View Full Version : "Hanoi Jane"
12-23-2001, 10:16 AM
I just wanted everyone;Especially;the Vietnam Era vets;because
I have no doubt that they'll remember;to remember"Hanoi Jane"
over the holiday season and to be gratefull;for the special treatment;that our"P.O.W.s;got because of her.It was a long time
ago;but;I know that I will never forget(or forgive)her.Lets hear a
hymn for Jane Fonda--Hymn,Hymn,Fuck Hymn(Her) Irish
12-23-2001, 11:06 AM
She wants forgiveness but yet she won't apologize for what she did! She still insists that she did nothing wrong but yet she had her picture taken on a North Viet. anti-aircraft battery!
While we are at it what about her buddy that went too! Not as well known as Jane but just as arogant, George Carlyn.
12-23-2001, 11:19 AM
sad___sam---I never heard that about George Carlyn.I'll have to
check it out.I don't want to show prejudice with my hate.If she
doesn't think that she did anything wrong.She ought to talk to
some of the P.O.W.s from that time.I had;a few;friends that were
P.O.W.s and they show NO love for her and forgiveness is not in
their vocabulary.Scars are. Irish
12-23-2001, 12:25 PM
Georgie boy was very active in the movement with Jane but she seemed to get all the publicity at the time.
The Scars run deep and they don't heal to easily! I have forgiven a lot of people for a lot of things over the years but until she can sincerly apologize to those she hurt so badly, I have no use for her at all!
12-23-2001, 02:52 PM
sad__sam---I said that wrong; in the last post.I didn't have friends that were P.O.W.s.I had acquaintances.My friends would
rather die than be prisoners.They;like me;go by the term from--
"Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man."--"Better to be dead and
cool than alive and uncool!"My wife hates that saying.I under-
stand it completly.Different mindset.It's not whether you win-
It's how you play the game. Irish
12-23-2001, 03:41 PM
I understand!
I had friends when I was over there that we do not know what happened to them, They just didn't come home.
Sorry I got on my soap box, She, Hamoi Jane, just strikes a nerve that is still a little raw.
PM me anytime you want to talk!
12-23-2001, 07:24 PM
I got out in 1965.I went to work at Sikorsky aircraft on the day
after my discharge.One day;I was installing an oil cooler on a
"Jolly Green"or as Sikorsky called them-a CH53A.I needed a tape measure and mine was in my toolbox.A 17yr. old electrician said;
"Use mine."I did rather then climb down and get mine.He finished
and was gone before I finished.I never saw him again.He got
drafted!A few days later;I;got out of the shower;one morning;
before work.The radio news was on with the local war dead.His
name was announced.Big,bad me;broke down for years;every-
time that I used that tape.I;finally;had to get rid of it because
every time that I used it;I thought of him and broke down;
whimpering.Little things bring back strong memories. Irish
P.S.Here's remembrance of Frank.I thought that I had it bad with a scar on my hip(from shrapnel or a bullet?)Ay least;I had my life!
celt guy
12-24-2001, 09:18 AM
Irish and co.
I just wanted to thank you all for everything you did for our country. Watching the support recent troops have been getting reminds me how poorly the vietnam era vets were treated.
12-24-2001, 09:45 AM
Remember the news of the time.
Someone who works actively against her country like that
should have been stripped of citizenship and told to go
live with her friends.
Citizenship of whatever country is a privelege, not an
inalienable right. She alienated hers.
12-24-2001, 09:50 AM
Oldfart---That's exactly how I feel about Johnny Walker!(Yellow)
He should be tried for treason! Irish
PS.I don't think much of our government but the country is still
great! Irish
12-24-2001, 11:50 AM
Celt-guy---The difference between how the vets are treated now;
compared to then;shows how things are looked at as times change.When I was discharged;I went to work at Sikorsky Aircraft
(1965)One morning I went in to work and the entrance road was
blocked;by people against the war?;and I had a family to feed.
They didn't want us to build"War Machines."I had a firebird(muscle
car)that was built-up for racing.I;just; stopped in the road,tacked
up about 6500RPM and dumped the clutch.Believe me;they moved
I wasn't;exactly;in favor of what we were doing there but as far as ;I was concerned;it was my patriotic duty and I had to give
people something to spit at;when I came home! Irish
PS.Better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool!
Lady Pleaser
12-24-2001, 05:21 PM
Irish, I remeber some of the thinks they told us we sould do when retruning state side. Wear civie's, don't travel in groups of more than 3 or 4 and wear a hat to cover your haircut. Sad times for any serviceman.
12-24-2001, 05:31 PM
Lady Pleaser---The biggest trouble was that I believed them.The
guys that understood what you were going through the most;
were the members of the motocycle lifestyle.At least in my case.
celt guy
12-25-2001, 09:36 PM
irish only time will tell if the times have truly changed. I wonder if we've just learned the art of spin.
I couldn't agree with you more though. there's your personal opinion and your duty. As a closet bleeding-heart, I may not agree with the policy makers, but the men who cary it out shouldn't have to pay the price again when they get home.
12-26-2001, 08:37 AM
celt-guy---Amen. Irish
celt guy
12-31-2001, 10:04 PM
your not the only one thinking of this apparently. Last nights Simpson's episode made reference to "Jane Fonda in N. Vietnam. It's a little frightening when cartoons are better informed than most of our citizens.
01-01-2002, 09:02 AM
Irish &Co.
I just wanted you guys who served to know that not everyone here was unappreciative of what you sacrificed in that war. I was in high school at the time and my lottery number was 315 so I didn't get called. A number of my friends did and many did not come back. I admit I was in the minority,but there were a number of "Flag Waving" young people, who clashed, sometimes violently, with the Hanoi Jane types out there and we ALWAYS made our point if you get my drift. So thanks and may God Bless all our service people past and present. BTW a "Remember Hanoi Jane" flag still hangs at our local VFW.
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