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View Full Version : Illiterate?

01-17-2002, 10:41 AM
I guess that I'm not the only one;who considers; himself computer
illiterate.I listen to an AM talk show in the morning.One of the co-
hosts is nicknamed"Ozone."He used to be a "Rock"disc jockey on
another show.He strikes me as very funny.He said that he was so
illiterate about current things that he thought the"Silicone Valley"
was the area between Anna Nicole Smiths breasts. Irish
P.S.Just struck me funny as most people on the radio act like they
know everything instead of makng fun of themselves.

01-17-2002, 12:04 PM
Irish, I know what you mean! There is a local station here that I listen to and the DJ wouldn't know his ass from a hole in the ground!!
He says crazy things like the 'Silicone Valley' things too and since I have a warped sense of humor anyway...they all make me laugh!!

01-17-2002, 12:32 PM
RedNLaycee---I know what you mean.I have found myself listening to a lot of talk shows lately.I started listening to them because of the particlar host.Now I find thar it is; not only;a good
way to keep up with current events but I find myself enjoying what the people that call in have to say. Irish
P.S.Any port in a storm!I;also;have what many would call-A warped sense of humor.Who cares?

01-17-2002, 12:46 PM
Only those who have one can appreciate it!!
If you don't have one...don't try be around me cause I can find the most disgusting thing hilarious!! Besides...I'm a clerk at a truck stop and work around truck drivers..that should explain my sense of humor!! he he he