View Full Version : Best Concert?
02-16-2002, 10:15 PM
What was the best concert you ever attended? Who and when? (if you were not so stoned that the typical time/space continuim was unreliable):D
I love your posts, Lilith! Always original and enjoyable.
This will probably sound weird to most members, but my favorite concert was the Irish Rovers in the late '80s (before Jimmy Ferguson died and Will Millar quit) Great music, good storytelling, funny jokes, and these guys were having so much fun that you couldn't help but sing and smile along with them.
02-16-2002, 10:39 PM
"One Love" concert that attempted (unsuccesfully) to unite the 2 feuding political parties in Jamaica.
Not really a concert but I visited a Rastarfarian "commune" in the 1970 with 2 uncles who were followers of the religion. Any way there was this charismatic youth, with budding Dreadlocks, working on a tune and who kept repeating the line "one good thing about music" over and over again. The place, Trench Town in Kinston, Jamaica; the tune "Trench Town Rock." The artist, Robert Nesta Marley!
--True story.
02-16-2002, 10:46 PM
Eventhough I've had some great times at various concerts, the best was the first. It was around my birthday and i was in the Navy. I had been to some at a place in Norfolk called The boathouse, but not a real concert. my best friend's boy wanted to go see KISS/CRAZY NIGHTS TOUR. so for my birthday they bought me a ticket, some fine dining , and a little spending money for us to have some fun afterward. after the meal, they dropped us off at the concert. I met a ladyfriend there and eric met some of his friends. I made sure eric kept in control and I had a little fun with my friend. I can't remember who opened for them, but that was the best!!!!:D :D
Prophet Reality
02-17-2002, 01:41 AM
Depeche Mood
02-17-2002, 05:47 AM
Tough call, Lil... may have to reply in installments, sorta like picking a favorite noodle in a spaghetti dinner... but Nubian's story brings to mind seeing Joe Walsh & Barnstorm back in 1973, good as they were, the best part was the opening act... a young, as-yet-undiscovered singer/songwriter Joe introduced as "Danny" Fogelburg! I had snuck my cassette recorder in, so somewhere I have my own personal bootleg of the whole show! His solo accoustic version of "(Someone's been telling you) Stories" was hair-raising, and I got to hear it (& several other songs) months before the album versions came out!
(if you were not so stoned that the typical time/space continuim was unreliable) Robin Williams said it; "If you can remember Woodstock, you weren't really there!"
02-17-2002, 07:35 AM
Sorry to prove Robin wrong, Scotz, but I can remember Woodstock and I was there. It wasn't as much a concert as an unplanned social experiment. I was 17 at the time and ended up working as a volunteer in a make-shift hospital (tent) where they were bringing in people comming down from bad acid. Believe me, its something I will never forget! BTW, the best concert I ever saw was the Chambers Brothers, the Amboy Dukes, and Blood Sweat and Tears at the Filmore east. I guess I have pretty much dated myself with this post!;)
02-17-2002, 07:42 AM
I have been to several good concerts in 1987 I saw Def Lappard on there Hysteria tour and the rocked from the round . The most fun at a concert was the Beach Boys, and the best future preformer I saw was Chris Cagel. Overall though Iiwas have to go with Def Leppard though
02-18-2002, 06:51 AM
Garth Brooks!!!
And when I was a had to be KISS and OZZIE :D :D
02-18-2002, 12:00 PM
i got to thinking about this one at work yesterday and i remember another one ............the first ship i was on stayed in naples italy for six months and some of us got permission(after doing some wheeling and dealing with our time off) and was able to go to an IRON MAIDEN CONCERT.It was strange cause none of us spoke italian, but we had a great time with the guys and gals there. bout half way through the concert i looked up and noticed kind of a smoky cloud above us. none of us really knew what it was til we took a deep whiff, you guessed it .....''mary jane'' was present. we thought we'd be in deep shit. but when we reported back to the ship we saw the duty officer and took a piss test to cover our mutual ass and got away with no probs. that one was great cause it showed how alike and different we all can be in our likes and dislikes, but have fun still...........did have a buzzzzzzz for a few hours that morning though.......:yellghst:
02-18-2002, 03:48 PM
Now I have very eclectic musical tastes, but the best concert I ever remember was DAVE MATTHEWS BAND at Red Rocks in the late 90's. '96 or '97...I don't remember.
Other greats:
Lilith Fair 2000 (the last one)
Tina Turner
I really think artists can make or break their careers with a good tour, so I always try to see people I really like live!
Originally posted by Nubian
"One Love" concert that attempted (unsuccesfully) to unite the 2 feuding political parties in Jamaica.
Not really a concert but I visited a Rastarfarian "commune" in the 1970 with 2 uncles who were followers of the religion. Any way there was this charismatic youth, with budding Dreadlocks, working on a tune and who kept repeating the line "one good thing about music" over and over again. The place, Trench Town in Kinston, Jamaica; the tune "Trench Town Rock." The artist, Robert Nesta Marley!
--True story.
That's just too cool Nubian. I knew you were hip, but man, you so hip!
Gotta give props to the master of macabrock. Saw it two years ago right before Halloween. Since the Coop's been off the bottle, his stage show's have gotten much tighter and he's just a beast on stage. His presence oozes out over the audience and fills the concert hall. The theatrics were top notch. Alice being guilliotined, piecing him back together in a giant machine, the creepy props all of it! His music was fantastic too. He did some old stuff, some old, old stuff, and some of the better stuff from his new album. All around, had to be my favorite show of all time.
02-18-2002, 08:02 PM
Hmmm... I would have to say Tim McGraw & Faith Hill's Soul2Soul Tour 2000 (Saw it 3 times!) or Tim McGraw's Set This Circus Down Tour 2001 with Kenny Chesney (Saw that 4 times!). :cool: Obsessed? WHO ME??? :D
Back when I was younger, I'd have to say Def Leppard w/ Europe was great. So was REO Speedwagon w/ Richard Marx! My first concert ever was Ratt/Poison!! :p
I was at there last north amarican concert other than the unpluged show it was at maple leaf gardens in toronto the meat puppets opened and the whole show was just amazing
02-19-2002, 12:09 AM
Jay, I'd have to say that Nirvana is probably my favorite band from my "younger years" that I never got the chance to see. :( (Besides Aerosmith, we had front row tix to see them on 9-11 and obviously the show was cancelled and never rescheduled.) My hubby and I were listening to Nirvana in the car the other day and discussing how tragic Kurt Cobain's death was, because we both feel that they would have been even more huge had he lived. Such a loss of great talent. Even our 8 yr. old son likes their music! ;)
02-19-2002, 12:20 AM
Black Crowes, October 2001
02-19-2002, 12:27 AM
back in 1985 i saw warrent n poision and got to stand next to the warrent's cherry pie girl bobbie brown. she was on the sound stage and i was at the perfect level to see her pussy when she squated to talk to some other girls thing i ever saw at a concert:D :D :D :D
02-19-2002, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by luv2please
Sorry to prove Robin wrong, Scotz, but I can remember Woodstock and I was there. It wasn't as much a concert as an unplanned social experiment. I was 17 at the time and ended up working as a volunteer in a make-shift hospital (tent) where they were bringing in people comming down from bad acid. Believe me, its something I will never forget! BTW, the best concert I ever saw was the Chambers Brothers, the Amboy Dukes, and Blood Sweat and Tears at the Filmore east. I guess I have pretty much dated myself with this post!;) I say your work there was commendable, indeed, but maybe not what most would regard the typical Woodstock experience! An older friend related his experience there to me, & while he had some vivid memories, he was a little fuzzy on some other things!
I'm only a little younger than you, & anyone who can remember the Chambers Bros. AND Amboy Dukes is clearly dating themselves ;)
02-19-2002, 07:56 AM
Jay, QTPie...
I love Nirvana's music also. I don't know if they did any concerts in Australia, but I would have been too young to see them anyway. I would have loved to see them in concert.
02-19-2002, 12:37 PM
Best Concert?
Easily Van Halen on the Balance tour, at the Jefferson County Civic Center in Birmingham.
I wanted to go, but no one I knew wanted to go with me, so 3 hours before the show I purchased my ticket at the arena. I could hear the sound check being done in the back ground. I asked if there were any tix left and the lady said she had one in the front row. Needless to say I got it.
Later that night during the concert, I was rocking with my new best friend (for the 3 hours anyway) when during the chorus of "Panama" Sammy Hagar was going all over the stage getting everyone revved up, when he lowers his microphone down to me and says "sing it, man!!", so I got to help sing the chorus to the song.
None of my buddies at work believed me when I told them what happened till about 3 days later when a friend of a friend came into the music store I worked at..and told them that she saw/heard what happened at the concert, because she and her friends were about 4 rows behind me, and finally convinced them that I didnt make it all up.
Another good one was Skid Row, who came to the store for a promotional gig. They signed autographs etc at the store for about 2 hours, and then they bought a TON of stuff. It was strange seing Dave "Snake" Sabo of Skid Row walking out of the music store with the Frank Sinatra Box Set, some how that doesnt fit the "image". lol
They performed a concert that night and we at the store got Back-Stage passes for the entire concert and party afterwards. What a riot, but still not as good as VH.
Just a side concert I missed was Pink Floyd on the Pulse Tour at Legion Field in B-Ham AL. If ONLY I could go back and see that one.......alas.
02-19-2002, 12:43 PM
I would hav killed to see Van Halen/Hagar. Still one of the concerts I regret having missed. Lucky you!
I don't know if I could pick the best... I've been to a LOT of good shows and some of the best were local Seattle bands playing in clubs downtown. But Rush was a standout, coupla years ago they played all of 2112... Weird Al Yankovic had a great show...
White Zombie and Pantera had a killer show together! Those are some of my fave BIG concerts.
02-19-2002, 01:37 PM
I saw Yankovic last year. He was fun!
02-19-2002, 01:43 PM
He came to the Clio Amphitheater here 3 years ago and I went and stayed for the entire show in a downpour, I was laughing so hard, my gut ached for the next 24 hours. For as silly as he is, his talent is just phenominal.
I wish I had the talent he has in his pinky finger.
I'd be doing alright.
It was not long after Kurt Cobain died that Wierd Al played Seattle, so a lot of people wondered if he would play "Smells like Nirvana". The stage was completely dark and we heard Al say, "This next song is respectfully dedicated to the memory of Kurt Cobain..." The place erupted in cheers as the opening chords were played and my friends and I rushed to the front to start moshing and we were quickly dispersed... :mad: We figured it would be fitting being Seattle and all, but security didn't feel the same. But your right Nutworld... Al is one Highly talented individual!
02-19-2002, 05:18 PM
02-19-2002, 05:40 PM
I grew up in Branford,Conn.It is next to New Haven so I went to
alot of concerts at the Yale Bowl.My uncle(fathers brother)was the
sports reporter for the New Haven Register;newspaper.He got alot of free tickets for any Yale function.Unfortunately;most of my
memories;of concerts there;in my teens;consisted of how stoned that you could get just by sitting in one of the rows.If you didn't
get wasted on the smoke; there was usually a joint going;
indiscriminately;up and down the aisles!In my day;thats all you cared about as a teen. Irish
P.S.Mispent youth!All that was important was sex,drugs&rock&
roll;in that order.
02-19-2002, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by luv2please
Does that mean that the TIME HAS COME TODAY for a JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF YOUR MIND!;) took that journey years ago... it was dark & scary there LOL
Irish, since you were seeing shows in New Haven, were you by chance at the infamous Doors show when Jim Morrison got maced backstage before the show? Stoned as you might have been, that would have been a standout memory!
02-20-2002, 07:43 AM
Scotz---No;I wasn't there.I was in the service from 1961-1965;so I wasn't there then.I saw a special;on VH-1;on Jim Morrison and
The Doors.They mentioned it in that.Jim Morrison was one of those people that you either liked or didn't.He was very talented;
but;like myself;was outspoken about the way that he wanted things done.Most people don't know that he was an alcoholic;at a
very young age.I can relate to that.The 15th was 9yrs.8mo. since
I stopped drinking alcohol.I am a recovering alcoholic.I noticed that you sign off with a Steven Wright quote.I used to love his comedy because he was so dry in his humor.I never see him anymore! Irish
P.S.They sell 1/2pts. of booze in Conn.I used to make money by
chugging a 1/2pt. of Flieshmans Whisky(90Proof)when I was 15
& in High School.I graduated at 17 in 1961.
P.P.S.The special starred Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison.
02-20-2002, 07:51 AM
Irish: Are u talking about the movie about them? The movie The Doors starred Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison.
02-20-2002, 08:58 AM
legend---I don't know the name of it.VH-1 is not in my TV Guide.
I found out it was on by looking at the preview channel.I work out
every evening and I have a TV in my workout room.I find alot of
things by the preview channel.VH-1,HBO11,"E",etc. are not in my TV Guide.If I watch TV in the front room,even if;there is something
on that I want to see;I fall asleep! Irish
P.S.One of the symptoms of "old age!"
08-23-2008, 08:44 AM
What about new concerts????
I loved Jimmy Buffett, John Mellancamp, Eagles, Peter Frampton, and Aerosmith
08-23-2008, 08:50 AM
Foreigner played at Oshkosh. They were OK.
08-23-2008, 09:33 AM
Mr. Lil saw them too I think. And what is left of Journey.
08-23-2008, 10:12 AM
Does the first Farm Aid concert in Sept, 1985 count. I worked security for it from 5am Sunday until 2am Monday. One loooooong day. I have also seen Peter, Paul and Mary twice and the Rolling Stones.
08-23-2008, 06:04 PM
And what is left of Journey.
I've making the joke since John Entwhistle died that the latest Who album should have been called "Who's Left"...the biggest problem with concerts now is that most of the "classic" era bands have lost too many members, to death or inability to play well with others ;)
With that in mind, I saw a semi-reunion of Kansas some years ago that was ok, but the REAL Kansas reunion not only got me, but turned #1 son into a Kansas fan as well.
08-24-2008, 03:35 AM
I went to so many concerts that it's not easy to peg one best. :sperm: What I can give is a bit of a categorization of some.
The best event I ever went to see was on Sat. 21 Jun 1975 at The Empire Stadium, Wembley- London England, to see (respectively) for a $50 ticket; Rufus-featuring Chaka Khan;
Joe Walsh (solo after James Gang AND BEFORE joining the Eagles);
Joe Cocker -one song cameo- "You are so beautiful.";
Eagles touring their "On the Border Album" I think Randy Miesner and Bernie Leadon were still in the group [the true original group]. As a bit of trivia, I think Timothy B Schmidt was just getting things worked out from POCO;
The Beach Boys (forever so popular in England); and,
The headliner was Elton John, "Philadelphia Freedom had just hit #1 in USA." Elton John was the best performance I ever saw at the time;
The LOUDEST ever was Emerson Lake and Palmer in Mannheim Germany- I have the live recording of that concert tour on tape!;
The ROWDiest concert crowd was at an Alice Cooper performance. His album "Black Widow" was going to #1 in Europe, the Cavemen MC was in charge of security;
The most fun was JAN & DEAN in Portland Oregon; and,
THE most memorable exciting and heart-throbbing :heartbeat concert was The BEEGEES in Portland in Spring of 1979. At that moment their song "Trajedy" was #1 in USA & UK. They opened the show with it and did a three song encore.
Talk about CLASS ACTS. All of these concerts were tops of the lot. Rod Stewart blew us away in Frankfurt. So did Eric Clapton in the "Jahrhunderthalle" that evening in touring his 461 Ocean Blvd LP with the girl who sang the lead role from the stage production of "Jesus Christ Superstar," Yvonne Elliman. Fats Domino was the opening act.
YES was phenomenal in their concert. At another venue, we were driven wild by Deep Purple with Thin Lizzy opening the show and electrifying every soul that knew hard driving Rock n Roll.
I feel though, that to give you what I think is the best concert I've ever attended, it was the performance shown me by my Daughter :angel: when she sang "Hopelessly Devoted" in her school talent production.
08-27-2008, 10:17 AM
Lots of really great ones but for some reason Huey Lewis & The News stood out for me. I want to say it was in the summer of 1985.
Trans-Siberian Orchestra. They ALWAYS have a really good show.
08-27-2008, 03:01 PM
Gentle Giant…*circa 1975.
It's been many years since I've gone to a concert, but the best would probably have to be
Neil Diamond -- it was not long after Jazz Singer (movie) had been released (a LONG LONG time ago) .... but if memory serves me right, he did 3 or 4 encores ... - originally he had booked for 3 nights in our city (where I lived at the time) and they sold the tickets out so fast that he added another night.
Most of my life I've lived in less populated areas, so concerts haven't always been an easy option .... So the ones I've been able to go to have all been memorable.
3 times to Alabama (in their heyday), George Strait (I'm probably spelling it wrong), Earl Thomas Conley, Gordon Lightfoot (3 times) and of course the Neil Diamond concert mentioned above. It may sound like I mainly was into country/western ... which I do enjoy, but that actually had more to do with what my friends liked, since going to a concert alone wouldn't be any fun at all!
08-31-2008, 06:03 AM
Best concert I ever attended I wasn't expecting. It included a road trip. I went with a true die hard fan and post concert I understood.
9/11/1992 Cyclone Stadium, Ames, IA - U2 Zoo TV Tour
It was an amazing show. I never thought a person could have so much on stage charisma. Most memorable for me.
08-31-2008, 08:59 PM
Perhaps my most mind-altering concert was Bruce Springsteen at the Opry House, circa 1975-76, Born To Run tour, for sure. Talk about on stage charisma, it drips off The Boss...along with a lot of sweat ;) Funny thing is, the sound quality wasn't as good as I normally associate with the Opry House, but he puts on a two-hour show that will pin your ears back. Standout of the show was a long story he told about not getting along with his father (a common theme in all his music) that turned into a slow, hard driving cover of the Animals' "It's My Life"...
I went in as someone who thought "Born To Run" was an ok song, but nothing else had made a major impact on me. I left thinking what Jon Landau would say after seeing Bruce live the first time: "I have seen the future of rock n roll, and its name is Bruce Springsteen!"
08-31-2008, 09:20 PM
when sting opened for the dead. giants staduim was practically empty and i sat there with my hubby, just talking, while sting serenaded us.
then the long haired freaky people showed up.:p
08-31-2008, 10:08 PM
Ooooh, that reminds me of seeing the Police on the Ghost in the Machine tour. I realized that in their prime, Sting, Andy & Stu were the heir apparents to Cream in their prime. I also realized, looking at the backdrop, that the digital readout on the Ghost album was actually their faces in LED form :)
The "long haired freaky people" always followed the Dead around to all their shows because they couldn't remember being at the last show :D
09-02-2008, 04:49 AM
Crosby Stills and Nash at a winery in Melbourne.
Young was unwell and living his own life.
09-02-2008, 06:52 AM
been to so many, it`s hard to pick just one....I love so many for different reasons....
most recently, I`d have to go with Billy Joel at Shea Stadium in NYC.
He was onstage for over 3 hours and had 5 special guests come out to perform throughout the evening: Tony Bennett, Garth Brooks, Steven Tyler (Aerosmith), Roger Daltrey (The Who) and Sir Paul McCartney.
To see all those guys in 1 night was stupendous. I have a lot of video clips if anyone`s interested.
09-02-2008, 04:34 PM
I'm going senile. ELTON JOHN!!!
09-03-2008, 12:00 AM
Pink Floyd in Berlin in Olympic Stadium...1994....Division Bell concert
09-03-2008, 06:19 PM
Ooooh, I forgot about Floyd. I saw them in ......... 1987??? at the UNI-Dome in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Great show!
Not quite the Olympic Stadium in Berlin but hey, I'm sure it was the same essential effect.......... comfortably numb. :roflmao:
09-04-2008, 10:19 AM
I think anybody that remembers being at a Pink Floyd concert didn't get the full benefits of the event. :brows:
09-06-2008, 03:24 AM
Saw Jimmy Barnes last night, my ears are still ringing today.
Scotz, check out a band called "Cold Chisel", a track called "Khe Sanh" or "Flame Trees".
The man has cult status.
09-06-2008, 12:15 PM
I think anybody that remembers being at a Pink Floyd concert didn't get the full benefits of the event. :brows:
Last thing I remember was seeing a huge pig floating through the smoke in the dome above the crowd. Porky looked very happy. :p
09-06-2008, 09:47 PM
Last thing I remember was seeing a huge pig floating through the smoke in the dome above the crowd. Porky looked very happy. :p
Rumor has it that the pig is real, & not just a mass hallucination...
At least that's what I've heard...
Speaking of Pink Floyd...
I recently saw the Aussie Floyd (http:// show. Seeing these guys in concert is one step away from the real deal. :nod: They performed The Wall in it's entirety! It was so freaking cool! Then they came back out and did a few other Floyd classics from other albums. If you are a Floyd fan and get a chance to see Aussie Floyd, do it!
12-08-2008, 09:23 PM
The Police, Synchronicity tour
Tallahassee-Leon County Civic Center
(The Fixx opened for them)
12-08-2008, 09:40 PM
The Foo's Fighters at Meadowbank in edinburgh 07.
Or Muse at at Wembley 07.
12-08-2008, 10:16 PM
Skid Row (minus Sebastian Bach, unfortunately)/Ted Nugent (before he got kicked off of the tour)/Kiss - 2000 Cedar Rapids, IA.
This concert will always stick in my memory, but not because of the bands (although they were fantastic). I'll always remember this concert because it was the first my daughter ever went to, though it wasn't her choice, she was still being carried in the womb of her mother. Sometime during the concert, my daughter dropped towrds the birth canal, she was born a couple of weeks later. That's how I know my daughter liked the same music as me :lmao:
12-08-2008, 11:22 PM
Or was saying "Let me out of here". LMAO.
12-09-2008, 04:27 AM
Not the best I've ever heard, but last night my wife and I went to here The Peoria Pops Orchestra put on their Christmas program and it was outstanding. Great Christmas music by some very talented musicians. :thumbs:
12-09-2008, 05:01 AM
There's something special about live performances.
Yes Scotz, so much better than dead performances.
12-09-2008, 01:08 PM
There's something special about live performances.
Yes Scotz, so much better than dead performances.
I don't know about that OF I never seen them live but from what I heard The Dead put on a darn good show.
I used to nighttime DJ for KEZY, years ago, in Anaheim, CA. I was able to see a few concerts. One that impressed me was Elvis Costello (and I am not a fan), at the Irvine Amphitheatre. 2 songs into the set, the power went out. He did the next 2 hours acoustically.
I did enjoy AC/DC in L.A., many years ago. Took me three days before I could hear properly again.
The one concert that sticks out in my mind was the Rolling Stones "Tatoo You" tour. The opening act was Prince in boots, a thong, and a topcoat. No glass items or bottes were allowed in the stadium (L.A.). So, as soon as he opened his mouth, people were throwing their shoes and socks and belts and cans and Igloo coolers and whatever else they could get their hands on. The promoter came out and tried to chastise and subdue the audience...he was pelted with the same stuff. He ran backstage. George Thoroughgood and the Delaware Destroyers were due out next and they came out and settled everyone down and rocked what was left of their socks off.
Then, the Stones came out. They were in rare form, (even Keith), and they sarted off with "Start Me Up". I've NEVER seen a stadium in such an uproar. It was really, really incredible. And, they kept it up for another hour and a half...3 encores. They brought Thoroughgood back out, but Prince never made another appearance. Thank goodness.
The funniest or "most interesting" concert was at the MGM grand in Las Vegas, some years ago. It was Bette Midler. I had semi-nosebleed seats, but the acoustics and view were good. She did her mermaid thing. Then it occurred to me what was different. Everyone, and I mean everyone in the audience was gay. It was a very interesting evening. She was hysterical.
My favorite concert, twice, in Vegas, was Phil Collins. :)
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