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12-27-2001, 09:54 AM
I just wanted to tell everyone that I watched a show;on VH1;last
night;for the 2cd time.It was titled"Jim Morrison& the Doors"about
the rock group of the same name!I;especially;liked the part where
he gets arrested in New Haven,Conn.I am;originally;fromBranford,
Conn.;witch is just outside of New Haven;so it brought back alot
of memories. Everything;in those days;was done in a drunken
and/or drug induced stupor!I was wondering if anyone saw it?
It would be; really appreciated;by someone who was around in those days.Probably; only;by the people;that traveled in the same type of circles that I did.The part of Jim Morrison was played
superbly by Val Kilmer!Of course my favorite group is still"The
Rolling Stones."My youngest daughter gave me Mick Jaggers new
CD for Christmas.It is fantastic! Irish
12-27-2001, 10:11 AM
Most people today over 30 still love "light my fire" and "roadhouse blues", but who are these Rolling Stones
you talk about??
12-27-2001, 10:15 AM
I hate the Rolling Stones!! Mick thinks he is God's gift to women!!And he is far from that!
I am a Ozzy Baby!!!:D :D
I also enjoyed April Wine, Nazareth, Supertramp, KISS and least you understood the words sung in their songs! :D :)
12-27-2001, 10:17 AM
Oh ya I forgot something......... if anybody here wants to "Light my fire".......:D :D ;)
Be my guest!! :D :D ;)
I also didn't like the Doors....sorry!!!! :D
12-27-2001, 11:08 AM
LoveDiva4u---I saw Ozzie on a Tv show; the other night;and he
acted like he was in a trance.The drugs must have really affected
his mind.
oldfart----The Rolling Stones have only been around for a few decades.Mick Jagger is only 58yrs old so they; probably;haven't
heard of them--"Down Under"yet!(dig) Irish
PS.Different strokes for different folks.Thats why there is free
choice.It's also why I'm registered to vote as an"independent."
12-27-2001, 11:58 AM
LoveDiva4u---I forgot to tell you that I don't think that Mick thinks
that he's Gods gift to women!He's too ugly for that.I think that it's
just an act that;always;worked for him.I was watching;a show;on
the making of his new single album and I didn't realise that he has so many kids.I;mainly;liked his attitude.A master host of the show;when he was doing flexiblity exercises;said to him--Do you
think that you should be doing that at your age?He replyed--Just
because I'm 58;I'm not going to sit around with the other"Old Farts" and talk about what we did when we were 19.Men hate to
get older!I still workout;almost everyday;not because I ;particularly;want to.It's too easy not to.I'm 5'10",212lbs.and
;believe me;it's not fat.My Father used to tell me,"There's no
shame in not being able to do something.The shame is in not
trying!"By working out;my blood pressure is lower and my blood
sugar is lower.(I have;always had;high pressure&also am diabetic
PS.Also;in my earlier circle of acquaintances;you were judged by
how you could handle yourself.Big muscles were intimidating.I'll
be 58 next mo.
12-27-2001, 12:06 PM
I fully agree with you Irish...Mick is ugly...!!! Still can't figure out what women see in him!!! Hmmmm...Maybe his mouth???? :D :D
It's certainly not his toothpick apperance!!! :p :D
There's no shame in not being able to do something. The shame is in not trying!"
I also fully agree with this quote....!!! Maybee some of you men can show it to your wifes when ift comes to matters of the sexual kind...swallowing...facials...:D :D ;) ;)
12-27-2001, 12:42 PM
LoveDiva4u---My wife also hates Mick Jagger.Maybe his appeal with;so many;women is that he is a star.I realise;now that he's
gone;that my father told me many smart things.When I went in
the service; at 17;he told me that I would be suprised; when I got
home;at how much he had learned while I was gone!He rode a
motorcycle;also;when he was a State Cop.He told me;when I
started racing;that no matter how good that I got.Always respect
your bike.When you think that you're the boss;it will either hurt
you;real bad;or kill you!Don't be afraid of it-Just respect it! Irish
12-27-2001, 03:14 PM
I too saw the Jim Morrison /Doors movie on VH1. When I saw it the first time I really thought Val Kilmer was HOT! Maybe it was really just Jim! Mick Jagger looks anorexic and he screwed David Bowie<turn off>I am going through a second adolescence(sp) and am very hooked on today's alternative rock just as I was years ago with OZZY, Kiss and all those Love Diva mentioned. I like the new OZZY song but it definitely sounds like a mature OZZY reflecting,as are we all........Tootles!
12-27-2001, 04:36 PM
Lilith---I have seen Val Kilmer in other movies!He is a very good
actor.He was fantastic in "Tombstone."He played Doc Holliday.
The movie was about Wyatt Earp but I,my wife and our youngest
(32yrs.)daughter have watched it many times because of the role
that he played.We think that he MADE the movie.I heard that
storie about Mick Jagger&David Bowie;sleeping together once.
I don't know if it's true.They say that they were both drunk but I
am a recovering alcoholic and there just isn't enough booze to
make me turn homosexual.Booze may lower your inhibitions but
you don't do something that you're not inclined to do anyway.My
opinion anyway!!! Irish
12-27-2001, 11:28 PM
I too saw where Val Kilmer played Doc Holiday and it was good. I love him in the movie "The Saint" with Elizabeth Shue. Check it out if you have not seen it. The Jagger/ Bowie thing came from what Angie Bowie said on the Joan Rivers Show years ago. I am sure the booze was not at fault. Your door either swings that way or it does not. Angie Bowie is where the great song "Angie" from the Stones came from I heard. Who knows?......Tootles!
12-28-2001, 12:38 AM
I remember the Angie Bowie flap, the next day after the show (after being contacted by David's lawyers), Angie "clarified" her comments by saying she didn't actually see them doing anything, she just found them in bed together naked! Well, ok, maybe they had a woman or three there with em when they dozed off, and they left before Angie got there (sure. right.) All I know is if I was going to try the gay thing, I'd think I'd try to find a better looking guy!
As for the Doors, the key is to ignore their pop hits (most of which was written by guitarist Robby Kreiger), check out some of Morrison's dark poetry - burn a doob (if you do such things) & listen to "When the Music's Over" or "Riders on the Storm" and see if you get it then...
12-28-2001, 08:56 AM
Lilith---Kiss wears makeup,Wears open bottomed pants,etc.
Put 2+2--together!
scotzoidman---You're right.Most of the poetry;in the Doors; songs
was written; by Morrison;when he was stoned.It's brilliant;if;
interpreted while that way! Irish
P.S.From one; who;used to spend; much of his time;that way!
Perhaps that is why I like; much of;Elton Johns earlier music;
even if he is gay.I have a butterfly;sewed on my old motorcycle
cutoff.(Butterflies are free)Elton John---Late 60s or early 70s.
My fantasy world---50s,60s&70s.Partial 80s.
12-28-2001, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by Irish
---Kiss wears makeup,Wears open bottomed pants,etc.
Put 2+2--together!.
2+2=4 Sexy Kiss members!!!! Who can leave their makeup all over my body!!!!! :D :D ;)
I have met the members of Kiss back stage a few times in my life at the countless concerts I have been too. And all I can say is that they are the greatest bunch of guys ever!
Musicians portrait themselves as druggies and bad asses...but take them out of that atmosphere and they are average people like you and me....
.........ok..maybe you don't go swallowing a pint of sperm like Rob Stewart did!!! ;) :D :D :D
12-28-2001, 10:47 AM
LoveDiva4u---You say that musicians portray themselves as druggies&Badasses.I think that you'll find that;the old-school;
Bikers are the same way!Granted-alot of them are assholes but
you'll find that in every lifestyle.I was amazed at the compassion
of most; of them;after I had been; in that lifestyle;for long enough
for them to show me their true feelings!People ;continually;try to
prove themselves.You don't have to!Just be yourself and you
will either be accepted or not.No-one ever treated my wife or
daughters better.Their was a code that they lived by.You didn't
mess with a persons ride,family or possessions.If you had a problem with someone.You took it up with them!More groups should think like that.The new riders are mostly PUNKS!My opinion! Irish
12-28-2001, 10:57 AM
.........ok..maybe you don't go swallowing a pint of sperm like Rob Stewart did!!!
LOL, Rod did address that story in an interview in Rolling Stone a few years back, he was talking about all the lies the media told on him, the interviewer brought up the stomach pump story, Rod laughed & said that was the one story that never was printed, just word of mouth! Actually, that's a story that's been told on cheerleaders, prom queens, anybody that someone wants to knock down a notch! Think about it, how many guys would you have to suck off in a short period of time to require a stomach punp? Sorry, I have to get off the soapbox now & return it to Oldfart :D :D :D
Irish, speaking of Elton John, have you noticed how he seems to be calmer & happier with himself now that he finally came out of the closet? Just an observation, my statement for years now is I don't have anything against gays... and I don't have anything FOR them either :D
12-28-2001, 11:08 AM
I know Irish!! I used to work in a local bar for 3 years that catered to our local biker gang. Once you showed them that you weren't afraid of them and that you are just doing your job they respected you for that and in turn they became
Bikers are people too....but this was a musician thread wasn't it?????? :D
Did Irish do many drugs back in his Biker days???? Maybe you are in a trance too!!!!! :p :D
Scotz..I saw that same interview....just goes to prove the old saying "Don't believe what you hear until you hear it from the horses mouth!"
But people do lie like rugs to get attention!!! ;)
12-28-2001, 12:18 PM
My biker days are still going on and will always-I hope!Yes;I did
do too many drugs.I used to live on crossroads,andBlack Beauties
because I got them for free.I rebuilt many a motorcycle engine;at
night.If you're tired-You just open a Beauty; in your hand;snort it
and chase it with a beer.You usually finish the engine at around
2o'clock in the morning.You then test ride the bike because there
is no traffic on the road at that time.I;also;had a prescription for
Tylenol 3.The 3 is codiene.I never used hard drugs!Who needs them with all of those pills and booze? Irish
PS.The foolish things of youth!!
12-28-2001, 04:05 PM
but this was a musician thread wasn't it??????
But then Diva is a well-known thread hijacker... heheheh...
So while i've been here I've been listening to our new CDs, got the pink Floyd "Echoes" (as seen on tv), Jethro Tull "very best of", and to really date myself, the best of Uriah Heep... please tell me someone out there remembers the "Heep".....:confused:
12-28-2001, 08:05 PM
scotzoidman---Fear not.I remember the"Heep."By the way;this is
NOT a musician thread.I started it and it was asking if anyone
had seen the show about"Jim Morrison&the Doors."So far we have talked about musicians,motorcycle lifestyle,drugs,Val Kilmer,
etc. Irish
12-29-2001, 11:19 AM
Lilith---I saw two(2)more movies with Val Kilmer this week.Both
were on HBO.One was"Red Planet"and the other was"Heat."I
think that he does an;especialy;good acting job because he doesn't try to make you like; the person;that he is playing.He
plays the person as they were.Take his portrayel;of Jim Morrison.
Jim had alot of talent but was;to many;an unlikable person!He;
expected;all people;to lok at his outlook on life.I thought that
Val Kilmer played him very well! Irish
P.S.To each, his own!Different strokes, for different folks!
12-30-2001, 08:57 AM
I've been looking for that soapbox for ages!
Where did you find it?
Kilmer has been amazing since he did a spy sendup
that included the unforgattable Beach Boys rip-off
"Skeet Surfing". Batman, Iceman ..... top actor.
Irish, you mean the Strolling Bones. Oh, sorry.
12-30-2001, 10:27 AM
oldfart---Sticks and stones will break their bones but names will
never hurt them!Especially;with all;the money that they have made;even with their homeliness and age.??Decades&??million!
people still spend alot of money on their stuff."A fool&his money
are soon parted!" Irish
P.S.My wife embroided a "Christmas Stocking";that must be yours!
Hanging in the hall are 3 stockings.Oreo--our cat.Magic---My dog.
Yhe other one says"Old Fart."
12-30-2001, 04:45 PM
I've been looking for that soapbox for ages!
I think you left it in one of the other threads after another brilliant "sermon" LOL:D
01-02-2002, 08:14 AM
Hey everyone..Happy New Year
I just had to chip my 2 pennies in here.
I LOVED the Val Kilmer movie. I saw it at the theater with a buddy of mine, when we were in the Navy, and when it was over..we both made the comment to each other that I felt as if we were stoned/high, when we came out of the if there were "something funny" in the air. It was nothing big, but still just not a "normal" feeling. If we weren't both in the Military..I would have sworn that we had done "something" prior to going to see the film..maybe to get "into character???"
I thought it was an excellent portrail of Morrison..It prompted me to go read his biography..and buy some Doors CD's and gave me reason to listen to their music..which being honest..I hadn't really given a rats ass about prior.
Damn me and my sometimes closed mind. lol
01-02-2002, 07:34 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by nutworld
[B] I felt as if we were stoned/high, when we came out of the if there were "something funny" in the air. It was nothing big, but still just not a "normal" feeling. If we weren't both in the Military..I would have sworn that we had done "something" prior to going to see the film..[QUOTE]
Nut, it's called a "contact high"... jury is still out on whether it only happens when one gets the second-hand smoke from others smoking dope, I have gotten it just from being around people who are stoned... Kilmer playing Morrison, hmmm, you don't suppose...
01-04-2002, 08:59 AM
nutworld---Probably;as scotzoidman said;you were high just from
breathing.I remember;when I was in my 20s';all of my acquaintances;used to spend the day doing "hard"drugs and
alcohol.They would go to concerts and light joints and pass them
down the aisles.You didn't even have to bring anything.You got
stoned just sitting there.Of course;I did;my civic duty and tried
to rid the area of drugs by toking as much smoke as possible!
P.S.The sacrifices one makes to help humanity and rid the world
of "Evil!"
01-05-2002, 12:24 AM
A teacher of mine suggested a wild movie as an extra credit project for my Mythology class. It was Hedwig and the Angry Inch. When my fiend and I left that movie we litterally felt dizzy. It was so strange to feel stoned after abstaining from the real stuff for so long. We decided we were feeling that way cause it was the first time we had used our brains so much while sitting on our asses :p I still am not sure how I felt about the movie. I would highly suggest it to any one who is secure in their manhood (not for the homophobic) or can look at things symbollically. It was my first high in a very long time. Tootles!
01-05-2002, 08:54 AM
Lilith---Thanks for suggesting the "Saint" with Val Kilmer and
Elizabeth Shue;but everytime that I watch a movie;with Shue;
my erection throbs so much;that I can't concentrate;until it's
taken care of! Irish
P.S.The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Otherwise her boyfriend wouldn't have been with a "prostitute."
01-05-2002, 10:55 AM
I do not know about Elizabeth Shue but Elizabeth Hurley was with the English guy ( Hugh ? I think) who got picked up with a hooker. Elizabeth Hurley is the Austin Powers babe and Elizabeth Shue did Adventures in Babysitting. Shue is slightly more homely than the beautiful Hurley. So Irish, you can safely watch the Saint without worrying about it ;) Tootles!
01-05-2002, 02:25 PM
Lilith---You are right!When you get to be my age--you get your
Elizabeths mixed up.Hurley is the one that I meant.When;I;men-
tioned her boyfried;I wondered if I had the right one.I could
picture him but I couldn't think of his name!Thanks! Irish
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