View Full Version : birthday
01-31-2002, 01:00 AM
Ok, as anyone who's looked at my profile knows, it is now officially (CST)...
My Birthday!!! (never you mind which one, let's just say it's got crooked numbers)
No presents required or requested... let's just have a party, and if the ladies start losing their shirts, we'll know it's a good one!
dadadadadadada-da, you say it's your birthday!
dadadadadadada-da, it's my birthday, too, yah!
We're gonna have a good time, Happy Birthday to you!
- The Beatles
01-31-2002, 02:01 AM
Did someone say party??? Scotz, you know that's practically my middle name!
Only one problem, though... Namely, that as the first lady here, I can't exactly go losing my shirt if I didn't wear one in the first place! (As Diva pointed out elsewhere, going topless is perfectly legal here in Ontario! And it's soooo much fun.... :D)
Anyway, I'm here, and though you said no presents, I've brought some of the goodies that were left in my wine cellar after the big Christmas bash... OF's been looking after that Chateau la Face '69, but there's peppermint & butterscotch schnapps, and a case or two of wine left over that really isn't doing anyone any good down in my cellar! So I thought I'd bring them along, just to get the party rolling. I'm sure you've laid in plenty of provisions too, but more never hurts! :D
And since I'm not allowed to bring a present for the birthday boy, perhaps I can do something to express my felicitations instead... Hmmm... Any ideas, Scotz? ;)
--- sweetstuff
01-31-2002, 02:06 AM
Oh! I have an idea!!!
Since you're the President of the Oldfart & Scots' Happyface Agency (I'm assuming that you're President & he's CEO, or is it the other way around?) I thought a nice little rendition of 'Happy Birthday Mister President' by all the Pixies' ladies might be an appropriate way of kick-starting the celebrations! Of course, we'll go all out with the costumes --- or maybe we won't wear anything at all? I'll leave that up to the birthday boy!
--- sweetstuff
01-31-2002, 02:36 AM
Was not able to upload the sound file I had for you so thid will have to do......
01-31-2002, 06:13 AM
And if you ever get up my can collect your present ;) :p
01-31-2002, 06:44 AM
Have a Happy Happy. Wish you many more.
01-31-2002, 07:37 AM
I’ll bet you would have taken better care of yourself if you ever thought you’d get this old.;)
Some of us were talking and I wondered if it’s true that your social security N0. is 2?:eek:
01-31-2002, 07:41 AM
Wow... a room full of topless Canadian women.... what a mental image...I didn't say present wouldn't be accepted, and as for costumes... I'm wearing my birthday suit, does that count?
01-31-2002, 09:51 AM
Scotz---HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I got you a present but as you said that you didn't want one;I had her give it to me instead! Irish
P.S.The sacrifices that I make to grant everyones wishes!!
Hope all those Wild Canadian women haven't caused your blood pressure to rise to much... :D Just remember to maintain some functionality... we have a Slippery Dip™ that needs further development... so we can get to the testing! ;)
01-31-2002, 12:50 PM
Happy B-day, S-man!!
I'm not from Canada, but can I come to the party too???
01-31-2002, 01:00 PM
Happy Birthday.
Don't let the allure of these wonderful ladies detract from your
focus on The Mechanism. Well, for long, anyway.
Don't know about the pecking order, the only reason I'm a
Director is that when I get too obtuse, you say "Director."
On second thoughts, SFC did mention butterscotch Schnapps
and a case of Chateau la Face '69.
Can we get enough volunteers together to trial the prototype
slide? Concept clarification perhaps.
SFC, you did mention BUTTERSCOTCH Schnapps, didn't you?
Sorry Bilbo, that *was* my shout.
01-31-2002, 01:26 PM
This is your birthday song...
It isn't very long!
01-31-2002, 01:33 PM
If I could I would cum blow your candle ;) Have a great day!~~~~~~~~~~~~?Lilith
Prophet Reality
01-31-2002, 01:56 PM
Happy B-Day Scotz.
Lady Pleaser
01-31-2002, 04:39 PM
Happy B-Day Scotz and many more.
01-31-2002, 08:58 PM
Well now, I missed the wonderful Canadian bash that SFC had a little while back, but I sure don't intend to miss out on this one!
***Jumps out a birthday cake in her birthday suit***
Oops.....I kinda got covered in yummy creamy icing :eek: What's a girl to do eh???
01-31-2002, 10:53 PM
Ok... smartass mode is <off>...
Thank you, each & every one of you, I am deeply, truly, touched...
If I may turn the fun down for a moment, when I started this thread, I had every intention of enjoying this b-day no matter what - sadly, real world family crisis has ensured that I will have little fun this weekend, won't bore anyone w/details, but I will cope somehow... but the response from you all really warmed my heart, & reminds me that this really is a FAMILY here... I need no sympathy here, just know that you did cheer me up...and thanks again...
Now, let's crank up the jams, resume the party, and don't stop till the neighbors call the cops... where's that cake girl, I wanna lick the icing...
02-01-2002, 02:22 PM
Scotz ---
Sorry to hear that all is not well in your world...
All the more reason to really make this birthday bash count!!! So maybe it's not your official birthday anymore, but the awesome thing about Pixies' is that somehow every day ends up feeling worth celebrating here!
I think OF's got the right idea:
Can we get enough volunteers together to trial the prototype slide? Concept clarification perhaps. SFC, you did mention BUTTERSCOTCH Schnapps, didn't you?
Let's combine the party here with the product trials --- we'll consider it a rehearsal for the big SOFA launch party! (I've already got something up my sleeve for that, so everyone, just look out!) There's plenty of butterscotch schnapps here, to serve as both physical and social lubricant on the slide... And anywhere stickiness is required, I bet some of NaughtyAngel's icing would do the trick --- that is, if you haven't licked it all up already? :p
I'm next in line for the Slippery-Dip!!!!
--- sweetstuff
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