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12-15-2001, 12:04 AM
how one depressing night can really kill your self-esteem
12-15-2001, 03:04 AM
Ohh how right you are Mercury!
It is totally amazing how fragie self esteem is.
It is also totally amazing how incredibly quick that self-esteem can be re built when one listens to caring, compassionate people.
I had such an encounter just yesterday.
12-15-2001, 04:30 AM
Hey, guys! Cheer up!
From what I've seen of both of you, neither one of you has any need to question your self-worth... You both seem like fantastic men, funny and sexy and warm-hearted, just what any woman in her right mind would love to get to know!
What happened to you two to make you feel so down? Tell us, and I bet that I and some of the other women here can probably find some way of cheering you up!
((((((((big hugs to you both!))))))))
--- sweetstuff
12-15-2001, 08:41 AM
Life is about how you deal with shit thrown at you.
Grab a snorkel, say stuff the world and go on.
If the opinion of one or two is so important, look at another
focus of importance.
Talk to us!!!!!
12-15-2001, 09:39 AM
Thank you SugarFreeCandy and Oldfart!!
I guess I could have phrased the point I was trying to make better, because I had a GREAT experience on Friday that completely lifted my spirits, and did an excellent job of re-energizing my self esteem.
It is awfully good to know that there are people that are concerned about the well being of others here.
Thank you for the kind words.
12-15-2001, 09:40 AM
Oldfart---You're right!Life is how you deal with things.When I was
younger;I thought;that all individual things were;very;important.
As I grow older;I realise;that my father was right.All that you can
do is; to do; your best.Noone can ask for more than that.The way
the masses think of the way you handle things.Individual approval
is; basically;unimportant! Irish
P.S.I'm on my soapbox again.I just hate to see people; make the
same mistakes; that I have made!
Prophet Reality
12-15-2001, 02:49 PM
I have no idea about Mecury, but for me, I hate this time of year. You see people out shopping with family and such. Being a single guy with no family, well it just makes for a hard time. :(
12-16-2001, 02:21 PM
Prophet...don't be sad...You have a family....RIGHT HERE!!!!:)
That goes for others as well.....:)
.....if you think you have it bad...think about other people who have it worse than you....a homeless person, a sick child, someone who lost a loved one in the past few months...(WTC attacks)...and the list goes on and on..... :(
When I get depressed and down...I think of others who don't have it so good or I go visit a homeless shelter or help out at a soup kitchen.........and that's when I realize I am truly blessed....
12-16-2001, 08:33 PM
Been there, Prophet. Just keep your chin up. As Diva said, don't forget your surrogates here at pixies.
Prophet Reality
12-16-2001, 09:15 PM
Thanks Diva and Nubian.
And I do think of the countless people that have lost their family. And I was once on the streets for a time. But it is a different kind of down if you know what I mean. But it is good to know that I have a surrogate family here.
Hey Diva, can I cuddle in your lap?
12-16-2001, 09:17 PM
Yes can..... :)
Prophet Reality
12-16-2001, 09:24 PM
Thanx. Nothing makes me smile more than cuddling up in a nice sexy lap. :D
12-16-2001, 09:26 PM
I don't know how sexy it is....cause when I stood up...I lost it!!!!!!!!!! :D :D ;)
(((((Prophet))))) Smile!!!!!! :)
12-17-2001, 08:39 AM
Prophet Reality---I know where you're coming from!I find that each year;I have less holiday spirit.The whole Christmas season
has gotten so; commercialised;that it takes away from; the way;
that the memories of the season have.My two daughters don't
live home anymore and the ;youngest;daughter;has;gotten
divorced.It gets harder and harder to get together.Christmas;is
for;my four grandchildren anyway.Even toys cost a;rediculous;
price now.Kids ask for things that put you in debt for a year now.
I can remember;when;asking my folks;for a plastic toy rifle;might
be too much money.After all;my father only worked about 70hrs.
a week! Irish
P.S.The toy cost $7.95.
12-17-2001, 09:21 AM
well my theroy is this forest gump was wrong life is nt like a bunch of chocolates..........its like a bunch of juelpinos you never know when one will burn you in the ass...............Seriously remember this never let someone who pisses you off or hurts you see you down no matter what it takes never let them see you down
Prophet Reality
12-17-2001, 09:55 PM
Irish I know what you mean. I don't have kids, but I do have neices and nephews. This year I am just so not in the mood that I got them all gift certificates so they can get whatever they wanted. Something about spending the holidays alone is just getting old. No wonder so many just give up and the suicide rate is so high this time of year. But, I know that I will be at work watching everyone spend their money from X-mas increasing my paycheck. :rolleyes:
12-19-2001, 09:41 AM
I'm really a happy person all the time laughing and carrying on, but this year it's been hell!!
The holidays have been hard on me and family because of some of the things that have happened this year (which I won't bring everyone down with).
But I've learned at least I think I've learned to hold my head up high and smile even tho my life might be falling down around me.
12-19-2001, 01:26 PM
i find it hard to be happy now a days, not much to look forward to in my life. i can't get into relationships because........they just never start.
12-19-2001, 01:53 PM
Mercury-Maniac---Cheer up and;don't; think about things.Don't
let things get you down.I;have learned;through experience;that
the mood that you get in just drags you down more.Just;make
the best of things;ignore everything;and carry on.I speak from
experience! Irish
12-19-2001, 08:12 PM
Well, I guess not , Irish... you wouldn't look too good in those little skirts anyway...
12-19-2001, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by scotzoidman
Well, I guess not , Irish... you wouldn't look too good in those little skirts anyway...
LMAO!!!! Now that was priceless Scotz!!!! high 5'!!!!! :D :D :D
12-20-2001, 08:17 AM
I;heard;on the radio;an ad for a website that sells illuminated,
cookie jars for $49.95.Tell me that the Holiday Season hasn't
become ;overly;commercialized.They try to get every hard earned
;busted my ass for;dollar that they can suck from you.Come to
think of it;if;it was for my Grandchildren-my wife would;probably;
buy one. Irish
P.S.I think that I look very good in one of those skirts.I think that
it is erotic when my penis hangs out of the bottom of the skirt!
12-20-2001, 08:36 AM
... not a SCOTT!:mad:
You have to be a MC DONALD to put on a kilt, :rolleyes:and that means you have to have a WHOPPER under it. :cool:
I don’t want to see you in one!!!:eek: :eek:
I think I'll post this instead of just PM you:D
12-20-2001, 08:43 AM
pantyfanatic---But it feels;so nice;to be able to play with it without
opening my pants!! Irish
P.S.I have been told that it is a "Whopper"(Burger King not McDonalds)but I think that was just to stroke my ego!
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