View Full Version : Pm'ed received...
02-04-2002, 06:22 AM
Well...I just wanted to show you all the pm I got over the weekend while I was away. I pm'ed this fellow a month ago about his posts. Then he has the nerve to ask me to view my website....then I guess he read the message that I sent him...and this is his second message to me. ENJOY!!!
Ignore my last message!
After receiving your two cents about my reply to tigress ive come to an assumption that your plain and simply an ASS. I'd expect a more mature response from a board administrator.
Why the animosity? Just re-read that sorry excuse for a message warning me about my reply to tigress.
Note: I can give two shits whether or not you report something to Kim. She's an awesome person, but don't use that as leverage on me. If kim sees fit to ban me, then so be it...i don't need an old lady playing "im gonna go tell on you games" Nuff Said.
02-04-2002, 08:02 AM
Don't fret over that cup of spilled milk..I never saw the original post, nor do I care to.
I'm just glad that jerk is gone. Pixies will be a better place w/o him around.
02-04-2002, 12:26 PM
Thanks Diva, you did all of us a great service. What did I say? Do you think you COULD service all of us? Seriously, I saw the original post and his comments were totally out of line. He hurt someones feelings and I'm glad you took care of him.
02-04-2002, 12:48 PM
Thank-you Diva!!!!!!!
I can't believe the level of immaturity it would take to (a) post a comment like he did, (b) come back and continue to fuss about it, and (c) to actually send a PM like that --- and to everyone's favourite moderator-slash-goddess at that!!! At least, I'm going to put it down to immaturity (which after all can be cured by growing up) rather than sheer stupidity (which is sadly incurable)...
I noticed davethegreat roaming the site last night when I was on, and I have to say, I had my hackles raised immediately. I was bracing for some kind of negativity; I'm just sorry you had it flung full in your face. So glad to know you dealt with it as you did.
--- sweetstuff
p.s. Now we know what happens when Diva gets P.M.ed and P.O.ed --- watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
p.p.s. Haven't seen you posting much lately --- good to see you on again. :cool:
02-04-2002, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by sugarfreecandy
p.p.s. Haven't seen you posting much lately --- good to see you on again. :cool: [/B]
I 2nd that opinion there, SFC. Welcome back Diva.
02-04-2002, 01:09 PM
I have no clue how I manage to miss everything when I am logged on to this place 24/7. I guess in this case I was just lucky.........~~~~~~~~~~>Lilith
Originally posted by nutworld
Don't fret over that cup of spilled milk..I never saw the original post, nor do I care to.
I'm just glad that jerk is gone. Pixies will be a better place w/o him around.
My thoughts exactly!! You did right Diva, thanks!:D
02-04-2002, 01:16 PM
Now tell me how can an ass like this have such a swell name as "David". Think of all the grand "David's" there are in this world and especially on Pixies'!! :)
02-04-2002, 03:21 PM
We need dissident voices for balance, but this guy
was just gravel in the corn-flakes.
Well done, Diva.
02-04-2002, 03:38 PM
You did a great service to Pixies (our family) by getting rid of scum who treat people in an impolite manner. Keep doing a great job, somebodies got to.
02-04-2002, 04:45 PM
I don't know what happened.I've been fairly busy the past few
days and haven't been on here much.I've been cleaning up ice&
snow from a pretty big storm that we had plus my youngest
daughters family has been sick.As I said before;my youngest
grandson is autistic.Besides my daughter being sick herself;she also has to take care of two sick sons;one of witch can't talk!
and we complain about our lot in life.All that I can say is that I
know how things were handled by the old motorcycle crowd if
someone told them that they didn't give two shits about something!I think they were given"behavior modification"lessons!
P.S.Sometimes;reverting back to the way things used to be handled;is gratifying.Maybe not correct but gratifying!
02-04-2002, 08:44 PM
you could be right.;)
....immaturity (which after all can be cured by growing up)... :rolleyes:
he may not have to worry about growing up if he gets smart in the presents of the right people.:mad:
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
That and, "If you can't say something nice, then say nothing at all"
and my personal favorite, "Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt"
Words to live by, for all people. Too bad DavetheGreat couldn't learn just one of these simple lessons. I'm sure glad the rest of the Pixie's family can live by them.
Pixies, a model for the world....sexual freedom, tolerance, and everyone being excellent to each other.
02-04-2002, 09:13 PM
Boru---There are two golden rules:
1:Those with the gold make the rules.
2:Do unto others as they would do unto you;only do it to them
FIRST! Irish
P.S.Learned from experience!!
02-05-2002, 02:44 AM
You felt that his exclusion was warrented...that's good enough for me!
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
02-05-2002, 06:16 AM
p.p.s. Haven't seen you posting much lately --- good to see you on again.
Well thanks..but I am not back so to speak..I am at the hospital with my step-son. Won't be back posting till next week. :(
Just pop my head every now and then to make sure things are running smoothly...(The moderator in
So you all be nice while I am away!! :D
p.s. Now we know what happens when Diva gets P.M.ed and P.O.ed --- watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I needed a laugh SFC!!!!! Thank you!!!!
(And thank you all for seeing what an Ass he is..I should have banned him when I read his post the first time. I apologize for letting a jerk like that stay so won't happen again.)
See you all next week! :D
Mr Animosity
02-07-2002, 09:24 AM
If i could access my old account I would be happy to show them the message i received from you.
IM a lil suprised from all the comments i received. I thought i was a fairly decent person other then giving tigress an honest opinion on how she looked. I was a lil new around here...didn't know everybody would turn on me for the comment..i even said i was sorry and lets move on..anyways.
the only reason those words were sent to 'lovediva4u' was because of the PM she gave me...i forgot exactly how it went but it was VERY rude & uncalled for.
And you don't have to worry bout tracking me down...i'll hang up my membership boots and take this as a learning lesson. Maybe a board with abunch of perves isn't to healthy anyway..ahh well.
Methinks Dave needs an application of Irish's Golden Rule #2.
Hopefully the rest of us will be happier with the one I offered, lol
02-08-2002, 05:58 PM
You said:i forgot exactly how it went but it was VERY rude & uncalled for
And I say: Funny thing is, I can use that exact same quote for what you said in your post, that got alot of people upset, including myself.
The message I sent to you was a warning. A very stern one.
It was not rude, just to the point. If I would have been rude as you put it, I would have banned you right then and there when I read the post. But I didn't. I gave you a second chance. So if you think that was rude. I'm sorry.
( I had actually forgot about the incident, until I recieved the 2 pm's from you. One which you requested something, and the other,the reply to the message I sent over 3 weeks ago. So ya kind of pissed me off there.....)
So hang you boots and leave...that's fine. Call me a bitch, that's fine too. It's not going to bother me. I know what I did was right. What you did was just plain rude, even if you were being honest, in your eyes.
To be completely honest with someone you know is expected. To be honest with a stranger is just rude , in my eyes.
I wish you luck in life -Dave. I think you will need some along your way.
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