View Full Version : Golden Showers
08-03-2001, 12:07 PM
After perusing the internet for a few years, I have definitely becomed more informed about the kinkiness of our society. I enjoy looking at pictures of women peeing and am wondering if anyone enjoys golden showers as part of their sexual relationship? I also would be interested in seeing pictures of people peeing.
Diver Down
08-03-2001, 04:51 PM
I'd like to try it some time and Mrs D. has agreed to it but, we never actually get around to it.
08-03-2001, 05:00 PM
Mr and Mrs D
I am a Dom and my submissive and myself are very into golden showers. I have marked her several times now and everytime it is better than the last. The reaction of her body is incredable, and the fun washing in the shower after is even better.
Till later
The Phantom
Pussy Willow
08-03-2001, 07:34 PM
I really don't know. I've never tried them. Don't know if I'd
like to or not. It's never really come up. Which leads me to
believe that he's NOT into them. Oh Well.........................!!!!!!!!
Thanks again for the chance to share.
Pussy Willow
08-03-2001, 10:49 PM
Yeah, Ive done that before....this one time my gf and i were on a road trip. she really had to go and we couldn't find a pit stop, nor could she go pee out in the bushes (she was horrified of snakes, and when she got out of the car to pee in the bushes, she saw one and immediately jumped back in. So, i offered to drink her piss and spit it out the side of the window when we got going again. She did the same for me later on that trip, and it eventually became part of our sexual relationship. go figure
I dont know about that.
08-10-2001, 03:26 AM
Lux mate - I'm with you on this one!!!
I don't think I would ever drink someone elses piss - maybe if my life depended on it I'd reconsider.
If a guy was really into it and wanted to try it I think I could piss on him - but can't imagine it would do much for me.
But each to their own I say!
Didn't Kevin Costner drink his own pee in Water World?
Oops, now I've just admitted in public that I've seen Water World. I hope you all still respect me...
My husband has suggested a couple of times that he would like me to pee on him...think he got that from one of the porn movies or something. But I don't know that I could go and do it for real! I mean, I'm a rather kinky girl and like all kinds of things but dunno about the pee thingy! <giggles>
And I know....I couldn't drink it!!! Eww Yuk!
Diver Down
08-11-2001, 04:55 PM
Having Mrs D. pee on me is one thing, drinking it is something totally differant. I could never bring myself to drink pee.
08-14-2001, 03:43 PM
Last year I dated a woman who would pee when she came.I licked her tastey pussy until she came in my mouth.she was multiorgasmic,one night she came 12 times .I loved every golden drop!My present girlfriend has only peed for me once ,gotta work on that.
I've given and received lots of golden showers, and even drank a little. Never thought I would be into them. I think I warmed up to them from reading stories about them. I decided to let one g/f pee in my mouth after eating her out right after she had peed on me... I could taste some pee was still there and it actually tasted pretty good. Sometimes the taste is not so good, but it's a pretty sterile substance really. My wife likes it best when I pee IN her. I also enjoy just watching women pee. It's very erotic to me. I say if you and your partner communicate about it and are comfortable trying it... give it a try.
01-25-2002, 11:29 PM
I don’t go into all of them with the same regularity.
My living room is intercourse and the kitchen, well…….., the recreation room, anal. My library is Pixies and I do have some rooms I don’t get into as often. Somewhere down the hall is a golden shower room.:rolleyes:
My first time into it was an accident (no pun) that happened while, of course, I was sucking the lady’s see-threw panties, and when she came, there was this little squirt (not the G orgasm, I know the difference) that surprised me and embarrassed her to death.:o
After a little mental adjustment, a small, but new room was added to my house.;)
(The thought dribbles on………)
01-25-2002, 11:35 PM
Now, with just a little forethought, this is a pleasant diversion on special occasions.;)
I have seen some of the toilet peeping type pic on the net taken with hidden cameras, and it does nothing for me. Even irritates me that some one STOLE these pictures.:mad:
But when we make a show of this FOR each other, that same function becomes sexual. The HOT, WET feeling on our skin is a very erotic sensation. The TASTE factor is exciting,:p but DRINKING is not of my inclination. The visual for both the giver and the receiver becomes a special frozen mental image. I don’t believe any gratification can be experienced at all if BOTH partner aren’t very warm (pun) to this. ;)
Hell,………..I’m just now putting on the “Cybering” Room addition next to the “Phone Sex” Room.
That’s just how MY house has been built.:D
on the wonderfully wet
doesn't that make your mouth water?
Sweet Chastity
02-17-2002, 12:20 PM
Hey guys!
I had a b/f who was into golden showers (receiving end) and i thought I'd try it but I couldn't relax enough to give him more than a dribble to drink. So I don't think I'd like a game that has me so wired I can't relax. Not my thing i think. I think I would be ok with someone watching me but not on top of him like my ex wanted.
Now he was also into eating other stuff that just grossed me out. Sorry to anyone here into that stuff, but I was a nurse and had to clean up many 'accidents' so I have to say that some body fluids I want no part of.
Sweet Chastity
Wicked Wanda
02-17-2002, 12:55 PM
Not giving or receiving.
We all have limits. I am a nurse, and view urine as a body waste, the result of filtering toxins from a body, not the wonderful life-giving seed that a man's cum is, or the sexy lubrication of a woman.
Also not into fecal waste either.
02-17-2002, 06:05 PM
Have to agree with Chastity and WW, I have seen it in too many catheter bags to ever have it do anything for me sexually.
But we can still play doctor/nurse...........;)
02-18-2002, 07:59 AM
02-18-2002, 08:05 AM
I might be open to the idea of golden showers with multiple female participants, but coprophagia? No way!!
02-18-2002, 10:31 AM
I have crossed more lines than I care to think of but I have to agree with Wanda and Chastity here; I'll stay on this side of the bodily waste line. But to each his or her own.
in the snow! Ha!
Seriously, I'm as big a perv as they come and while I've thought about damn near every sexual fetish, I just don't think I would want, number one to be pissed on (especially in the mouth) and number two to piss on someone. I don't think I could look at anyone I pissed on with any respect afterwards. I wouldn't be able to get any sexual satisfaction out of it.
02-18-2002, 06:08 PM
hi :)
most of you know i sell my panties online but i have to say, i get more requests for pee pee panties than any other kinda thing :) always happy to oblige :)
My ex had a thing for golden showers, sex was amazing on a full bladder, drove both of us crazy :) I miss him sometimes!
Lilly xxxx
[email protected]
Originally posted by Stardust
hi :)
most of you know i sell my panties online but i have to say, i get more requests for pee pee panties than any other kinda thing :)
Mmmmmmm... Would love to see pics of you creating those pee pee panties! :p
Thank you for the hard-on inspiring thought. :D
02-18-2002, 06:43 PM
you would? mmmm... well, i don't like to dissapoint :o)
I love reading stories, seeing pictures etc.etc. of all things watersports. My favorite kind of story (or pics) is female deaperation and nothing gets me harder than to see a desperate woman dieing for a piss in the real world. I've never had any opportunity to try any golden play as yet though :(
Originally posted by Stardust
you would? mmmm... well, i don't like to dissapoint :o)
And I certainly don't like to be disappointed... ;)
Any chance of you posting a lovely pee in your panties pic?? I'm getting erect just thinking about it... :o
King's Jester
10-19-2002, 01:23 PM
Golden Showers sounds like fun to me... My boyfriend has a fetish with urination, and we agreed to doing this together... but I told him someday when we are on a tile floor so it will be easy to clean up!!!!:rolleyes:
Uncle Silky
10-20-2002, 02:08 AM
am i the only one who thinks it's fuckin hilarious that everyone can speak so candidly about pissin on people, gettin pissed on, and/or drinkin it... but 'pee' is the strongest word anyone seems willing ta use concerning the situation? goddamn, that's comedy platinum.
10-20-2002, 02:29 AM
am i the only one who thinks it's fuckin hilarious
Ummmmmmm i dont think it's hilarious at all
Its just one word that is used to describe the act....not just here but over other parts of the web too
Most probably use the word 'pee' as to not shove the concerning threads it into the face of those that are not into it...a bit of politeness i spose
Anyway thats my take on it
A.K.'s Sex-Pot
10-20-2002, 06:00 AM
Never tried golden showers and to be honest I think it's highly unlikely that I ever will, although there have been times when a sex session has gone on for a long time that by the time I'm having intercourse I need to pee so badly that I can't let go enough to cum.
At those times it would be great to just be able to let go, allow myself to cum and not worry about whether or not I peed, but the peeing itself wouldn't be a turn on unless my partner was really into it.
Oh and I've just remembered that when I was a little girl and first experimented with masturbation, I would only ever do it when I needed to pee. I suppose the feeling of a full bladder and the feeling of being turned on are actually very similar sensations. . .
Uncle Silky
10-20-2002, 02:18 PM
hahahaha! my god, that's even funnier.
10-21-2002, 05:42 AM
Golden showers are a turn on for me. The idea of someone pissing in my mouth is very exciting, I think probably because it's so humiliating, so submissive.
But as for whether or not I'd have the courage to carry through with it, and actuall drink someone's pee, I'm not sure. It'd depend on the situation, how much my partner wanted to do it as well.
I'd love to get pissed on, though. All over my body and that.
As for pissing on someone, or in their mouth - I have no problem with it at all. It'd be kinda exciting for me, I think. But not as much as being on the receiving end.
A.K.'s Sex-Pot
10-22-2002, 07:14 PM
Uncle Silky -
I used the word 'Pee' because that's what I call it. Piss is a word I associate with rain, getting drunk and being annoyed, not with emptying my bladder.
And I'm not about to change the way I speak just because you think it sounds coy.
So stick that in your pipe and smoke it! :) :) :)
10-22-2002, 09:15 PM
my lover has asked me to let him finger me when i am peeing or pee on him in the tub, but we have never had that opportunity. but he told me that he once was with a woman that was riding him on a toilet and she peed on him while they were fucking (he asked her too). he said he had never cum so hard.....but it made quite a mess on the floor. hehehe
Uncle Silky
10-22-2002, 10:54 PM
i don't recall sayin anybody hadta change anything, if you'll pay attention. besides, yer a dirty foreigner. you have an excuse. a flimsy one, but still.
Sweet Chastity
10-24-2002, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by Uncle Silky
i don't recall sayin anybody hadta change anything, if you'll pay attention. besides, yer a dirty foreigner. you have an excuse. a flimsy one, but still.
Wow! I hope you're kidding cuz otherwise that is a bit rude. Everyone here is so nice and I've never seen a post slam another person so I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and hoping you are just kidding.
Sweet Chastity
A.K.'s Sex-Pot
10-24-2002, 01:17 AM
SC - what a sweetie you are but I'm sure that Uncle Silky is just trying to get a rise out of me.
US - That's right, hun, I'm as dirty as they cum!!!! ;)
Uncle Silky
10-24-2002, 11:28 AM
*headshake* jesus... you obviously haven't been here long, Chastity. people here know i'm never serious about anything. remember that and we'll get along just fine.
and A.K.... yer still a dirty foreigner. except now, a dirtier one... with bugs and cooties.
A.K.'s Sex-Pot
10-24-2002, 12:22 PM
I love you too hun.
Uncle Silky
10-24-2002, 09:58 PM
Vintage Vixen
10-27-2002, 01:14 AM
Golden showers = rusty water lol
no really did one to adude hewas in heaven but i don't wanna get pissed on.Cummed ok no peepee lol
10-30-2002, 11:07 AM
I like to get peed on or pee on someone in the shower. Also, I want to have a guy pee inside me--by keeping his cock in my pussy when it becomes soft. I heard it's an awesome feeling.
11-05-2002, 10:26 PM
Im into it a little, I could handle someone peeing on me but Not inside my mouth. I also dont think I could pee on someone a gf it would have to a one night stand.
12-26-2002, 08:22 PM
I would like to try it, but not drink it but I don't think my wife ever would concider it.
11-07-2005, 03:06 PM
I have been increasingly absorbed by the thought of receiving golden showers from my wife but she is, how would I say, unenamored with the thought. The web sites usually show men peeing on women in some type of sterile locale, i.e. the bathtub but I am much more interested in viewing scenes of women doing the honors as part of lovemaking. I am unsure how I would actually like my wife performing this but I would love to have the experience.
11-07-2005, 03:27 PM
I'd love to do it! Giving, receiving, drinking it, the whole thing. I'm very lucky that my wife expressed some interest in giving, so I hope to post about my new experiences here soon!
11-08-2005, 12:57 AM
Wife let me pee on her in the shower a few times. But I kinda have a shy bladder. So it didn't work too well. Like when I have to do a drug test at work and the lab tech stands outside the door waiting for you. Just can't squeeze it out sometimes. Have tried to get her to pee on me, but no luck yet.
12-01-2005, 01:13 PM
Giving would be ok but, truly, I am more interested in the receiving. The problem is that my wife has no love for fluids from the body. When I lick her pussy it means the end of any type of kissing as she doesn't care for the taste or smell of her own secretions. I, on the other hand love it. How can I get around that?
12-02-2005, 03:40 PM
I'm happy to report that I now have experience with receiving golden showers, courtesy of my lovely wife. It was a quite a lot of fun and educational as well. I had some trouble finding her urethra before, but now that I've seen exactly where the pee comes from I know where it is! :)
12-02-2005, 05:38 PM
Did she enjoy doing it as much as you enjoyed receiving it? Did you taste it?
12-02-2005, 10:41 PM
Well, I think I she enjoyed it, though I probably enjoyed it more! We did it in the bathtub, in two positions, one with her standing over me with my head between her legs, and another with her half-sitting, half-lying lying on my chest, with her pussy near my face. I liked the second position more because I could really see the whole process, which was fascinating and sexy. I did taste her pee, which was also a big turn-on.
12-03-2005, 12:51 PM
Interesting. How did you first open the subject to her. I have tried writing e mails sort of introducing the subject but she was not even receptive to that. The scene you describe sounds really erotic. I would love to hear how she felt about the whole thing. Did you drink what you tasted?
I am the lovely wife referred to by agathwe, and I must say that while I was not exactly turned on by the experience, I didn't mind doing it, and it felt good to see my husband enjoying himself. I don't think I would enjoy having it done to me, though, and definitely not on my face.
12-03-2005, 11:22 PM
Then what were your thoughts while you were doing it. Did you feel you were degrading him and did that bother you? Was it difficult for you to begin the stream? While you were peeing on him did you direct the stream toward his face and mouth or did he move to actually allow the pee to enter his mouth. Have I mentioned my sincere admiration for you? I would love to see photos of you doing this but I can understand if you didn't wish to share them with me.
I have to admit I wasn't thinking anything sexy. The first time, when I was standing, I was thinking, "huh. I thought it would dribble down my leg, but it isn't." The second time, I had to go so bad I was mainly thinking, "ahhhhh, that's good." I was also concentrating on where it was going. I did not have a problem starting a flow - maybe a little the first time, but the second time I really had to go, so that was no problem. It helped to have some champagne first, and plenty of water.
I didn't feel I was degrading him, but he may have felt that way - I am not sure. It was fun to do something new sexually, and I'm glad I did it. I hope this answers your question, kerela!
12-04-2005, 08:39 PM
I think that part of the appeal that this whole thing has for a man like myself and, possibly, your man too is the whole feeling of being dominated. Too clarify myself, I am not into the whip and outfits that these, so-called, dominitrix use to ply their craft but I find myself drawn to the feeling that they espouse, i.e. the controlling of a man and thus the ability to do anything, yes, even to pee on them. I suppose my question can only be answered by the actual act so therefore I will probably have further questions and observations for you. If you don't mind of course. By the way I did ask about a picture of you doing this.
12-07-2005, 07:56 AM
All ypu guys who drinks any pee is very very sick!!!
I wouldnt even drink my own pee unless my very life depended on it.
12-07-2005, 08:05 AM
i guess that's what makes the world such an interesting place...everyone is different. too bad we can't accept those differences - just live and let live - without any judgement.
12-07-2005, 09:59 AM
What she ^^^ said.
All ypu guys who drinks any pee is very very sick!!!
I wouldnt even drink my own pee unless my very life depended on it.
Well poo on you! LOL ;)
You know if you really don't like something....fine.
But to call people sick is in itself very insulting.
I notice your profile says you won't have sex until married....that is not the norm, but it is for you and so be it. To each his own!
12-07-2005, 12:13 PM
I have found, in my many years of loving, that once you rule anything out in lovemaking you have left out a possibility that may be wonderful. On the other hand it may not be for you but at least you will know for certain. This is true for life experience in general. I believe I will love the feel of pee on me when it is accompanied by love and I look forward to testing my theory. Those that disagree, so be it. You are entitled to your say but I definitely don't feel bound by your opinion.
12-07-2005, 12:55 PM
My approach to lovemaking is essentially "anything once...twice if I like it ;)".
There are some things I'd like to try that Mrs. WI has expressed no interest in. It'd be interesting to try, just for the experience, but having survived this long without going there leads me to believe my life doesn't depend on them. One of those things on my "to do" list is golden showers. I'd be more comfortable on the receiving end, simply because I just can't reconcile peeing on someone in a respectful way. I know, it's silly to think like that, but my mind isn't there yet.
12-07-2005, 05:40 PM
Its the same in my case, WI. Mrs. K did not even respond when I e-mailed her a brief description of my fantasy for golden play. She thought I could not be serious about such a thing and yes there is the idea that it is peeing in my direction would be disrespectful but maybe thats what intrigues me. I am so obsessed with this I have begun imagining other women doing this with me. My wife is a very vanilla type. Not that she would refuse anything but she will make it plain that she is just doing this for me and, as you can imagine, this takes a bit of the excitement out of things. Have you ever broached this subject with Mrs. WI?
12-07-2005, 05:42 PM
Didn't I read somewhere that urine is a major part of one of the fad diets?
12-07-2005, 05:50 PM
Yes, I've talked to Mrs. WI about it. She's not comfortable with my seeing her pee, much less having her pee on me. And that's ok, actually, because as of right now...well, I'm not even sure I really want it. It's just something I'd like to experience to see if I would enjoy it.
12-07-2005, 05:57 PM
i don't know about that, OF but there is a man who drinks his pee - the first one of every morning - and swears that he recaptures many lost minerals and vitamins. i don't know if he does or not but i do know that as long as a person is not ill, their urine is sterile. plus - in studies - compounds containing female urine have been shown to arouse heterosexual men. whether they knew it or admitted it, their brain scans showed it all: in every single heterosexual male tested the hypothalamus lit up like a christmas tree
i don't know about that, OF but there is a man who drinks his pee - the first one of every morning - and swears that he recaptures many lost minerals and vitamins. i don't know if he does or not but i do know that as long as a person is not ill, their urine is sterile. plus - in studies - compounds containing female urine have been shown to arouse heterosexual men. whether they knew it or admitted it, their brain scans showed it all: in every single heterosexual male tested the hypothalamus lit up like a christmas tree
Did it look like this tree???
12-07-2005, 06:30 PM
you're shameless. :D
more like this ( but i can see how one could get them confused. :p
12-07-2005, 06:59 PM
I'm not interested in the drinking/tasting of pee, but I'm open to the idea of pee-play. I explored this a bit several years back and was amazed at how uninhibited it made me.
12-07-2005, 08:04 PM
Its funny but my wife never minded me seeing her pee and used to be very open about it until I shared with her the idea that smelling her pee after she used the facilities was arousing to me. I actually suggested that she not wipe and then straddle my face so I could grab a little of the nectar, so to speak. Since then she has not been so open about me seeing her pee. My loss. I wasn't aware of the diagnostic proof of male response to that smell. Thanks for that info Wyndhy.
12-07-2005, 08:35 PM're welcome kerela. i didn't mean to ruin something sexy with a clinical study, but just to shed light on why it isn't really all that far-fetched, unusual or deranged that a man would be turned on by it ... or a woman for all that matters.
perhaps if you researched it yourself, and presented her with the facts (and the fact that it's not just you - but tons of people - who are aroused by it) she might be more receptive. :)
12-07-2005, 09:49 PM
lol, I assure you, I am not deranged or unusual though I admit to being just a little far-fetched. You have not made it any less sexy with your citing of clinical evidence.
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