle, now my ankle is now a farrie ring, with other faries and flowers. ill get a pic of those as soon as i can
03-12-2002, 12:13 AM
This was my Very first tat of all times. Now that is on my left ankle also, on the other side of the gobbie out side ankle. Now i have a lil purple farie sitting on the clover and a big blue one on the back of my leg and a green one on the front of it all. Flowers to conect them all. I just love em!
03-12-2002, 12:16 AM
OH and PLEASE PLEASE no matter how much you like these i put a LOT of time into em. If you want something like it thats fine. BUT i NEVER show them cause i dont want others to walk around with the same ones... :('s my favorite of the 3 I have. The other two are small and need retouching..but this one still looks good.
03-12-2002, 12:38 AM
Nice :)
03-12-2002, 12:47 AM
I wish that i had pics of all the finished ones those look kinda dull there.. They are so full of color and everything now i cant wait to post them on here
here's another one...the only one left is a faded out yinyang on my other arm..i'm getting it covered up..just not sure with what yet.
03-12-2002, 12:50 AM
Cool :)
Reverend Silky
03-12-2002, 06:09 AM
i just wish i wasn't a slackass fuckwit and could figure out how to attach all my pics to my posts. help me... somebody... anybody...
03-12-2002, 10:28 AM
awww silky its easy... Just go to the last post, go to where it says new thread or post reply.. Click on POST reply. when you do that you will then have a browse option, click on that...
Sar :)
ps what you think about my work ??
Nice Ink you have Sarriah... :D
I really liked the Goblin... (And I love cats!)
03-12-2002, 10:49 AM
Aw thanks Aqua i also love cats. I have three tats for three cats hehe. All of them are black (ink and cats hehe)
03-12-2002, 11:09 AM
Silky --- All you have to do is click the "Browse" button on the "Post Reply" page, select the image you want and click "OK" (or whatever that button says, I don't honestly remember but it's pretty obvious when you see it). After that, whatever you do, DON'T preview your reply --- that'll undo whatever image you've linked to. Click on "Submit Reply" and you should be just fine! Oh, and one more thing --- you can only add one image per post, so if you've got lots of pics you'll have to add them each individually...
And to all who have been sharing their tats, I've got to say thank-you! Not only do you all have some very special art to share, but in sharing it you're showing us so much about your own unique personalities --- what a great way to introduce yourselves!
--- sweetstuff
03-12-2002, 09:42 PM
THANKS! SFC i love all my art. want to get more but dont know of what yet. i think 15 is enough atm hehehe.. I say i have 15 tats and people cringe, you cant see them unless I show them so its not like they cover my bod.. OH and good news, I will have my cam tomorrow so me and hubby plan on a evening home on Friday to take some fun pics :) *giggle*
Sarriah :)
Reverend Silky
03-12-2002, 10:49 PM
kinda my personal logo. it's on my left wrist.
Reverend Silky
03-12-2002, 10:51 PM
okay, now does anybody know how to make a pic smaller? like, shrinking or cropping? *headshake* god, i suck.
03-13-2002, 12:00 AM
Rev, you need a pic editing program like Imager, most digicams come with one. Most all have a way to crop & resize down to the file size limitation here.
03-13-2002, 12:02 AM
HI rev, i have new pics of my tats got my cam working im going to start a new thread for em right now...
08-05-2002, 04:36 PM
Been a while since I popped in here at Pixies! Shame on me! I know this thread hasn't been added to in ages, maybe some new folks will see it and add some art of their own :)
My first, done...oh hell, almost 8 years ago now! At 21st Century Tattoo in Portland, OR...
08-05-2002, 04:38 PM
I'm a Virgo, so this is me! Done 7.5 years ago, by Painless Ric in Camas, of the few professional tattoo artists who has no ink of his own! He's pretty good for a nakedskin guy though :) He was also my piercist. (Is that a word?)
08-05-2002, 04:40 PM
My crappy one...damn me for letting a half-assed scratcher touch me! Ah well, I was younger and stupid then...sheesh. Someday I'll have it covered up, but it tickled so much here! I actually have a full belly piece dreamed up, dunno if I'll ever go through with it though. If so, this one will be modified to an Athabascan style orca, with an Athabascan heron on the other side of the navel, with tribal twining between the totem animals.
08-05-2002, 04:44 PM
Great tats!!!!! I am glad to see you back!!! :p
08-05-2002, 04:49 PM
This one was done by Chris Ball at Black Hills Tattoo and Piercing in Rapid City, SD. Unfortunately, Chris was killed in a motorcycle accident the 8th of July. He was a good artist and a good friend, and my thoughts are still with his wife and children. Fortunately, he will live on in the many beautiful creations he's done over the years. I am honored to have his work on my body. It's a special bond you can make with someone who permanently changes you, but I'm sure ya'll here understand that I guess the completed back design will have to be accomplished by another, though I have faith I can find someone here who can make the grade!
I got the Virgo tat done several years ago, then wanted to add. I wasn't sure how to work other pieces around it because I plan on eventually having most of my back covered, but I didn't want it to look really patchwork and disconnected, you know? The new piece has the modified triskele at the center, representative of the three aspects of the Goddess. Usually the design is more rounded and curvy, but I found that version while browsing online and liked the sharper look. I agree it looks a bit like blades, it is a reminder to me of sources of strength (such as the Morrigan). The Virgo now also represents the Maiden, and in the future will be joined by a Mother figure below the triskele, and a Crone figure in the matching spot of my right shoulder blade. That's the plan anyway! I think in the end there will be some space between that grouping and the one I have plotted for my lower back. Now I just need to win the lottery and find an artist in the area, lol! Or just date an artist, hehe. Feed the addiction!
OK, done babbling now...:D
Fantastic ink! Love the new back piece, very cool.
08-05-2002, 07:39 PM
Hi everyone,
I wanted to get a tattoo once on my shoulder but my ex told me they were sleazy. I also have a VERY low threshold of pain...getting a blood test is the death of they hurt really bad? inquiring minds would like to know. btw, the one i would like would be a tiny angel holding a rose on my left shoulder. kinda cliche, angel on my shoulder, Rose being in memory of my Nanny.
Uncle Silky
08-05-2002, 10:05 PM
i don't have enough room to say everything i wanna say here, but i'll talk with ya about it over a messenger service or sumthin if yer really interested in gettin some ink knowledge dropped on ya. just drop me a PM.
08-05-2002, 11:56 PM
Rev.Silky or Uncle Silky(whatever)---I have always liked;tastefull;
tatoos and have wanted more but couldn't condone;the price that
they get now.Both of my daughters have one apiece.One;a small
rose; on her lower stomach.One;a celtic shamrock;on her lower leg.My wife just got a small shamrock;on the top of her foot.I have wanted a tribal band;on my biceps area;for years.My wife hates them;but it's my body!A few years ago;I broke a tendon;above my right biceps;doing Preacher Curls.I never had it
surgically repaired and it is noticable.If I get a tribal band;it would
;probably;be on my left arm;for that reason.I am thinking seriously;of getting one and wondered if you think;that they are
worth the money.Bodybuilding;is my hobby;and I have fairly large
arms.I would like to get another tattoo;before I get"old man's"skin;and want your opinion.I know that it is your profession ! Irish
08-05-2002, 11:59 PM
Argh. Have to post a few of mine. I'm very proud of them. ;) This is my newest one...Done right above my who-who-dilly ;)
08-06-2002, 03:22 AM
Those tattoos are all very cool............i love them all........but .......ouch what about the pain.........but i can see from the end results... its worth it............
Uncle Silky
08-06-2002, 04:44 AM
are you askin if i think tribal is worth the bank, or tattoo work in general, Irish?
08-06-2002, 10:23 AM
Uncle Silky---Probably;the money for the work in general.Design;is
a preferential decision.Individuals either like a certain thing or they don't.One of my ex sons-in-laws;has some that;I hate;the looks of;but he likes them.I figure that your reccommenation;will
be;slightly;prejudiced because of your line of work! Irish
P.S.The hardest thing now;is finding;a reputable artist.My last one
;was reccommended;by a friend;who had work done by him;but he was;no juvinile then.He's probably;dead by now;plus it was in another state.
Uncle Silky
08-06-2002, 11:52 AM
the impact of the cost can only be gauged by how badly you wanna get inked, Irish. the more you want it, the more it seems like it's worth whatever price they quote ya.
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