View Full Version : Orgasms?
Sweet Chastity
12-27-2001, 09:54 PM
I have had many orgasms by stimulating the clitoris. Now I hear of vaginal ones and g-spot orgasms and wanna get in on some of those too.
Is a vaginal orgasm the same as a g-spot? As in the penis penetrates in such a way that it rubs the g-spot? Or are they two different orgasms?
If I've never had a vaginal orgasm, does that mean I never will? I always thought a vaginal one was just when the clitoris is stimulated by the man's pelvic bone during sex.
I have noticed orgasms are much better with a man inside me (usually doggy style with me stimulating my clitoris and having an orgasm).
I need to know more, please help.
Sweet Chastity
12-27-2001, 10:38 PM
I have no clue how to answer your question... but you might want to try this website:
This site has some great advice, tips, and answers to many qustions you might have.
12-27-2001, 11:43 PM
In my humble opinion.... There at least for me, seems to be a big difference in a clittoral O or one obtained primarily inside. The inside ones are much more rare to come by for me and therefore are greatly anticipated and appreciated ;) I agree with Sweet Chastity that an O is much better for me when filled. I would suggest you let him get you hot and bothered and then stop and let him enter you. I have only had "innies" when we started really slow and strangely enough in the missionary position with me doing the driving(so to speak). Going slow lets you figure out where it feels the best and by you driving you can make sure that place gets more attention. Oh well...had an innie recently (last night) and am a happy camper today Good Luck! Practice makes perfect! and if it doesn't who cares it's all good! Tootles!
12-28-2001, 12:57 AM
I recently read somewhere online (damn CRS don't recall where) that the G-spot's existance has yet to be proven, at least not in all women... all I know is there is a spot inside the LOML, just within reach of my bird finger, if I rub it just so, sometimes leads to having to peel her off the ceiling ;) That may explain why she likes doggy so much, my downward curve hits her G-spot just right!
Don't know if this helps any, just adding to the greater body of knowledge...
12-28-2001, 06:35 AM
There is still a lot of argument about this but a radio science
program about a year ago said that a Brit woman scientist had
done some groundbreaking work on the vagina. The previous definitive work was yonks ago.
The point was made that the clitoris is not just a bud at the
apex of labia, but a nerve trunk which connects to the base of
the spine.
This trunk passes the vagina, in some women closer than
others. In some women it seems to be closer to the surface,
hence the "G" spot.
Practice won't give you something you don't have, but it will
hone something you do.
What did I do with that soapbox?
12-28-2001, 09:30 AM
My first orgasm ever was with a clitoral vibrator...16 years ago.
Before that I was never able to have an orgasm no matter how hard the man tried. One day I was in a horney mood all by myself and used a massager on my clit...The warm feeling that filled me up...scared me at first...(I was 4 months pregnant at the time) I just had to pick up the phone and call my best friend.....
She told me.."Sweetie...that's was an orgasm!"....
OMG...I had had my first one!!! :D :D
After having a few hundred...I found it easier to relax and enjoy my man bringing me to orgasm....until I wanted a vaginal one....
I took me a long time to accomplish that feat....but once again I did it alone using a dildo....and it worked...once you can find that exact spot...(which I call "MY secret Spot) and move your hips in order for him to hit will be in HEAVEN.....
Now..I have both clitoral and vaginal orgasms all the's excellent when you have both at the same time....Ohhhh yessss.... :D :D
Good luck Sweet Chastity and keep on trying! ;) :D You will succeed one day!!! :D
12-28-2001, 09:52 AM
For me anyway. I have a very sensitive area in the front of my vagina (meaning towards the front of my body). It can be reached and stimulated in several ways, but is most responsive to pressure and vigorus rubbing. I've identified this spot as "the G-Spot" as it's stimulation causes spasms and contractions in nearly every muscle in my body. Though different from the clitoral orgasms which are generally more intense, a vaginal "G-Spot" orgasm in conjunction with a clitoral orgasm can send me off the edge for a good 15 minutes. I love it.
In laymans terms: For me, the innies are shorter and more frequent...and encourage the intensity of the outies. When the happen at the same time, my orgasm can last 15 minutes!
Practice makes you happy. ;)
PS. I like innies the best when my girlfriend is using a strap on from behind. But she can palm a her fingers have no trouble locating the spot! :p :D
Sweet Chastity
12-28-2001, 12:31 PM
Wow! Thanks guys!
I had one man find a spot on me that nearly sent me through the roof! I figure this is my g-spot. Right now I'm just getting to know the man I'd like to have as my next lover, so I'm a little ways off from being able to experiment with him but hopefully soon! He's a single dad and has been for a while so he's moving slow.
If only I was double jointed! I might be able to hit that spot myself! My vibes aren't curved enough to reach that spot. I just got a new one, and the sales lady said that by directing it forward I should be able to hit the g-spot but no luck yet. I wanted one I've seen on websites that stimulates both the clitoris and the g-spot but they didn't have one at the shop here in town. So next time I order online! But this is a very nice one with lots of different speeds (with alternating rhythms which makes all my other vibes obsolete) so I'm having fun playing with it.
Thanks for the website mmm_mmm_good, I'll definitely follow up on that.
Thanks LoveDiva4u for the inspiration! I will definitely keep trying but I won't get all hung up if I can't. I hope to but the journey is just as much fun as the destination.
15 minute orgasms? Wow~! You are soo lucky Ophelia! If I can get that vaginal one down right I will definitely try that! I think the best orgasm I ever had was a long time ago with my first b/f. We were making love sideways and I can't remember which of us started manipulating my clitoris, but either way the orgasm was so intense that it made me feel light-headed for several minutes! I just wanted to lie there and enjoy it for a bit!
Well, if I have any luck, I'll let you guys know!
Thanks to everyone!
Sweet Chastity
12-30-2001, 07:28 AM
First of all I'd like to say HI! to everyone out there. I just found this site a few days ago and after checking it out for a while, I saw that the people here are really neat. Open, honest, secure and very into helping each other enjoy great sex. Regarding this thread, my wife and I were just talking about this the other night. She has EXTREMELY!!! intense clitoral orgasims and intercourse immediatly after prolongs that intensity, but it she would also like to experience a true "innie". We were thinking about trying a vibrator (the kind that curve up to hit "the spot") and will probably try it today. (Kids are gone for the day) Any other "tips" would be very helpful. Thanks :)
12-30-2001, 08:21 AM
....take pictures for us. ;)
...will probably try it today. (Kids are gone for the day) Any other "tips" would be very helpful.
12-30-2001, 09:16 AM
Lots and lots of pictures.
12-31-2001, 02:32 PM
Sorry but it didn't work out yesterday. She got so into my playing with her clit we forgot all about the vibrator and my tongue got a workout instead. Oh well better luck next time.;)
12-31-2001, 03:57 PM
One of the nicest things about sex is the next time.................... :p
Happy New Year
.........don't forget the camera................... we like to enjoy to!:D
01-01-2002, 09:04 AM
I then presume no tongue-cam?
01-01-2002, 09:14 AM
Sorry Oldfart, I lost the tongue-cam in a beaver hunting accident. Seriously, I must tell you that my wife is a bit shy and dosen't like to have pictures taken. (I think it is more that she is afraid the kids will somehow see them than anything else) But if she changes her mind you guys will be the second to know.
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