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02-06-2002, 02:41 PM
In case anyone was trying to get me in the last few hours.I have
been gone.My daughter called and asked if I could come over.My
autistic grandson was sick and she needed someone to watch him
while she went to work!As you all;probably;know.It's hard to hold
a decent job when you have needy kids! Irish
02-06-2002, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Irish
It's hard to hold
a decent job when you have needy kids! Irish
I've been there, so I know what's it's like. The best to you and yours.
02-06-2002, 06:53 PM
Nubian---THAT was the ONLY disadvantage to being self-employed
I had to be there to handle customers and schedule work.The thing that was great about it was that if I didn't like a potential
customer;I could refuse the work and tell them to go fuck them-
selves.My wife&kids;bought me a large poster for the shop;to let
customers know where they stood.It was a large,mean looking
gorilla.It was pointing at you and said;in large letters;"When I want your opinion,I'll beat it out of you."My immediate family know how I handle customer relations. Irish
P.S.It was a motorcycle repair&customising shop.I had a reputation for;Do it right or don't do it at all!
02-06-2002, 08:53 PM
Just curious, did you do custom work on a variety of makes/models? Or did you specialize, say, in Harleys?
02-06-2002, 09:27 PM
You can tell Attila The Hun to go FUCKEM SELF without blinking,:mad:
but let your kid ask for a quarter, you’ll rob a Brinks truck to get it.
02-06-2002, 11:06 PM
Nubian---I specialise in Triumphs.Mainly because I have been to
the Triumph factory school.I got an A in mechanics&I went another
week and took advanced mechanics.I got an A+ in that.I got the
highest marks in the school and won all kinds of awards&tools.
The biggest victory to me was in personal satisfaction.I work on
Harleys.I rebuilt my buddies 39'Knucklehead a few years ago.I
have had enough Harleys arart that I don't want to own one for
myself.They look&sound nice but are built with HUGE tolerances
inside.I have done alot of Nortons&BSAs.I prefer 4stroke engines.
They have more torque then 2strokes.They last much longer and
don't rely on rpm!Give me a manual and I'll rebuild anything as
long as I take it apart. Irish
PS.I can do a "Triumph"in my sleep!That's mainly what I raced.
With 42+yrs. of riding &those marks-I have a fair idea what I'm
02-06-2002, 11:59 PM
Cool! I wish I were mechanically inclined. Thanks for the response Irish.
02-07-2002, 12:05 AM
Irish, Bless you for being there for your daughter/grandchild!! What I wouldn't give to have that kind of support!! I have two kids with special needs, my 8 yr old is severely emotionally disturbed and its nearly impossible for me to work outside the home. Heck, it's nearly impossible for me to handle him when I dont work! But somehow, I manage! ;) My family/support system is 900 miles away. Your daughter is a lucky woman to have your help!
02-07-2002, 09:53 AM
pantyfanatic---There is nothing in the rules that says that you can't be a bad-ass and still have loved ones!That's what I liked
most about the old bikers code:If you had a problem with a person-you took it up with them personaly.Your ride,family and
posessions were off limits unless you wanted everyone to kick
your ass! Irish
02-07-2002, 10:05 AM
Nubian---I think that I decided to be a mechanic when I was about 13/14.I had a lawnmower(B/S)engine apart on the picnic
table one day.My father worked shift-work.He came home from work and I overheard him say to my mother-"What did he take
that apart for?He has no mechanical ability."Using my amatuer
physicatry(sp);I think that's what did it.The old;"I'll show you."
P.S.Too bad he didn't say that I'd never be a Rocket Scientist.
02-07-2002, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Irish
P.S.Too bad he didn't say that I'd never be a Rocket Scientist.
LOL. If he did, I'm sure you would have given us warp drive by now!
02-07-2002, 07:07 PM
I seem to have a lot in common with thigs that are warped. Irish
P.S.Just the opposite of---Likes repel&unlikes attract.The theory
that I always said kept me&my wife together.
02-08-2002, 11:38 AM
Irish, I think it's great that you can be there for you kids and
g-kids when needed!!
I know alot of bad ass people that would rather rip your head off your shoulders than to even look at you, but when it comes to kids being sick, they are there with tears in their eyes...
02-08-2002, 12:53 PM
RedNLacee---Thanks!Read the thread that I wrote to pantyfanatic
above and it will explain the code that we used to live by.Being a
bad-ass doesn't mean that you can't love people!One is a lifestyle
and the other is your personal beliefs.My wife&kids understand it.
My wife and kids say(jokingly)that when they made me;they broke
the mold! Irish
02-08-2002, 01:04 PM
Afterthought--As the Hells Angels courtesy card used to say:
When we do right;no one remembers!
When we do wrong;no one forgets! Think about it.It's true.
P.S.For example:Who does the Muscular Dystrophy(sp)toy runs,
etc.each year.That and other things aren't publised!Negative
things are. Irish
I have always wished I were a bad ass. I do a good job posing, but I'm just not there. If my wife would let me have a bike... then again if my wife won't let me have a bike, I guess I am too whipped to be a bad ass. Alas, I am relegated the monicker of artist. That's as close as I can get. I have the long hair, beard and the leather jacket though so to those not in the know, I look like a hard rocker.
It's funny how we are around kids. Even the hardest of the hard is softened by the wee ones. (Bby wee, being the parent of a newborn I mean that literally.) Even though it's fiction, I am reminded of the centuries old story of Beowulf. Grendel the beast, was the scourge of the country. Eating and destroying all in his path. Beowulf destroyed it. Unbeknownst to all, the beast they thought was the baddest of the bad, had a mother who was now in mourning for her child. They thought Grendel could tear shit up, but Grendel was nothing compared to Grendel's Mother who was filled with the loss of her loved child. So it just goes to show that no matter how much we lay waste to, how many biker bars we get thrown out of, no matter how many villagers we eat, we all will walk through hell and back for our kids.
Keep being a good bad ass Irish.
02-08-2002, 01:14 PM
Just a quick anecdote...
My neighbors had a german shepard that loved to chase things! One afternoon, I watched it run ferociously towards the bushes of the house next door. It was barking it's fool head off. In just a few seconds, the dog came whining out of the bushes, chased...I shit you a rabbit. I thought the whole thing surreal, so I walked over (bent in laughter at the sight of this huge dog running in fear of a rabbit) only to find a nest of newborn baby bunnies. Obviously, that rabbit was not going to let anything disturb feeding time! It reminds me of how precious I must be to my family...and how someday, my family will be just as precious to me. Thanks Irish, for reminding us of the importance and significance of love!
02-08-2002, 01:34 PM
Fang---Do you know what we used to call all of the people with
the garb,hair,beards,etc.?We called them Weekend Warriors or
Wannabees.Seriously;most arguments don't end up in violence!
You'ld be suprised at the amount of gutless wonders.When confronted with a bad-ass attitude;most will back right down.
My father used to tell me not to worry about the people that talk
big.9times out of 10; they're just trying to convince themselves!
He told me to worry about the guy that didn't say anything.He
already knew what he could do and didn't have to proove any-
thing.You just have to have the guts to confront them because
you don't know which is which. Irish
P.S.What I always did when getting a different bike;was buy it and bring it home.When your wife tells you to bring it back to the
owner.Just say-"That's me!"
Well I know I'm a poser so I'm not going to be doing anything that a real bad ass would take offense to. Hell who knows, if confronted I might find out I'm as bad as they come.
Nah, probably not.
P.S. To bring the bike home, I'd first need to learn to ride! Until then, I have to admire the chrome and gears from afar.
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