View Full Version : Posting at Pixies
01-10-2002, 03:59 PM
I felt that i would have been taking over the "Bored " thread by continuing to discuss this issue i answered here
Sharniqua---Perhaps some of the people;here at Pixies;are in the same situation;as my wife and I.I never post pics because I don't have a camera that is computer compatible.
Ok Irish.....did i say anywhere in my earlier post that it was compulsary to post a me if ppl post a pic..i feel honoured that they have chosen to share the pic with us here...if they dont post a pic...well that to me is cool too...
But even though you have no still manage to post your views here at Pixies....thats mainly what i was getting at...the contribution issue....there are over 4500 members many do we here from? odd post here and there from them lets us other members get to know them...
And before anyone gets at me...i also know that posting isnt compulsary....but the posts is what makes Pixies...and it would be nice to ocassionally hear from members other than the Regs
01-11-2002, 09:57 AM
i also know that posting isnt compulsary....but the posts is what makes Pixies...and it would be nice to ocassionally hear from members other than the Regs
Well said Sharnie!!!!!
I couldn't agree more!!!!
01-11-2002, 10:19 AM
Sharniqua and Diva,
As a relatively new member here maybe I can bring some insight here. I was very concerend about my first posts because I didn't know if my thoughts would be accepted by the others here. Attitudes toward sex and the topics that go with it are very different for everyone and sometimes when I post I feel a little nervous that my thoughts, opinions, desires ect. may not be accepted or even worse might offend someone. However, I have been made to feel very welcome here and the hesitstion to post is pretty much gone, mainly thanks to people like Diva, Sharniqua, Irish, Don and many others.(PF does make me a little nervous though)LOL So for those of you who are hesitant, don't be. Chances are if you think your ideas or thoughts are too kinky or strange to post, they are the ones you SHOULD post.LOL ;)
01-11-2002, 11:48 AM
Pixies is a forum, ie, a place to voice opinions and to
join in the fellowship of community.
All it needs is an occasional Hi and and an occasional
Like Irish, I don't have a digital camera and NASA won't
reconfigure Hubble to get a picture past my gut.
I, again like Irish and so many others here, do play an
active part in the exchange of ideas and the funny and
supportive chat that happens here.
All it takes is wanting to be a part. We won't always agree,
but we listen and speak without fear among friends.
All that without the milkcrate, Diva.
01-11-2002, 10:26 PM
Sorry Oldfart, I forgot to mention, YOU scare me too!!LOL:p
01-11-2002, 10:56 PM
Feeling downright impotent here...I don't merit a mention... I don't even frighten anyone anymore... do I want to be respected, or feared...
01-11-2002, 11:23 PM
…but I could see that you are standing on the shoulders of the Pixie family.
Originally posted by Oldfart
Pixies is a forum, ie, a place to voice opinions and to join in the fellowship of community.
All it needs is an occasional Hi and and an occasional
.....I again like Irish and so many others here, do play an active part in the exchange of ideas and the funny and supportive chat that happens here.
All it takes is wanting to be a part.
We won't always agree, but we listen and speak without fear among friends.....
Prophet Reality
01-11-2002, 11:25 PM
I agree with Sharnie and Diva. But I also see what luvsplease means too. It took me a while to get the guts to post anything. But now I am addicted to this site.
And Scoitzoidman, don't feel bad I wasn't mentioned either. Guess we're not regular enough for mentioning huh! :( :( :confused:
01-12-2002, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by scotzoidman
Feeling downright impotent here...I don't merit a mention... I don't even frighten anyone anymore... do I want to be respected, or feared...
Hi Scotzoidman,
Don't say that! I love you posts - I think you have a great sense of humour.
I am new to pixies and have been finding my way around, and wondering if my posts will be ok and won't offend and stuff like that. I am trying to get into the groove (so to speak), and hope to post more often soon.
01-12-2002, 08:26 AM
Hey scotz&prophet,
Sorry, and I kind of knew this might happen. Thats why if you read my original post it says "and many others". See, you guys are the "many others" so you were mentioned. If I offended I deserve to be punished, so Diva, as the person in charge here, it is your job to punish me. PLEEEEEEEESE!
01-12-2002, 10:02 AM
Xanne----Just be yourself;when you post.Unless you outright insult
people;they will respect your views.When;I was younger(and
drinking);I thought that if you had different views; from my own;
that you were wrong.I now realise that;just because;others have
different outlooks;it doesn't make them bad people.It doesn't take long to figure who are bad people.If they(the people here);
don't like your individual views;they will let you know or tell you
their views.By the way-Welcome to Pixies!Jump in.I would loan the soapbox back to Oldfart but I so enjoy using it.Besides;He is
getting used to that milkcrate. Irish
01-12-2002, 05:12 PM
Personally, I'm a lot more comfortable posting words than pictures... I love all the pictures people have posted here, and I do enjoy taking pics of my own as well (or at least I did when my camera was working... :( ), but so far I haven't been able to get up the courage to post anything. I think it might be easier to share pics if I knew every single person that was going to see them --- the thought of someone I know (from the so-called 'real world') seeing me has me petrified, I have to admit. However, when I see all the positive feedback that other people have received from their posts, I'm sorely tempted...
One thing I've found, regardless of whether I post pics or not, is that the opportunity to discuss things sexual here has had a big impact on how I feel about myself. I'm pretty inexperienced, I'll be the first to admit it (take every piece of advice I offer with a grain of salt, please!), and I was never really sure how my technique measured up with that of other women. It always felt great doing it, but there was this nagging doubt... I've received some great feedback on the thoughts that I've offered, which has helped to erase those doubts... I also was nervous about feeling sexy, because every time you see a representation of someone 'sexy' in the media or wherever, their figure always looks quite different than mine! But coming here (or cumming here? :D ) I've realized that the sexiest people here are the ones who are really comfortable in their own bodies, able to just relax in their own skins and really enjoy themselves. There are so few people (if any!) who fit the stereotypes of what is supposed to be sexy, and yet everyone here is sexy!
So, pics or not, I'm here to stay! ;)
--- sweetstuff
01-12-2002, 07:05 PM
I post only when I feel that I have something to say that I feel strongly about.I see no reason to repeat what other people aree saying.I do check this site all the time and enjoy being here. Nuff said.
01-12-2002, 07:12 PM
I post only when I feel that I have something to say that I feel strongly about.I see no reason to repeat what other people aree saying.I do check this site all the time and enjoy being here. Nuff said.
I guess it really comes down to what you are comfortable with. I don't tend to post a lot (either on this board or others) as I do not usually have much to add to many of the discussions that are taking place on the board(s). In the case of this board there is the exception... the photos section. When people finally get past their anxiety about posting a pic (as I am sure that many have) I think that it is reassuring to the poster if there is good positive feedback... even if the comments might be repetitive in nature.
Just my 0.002 :)
01-13-2002, 07:40 AM
If you are at all worried about posting, take a leaf out
of the book of many of the posters - no face.
Tastefully turned away or blanked out, doesn't matter.
The only person that really matters is you.
Lady Pleaser
01-13-2002, 11:33 AM
Sharni thanks for reminding folks to posts. For those of you who have not posted jusst a simple Hello to introduce yourself would be nice. And i as many other just browsed the forums for a long time before posting, but after reading the regulars here I decided to join in the fun. Hope to hear from you all soon. :)
Prophet Reality
01-13-2002, 09:22 PM
Now I am clumed into the many others slot. Well, I guess that is where I will stay.
Actually, thinking on it, that works out better for me, that means I can watch everyyone a lot easier too. So be warned, you are being watched. :D ;) :p :D :cool: :)
Prophet Reality
01-13-2002, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by sugarfreecandy
I've realized that the sexiest people here are the ones who are really comfortable in their own bodies, able to just relax in their own skins and really enjoy themselves. There are so few people (if any!) who fit the stereotypes of what is supposed to be sexy, and yet everyone here is sexy!
Well, thank you SFC! And as to you posting, well do waht you feel comfortable doing. As stated elsewhere, you can always blank out your face, or pose in a way that doesn't show it. And even if you choose to never post, well that is alright too. After all, I must say that I like your post and threads regardless of seeing a pic of you or not. Leaves more to the imagination.
01-13-2002, 09:45 PM
Any one who can throw a party like you and post with your intelligence has to be someone we all want to see. :D Folks like Old Fart have given you some good ways to post your pic and maintain your anonymity.:cool: No one with such a HOT, SEXY, and SWEET personality should keep that body to herself. But as Prophet says, we want you to be comfortable when you share with us.
Just hurry up and get comfortable!
01-14-2002, 12:54 AM
Thanks, OldFart, PantyFanatic, and Prophet, for the suggestions & encouragement! You guys are so sweet... Glad to hear you like my posts, because I've sure been posting lots today! :D
I really am torn about whether to post pics... I think that I have some pics that would be appropriate --- the question now is definitely whether I feel comfortable about doing it. So, in light of that, I want to ask all of you (men and women alike) who have posted pics here in the past:
How do you feel about having posted them? Would you do it all over again if you could?
Let me know, and if your responses are encouraging enough, then you just might see this north country mamacita in all her glory (such as it is)! ;)
--- sweetstuff
01-14-2002, 01:18 AM
who have posted pics here in the past:
past...present....and definately the future posting for me
How do you feel about having posted them?
errmmmmm.....feels quite good
Would you do it all over again if you could?
Hell yes....only i'd have started earlier :D
01-14-2002, 05:57 AM
after your first post, all the questions you were ashing yourself before hand become irrelevent, it is like a weight being lifted and after time it becomes second nature
it's just that first little step
no one here is going to ridicule you for posting pics
only praise you for your courage
01-14-2002, 08:38 AM
Prophet Reality---Feel blessed.It would have saved me alot in
lawyer fees;if witnesses had said"many others"instead of me.
Do you have any idea how much it costs to defend yourself against an aggrivated assault charge when all it really is;is self
defense? Irish
P.S.Moral:Don't fuck with the bull unless you plan on getting
01-14-2002, 12:43 PM
Think of it as your favourite pub table on a clothing
optional beach.
You're dressed how you wish among friends.
Who cares about the blow-throughs?
Dress for comfort and style, and make mine another
bottle of Chateau la Face '69.
01-15-2002, 02:01 AM
Well, you're all certainly encouraging! I think the balance is shifting: I'm more and more inclined to post some pics...
But I'd love to hear from a few more people on the relative merits of posting before I do anything drastic. If anyone has any further thoughts on the issue, I would definitely like to hear them! Please?
Meanwhile, I'll go rummage around and see what I have that you might like to see...
--- sweetstuff
01-15-2002, 04:38 PM
But I'd love to hear from a few more people on the relative merits of posting before I do anything drastic. If anyone has any further thoughts on the issue, I would definitely like to hear them! Please?
DO IT! :p :D
01-15-2002, 04:40 PM
DO IT! :p :D
01-15-2002, 04:42 PM
DO IT! :p :D :D :p
01-15-2002, 04:44 PM
Meanwhile, I'll go rummage around and see what I have that you might like to see...
I’ve had a FEELING for a long time that we would all LIKE to see whatever you heve (not clothed).:p :D ;) :D :p
01-15-2002, 08:14 PM
LOL, thanks, PantyFanatic! Yes, I think you've made your point pretty clearly --- and don't worry, if and when I do post, clothing will not be an issue! :D
--- sweetstuff
Prophet Reality
01-15-2002, 10:12 PM
POST!!! POST!!! POST!!!!
Clothed or not, I want to see our marvelous hostess fromthe X-mas party.
01-15-2002, 10:48 PM
Sweetstuff - if you're still hesitant to bare all right off, you can start off clothed - and take off more as your comfort level rises (along with the members viewing your pics) And don't worry that you might seem like a tease, you know we guys love that anyway (once, Leigh teased us for a week with her strip poker series... and we hung on for every single one!)
01-15-2002, 10:53 PM
Always trying to get the ladies to post....sheesh!!!! LOL :D :D when you are ready...don't feel pressured by the pervs here.....LMFAO :D :D ;)
P.s...Hurry up and post will ya!! I want to see you too!!! :p :D :D
01-16-2002, 12:38 PM
Total agreement.
If posting is an act of liberation and community, strive
for it. If the posting is a response to pressure and peer
expectation, you're selling yourself short.
Why is more important than what. If it's not for you,
then don't.
Gotta love this new milk crate.
01-16-2002, 01:37 PM
Oldfart---Do you think that I should try one of the 3milkcrates that
I have?i'm getting sick of this soapbox!Variety is the spice of life!
01-16-2002, 08:59 PM
First I want to say Hello. That is something I have neglected to do until now. I admit to viewing for a considerable time before posting. But I could not continue without thanking the people, i.e. ladies that made that viewing possible. I love this site for the pure amateur postings that are made. I have no desire to look at models, I want to see the girl next door, the neighbor, my friends wife. lol The perve in me coming out. But I guess what I really mean is that I appreciate the female body in all its shapes and forms and applaude the ladies who are willing to share their beauty. And you are beautiful all of you!!!!!:p
01-17-2002, 12:56 PM
Milkcrates are the way of the future.
Modern soapboxes are mainly cardboard and there's
nothing worse than being halfway through a brilliant
point of argument and the bloody thing collapses under you.
Milkcrates allow you to colour co-ordinate, to avoid splinters
and even subtly colour your argument.
If all else fails, you can put milk in it.
01-17-2002, 11:40 PM
My milkcrates all start to crack when I put my weight on them... I suspect a conspiracy to silence us... lucky for me, I've never been more than halfway through a brilliant thought anyway...
01-18-2002, 02:08 PM
Can I get back to you on that?
Man, I totally missed out on a great thread... :eek:
01-25-2002, 06:50 PM
O.F.---My soapbox is made of reinforced plasitic.Actually;I;use it
upside down.It is one of many"totes"that my wife bought atWal*
Mart.I usually keep sand in them;for when my driveway;gets icy;
but;I dropped that one and broke the corner out.I removed the
top and turned it upside down.It doesn't;collapse under my;svelte;
212lbs,no splinters,and makes a great soapbox.My diatician;
suggested SlimFast w/skim milk instead of the protein shakes that
I used to drink and got my weight down!I weightlift;it's not fat.
Muscle weighs much more then fat. Irish
01-26-2002, 11:47 AM
My milkcrates (black and red) are great for standing on,
stacking as a stepladder or stacking crap in the back of my
antique Mitsubishi Van.
Haven't broken them with my 105kg (225lb) yet.
ps Ice is not a great driveway hazard here in the tropics.
01-26-2002, 02:10 PM
O.F.----Always say"svelte";when you talk of your 225ibs.It keeps
those skinny;undernourished;people from thinking that you're too
heavy!It's just like when my wife says the price of something is
"cheap."I tell her to always say"inexpensive."It means the same thing but sounds;much better.I discovered another milkcrate in my
garage.I forgot that I had a brown one also.I am getting very color co-ordinated if I ever decide to trade in my soapbox for-milk-
crates.I have 6 now! Irish
01-27-2002, 12:03 AM
OF, don't ya think it's time they give us our due & make "stacking crap" an Olympic event?
01-27-2002, 04:59 AM
And it's a three way tie for the Olympic GOLD Medal for...
"stacking crap"
Three Cheers for ????????????
01-29-2002, 12:17 PM
Not yet, this is a five ring circus.
But wait, there's more!
10-23-2004, 05:16 PM
10-23-2004, 08:52 PM
First I want to say Hello. That is something I have neglected to do until now. I admit to viewing for a considerable time before posting. But I could not continue without thanking the people, i.e. ladies that made that viewing possible. I love this site for the pure amateur postings that are made. I have no desire to look at models, I want to see the girl next door, the neighbor, my friends wife. lol The perve in me coming out. But I guess what I really mean is that I appreciate the female body in all its shapes and forms and applaude the ladies who are willing to share their beauty. And you are beautiful all of you!!!!!:p
This is why I post!!!!!!!!! He actually doesn't expect perfect!!!!!!!!!!! :)
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