View Full Version : Lets be decent here
01-21-2002, 01:27 AM
Hi everyone,
I guess its my turn up on the old soapbox.
I've got to be honest here. I keep seeing all these GREAT pics posted by some of our new members, and while these wonderful people are literally baring themselves to the rest of us here at Pixies..I'm seeing alot more negative comments when they do.
I dont understand..and frankly it's beginning to PISS ME OFF.
Can we PLEASE use a little common sense and take in mind the feelings of the others here? Its all well and good to dissagree..but if you feel you must criticize the the pics use the PM system or better yet keep your damn fool MOUTH shut.
Don't ruin the site for the poster of the pics..and for those of us that enjoy everyone for what and who they are.
If you want to go see professional models and pics go to the pay sites somewhere else here on the web.
Here's an idea, if you look at pics that you dont like..keep your mouth shut..and don't look at them again, but first and formost KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT.
Just as an example..Playfull Tigress hasnt been seen from since there were some negative comments regarding her post, and also some on a few negative comments on other threads.
Lets all keep Pixies the great place that it is and use our heads.
01-21-2002, 01:56 AM
I'm with you 1000000% on that one!!!
Seems like just as I started to post my own pics, there's been an onslaught of negative comments. :mad: I've been lucky; I've been spared those. But I feel for the people who have had to deal with them, and it also makes me more than a little hesitant to want to post more. I get such a great thrill out of sharing my pics, knowing that other people are enjoying them, but I know that the first negative comment I get will be a major blow. And every time another woman (or man, for that matter) gets a negative comment, I feel it keenly because I'm aware that it's completely arbitrary whether the comment goes to them or to me. :(
So please, folks, for the sake of all of us who post pics, keep the negativity to yourselves. As NutWorld says, you can always go elsewhere if this isn't the site for you; but I know one thing for sure, and that is that Pixies' is the place for me!
(Forget the soap-box, I think I need some pom-poms and a mini-skirt --- I'm turning into a regular cheerleader here!:p)
--- sweetstuff
01-21-2002, 02:06 AM
I agree, remember, these are real people behind the funny names, with real feelings... you can't un-ring a bell...
(now, I'll take my vision of SFC's pom-poms to bed with me)
01-21-2002, 02:32 AM
hey this is the weird guy tell you all that it is tottaly uncool to dis someone cuz you dont like the way they look. hell i think the people making fun should post there pics!!!!!!!!! i bet there just a bunch of mean ugly mofos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so anyways just spread the love
be nice to eachother
and dont make me whoop your ass for being mean!!!!!!!!!!
thank you all and good night
01-21-2002, 06:35 AM
and dont make me whoop your ass for being mean!!!!!!!!!! <---------- This is my new motto!!!! :D
I also agree 100 %!!!!
Please...if you see an offensive or questionable post, report it to me ASAP!! I am here and read as much as I can...and I can usually delete them the second they are posted...but there are some I do miss and don't notice till it's to late. :( ...
01-21-2002, 07:37 AM
I agree too one of the greatest things about this site is that the people are real no one claims to be a galmor model or anything like that we are real people who are accepted here and for the most part get along I have never talked to anyone here lol but would do so if the chance ever took place.
01-21-2002, 08:29 AM
I have to agree!Nutworld;you don't use the soapbox; unless you
ask permission!Remember-Better to be pissed off then pissed on.
My poor attempt at a little humor because I know what its like to
be mad!As they say in AA."Keep your mouth shut and your ears
open."As said-If you don't like what you see-Don't look anymore.
In defense;and I hate steriotyping;You don't see the" old timers"
being derrogotory to people that much!It seems as if the people
that have been here for awhile know that people have feelings!
New people;don't get riled.I am just making a general statement.
Nutworld---I am glad that you said something!I have noticed the
same thing myself!
Im with ya all the way nutworld.I have kept my mouth shut over it because i have a short temper and been into to many fights in person because of assholes on the net.First people say this board is for people to express there opinions and feelings and when they do they get bitched and and told to leave.We had a big ordeal recently saying to many people dont post or anything and when they do and there not regulars they get flushed out so to speak.I agree totally that if its something u dont wanna read or see dont look at it.
01-21-2002, 12:24 PM
well i agree as well nutworld but have kept quiet because i have only been posting since december and am still hesatant about jumping in on some things because although i get the feeling everyone here is great im still a bit shy in a way
01-21-2002, 12:58 PM
scorpi42---Don't be shy.Jump in.That's how people get to know
your views on things.I have read certain replies and gotten incensed;then I thought "No!"I interpreted that wrong.That person doesn't think like that!they are a pretty good person.
01-21-2002, 01:09 PM
oh im starting to but will only post when i have something to say or to complement but cheers irish
Forget the soapbox, milkcrate, etc.... I'm jumping up to the top of my car... :O
As 2-4-tea said...
one of the greatest things about this site is that the people are real
That's reason #1 why I love Pixies! Real people aren't auditioned, hired and then airbrushed to hide imperfections. Imperfections are what makes us all unique, and to me, that uniqueness is very sexy. I appreciate it when anyone shows the guts to post a pic and take the risk of what people may think. I believe it's our responsibility after viewing a posted pic to show the maturity to respond with encouragement... or not respond at all! If no one posts a favorable response, then a message is sent that implies it wasn't liked all that well without a hurtful comment. Fortunately the tastes here vary as much as the types of people that post pics. If you post, there's almost, (note: 'almost') ;) , a guarantee that someone here will be into it.
And a message for those that are eager to be "honest" and put someone down... try and look for something appealing in the post first, if you don't see something that strikes you, your silence could be considered a reflection of your opinion. The beautiful part is that a non-response doesn't have to mean a negative one.
Heck, Pixies has a couple thousand registered users, I think, so there's bound to be a favorable response from someone! My first post only got about 4-5 responses..., (Which I think is pretty average for the Mens pics section), but personally, I'll focus on the responses I got, not the ones I didn't! So instead of taking the time to put someone down, why not check out a different thread that's more to your tastes...
Well, I've said my peace. (At least for now!) :)
Better get down from here... all this Washington rain is making the roof slippery...
01-21-2002, 01:43 PM
Scorpi, Aquaman
A forum is a place where people come to speak.
Ours is no different.
Positive criticism is to be applauded, but nasty put-downs
are not our style.
As members of the forum we expect your opinions.
Speak them well.
01-21-2002, 09:04 PM
Remember the keyboard is incapable of reproducing facial expressions,,nuances,,,emotions,,and body language. We are all at a handicap here,,and sometimes words get taken the wrong way without the above.:) I for one think all the ladies are beautiful<hard word to take wrong,,,,and very giving to share that beauty with us.
01-22-2002, 12:27 AM
Hey Irish,
I wasn't sure whom to ask permission from..that soapbox has been a busy little bugger to track down, so when I got a hold of it....and man am I out of shape...I took it and jumped on w/o asking, sorry.!!
It won't happen again....err maybe.
01-22-2002, 09:15 AM
Remember the keyboard is incapable of reproducing facial expressions,,nuances,,,emotions,,and body language.
Ahhh my dear DickWAD..that's where you are wrong!!!
I am a pro at this!!!
Smiling: :)
Upset: :mad:
Wink: ;)..which can also mean flirtacious
Sad: :(
Lick me: :p ..or I would like to lick you :p
Ready for oral: :o
Tastes like fish: :fish:
And many more!!!!! :D
Kim...I NEED MORE SMILEYS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
And there's something wrong with fish?!?! LOL ;) :p :fish:
01-22-2002, 09:10 PM
No....I love fish!!!!!!!!!! :D :D ;)
01-22-2002, 09:42 PM
I stand corrected.;)
01-23-2002, 10:48 AM
Ya know, reading thru this makes me understand more and more why I don't like my pic being taken....
since I was in grade school, I fought with my parents not to make me have my school pics taken. I always thought I looked funny because my chest and butt was always bigger than all the other girls in my class...
as school went on, it got worse and worse with the teasing and all because I was developing faster than others...
now that I am an adult, I have a hard time getting my pic taken for my driver's license, let alone post a pic here and have a negative comment added to it...
01-23-2002, 11:13 AM
RedNLacee---You can't let other peoples opinions of your physical
appearance bother you!They are mostly things beyond your control.Worry mainly about whether you are a good person.You
can't make all of the people happy all of the time.Someone will
always find fault with;their acceptance;of your personal appearence.As long as you know that your heart is in the right
place;that's all you can do!Screw them! Irish
P.S.Learned with age and experience!
01-23-2002, 12:07 PM
While we almost all like to see pics posted by members,
(lots of pictures) it's not a must.
When you're comfortable posting, is good.
Remember that there are some folk about who take joy
dragging people down, regardless of how they look.
If a negative is going to cream you, don't post.
However, being strong and posting with a message of
"this is for my friends and the rest can rack off" may be
worth thinking about.
Personally, any woman who thinks enough of herself to post and
say, " I like me, share my joy." gets my vote every time.
01-24-2002, 12:53 PM
Thanks, guys, but after all that I've gone thru growing up, it took me a long time to get my self esteem back up and running. I don't think I could handle a negative now that I have some positive in my life right now.
But keep this in mind...there might come a day when I say 'screw it...I don't care if they don't like how I look...' but until then...
Rednlaycee said...
because my chest and butt was always bigger than all the other girls
I don't know about the others here, but that sounds great to me!
:D :D
Seriously though, I have to agree with OldFart... he is Pixies virtual fountain of wisdom... :)
Whereas I am simply a fountain of useless (and semi-useless ;) ) information... (and proud of it!)
Whenever you feel it's the right time for you to post, if ever, there'll be plenty of happy, horny, Pixies guys ready to look and encourage! ;)
Prophet Reality
01-25-2002, 02:21 AM
Here are my thoughts. I grew up a big kid, was tall and almost always overweight. Plus a name that everyone made fun of too. But as I got older I realized that it is in most every person we know to be mean to someone that they don't know or want to try and know. So after that, I realized that if they don't like what I look like, they can turn their heads or go somewhere else. Rednlaycee.... whenever you feel comfortable to post, I and many others will be here to tell you just how sexy you are.
01-25-2002, 12:15 PM
Aquaman43, it was just a photo of me pissing in a
swimming pool that history got wrong.
Your avatar is your way of saying how you want people to
"see" you when conversing through posts. It's enough and
those who push for more are just greedy (myself included).
Real sexy has little to do with body shape and a lot to do
with how you relate to people.
Fountain's working well.
01-25-2002, 02:00 PM
I'm just greedy, too... and proud of it... and Laycee, I think, knows I'm just trying to help her relax with my rapier-like wit(?), and if she never posts a pic I will already have a sexy mental image of her to play with...:p
01-26-2002, 11:38 AM
Agree completely.
01-26-2002, 11:54 PM
You don't fool me, I see what your up to... you've got your eye on third place... but I need you there covering my back, while I look up at Diva & Sharni (Trying to look up their skirts, actually)
01-27-2002, 09:33 AM
Never in my life have I been so maligned and
Should I pip you at the post it will be purely to save you
from a life of dissolution gazing up the legs of the ladies.
The things I have to do to protect you from yourself!!
Gratitude? Nothing.
Diva, ankle about 2" to the left please.
Sharni, just perfect.
01-27-2002, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Oldfart
Never in my life have I been so maligned and
misrepresented. Not even when it was suggested that you might be a tit man?
01-29-2002, 12:22 PM
There are certain elements of that argument that may have
a certain veracity when viewed in the context of tits.
I can neither confirm nor deny........(Mmmm nice nipple)...
01-29-2002, 08:00 PM
Amazing... such skillful use of the English language, and to say absolutely nothing at all! Ever consider a career in politics?
01-30-2002, 01:50 AM
Originally posted by scotzoidman
Amazing... such skillful use of the English language, and to say absolutely nothing at all! Ever consider a career in politics?
The perspicacious onlooker will indubitably note that the semantic maneuvering that Scotz has observed in Oldfart's post has produced, ipso facto, a parallel vacuity in several of Scotz' own responses on this thread and elsewhere. Perhaps such a reader will deduce a codependent production of simulacra: each post gleans from the previous a measure of obfuscation which it then imbues with its own essential raison d'être, thereby attaining new heights of verbal turbulence. It is this author's firm belief that such linguistic contortions are generated not through a philanthropic desire to enlighten and uplift the populationi of this fine establishment, but rather through a machismo-driven sociopsychological urge to triumph over one another in that most supreme measure of verbosity, the 'post count'. Perhaps it is time for these fine gentlemen to eschew such barbed ineloquence in favour of simplified communication in their new joint business venture, the marketing and construction of the patented Slippery-Dip to which mention has elsewhere been made...?
( :D You guys crack me up. ROTFLMAO@you both! :D ... )
--- sweetstuff
01-30-2002, 08:59 AM
You arent a lawyer by chance are you?????
01-30-2002, 09:12 AM
Stop the chit chat boys and get back to work on that contraption!!!!:D ~~~~~~~~>Lilith
OMG... Sweetstuff, what a diatribe! Your eloquent speech has given cause for palpitations within the four-chambered muscle located near the core of my abdominal cavity, furthermore significantly reducing the volume of oxygen available for exhalation which correlates directly to the loss of stability occuring in and of the mass of cartilage and bone that adhere to a fixed postion betwixt the upper and lower torso supporting fixtures which allows for forward and/or rearward momentum of my physical embodiment. It will soon become apparent to my employer that in my current state I am completely ineffective and unable to perform at even minimal capacity. My ability to contribute to said 'Slippery Dip'™ planning and development has henceforth been considerably nullified for an indeterminable unit of time. ;)
01-30-2002, 03:43 PM
Aaagh! Aquaman, I don't want to put you out of circulation, as it were --- the Slippery-Dip needs all the helping tongues... I mean... helping hands it can get during this sensitive stage in its development! So I guess I'd better just speak plain English then, huh? :D
Nutworld --- No, I'm not a lawyer... If I were I wouldn't be in so much debt... Just a poor starving student here! :rolleyes:
And Lilith --- Your translation was perfect. To think I could have got my point across so concisely and so easily! *melodramatic sigh*
*LOL* :D
--- sweetstuff
01-30-2002, 11:25 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
Stop the chit chat boys and get back to work on that contraption!!!!:D ~~~~~~~~>Lilith Thanks for the translation, Miz Lil... yas'm, I'll be getting back to work now...
01-31-2002, 01:22 PM
Whilst my co-developer of the SOFA (Scotzoid and Old Fart
Apparatus)(working title, copyright protected by Smith and
Wesson) and I may seem to be chasing a "post count",
we are, in fact , performing an obscure rite referred by various
cultural experts as "enjoying ourselves".
This act, while admittedly interfering in the singleminded
development of our much-awaited SOFA, allows receptivity to
new ideas which may dramatically enhance the effectiveness
of the SOFA.
Obfuscation is sometimes an interrupt mechanism which allows
for "fun" which can lead to "enjoying ourselves".
SOFA, mmmm, has a certain ring to it!
01-31-2002, 01:38 PM
That me always cracking my whip! Like to keep my men whipped ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>Lilith
Prophet Reality
01-31-2002, 01:53 PM
Crack that whip then M. Lilith. And remember if you need any personal attention, I am always available.
01-31-2002, 02:09 PM
Lilith---I didn't hear that you like to keep your men whipped.I heard that you like to keep your men-whipping it! Irish
P.S.I'm doing my best to keep your expectations satisfied!
Hey OF, make sure you show your copyright in there on SOFA©!
And remember the trademark for Slipper Dip™...
There's corporate spies everywhere...:O gotta watch out for the best interests of Pixies and the ladies who will be using the Slippery Dip™.
Lady Pleaser
01-31-2002, 04:55 PM
SFC they can't stand for Dive to have a higher "post count.":rolleyes:
01-31-2002, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Lady Pleaser
SFC they can't stand for Dive to have a higher "post count.":rolleyes: on the contrary, I have no intention of even trying to exceed or match the output of the mighty goddess Diva... jeez, I just had to replaace my mouse due to long term posting, can't afford to keep up with her ;)
02-01-2002, 12:13 PM
If we put our minds to it, we could post meaningless trash
at the rate of maybe 25-30 per hour.
An overnight stint could overtake Diva, Sharni or Scotz easily.
Why you'd do that is another question.
A post doesn't have to be something the philosophers would
have killed for, just relevant and appropriate.
Besides, I can't count that high.
02-01-2002, 12:43 PM
all talk and no sex makes Lilith a cranky girl :( ~~~~~~~~~>Lilith
02-01-2002, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Lilith
all talk and no sex makes Lilith a cranky girl :( ~~~~~~~~~>Lilith actually, dirty talk is my 2nd favorite form of oral sex... would that help, Lil?
02-01-2002, 05:01 PM
Just get that Slippery Dip ready because as I recall I am first in line. Dirty talk, or as we say at my house, naughty talk, is one of my favorite forms of stimulation. All oral sex ~verbal or physical~ gets me going!!!~~~~~~~~~>Lilith
02-02-2002, 01:41 PM
Scotz is a cunning lingiust too.
02-02-2002, 02:02 PM
It is exactly all you cunning linguist that keep me cumming back to Pixie's (habitually now) for more :p ~~~~~~~~~~~>Lilith
02-03-2002, 11:33 AM
Should the thread be changed to
"Lets be indecent here?"
Has merit.
07-09-2003, 01:11 PM
Highjacking at it's finest! This is how the pros do it!!!!
04-23-2007, 02:13 PM
This is an old thread, obviously, BUT...................................
I feel like it might need to be re-visited.
I'm not talking about specific event or post, but just "bumping" it for lack of a better term, so we can keep Pixies the great place it is.
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