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01-16-2002, 09:04 PM
Hope it's not to late to introduce myself since I've already posted pics and replies in several threads here...:confused:

I'm from Washington state, Married, not quite six foot, around 185 lbs, and I have pretty long hair.
My wife isn't really into the forum thing so I go it alone in here...
Not really alone, 'cause you're all here!:)
I found this site looking for erotic stories... I found a lot more!
I really love amateur pics of real people... they turn me on more than airbrushed bunnies could anyday. I've quite enjoyed all the ladies pics I've seen on here, so keep 'em comin', and I'll try and post pics when I can...:D
And thanks to the ladies who have complimented my pics!
Especially the PM compliments!!!:D

01-17-2002, 07:51 AM
Welcome to Pixies!

01-17-2002, 10:06 AM
Aquaman43---Welcome.I know the feeling of having your wife not
particapating.Mine doesn't try to tell me; not to belong ;but asks
little questions;like-You don't talk to any women there;do you?
She also makes little comments;when she's pissed at me for
unrelated things.If I'm going on the computer;She'll make comments like:"Going in to talk to your little Friends?" Irish

01-17-2002, 11:29 AM
A very very warm welcome to you, Aquaman! It's never too late to tell us more about yourself --- or (hint, hint, hint) to show us more of those phenomenal pics you've got so that we can imagine you better... ;) :D ;) I'm really enjoying your pics and your comments/insights on the various other threads... Definitely glad you found us! Hope you'll continue to stick around!

--- sweetstuff

01-17-2002, 02:30 PM
WElcome Aquaman.

I have really enjoyed your posts and your pictures (mmmm, the "wet" ones very really hot). Hope to see more (posts and pictures) in future :p :)

01-17-2002, 04:25 PM
Especially the PM compliments!!!

Must be nice!!! LOL...Wonder why I never get any PM"S???? Heeheehee...:D :D :D

Welcome to Pixies Aqua...you make a very fine addition to the family!!!!!

01-17-2002, 04:31 PM
to all who have welcomed me thus far...

Irish... I know the feeling. I do all my Pixie posts from work so as to not create an issue at home.

Sugarfree... I've really enjoyed your posts as well! Now I wish I would have payed more attention in French class. Je'ne sai pas.

Xanne... Just saw you've taken the pic post plunge and can't wait to see more!

Diva... Check your PM's :D

And I'm glad to see you're taking notice to what I have to say as well! I have a mind... and I'm not afraid to use it!! ;)

Of course, check Robin Williams' quote at the bottom of LoveDiva's post and then remember that I have a huge hard-on most of the time that I'm here... thanks to all you beautiful woman posting pics!!! :D

01-17-2002, 09:14 PM
Good name for you.... you keep me wet :D

But then you probably know that already

Luv Mel

08-22-2008, 07:41 PM

I never read this.

You are a whore :p

08-22-2008, 07:45 PM
I missed this too *L*

08-22-2008, 07:54 PM
Good bump... I had forgotten about it. :o

08-22-2008, 11:05 PM

I never read this.

You are a whore :p
Aqua, that's your cue to say,

AM SO!!!!