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View Full Version : Hi everyone

02-08-2002, 12:55 AM
[FONT=arial]Hi to eveyone,

Just found this wonderful site, thanxxx for such a warm welcome. It sure looks like a lot of fun here.;)


02-08-2002, 01:10 AM
Those shorts are in terrible shape, all ripped & full of holes, here, let me help you out of those so's you can put on something decent...
Welcum aboard, cc, nice posts, hope to see more. I think you'll find us a very friendly bunch...

02-08-2002, 01:19 AM
DAMN you are beautiful! wish I could see more

02-08-2002, 02:13 AM
that certainly is an excellent way to introduce yourself....nice pic

02-08-2002, 06:53 AM
It's good to have you aboard. Dig in and join in the fun.

02-08-2002, 08:35 AM
Ccmazing! You look great in your "Daisy Duke" shorts! Enjoy your stay here at Pixies. You will make a great new member to our extended family.

02-08-2002, 09:05 AM
Ccmazing---Welcome! Irish

02-08-2002, 03:00 PM
Ccmazing, now that is one hell of a way to introduce yourself to Pixies'. May I compliment you on your fiquere. You have one hell of a beautiful butt. Those legs are exquisite. Thanks for posting and look forward to more from you. ;)

02-08-2002, 03:19 PM
nothing like making a man want to be there behind you!!!!!

you really know how to make a grand first impression...

mmmmmmm longing to see more

02-08-2002, 03:25 PM
nothing like making a man want to be there behind you!!!!!
Dunno bout a man.....but this girl wouldn't mind being behind you either :p

02-08-2002, 03:36 PM
So far ccmazing, I've seen a lot of your ass... You're A'OK in my book!! Keep those beautiful as pics comin'! ;)

02-08-2002, 03:48 PM
very nice indeedy ccmazing,
would love to help you out of those shorts and onto something more comfortable.....

like me:D

Welcome to the family

Lady Pleaser
02-08-2002, 05:03 PM
Welcum ccmazing and great way to introduce yourself here at Pixie's. Hope you join in all the fun here.

02-08-2002, 08:59 PM
All I can say is "WOW.":eek:

02-10-2002, 09:10 AM
Hi CC!

I can say more than that, how about AWESOME! Or maybe FANTASTIC! Or maybe SCRUMPDILLYISHIOUS!!!

Wow!! Love the shorts, and YOU in them, may we see more!?!? ;)
