View Full Version : Pixies Chat room
12-12-2001, 10:54 PM
Has anyone been able to get into the Pixies Chat room since the hacker attack?
I've not been able to. Is it just me?
Kim ...did I get banned from the chat area ???
i just been there nutworld, its working fine to me and nutworld, ur not banned at all from there, r u accessin it from pixies?
Originally posted by nutworld
Has anyone been able to get into the Pixies Chat room since the hacker attack?
I've not been able to. Is it just me?
Kim ...did I get banned from the chat area ???
12-12-2001, 11:17 PM
yes clicking directly from the Pixies home page
using the link at the top of the page.
12-12-2001, 11:24 PM
just a follow up
the chat window opens up and I get the usual internet language stuff..and after about 5 seconds.
Error Web Site not responding.
12-12-2001, 11:28 PM
and yet another follow up.
I WAS able to get into the chat room viat the pixies stories page link.
how strange is that?
the URL on the button of the page is wrong thats why u cant get in
12-14-2001, 10:46 AM
I can't get in either.... :( :(....From either page!!!!!!!
Ohhhhh Kim.........can you try to fix please???
12-14-2001, 11:17 AM
I'm in using the link from the story site..but still cant get in via this one
12-14-2001, 04:08 PM
Diva - Try emptying your Temporary Internet folder...
I also couldnt get in first off....i cleaned the Temp folder and tried the home page enterance and i got in....
The enterance to the chat room at the top of the forum page does not work...:)
the URL on the button on top of the page is wrong thats why u cant get in :D
12-16-2001, 04:12 PM
Ok..I did everything and I still can't get in..grrrrrrrrrrrrr :(
All I get now is page cannot be displayed......I even get that from the main page......
very odd Diva from main page....ill try it again later and PM u if they work or wonder y there has been a decrese in ppl in there...
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
Ok..I did everything and I still can't get in..grrrrrrrrrrrrr :(
All I get now is page cannot be displayed......I even get that from the main page......
12-16-2001, 08:56 PM
Diva - Is Java enabled on your puter? That may be a reason it wont display...
12-16-2001, 08:58 PM
Yes is enabled...and I just keep getting ;
Page can't be displayed now...from this forum and the main page
Please refresh and try again....damn how much fresher does IE want me to be???? :D :D
12-16-2001, 09:04 PM
Hmmmm....which way did you try to get into the chat first?
12-16-2001, 09:07 PM
From then main page, then here, then back to the main....rebooted puter...washed my window files...I did everything :( and I still can't get in :(
12-16-2001, 09:13 PM
12-16-2001, 09:14 PM
Hahahahahaha...that's fine...I didn't want to talk to you anyway!!!!!! :p :D :p
12-16-2001, 09:40 PM
Well gee....i'm all outta ideas at the moment Diva :(
You used to be able to get in didnt you?...has anything changed on your system ie: new programs and such?
12-16-2001, 09:42 PM
Nope..nothing has changed...and yes...I have been in there before ...... I might try to redownload IE tomorrow to see if that is the problem....but something is definetly wrong...I can't even use Netscape either to get into chat room!
12-16-2001, 09:51 PM
Yep...still no luck TDK.... :(
exactly what doesnt work, the page or when u click chat now???
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
Yep...still no luck TDK.... :(
12-16-2001, 09:57 PM
I get a white page that unavailable right now...please try again later...or refresh and check your internet options...I get that from all pages that have the chat link.
12-16-2001, 11:18 PM
Just a thought try this direct link
You can change the word "Diva" to what ever chat name you wish to use
wohoo, lets have every1 click on that link :p
Originally posted by Bilbo
Just a thought try this direct link
You can change the word "Diva" to what ever chat name you wish to use
12-16-2001, 11:37 PM
That link is for Diva TDK as a direct link to the chat we DON'T need everyone using it
LOL...ok :-p heres a better link.....theres a chat there, once ur in type /join #pixiesplace
Diva is a registered user on IRC....better change it to lovediva4u or something else :p
Originally posted by Bilbo
That link is for Diva TDK as a direct link to the chat we DON'T need everyone using it
12-17-2001, 12:09 AM
Well I tried just for shits & giggles & I cant get in ! It must be a conspiracy By the cable people & the napkin makers! Thats my guess! They are watching us ya know:confused:
Grrrrrrrr.......what u do and what have u tried?
its like that phrase that Arnie used, "whos ur daddy and what does he do?" from Kindergarten Cop
Originally posted by rednek
Well I tried just for shits & giggles & I cant get in ! It must be a conspiracy By the cable people & the napkin makers! Thats my guess! They are watching us ya know:confused:
12-17-2001, 02:42 AM
You know it may be that you just may never be able to access the chat...It could have something to do with your ISP settings....Pixies Server....the chatroom server...or any other outside problems...
The chatroom before this one....which i might add was run by the same mob...sextracker...i could not get into in any way shape or form...and i even resorted to having a very puter literate person look at my system....but to no avail...i just had to live with it...
But since Pixies moved servers i can now access the chat....
Now i'm not saying that this is the cause for the problems that the ppl who cant access the chat are having....its just a thought
just get mIRC or any IRC program and everything would b solved
for millenium 3.0
for mirc32
after gettin that....follow instructions....LOL
server is port 6667
blah blah blah, laughing away, screw java
#lala la, la la la la la la
#i, just cant get u out of my head....lala la, lala la la la la la la
Java chat works on netscape 4.73 and Netscape 6.1 all with default settings so nothing has changed since install
#i, just cant get you out of my head
12-17-2001, 10:40 AM
blah blah blah, laughing away, screw java
I cant see where you can blame Java for all chatroom access problems...I have Java and i can get in...Diva has Java and can't get seems to me that there must be other outside causes to the problems...
after gettin that....follow instructions....LOL
is there any particular reason to laugh here :confused:
I do not use i have no idea on anything using that browser....
Surely there are some real puter literate ppl on here who could give some real advice....come forward and say your piece....your help will be very much appreciated :)
1st of all, every single internet browser should have Java enabled...its an install default
2nd, Netscape seems to b more stable on some computers then others especially for users who have slower computers, so dont mock netscape..its almost exactly the same as IE (its also a smaller install as well savin space)
3rd, oh thanks, so ur saying im not a 'real' PC literate person? and give real advice? thank you....this makes my career path headin to nowhere as it seems then as i seem not real enuf...
4th i said screw java coz ull b using an external program to access the chat without coming here 1st, savin time...and not havin to accept and load java everytime
ive given all the ways u can access chat...tested different browers to see if chat works...
if nothing here is real then i must b a bloody phony
Originally posted by Sharniqua
I cant see where you can blame Java for all chatroom access problems...I have Java and i can get in...Diva has Java and can't get seems to me that there must be other outside causes to the problems...
is there any particular reason to laugh here :confused:
I do not use i have no idea on anything using that browser....
Surely there are some real puter literate ppl on here who could give some real advice....come forward and say your piece....your help will be very much appreciated :)
12-17-2001, 04:26 PM
If i get my knuckles wrapped for replying here i'm sorry....but i feel the definate need to defend my earlier comments
1st of all, every single internet browser should have Java enabled...its an install default
Yes true....but it can be disabled
so dont mock netscape
I was only calling it what some of my friends call doesnt mean i dont believe it to be a good product
'real' PC literate person need to get a thicker skin...if you recall i also gave some advice on here...i was actually hoping there may have been a qualified computer expert registered here...isnt the whole point of the thread to find someone who can fix the bloody problem?????
without coming here 1st, savin time
It takes all of 5 seconds for Java to load on my no it is not a brand new whizz bang machine....and the only time i feel the need to chat in the PIXIES chat when i'm surfing Pixies...
i've given all the ways u can access chat
Yes you have made a great effort...and we all thank you for it....but it can never hurt to accept a little advice from others...every bit of knowledge will hopefully lead to fixing the's not a bloody competition to see who can solve it first...
if nothing here is real then i must b a bloody phony
Don't pout is not an attrative trait at all....this doesnt have to get nasty...but i will stand up for myself as i expect will you
i actually will give up now....
reason: i feel like ive being challenged here
12-17-2001, 08:29 PM
IT'S ALL FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
THANK YOU KIM.....!!! :D :D :D
shes the only one who can coz the top link was wrong
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
IT'S ALL FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
THANK YOU KIM.....!!! :D :D :D
12-17-2001, 11:49 PM
Ok..I really screwed up this time.
When the chat room window opens up...everything loads..and the you get a window that opens up and askes if you want to use this program by.....XXXX
Anyway..I was hurrying around closing windows..and I accidentally clicked on NO when it askes if YES you want to use this program or NO you dont.
Now I cant get back into the chat room.
NOW what?
12-18-2001, 03:29 AM
Just glad someone was able to help you out Diva.... :)
Nutworld....i have accidently done that myself...what worked for me was empty the Temp Internet folder and try to re enter....the box asking if you want to use this program came up again for me
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