View Full Version : Knicknames
02-01-2002, 11:27 PM
I love it when my hubby calls me goofy or sexy pet names or knicknames. What do you like to be called? And what do you take offense to?
I call my guy "luvbug" (he cringes) he prefers "Oh God yes Oh God."
Surely someone out there has a petname more embarassing....... I hope!~~~~~~~~~~>Lilith
02-02-2002, 12:33 AM
Well, I've been called "Don's Top" over and over... been called "Wezra condom?" ... been called "Seriously Overdressed" on occasion... been called "Lyle Downnow" a few times... was once called "Thetwontfitthere"...been called "Jerkinoff?" a few times, but I was just working out some kinks for the main event at the time... (note here: too much of that can cause a guy to scream out his own name during orgasm... not a good thing) but the one name I am called that I love the best is LOM... the Lecherous/Loquacious Old Man.
...and besides... it makes such a great humming sound... ;-)
Prophet Reality
02-02-2002, 04:56 AM
Besides the name of an old lover???? I was once called "snuck-ums" by a g/f. Didn't last long after that.
02-02-2002, 09:36 AM
Nicknames can be a pain.I once had a customer paying me for
work on his motorcycle.He was making out a check;and said:"How
do you want this made out?Tom Ahern?(my real name)I said yes.
He said:"I tried to find Irish in the phone book.I couldn't and you're supposed to be next best."Little did he know that I am both people.The next batch of business cards said:Proprietor&
Head Mechanic--Tom(Irish)Ahern to avoid confusion.More people
(in the motorcycle lifestyle)around here;know me by"Irish."My
chopper was black imron paint with kelly green pinstriping.On the
sides of the"dished"gas tank;it said"Irish"in freehand kelly green
letters! Irish
02-02-2002, 10:09 AM
My wife calls me Legs.
02-02-2002, 01:32 PM
Nubian---Maybe your wife likes to eat chicken and legs are her
favorite part! Irish
P.S.Always look for the good things in life!I hope that you are
"Finger-licken Good."
02-02-2002, 01:38 PM
02-02-2002, 01:58 PM
By NO do you mean that you do not have a knickname more embarassing? If that is indeed the truth then I (the one who apparently comes up with the most humiliating knicknames) will just have to think up one for you.......... Maybe instead of Twinkle Toes it could be Twinkle Tongue (in honor of you being a cunning linguist ;) ) ~~~~~~~~~~~>Lilith
02-03-2002, 11:29 AM
Back to the SOFA and I'll remind you why the taste buds are
on the top of your tongue.
No means never had any nicknames in bed except
"Oh Goddddddddddddd"
02-03-2002, 12:02 PM
I do remember getting an unexpected phone call that when I answered I heard “I want to talk to the tongue”.:eek: Being totally out of the blue, my startled mind was attempting to make sense and recognizing the voice didn’t happen.
I said “who are you calling?”:confused:
“Just tell the tongue I’m on my way over.”
Dawn strikes as I smile and tell her “I’m sure he’ll be home when you get here”.:p :D
I get that call every once in a while now. Does that make The Tongue a nickname?:rolleyes:
02-03-2002, 01:07 PM
Hmm... I'm getting these mental images of a comic-book hero by the name of The Tongue:
"Faster than a speeding bullet, hotter than molten lava, and wetter than the Pacific Ocean... He can spread women's legs with a single glance... leap tall bedframes in the blink of an eye... cause spontaneous sensual explosions just by passing by..."
Ooooooooooh.... *swooning* My hero........
:D :D :D
--- sweetstuff
02-03-2002, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Irish
Nubian---Maybe your wife likes to eat chicken and legs are her
favorite part! Irish
P.S.Always look for the good things in life!I hope that you are
"Finger-licken Good."
I know my *third* leg is her favorite. He he he.:p :p
02-03-2002, 10:11 PM
I call Souls Tripod it's great he blushes.... it's so much fun to make him blush...
Always Kyttn
02-04-2002, 11:52 AM
I think that is the greatest thing about sexy a private joke. Perfect for causing blushing and great distress in front of others ;) ~~~~~~~~~>Lilith
02-04-2002, 12:18 PM
PR---"snuck-ems"?I wasn't going to say anything but I can't get
that vison out of my mind! Irish
Nubian---Congratulations on the "Third Leg."Most people shun
people with disabilities.It's nice to know that your wife isn't one of
david owiye
02-05-2002, 05:20 PM
My G/F calls me DEXTER(The cartoon) and am the direct opposite of it!!!!!!:confused:
Prophet Reality
02-06-2002, 12:42 PM
Well Iriah, if your familiar with the Muppets there is a big lumbering monster named Snuck'ems. And for a long time I resembled him a lot.
02-06-2002, 01:42 PM
I think my favorite was "my candy andy" but my girlfriend was the only one I'd let say it! She never would tell me exactly why she called me that... She'd blush when I'd ask, but of course that's why I asked!!
Other nicknames have been mister, sweetie, honey, and baby. Ones I didn't like: handyman, "and" (she tried to shorten andy), indy, and sugar.
02-06-2002, 02:24 PM
PR---It's Irish;not Iriah!!I only have two(2)favorite Muppets.They
are Oscar the Grouch and the Cookie Monster!Bert and Ernie and
the rest are )OK but those are my favorites. Irish
P.S.My kids were once small to and they had invented TV by then
and" Yes";I had three TVs.
Wicked Wanda
02-06-2002, 11:57 PM
Ok, Bed, or other sexually related names, I have been called, as best as I can remember...
Tiger, Pussycat, Kittykat, Cat, "the Mouth" (*blush*), Red, "RedHead", "Eyes" Mudbug, Pixie, Leprechaun, "Kid" Darling, Honey, Sweeheart, Yat, (a local expression) Dimples, ( I don't HAVE any) "Sugar", "Sweeetheart". "Babe" (ewwwwwww) "Tasty puddding" (please don't ask) Lizard, Pearl, Bitch, "Firecracker" "Oral Annie", "Sailor Moon" (I have no idea where that comes from) and a personal low, "hey, you, the redhead without amy panties"
Also, "Nympho Nurse", "Naughty Nurse" and of course, "WickedWanda".
I earned the last 3 while in Nursing School.
Wicked Wanda comes from party where I went as The Lady Godiva, body stocking and a long blonde wig. Someone at the party said I looked like a character in the Playboy comic, and the name stuck. Funny thing. The character I resembled WAS NOT the title character!
Prophet Reality
02-08-2002, 07:01 PM
She retunrs and with such a list too. Hmm, makes a guy wonder where some of them came from. I wouldn't mind finding out myself.
02-18-2002, 12:06 AM
(saw this one and had to bring it back up...)
before my wife found out how much i hate variations on my first name(charles) she called me chuckles.............
guys in my tae kwon do class called me chain saw charlie because of the way i'd start kicking.............
in the navy at bootcamp a Navy SEAL knighted me with the name YODA, cause with my shaved head, my ears stuck out bad........
can't get worse than that, lol.............but you all can try.........:p
03-31-2002, 05:08 PM
I have a few knicknames for BamaKyttn. Kat, Kitten, Kitty, Goddess....but my fave of all is....
Hmmm...SFC found out my secret identity!!! (I I've never had any "unusual" pet names. Just the usual: baby, sweetie, darling, hey know, the usual...LOL.
04-01-2002, 07:01 PM
pepi le peu like the cartoon because of the white streek in
my hair also use to chase him round the room;) its not the love you get but the love give that makes you strong
05-25-2007, 11:24 AM
Does "Dumbass" count? :confused:
05-25-2007, 12:25 PM
I call my fiance 'sweet-cheeks' lol - he calls me 'cutie'...*blush*
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