View Full Version : To my dear Canadian neighbors...
Just a question... Why do so many Canadian members only put "Canada" as their location? Just something I've wondered about since you do have provinces... It might be nice to at least have a time zone reference for some of you. Not a big deal, but there aren't a lot of people with US listed as location. Just curioous... that's all! ;)
01-26-2002, 10:39 AM
Once I put New Brunswick on mine...and people thought I was from New Jersey or to me that there's a New Brunswick in New Jersey LOL
01-27-2002, 02:52 AM
Well, everybody just keeps asking where Vancouver is, so I thought I would keep it simple and say Canada. I am not sure what people will think if I put down British Columbia........
I'm from ontario but there is also an ontario in california so its just easier to say canada tan to keep explaining
01-27-2002, 04:39 PM
I'm from Ontario too, near Toronto, but I find there are enough people who don't know where that is that it's easier not to specify... (Aquaman, the time zone here is EST.)
One thing I've noticed is that it's really only the Americans and, to a lesser extent, the Australians who actually specify what part of the country they're from. Most of the Brits and other nationals are like the Canadians is that they seem to just post the name of the country... I'm sure you could read a whole lot about national characters into that little observation, but I can't be bothered!
To me it doesn't really matter where on earth a person's from. Matters more what kind of mental/personal background you've got than what country or province/state/region you're from!
--- sweetstuff
Xanne said,
Well, everybody just keeps asking where Vancouver is, so I thought I would keep it simple and say Canada. I am not sure what people will think if I put down British Columbia........
Being from Seattle, my question would be; Vancouver? BC or Washington? ;) It's about three hours either way... :D
Well, you all make a good point... I'm not sure how New Brunswick is relational to New Jersey. lol :D I think that since I'm so close to Canada, and have some friends from the Great White North, I maybe know a little bit more than others that don't have quite the same connection. Thanks for the response though!
To me it doesn't really matter where on earth a person's from. Matters more what kind of mental/personal background you've got than what country or province/state/region you're from!
Very true Sweetstuff, Very true!
01-28-2002, 03:34 PM
I have to agree with most people that it really doesn't matter where you are from!I have met nice people from all over and also
jerks from all over.Where you are from has nothing to do with what kind of person that you are.That's what matters! Irish
P.S.Some of the biggest assholes that I ever met;were irishmen
and my nickname is Irish.Also;like many;where I live now is several states away from where I am from.
Generic Man
01-28-2002, 08:13 PM
I give "Ontario" since it's just easier than saying "Suburban Toronto" or "A small University town in cottage country" :)
02-10-2002, 11:24 AM offence to my American friends and neighbors, but I find that too many Americans don't know enough about our geography to have any idea where things are in Canada.
I spent 6 months in Montana a couple of years ago, and my son went to school there. I spent lots of time at the school volunteering and helping in classrooms. To be honest, I walked away from that experience extremely disappointed in what those kids were taught about us. Their focus was mainly on their own history and geography, and very little was said about Canada...even though we're their largest neighbor, and share the same continent.
Before I left Montana to head back to Canada, I wrote a letter to the school board there, stating my disappointment at the quality of instruction about neighboring countries. This is the reply I received.
"We are sorry that you are not satisfied with the quality of instruction our schools are providing. However, we are fulfilling what the law instructs us to teach our American children."
I truely think that if you want to know more about Canada and any other neighbor, maybe you should talk to your government officials about changing what kids are taught in school...expanding their horizons a little more, to include the history and geography of their neighbors.
As I said before, I definitely don't mean to offend anyone by stating this....I just feel very strongly that American kids are being cheated out of truely learning about a neighbor, and that leads to ignorance as adults.
02-10-2002, 01:56 PM
U.S. public school education is sadly lacking on many fronts, not just what we don't teach about Canada (or any other neighbors) Hell, over half our students today can't FIND Canada on a map!
blk cat
02-10-2002, 01:56 PM
I also live in Ontario,Caledon infact,but Ontario covers a very large area and caledon is just a dot.Unless one would like to meet up it's not to important to be exact.
02-10-2002, 01:58 PM
sxxxy14u---I have to agree about the educational system.I listen
to alot of Talk Radio and last year(?) they tested the college professors.Over half of them failed on things that WE knew in 10th grade of High School.I,ve always said that;in my opinion;our
govt. sucks but I love our country.Suggestion-Break allegiance(sp)
with England.If WE hadn't;our police would probably be wearing
red coats and we would have northern Irelands problems.I don't
know if we would call our police Mounties or Bobbies. Irish
P.S.The main problem is that EVERY country has something wrong!
The college professors are the ones teaching OUR kids.
02-10-2002, 09:01 PM
I am curious to know if any of the non-Australians know anything about the states and territories of Australia.
I have to admit, I only know about a couple of the canadian provinces but most people know that America has 50 states....I find that interesting
I believe Australia has 6 states. As to their names, eeek I think I could only name Queensland. I guess I need to watch more Crocodile Hunter re-runs.
02-10-2002, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Boru
I guess I need to watch more Crocodile Hunter re-runs.
He's on every Sunday here....still amazes me why he goes up to a perfectly happy, most poisonous and aggressive snake and then proceeds to annoy it.
oh, and Australia also has two territories
02-10-2002, 10:16 PM
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Australian Capital Territory :D
thanks for the list, one can only watch Crocodile Hunter so many times, he's on 5 times a week here!
I did remember New South Wales after I scored 2!!
P.S. anybody yet read Morgan's Run by Morgan Llewellyn?
02-11-2002, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by legend
I am curious to know if any of the non-Australians know anything about the states and territories of Australia.
ok you've caught me...I know nothing about Australia except that I love the sexy accent! lol
02-11-2002, 07:49 AM
Legend---I have to admit that the most that I know about Austrailia is Mel Gibson,Russel Crowe and Crockadile(sp)Dundee.
The only thing that I remember about Austrailia;is thatCroc.
Dundees' girlfriend;Linda K.;had a nice ass!I graduated High
School in 1965 and; from what I remember;I don't think that we
learned anything about Austrailia. Irish
P.S. I had 2yrs college course&2yrs of General course.
02-12-2002, 12:37 AM
Ok, I'm gonna post this & let you Canadians explain it (or take offence, as the case may be)...
An Ontarian wanted to become a Newfie (ie. a Newfoundlander). He went to a neurosurgeon and asked "Is there anything you can do to me that would make me into a Newfie?"
"Sure, it's easy." replied the neurosurgeon. "All I have to do is cut
out 1/3 of your brain, and you'll be a Newfie."
The Ontarian was very pleased, and immediately underwent the operation. However, the surgeon's knife slipped, and instead of cutting out 1/3 of the patient's brain, the surgeon accidentally cut out 2/3 of the patient's brain. He was terribly remorseful, and waited impatiently beside the patient's bed as the patient recovered from the anesthetic.
As soon as the patient was conscious, the nurosurgeon said to him, "I'm terribly sorry, but there was a ghastly accident. Instead of cutting out 1/3 of your brain, I accidentally cut out 2/3 of your brain."
The patient replied, "Qu'est-ce que vous avez dit, monsieur?"
02-12-2002, 12:59 AM
sxxxy14u: legend = Australian and Australian = sexy accent, i.e. legend = sexy accent......excellent :)
Irish: Mel Gibson was born in America, Russell Crowe is a Kiwi and Linda K. is an American. We don't learn anything about the US in school either, we just get all they're tv shows.
I could be wrong, but one thing I've noticed is that Americans appear to love they're politicians. Is this remotely true? Us Aussies mostly despise our leaders and think they're all a bunch of lying idiots.
02-12-2002, 01:12 AM
Legend---I know that Linda K. is an American but she still has a
nice ass.It's the first thing that I noticed in the movie.Shows where my mind is! Irish
02-12-2002, 01:20 AM
oh, i know the scene you're talking about...picturing it now....:)
02-12-2002, 01:25 AM
Bill Clinton,Al Gore,etc.I despise them all and I am registered as
an independant;so don't blame it on political party favoritism.I
vote for the person that I think is best.Please don't go; on and
on;extolling the virtues of a political person.My mind is already
made up;right or wrong.Too many of my friends ended up in bags
marked"Body Parts Missing"to change my mind now.Games shouldn't be played with peoples lives! Irish
P.S.Sorry;got on my soapbox again.Some things;I'll never forget!
02-12-2002, 03:26 AM
Is an Aussie....and we Aussies don't have an accent.....all you other countries do :D;)
02-13-2002, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by scotzoidman
Ok, I'm gonna post this & let you Canadians explain it (or take offence, as the case may be)...
An Ontarian wanted to become a Newfie (ie. a Newfoundlander). He went to a neurosurgeon and asked "Is there anything you can do to me that would make me into a Newfie?"
"Sure, it's easy." replied the neurosurgeon. "All I have to do is cut
out 1/3 of your brain, and you'll be a Newfie."
The Ontarian was very pleased, and immediately underwent the operation. However, the surgeon's knife slipped, and instead of cutting out 1/3 of the patient's brain, the surgeon accidentally cut out 2/3 of the patient's brain. He was terribly remorseful, and waited impatiently beside the patient's bed as the patient recovered from the anesthetic.
As soon as the patient was conscious, the nurosurgeon said to him, "I'm terribly sorry, but there was a ghastly accident. Instead of cutting out 1/3 of your brain, I accidentally cut out 2/3 of your brain."
The patient replied, "Qu'est-ce que vous avez dit, monsieur?"
Va te fourrer Scotz!!!!! :D :D :p
02-13-2002, 11:22 PM
Ever wonder why N.H. jail inmates make license plates that say:
"Live Free or Die."Something isn't right there! Irish
02-14-2002, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
Va te fourrer Scotz!!!!! :D :D :p Sorry, darlin, you'll have to translate for me... I never got all the way thru my "French for Children" records...
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