View Full Version : Do Men like to watch women

12-17-2001, 05:06 PM
Ok, now tell me do you hard-core men like to watch women, playing with themselves? and what do you want them to do to you?

12-17-2001, 05:27 PM
There's nothing sexier than the female body...except when said female is playing with herself. I absolutely love to watch self-stimulation...now, if only I could convince my wife...

12-17-2001, 08:49 PM
I think Men love to watch women play with themselves.....

I know when I am playing with myself...on fantasy I think about is that there is someone watching me and getting turned on by what I am doing....and that in turn drives me nuts.....

I also love to watch a man jerk off.....WOW!!! What that does to me....!!!!

I just think people that aren't afraid to play with themsleves are in touch with their sexuality.......and like martha says; "That;s a good thing!" ;) :D

Prophet Reality
12-17-2001, 09:36 PM
A woman's body is very sexy. And to watch a woman satisfy herself is very exilerating. She knows where to touch, how to touch, and when to stop or go on. A guy can learn a lot by watching his lady pleasure herself.

I know that when I have had a lady that would masturbate for me, I get very excited. My ex used to do it and she wanted to stand beside her so she could see me jerking off to her and then she would want me to cum all over her tits. Ah those where some of the best times.

12-17-2001, 10:09 PM
Before the BJ..or foreplay..or even my getting naked..if a woman wants to really get my engine running full throttle..all she has to do is start touching herself.

Wham-O...INSTANT hard-on.

If that in turn becomes a mutual masterbation session thats fine..if it leads to foreplay thats great too..

I LOVE the idea of watching a woman pleasing herself.....I just wish I'd get the chance more.

Oh well..C'est La Vie

Sweet Chastity
12-17-2001, 10:52 PM
I had a lover who convinced me to masturbate for him. He said that if I could do that comfortably then I was comfortable with my sexuality. I was nervous my first time, but I really enjoyed it and would do it for any guy I'm intimate with.

I'd also use a toy infront of him and hope he would feel comfortable getting in on the action, using the toy and getting rid of it when he's ready to jump in.

I find I sleep better when I've had an orgasm. I am calmer and seem to relax so I masturbate almost daily (sometimes more, sometimes less) so any guy in my bed is gonna have to get used to a nightly showing.

Sweet Chastity

12-17-2001, 10:54 PM
YES YES YES I love to watch my woman masturbate it is the sexiest thing I have ever seen she also likes to watch me

Prophet Reality
12-17-2001, 10:56 PM
I would more than love a nightly showing, hell I would help out. Using the toy and myself as much as you wanted me to. Hell, I would volunteer to be your personal sex toy if that would help.

12-17-2001, 10:58 PM
Sweet Chastity???!!!

Do you have any room in that bed for me..?

I'd love to help you with your toy..any way you please.

It would be an absolute pleasure making sure that you got a completely restful nights sleep.

Sweet Chastity
12-17-2001, 10:59 PM
I sometimes fantasize about having a complete stranger peeking at the window while I masturbate! Then he drops his pants and I get more to play with.....

Sweet Chastity

Sweet Chastity
12-17-2001, 11:03 PM
Wow! Everyone here is so friendly! I'm gonna have to take a road trip someday! I'd definitely be bringing the camcorder!

Ahh Nutworld, if only we were in the same zip code! I love men who aren't threatened by a little piece of plastic (or gel or steel depending on my mood).

Sweet Chastity

12-17-2001, 11:11 PM
Sweet Chastity

Just tell me the time and the place.

I'm not intimidated by a toy..no matter what its substance....and I love to get the chance to use them on a woman. The more toys that a woman is comfortable playing with the better the pleasure of the experience..with or with-out them.

A fantasy of mine is to be on cam-corder..so it sounds like an excellent plan.

12-18-2001, 08:17 AM
I ;love;to watch a woman!My wife;gets to embarrasaed;to use a
toy in front of me but many times;I have;gotten her so horny;
with foreplay;that she starts doing herself manually.I;worked;
with many women who used to; fantisize;about being;secretly;
watched.These women were;mostly;single and they liked the
thought of someone being turned on by watching them!My;wife;
loves to "catch"me. Irish

12-18-2001, 03:18 PM
just look at the pics of RedHertz and me... (Pics of Women check them out!) We love to watch each other masturbate I think it is one of the sexiest things around. I love it when she opens her legs and I place my head right on her thigh so I can get a nice close up view! Damn this is getting me hot...I think I will go look again ;)

12-18-2001, 03:58 PM
Yes i agree that watching a woman masterbate is very much a turn on.Or having another woman pleasure her as well and watching is just as great,well ok its greater.

12-18-2001, 04:05 PM
one word


12-18-2001, 04:36 PM
i guess it all started when i walked in on a friends mom laying on the couch playing with herself. I must have been 10 or so . I was hypnotized by her trimmed pussy. She had her eyes closed and never knew i was there. i felt a strange feeling in my pants and had my first hard on. I love it when i see a woman doing herself and at times i just jerked off along with them.

01-20-2002, 04:03 AM
i love it when a lady plays with herself especially when she licks her fingers clean at the end. i'm glad i'm there to help lick the bowl clean when she's through stirring or to lick her fingers like a good little boy. it's such a turn on to watch her and to share in the experience. we all fancy drinking white wine from the furry cup but to have it ladled to us is quite another experience.

souls cry:cool:

01-20-2002, 01:34 PM
I think you would be hard pressed to to find a guy who didn't find watching a woman pleasuring herself extremely erotic. My wife does it all the time and I do it for her as well. We love especially when we need a quickie.:)

01-20-2002, 08:07 PM
The fact that 17 responses were posted in the first 24 hours tells me this is pretty universal. I believe that when lovers get to the point when any masturbation can be watched, it’s pretty well understood a sexual sharing is unfolding. This is always an indicator to me as what my partners sexual comfort level with her self is.:)
Masturbation, self and mutual, is not only a vital part of foreplay and any subsequent sex act, it’s one of the best means of SHARING, back and forth, all the stimulating body language, to and from, for and with each other. Reading mates body movements, facial expressions and involuntary mouth contortions can’t do anything but fan the flames when both are trying to give and receive the gift of HOT SEX.:D
This is also such a natural way to flow into oral sex.:p :p (although most anything is for me!?):p ;)

Just one fanatics perception.:)

01-21-2002, 12:02 AM
i like my husband to watch me having sex with other men. Does that count for masterbation????

01-21-2002, 01:41 AM
I think that qualifies you for your very own thread... could generate some interesting replies ;)

01-21-2002, 07:12 AM
I have always enjoyed watching my partner stimulate herself alone or during our sexual pleasure. It also turns her on to hear my encouragement and commentsas she plays or uses one of the toys we have.

The use of one or more while I am inside her, or her playing with her own nipples, or stroking her clit, all combine to make the experience more pleasurable for both of us. This is the way we enjoy sex almost all the time.

Can't wait to get the first pics posted on the new computer to see if you all agree with me. We will be sharing soon.

Nice thread
