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View Full Version : 27 year old english bi-chick

12-16-2001, 09:21 AM
Hey guys

I am quite new to this but I am looking for online fun with girls and guys if anybody is interested. If I get some messages I will give my email address, but I need to get excited first so please boys post me some pictures of you in all your glory (I like BIG dicks) and girls any pictures would be great (I like all types of women)

I'm gettting excited now

12-16-2001, 02:23 PM
to pixies. We are always interested in new and old people alike. Please post some pics and get the ball rolling. (so to speak)

12-16-2001, 03:10 PM
G'day lace74

Great to see you posting :) I'm sure you'll find what your looking for here :D

And as for getting excited...*L*...i think most of us here are in the same state *L*


12-16-2001, 05:21 PM
Welcum to the most erotically open minded family you can be apart of.........and we will all do our best to satisfy you :D

12-16-2001, 06:43 PM
I Dont understand...theres alot of mens pics the in the pics of men forum, arent there? so pics are posted all u need to do is go ova and view and more would b posted as time goes by

Originally posted by lace74
Hey guys

but I need to get excited first so please boys post me some pictures of you in all your glory (I like BIG dicks) and girls any pictures would be great (I like all types of women)

I'm gettting excited now

12-16-2001, 08:41 PM
theres alot of mens pics the in the pics of men forum, arent there?

You mean there are men's pictures posted here?????????? OMGAWD.....WHERE DO I FIND THAT?????? :D :D :D

Welcome to Pixies Lace :D

12-16-2001, 08:47 PM
Hi lace

Welcome to Pixies. Join in and enjoy yourself.

12-17-2001, 01:20 PM
Welcome aboard girl! This is where you will find all the fun people! And go ahead and post those pictures, we love to see all. Everyone is friendly here! ;)

And for LoveDiva, girl, this is one of the things I love about you, a wonderful sense of humor!! :)

Originally posted by LoveDiva4u

You mean there are men's pictures posted here?????????? OMGAWD.....WHERE DO I FIND THAT?????? :D :D :D

12-17-2001, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by don73153
And for LoveDiva, girl, this is one of the things I love about you, a wonderful sense of humor!! :)

She’ll EAT’EM ALIVE! ;) :D

12-17-2001, 03:48 PM
no LoveDiva4u, there are no pics of men around, my mistake, sorry :rolleyes:

Originally posted by LoveDiva4u

You mean there are men's pictures posted here?????????? OMGAWD.....WHERE DO I FIND THAT?????? :D :D :D

12-17-2001, 06:57 PM
Just TDK and ME!!! :rolleyes:

12-17-2001, 08:11 PM
get out of my pics pantyfanatic!!! :p:D

Originally posted by pantyfanatic
Just TDK and ME!!! :rolleyes:

12-17-2001, 08:58 PM
You boys go ahead and have your fun........ :D :D ;)

12-17-2001, 09:11 PM
oh yes...u'll like that wouldnt u Diva?

Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
You boys go ahead and have your fun........ :D :D ;)

12-17-2001, 09:52 PM
I REALLY need to get a camera.

I dont want to be left out of things here.

And ALAS it seems thats the case

12-17-2001, 10:07 PM
Yes NUT!!!! You better get a camera and soon!!!!!

I really want to see the rest of the "blue eyed wonder package"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Santa.....please send Nutword a camera for xmas!!!!! :D

12-17-2001, 11:18 PM
…hi-jacked a thread and she wasn’t even here.:yellghst:

SORRY about that,:rolleyes:

I very much welcome you lace74, (27 year old english bi-chick).
Please read around (my pics are in there) and I would love to talk to you about your wet panties.:p :D And feel free to being a friend if hers are wet to!!:p :p :D