View Full Version : Christmas party a la Canadienne!
12-04-2001, 04:23 AM
Hi, everyone ---
I'm pretty new here, so I'd like to invite everyone to come out to my fabulous Christmas party up here in the Great White North! (This is a spin-off of the Merry Christmas thread...)
There's soft white snow on the ground, a fire roaring in the fireplace, and we've just brought in the Christmas tree. There's mulled wine, mulled cider, and lots of hot chocolate on the stove, and all the Christmas goodies you could ever wish to see.
What's more, there's folks outside making naked snow angels, others making snow and ice sculptures of their favourite positions, and for the truly adventurous, I've just built an igloo out back for couples to sneak off to! ;) Inside, it's clothing optional --- in fact, with the fire, you'll have your clothes off in no time so you can bask in its soft heat. You can also join me in the sauna before the Polar Bear swim later on tonight...
So, come right on in, make yourself at home! Anyone have any ideas for party games? ;)
--- sweetstuff
*waiting under the mistletoe*
oh im there, u dont have to ask me twice sugarfreecandy :D
games, big hugh orgy where i get to have u 1st and last :D
and ill there with u under the mistletoe....
NOTE...TDK will bring the summer fun with him :D
Originally posted by sugarfreecandy
So, come right on in, make yourself at home! Anyone have any ideas for party games? ;)
--- sweetstuff
*waiting under the mistletoe*
12-04-2001, 06:28 AM
<Throws a snowball at TDK and nails him in the balls!!>
<Once he falls to his knees, I run up to him with a hand full of snow and Rub it in his face>
AHHHH Great party Sugarfreecandy! :)
Anybody up for a game of truth or dare???? ;) :D
oh boy, dnt u learn?
<TDK grabs Diva while she rubs snow in face, plants a great big kiss on her silky lips for being close to TDK> :D:D
im game for truth or dare, nothing will stop me playin that game:D
Diva, not stalking you
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
<Throws a snowball at TDK and nails him in the balls!!>
<Once he falls to his knees, I run up to him with a hand full of snow and Rub it in his face>
Anybody up for a game of truth or dare???? ;) :D
12-04-2001, 08:54 AM
count me in sugarfreecandy,
Thanks for the invite!
I'm gonna walk around with my hands covering my private area if DIVA's gonna be winging snowballs around at that area.
I'm in for the game of truth or dare though Diva!
12-04-2001, 09:51 AM
Please check other Xmas thread for a xmas wish
12-04-2001, 12:55 PM
Here is one the sculptures we made outside of Sugarfreecandy's home!
12-04-2001, 01:46 PM
Welcome, one and all!
David, great pic... but you won't be needing to make any do-it-yourself women here, I'm sure you'll find plenty of lovely ladies here who'd be more than willing to help you out should any 'need' arise... ;) On second thought, though, it might be a good way to let people know the party's here --- better than tying balloons to the mailbox at the end of the lane, anyway! Now get in here and help me show these guests what we Canadians are made of!
Oldfart, the Quebecois and Quebecoises are always welcome at my parties... Separatist politics or no, doesn't matter to me once the clothes come off! And those folks sure know how to 'feter la nouvelle annee' (celebrate the new year) --- maybe we'll keep the party going long enough for them to show us how it's done! As for the naked snow angels, why don't you step outside with me now and we'll make a pair of them to get the trend started...?
Nutworld, come on in, and maybe come sit in the sauna if you're nervous --- it's so warm in here, no snowball could survive as far as your worried parts! Or maybe you'd prefer to crawl under the covers in the guest room with someone else, to stay safe & warm! ;)
Diva --- welcome to the party! Truth or dare is a great idea... but only if we can keep those snowballs of your under control, you're making the other guests too nervous to play with you! Who wants to go first?
TDK --- aww, thanks for joining me under the mistletoe, it was getting lonely over here! Let's get that game started, and then we'll see where it leads, okay? Orgy or no, you can still 'cum over to play' any time!
Everyone else, don't be shy! Come and get acquainted! The party's just getting started...
--- sweetstuff
12-04-2001, 02:17 PM
Thanks for the great and warm welcome. The party seem to be fun so far. I'd love to have a go at that sauna...OR the bedroom under the covers for that matter. care to join me either place?
I was just giving Diva a hard time (OH!, how I wish!!) I'm sure that there are very few ways that Diva would let me be nervous.'s my truth or dare question.: If the woman or man of your dreams invited you outside into the igloo for a go of it would you go...knowing that you were gonna freeze your a** off ?
12-04-2001, 02:50 PM
I'd be right there, no hesitation... If the guy was truly the man of my dreams, I know I'd be so fired up that a little ice would just help me keep from incinerating myself... ;)
Besides, if I built that igloo right, it can actually get as warm as 4 or 5 C inside before anything even starts to turn slushy. Plus, a real igloo comes complete with lots of lovely fur robes --- the Inuit traditionally slept naked between their furs, then quickly hopped into their clothes come morning. Heck, if they can do it, I can too! :D
--- sweetstuff
12-04-2001, 04:07 PM
Sounds like it would be a great X-mas Sugar free..but don't know if I could realy be able the handle the temperature...comeing from a climate where the lowest temp for the year is around 20 degrees C..... if afraid I'd be no fun at all......because I'd be consistantly STIFF, and with no way to thaw out.
Any suggestions?
LOL @ Bilbo :p -- the inside of the house wouldnt b cold mate, it'll b just like home
truth or dare q? i know ill will go in to the igloo with girl of my dreams, i would go in there with an girl :D
it'll b all good:D
TDK is not nervous about Diva, i think its the other way round? :p:D
and sugar babe, ur welcome,now lets go to the igloo now, shall we? ;):D
12-04-2001, 08:31 PM
Here's my snow scupture!
celt guy
12-04-2001, 09:25 PM
*Kisses hostess on cheek (or wherever) and presents a port aged scotch. Never come to a party empty-handed.
Hmm a nice hot sauna then a hotter roll in the snow. Sounds like the perfect way to kick off the holidays. Now to find the brave lady...
This is a tough crowd for truth or dare. I think most of us would take the dare just for the fun of it.
By the way theres a case of fleur de champagne in my trunk in case we run over into new years.
12-04-2001, 10:22 PM's my truth or dare question.: If the woman or man of your dreams invited you outside into the igloo for a go of it would you go...knowing that you were gonna freeze your a** off ?
I would most definely go! Nut...I promise will not freeze your butt off...a well built igloo with candles burning, and body can actually sweat in them!! It's amazing how warm they get!
And Bilbo...c'mere...I will keep you toasty warm....AND you can keep your stiffy ok!!!!!! You're gonna need it!!! :D :D ;)
Now...I think it's time for a DARE......!!!!!!
Hey Celt...pour me a glass of scotch please!!! :D ;)
12-05-2001, 08:27 AM
Pourquoi Quebecois?
Je suis Aussie.
Shame, SFC, shame.
for any one not in the mood for truth or dare I just broke out the twister mat. but you have to play nekid hey sugar thanks for the invite wana play?;)
12-06-2001, 06:34 PM
Please forgive me for not bringing anything to the party...but will this do???? :D :D ;)
12-06-2001, 06:50 PM
Laughing my stiff freezing ass off @ Diva
12-06-2001, 06:56 PM
GUILTY Diva???
I should GUESS SO. Le me be the first in line to "punish" you like in the picture.
If not first, can I be 2nd or 3rd???
Prophet Reality
12-06-2001, 10:43 PM
Great party. Thanks for the invite. I haven't seen the hostess yet, she must be in the igloo or sauna. HAs anyone seen the hostess lately?
And to answer the current question. I would enter the igloo with any of the fine ladies that are here. Or all of them if I could.
Love the sculptures everyone.
ummm, hmmm, yea, ive seen the hostess:D;) ummm, shes kinda tired out at the moment but im sure she'll b back real soon;):D
Originally posted by Prophet Reality
Great party. Thanks for the invite. I haven't seen the hostess yet, she must be in the igloo or sauna. HAs anyone seen the hostess lately?
12-10-2001, 10:38 AM
Here is my snow sculpture!!! :D :D
Now this would definetly give me brain freeze!!!!! :D
12-10-2001, 12:01 PM
You thought that pop sickle was COLD!!
12-10-2001, 08:56 PM
Sorry I disappeared there; a bunch of us were playing snowshoe tag in the back lot... Special prizes if you tag someone else. I'm sure you can imagine what sort of prizes those might be, given that this is a Pixies crowd! ;)
TDK, you gave me an especially good run for my money, I have to say! How'd you learn to snowshoe like that, down in the sunny south?
Diva and Scotzoidman, I love your sculptures! They're a big hit! You can decorate my yard for next year's party, that's for sure!
ProphetReality, Pantyfanatic, and all the other newcomers, welcome to my humble abode! Please, make yourselves at home!
Celt Guy, I do like your way of thinking! Thank-you very much for the scotch, you're a true gentleman! You do know that the knight in shining armour always rides off into the sunset with the beautiful girl, don't you? Of course, in a place like this, you've got your pick of fair maidens!
Bilbo, around here, being 'stiff' is generally considered to be a good thing here! In fact, if you can stay stiff after we ladies try to warm you up, I dare say we'll take it as a compliment! ;)
Jay, I love the twister idea! Sure, if no one else has any more truth or dare questions, maybe we should move on & play that instead!
Oldfart, I apologize if I have you confused with someone else. Wasn't it you who made a comment about being glad I'm not Quebecoise? I just meant to say that although I'm all for Canada staying together, I'm not going to let politics ruin this party! Aussies of all stripes are most definitely welcome as well.
Come on, folks, let's pass around some of that delightful brandy, and get down to the business of partying!
--- sweetstuff
12-10-2001, 09:24 PM
exactly how big is this igloo? wouldn't want to cramp up the party!
12-10-2001, 10:12 PM as authentic as I could get. It's actually a complex of 4 smaller ice houses linking into a larger dome, the way the Qiqartarmiut did it... That way, there's privacy for those who want, and still plenty of space in the main 'room'! ... That said, though, I think most of the folks here are still inside the house, warming themselves by the fire after the snowshoe tag. Mercury, you're definitely welcome to join us either place!
--- sweetstuff
12-10-2001, 10:50 PM
With someone as warming as you are SFC, I'm sure my stiffness would last as long as you would like ;)
12-11-2001, 07:05 PM
...I'd be delighted to help in any way that I can! ;)
--- sweetstuff
Prophet Reality
12-11-2001, 10:52 PM
So does the Hostess need help with anything. How about with removing those wet clothes from snowshoe tag? Of course being that I am not the only knight here, except my armor is black of course.
12-12-2001, 06:15 AM
Food, drink and good friends....what more can a person ask for.......
ICECUBES!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
celt guy
12-12-2001, 07:21 AM
Prophet last time I saw our lovely hostess it didn't look like wet clothes would be the problem.
SFC if its a ride into the sunset you want. I'll be happy to oblige. Maybe later we could even go out on horseback. I'll meet you in the igloo. You bring the furs I'll bring the wineskin.
Diva Help yourself, theres plenty of scotch to go around. Or if you like I'd be happy to serve you latter.
Party joke for all- A woman walked into a bar and asked the bartender for a double entandre', so he gave it to her.
The Drunk Idiot has arrived!!! LOL
*hick, hick, hick*
*hick, hick*
*falls to groud*
12-12-2001, 12:25 PM
Prophet, thanks for the kind offer of help! As CeltGuy says, clothes aren't really much of an issue for me at the moment :o, but I'm sure if we put our heads together we could probably figure out some way for you to help me warm up...
Diva, OMG! ROTFLMAO! Where on earth do you come up with these pics?!? That's hilarious!
CeltGuy, hmmmmmm, a little horseback adventure sounds marvelous! Here, have some snowshoes --- I'll race you to the igloo! Oh, and I loved your 'double entendre' joke! LOL!
As for TDK, maybe some of the other lovely ladies around can help me haul this guy up to the spare bedroom... where he can sleep off the effects of that mulled wine! Unless of course we can think of some other say to sober him up? ;)
And last but definitely not least, OldFart, I have to apologize --- I've had the error of my ways pointed out to me, and I know now that it wasn't you who made those comments... I guess maybe I've had a little much of the wine myself, or was it that scotch? :o At any rate, my most sincere apologies to you... I hope you'll stay for the party and let me make it up to you somehow? ;)
--- sweetstuff
#we wish u a happy Christmas # *hick*
#we wish u a merry *hick*
any ladies fancy a *hick* shag?
#jingle bells#
# = singing
Originally posted by sugarfreecandy
As for TDK, maybe some of the other lovely ladies around can help me haul this guy up to the spare bedroom... where he can sleep off the effects of that mulled wine! Unless of course we can think of some other say to sober him up? ;)
--- sweetstuff
12-12-2001, 08:41 PM
~wandering in from outside wearing nothing but a smile~
Brrrr...bit chilly out there. Anyone want to play leapfrog to warm me up a little?
I'm heading out for a polar bear skinny dip if antone wants to join me feel free but unless any one wants to help warm me up that fire better be warm
#we r family# *hick*
*grabs 2 females by the waist that are close by holds them tight and keeps singing*
#we r family#
12-13-2001, 09:34 PM
Don't let TDK get at any more of it... Good thing he's a happy drunk! Of course, I can think of ways to make him even happier, but I think I'll let him sober up a little first, so that he stands a chance of remembering them when the party's over! :p
Now, I'm really torn between the suggestions from Jay and Glyndwr --- should I cool off or warm up first? Both sound like great ideas... How about we go do that polar bear skinny-dipping first, then we can all come back and play leapfrog to our hearts' content to warm us back up? Then we can get the best of both plans...
So who else is up for a swim? ;)
--- sweetstuff
Prophet Reality
12-13-2001, 10:00 PM
Well, I will try the polar bear dip, but only as long as someone is around to warm me up afterwards. Diva are you free? Sounds like our hostess is booked for the night.
12-13-2001, 10:07 PM
Hey..Wait for me!!!
I want to join the dippers and the leapers...but I just don't want to be left alone for the warm-up session.
If I wanted that I'd just go back home.
Any ladies still available?
12-14-2001, 12:13 AM
I was really hoping some of the wonderful lady guests would help me get all the wrinkles out of what I’m wearing…. ;) But the Polar dip will only put them right back. I’d rather the ladies helped me get the wrinkles back… :p then I’ll take my dip.:eek:
sugarfreecandy?!? dnt hide it from me, *hick* hey..why dont u an i go and hide and drink the scotch ourselve, together? *arms round sugarfreecandy* i know u wanna.......mmm, i *hick* like what ur wearing babe, smells *hick* great ;):D
Originally posted by sugarfreecandy
Don't let TDK get at any more of it... Good thing he's a happy drunk! Of course, I can think of ways to make him even happier, but I think I'll let him sober up a little first, so that he stands a chance of remembering them when the party's over! :p
i go swim?!!!! as long as i get to see naked *hick* female bods and also have them rub against me:D
Originally posted by sugarfreecandy
So who else is up for a swim? ;)
--- sweetstuff
12-14-2001, 10:44 AM
I was really hoping some of the wonderful lady guests would help me get all the wrinkles out of what I’m wearing….
Well LQQeey here...I always carry my portable iron with me!!!! :D
so that he stands a chance of remembering them when the party's over!
LOL..usually drunk virgins never remember anyway...more scotch TDK??????? :D :D ;)
And better wear a life presserver in the water...don't want you to drink and drown now would we!!!! :D
12-14-2001, 12:31 PM
You are being led astray!!!
Either way you will end up with the worst case of blue balls in history.
Remember Diva's icecubes.
mmm, Diva...*stumbles over to her and gives big warm hug and takes iron away from her w/out her noticing* :D
come with me doll...sit:D now tell Santa *hick* TDK what u want to do ? ;):D
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
Well LQQeey here...I always carry my portable iron with me!!!! :D
LOL..usually drunk virgins never remember anyway...more scotch TDK??????? :D :D ;)
*TDK holds Diva and slowly nods off to sleep*
12-15-2001, 02:55 AM
Diva, wow, it looks like you're taking care of all the guests singlehandedly! 'Ironing' out Pantyfanatic's wrinkles and putting TDK to bed! And you're so right about the drunk virgin thing... LOL!
Prophet, Nutworld, and Pantyfanatic, don't you worry about getting chilled. I'm sure there are plenty of ladies here who would absolutely love to help you warm up (and de-wrinkle) before and after the polar bear swim... I'm at the top of the list! (And it looks like Diva's right up there with me...)
Oldfart, loved your warning to TDK! ROTFL!
... and last but not least, TDK --- what can I say but 'good night, and sweet dreams!' ;) Come find me when you wake up...
Okay, folks, grab your towels and your winter boots, and let's go swimming!
--- sweetstuff
12-15-2001, 02:59 AM
I hope you all don't mind..but I'm removing what ever clothing that I had on and following SFC to the pool
As snaggle puss often said : Exit Stage Left!
Wait for me SFC.................!!!
*TDK holds Diva closely as he sleeps*:D
Prophet Reality
12-15-2001, 02:56 PM
I think I will just sit back and watch. Seems that the couple of ladies here seem to be tied up with everyone else. So I will what I do best, sit back and watch and brood silently.
12-15-2001, 06:12 PM
(thought the pool was deeper…. And the water not quite that stiff!?!?:confused:
OH……………………………….MY…………………………..GOD… that’s COLD!!!:whiteghos :whiteghos
(Oh NO!! Where did it go? OH NO!! It’s turned out-side-in!!:( It’s GONE!!!):mad:
(Always suspected that I was a lesbian trapped in a mans body, but this is ridicules!! ):rolleyes: :redghost: :mad:
12-15-2001, 11:57 PM
It went INSIDE!!
Help me, Leigh, Shamiqua, Diva, (NO, NOT Diva(she’s got her iron:redghost: )) Pussy Willow, Sugar, OSG, any body!!
(think of something… that will raise the temperature or lower the pressure outside…;))
I need your attention..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
12-16-2001, 01:28 AM
Pantyfanatic, fear not, Sweetstuff is here! I've got some lovely thick furs, come hop in here with me and I'm sure we can warm you up! Once I get you a little warmer, I bet we can even start a little 'fire by friction' if you like!
But really, you and Nutworld ought to know better. You don't go polar bear swimming in pools! Come on out & join the rest of us in the lake! It's much deeper there, and I promise you won't get hurt...
Prophet Reality, you will most certainly not just sit back and brood at any party I'm throwing! *comes running and lands squarely in Prophet's lap* There, that's better, isn't it? Oh! Oh my... Yes, that does feel very much better, indeed... :o Don't you think so? ;)
And as for TDK, you do look awfully cute sleeping like that... I have to admit, I'm a little jealous of Diva, having you all to herself! :p
Now then, folks, we've all had our little swim --- obviously more eventful for some than for others --- so let's head back inside and warm up in the sauna or in front of the fire, as you prefer... And then it's time for the annual favourite, The Recitation Of The Bawdy Limericks --- who wants to start? Or if limericks aren't your style, maybe you'd care to venture down into the wine cellar and fetch us something warming to drink?
--- sweetstuff
12-16-2001, 02:20 AM
<As Sugar brings over my mulled cider and kisses me lightly before whispering in my ear that she notices my stiff cock is back and has joined the party.>;)
A toast-
12-16-2001, 09:46 AM
Ahhhh Yesss, The why didnt I think of that?
That would explain WHY all I've seen is some really Flat-chested
woman running around here at the pool screaming something
about "how cold it is" and then rambling on about how "it's gone!
it's gone!!.....Help HELP, HELP!!!!"
Ok..well now that the mystery is solved..I'm off to the rest of the party at the lake.
12-16-2001, 10:44 AM
all I've seen is some really Flat-chested woman running around here
I know sometimes we aren't on the same page, ;) but now I think we're reading from different books??:confused: :confused:
12-16-2001, 10:48 AM
Don't worry Panty..
Its just my warped sense of humor. Nothing at all anything you can do about it.
Just do what I do sometimes...Ignore me!
12-16-2001, 11:20 AM
I didn't come here to babysit!!! Let's shave TDK's head and take some pics and post them on that great web site Pixies!! Bet he will never drink again after seeing those pics!!! :D :D
I got the magic marker...let's just draw a funny face on his belly...:D :D....that will teach you to pass out on me TDK!!!! :D :D
mmmm, i need a haircut:D
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
I didn't come here to babysit!!! Let's shave TDK's head and take some pics and post them on that great web site Pixies!! Bet he will never drink again after seeing those pics!!! :D :D
I got the magic marker...let's just draw a funny face on his belly...:D :D....that will teach you to pass out on me TDK!!!! :D :D
Prophet Reality
12-16-2001, 09:43 PM
Better be careful Sugar, jump on my lap and I might not let you go the rest of the party.
As for TDK I have a nice sharp pocket knife, we can shave all the hair off of his body if you like. Or I could just drag him into the corner and leave him there until her sobers up.
Hey did anyone bring any Egg Nog and Rum?
celt guy
12-17-2001, 07:24 AM
Sorry, I've been gone awhile. I went out to the igloo to meet the sweet SFC. I dont think she ever showed. The women that were out there just kept passing me around, it was horrible... they took away my wineskin.
-Diva Since irish isn't here I guess it's up to me to play bouncer. If your little photo shoot doesnt straighten TDK up let me know. At the verry least let me keep you company while everyone else is swimming.
-SFC Despite the hospitality of your friends. I'm not forgiving you for standing me up in the igloo. I'll give you a chance to make it up to me latter, or maybe it's time for a spanking.
12-17-2001, 12:09 PM
Have you no sense of the truly sadistic?
You only shave the total left side of TDK, hair, eyebrow, underarm, pubes etc.
So much more effective.
Then he has to shave the rest.
Sometimes I hate myself!!
12-17-2001, 12:37 PM
Right out of the big book of HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND GET EVEN.
You may like this old one?:)
YEARS back when the Sears & Rubbish and Monkey Wards catalogs were standard interior decoration in any home, they had a Rural or Farm section where you could mail order chickens and pigs from them.;) (before I heard about sheep or OZ land:yellghst: )
You could get a money order for $13.50, fill out the order form and have then send two pounds of BEES (with one queen guaranteed, estimated 1,450 bees per lb.) to any one you thought worthy.
12-17-2001, 01:13 PM
Too many mis-bee-having jokes to even start.
Love the idea.
12-17-2001, 03:14 PM
I didn't mean to disappear on you all there; all I can say is that final exams really suck. One more to go, and then the term will be over! (When I'm not hosting parties at Pixies, I'm a student trying to get enough money to go to grad school...)
Anyway, I see you have all been very busy while I've been gone!
Pantyfanatic and Oldfart, please please please don't sic those bees on me for disappearing! I promise, I won't do it again! Besides, I don't need any bees --- I have my own supply of honey. Wanna taste? ;)
TDK's new look is great, everyone --- & well deserved! But don't you think we should make that difference between left & right just a little more defined? I have my make-up bag somewhere, I vote that we 'paint him up real purty' on that shaved side! :p
And CeltGuy, I'll be right with you as soon as Prophet lets me go... I'm so sorry I never made it to the igloo --- how can I possibly make it up to you? *melodramatic sigh* Spank me if you must... I am a poor wretch, undeserving of your notice. I grovel at your feet... *an idea strikes* Hey, being on my knees at your feet gives me an idea! I bet I know how to make this up to you! Can you guess what it is? ;)
--- sweetstuff
p.s. Pantyfanatic, I'm so glad to see that you've recovered from that swimming incident!
celt guy
12-17-2001, 06:49 PM
Of course you are forgiven. I wouldn't dream of keeping you from your duties as hostess. By all means though, feel free to follow through on any ideas that cum to you, and lets not rule out that spanking yet anyway...
12-17-2001, 06:59 PM
I'd LOVE some honey.
let me know when I can squeeze in some time in your busy schedule
Prophet Reality
12-17-2001, 10:05 PM
Well, I guess I should be the nice guy and let SFC go and play hostess. AMybe if I let her go she can find somemore ladies to help her and Diva entertain all of us.
Oldfart, you truly have a sinister mind. I like that.
12-17-2001, 10:15 PM
Hey guys..I finally got TDK off of me....thanks for the help...:D :)
Now I am ready to partyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!:D
Turn up the tunes....someone fill my glass...and let's dance!!!!!!!!
It's a slow song......;)
12-17-2001, 10:50 PM
I'd love to fill in that empty slot next to you on the dance floor for this slow one...and I'll fill your drink as well.
12-17-2001, 11:54 PM
…to my post of 12/16/2001 (#172)..
“As Sugar brings over my DRINK WITH LOTS OF HONEY and kisses me lightly before whispering in my ear…
12-18-2001, 06:30 AM
<Grabs Nut by that hand and leads him to the dancing spot>
I put my arms his neck and gets in nice and close as I want to grind my hips up against him and look into his deep blue sexy eyes.......
And the song plays.....
"Slow dancing swaying to the music....Slow dancing....."
12-18-2001, 07:36 AM
I know I'm late for the party, but do you mind if I join in???
I have been pasiently waiting m tern with the lovley sugar but don't wory after I have devoured her remaining honey you can have her back and diva once your done your dance I would love to see you and sugar share a dance:yellghst:
12-18-2001, 03:37 PM
Tell me the good limericks that I missed while on my appointed mission.:)
What? No bawdy limericks? I thought you said…. :confused: (have I been duped? Was I sent for bottles of De Heron Rouge while these sly varmints corral the party ladies? (*cunning and treachery can always overcome youth and enthusiasm))
12-18-2001, 03:42 PM
Ah, here are the refreshments requested… I brought these principally for TDK (now for all the guys) but I’m sure you fellows will all enjoy. Look… it’s Chateau De Blitz, vintage- Tuesday. You’ll love it! Drink up guys!:D
(I see that Diva’s hand grabbed World by the nuts, I mean Diva grabbed NutWorld by the hand and is twirling him around the dance floor.):cool:
Come right in Bogeyman. I’m answering the door while our hostess is stuck on ProphetReality’s lap. The party is just really getting started. Glad to see you’re back Jay. That skinny-dip you suggested sure was invigorating! Here’s a drink. Have a seat until the girls start the next dance.:p :p
Who’s that behind you? Well, Irish…Bilbo and Sharniqua…and Leigh, so glad you all decided to make it.:D :D
Say, Irish, could I talk to you a moment? Step over here………………..:yellghst:
12-18-2001, 10:56 PM
(now I know why IRISH drinks that diet coke)
I’ll help you ProphetReality with putting the lipstick and eye shadow on the shaved side.:)
Now let’s take those pictures. One from the left, the right, and the front.
Hay, who wrote “TRANSEXUAL WITH INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS” in lipstick and charcoal on his chest?:rolleyes:
Now ProphetReality, you need to run this film down to the ½ hr developing at the corner drug store. It will be funny!!!:D
Here, go out the side door, and take the snowshoes! <shouts out the door behind ProphetReality> You can’t miss it, It’s Vancouver Super Drug, on the left. <slams door> (now we’ll see who the bouncer is):yellghst: :yellghst:
12-18-2001, 11:01 PM
Looks like a great place to start a party.
Plenty of everything to drink including oil cans of Fosters. Beautiful naked people and good music
Say Glyndwr, I saw a Christmas present addressed to you from Sears out by the igloo. Here, go out the front door and get you gift before you get too buzzed.
<Holds door open> I want you to be safe….here take this with you..
<unplugs iron and hands it to Glyndwr> … if you have any problem, you can beat’em off with this!
<slams door, grabs a lamb sandwich & a Fosters, puts arm around Bilbo and Leigh and heads for dance floor>
12-18-2001, 11:11 PM
Hay Nut, there is this HOT chick who is out back walking her dog. Her name is Susan. If you go out and meet Miss Butcher, you can show her how well you dance and she’ll be all yours for the night. :)
I know for a fact that she’s a hard driving woman and stay up all night.;)
Here,… sneak out the back door and just keep going up NORTH WEST Street.;)
<holds door open and shouts> You can’t miss her! She’s the one with the dogs! <slams door>
(exit- stage north-west and say hi to snaggle puss and Sgt. Preston):yellghst: :yellghst:
12-19-2001, 12:05 AM
I think they’re getting nasty. (I sure hope so!!):p
Say, CeltGuy, why do you think the girls need a spanking?
What we need is a good leather paddle.
There’s this place called St. John Hobble & Hump right down EAST Street here.:rolleyes:
<holds side door open and points to sheep tied to tree> You can take Bilbo’s horse there and hurry back.:D
<slams door> (now ride that fucker into the SUN-RISE):D
NOW WE START THE PARTY!!! :D :p :yellghst:
Anyone know any good limricks?:cool:
12-19-2001, 12:41 AM
There once was a man from Nantuckett.......
Now what was that name again there Panty? On 2nd thought I dont care..I'm not leaving. The party is just getting warmed up.
And why do I want to wander up the street when there are ALL these beautiul women here???
Besides I'm not done dancing with Diva yet...
And you had it right the first time..she's definatly got my world by the nuts..and it feels OHHHH soo great!!!
12-19-2001, 12:49 PM
Sitting quietly in the corner, nursing a schooner glass
of Chateau Le Face 69.
Nice party, nice people, nice wine. Where am I again?
12-19-2001, 08:25 PM
I wrote my last exam of the term today, so now I'm officially on holiday and I can *really* start to party now! And I think I've found the best crowd on earth to party with... You Pixies folk are fantastic! Glad you all kept the party going while I was studying...
Now, in no particular order:
Celt Guy, thanks for forgiving me... I still feel guilty, though, so maybe you'd better spank me after all? It might help alleviate the guilt... by replacing it with another feeling altogether! ;)
Prophet, mmm, sitting on your lap is fun! I have to go play hostess a little and mingle for a bit, but the moment I see you starting to sulk again you can bet your britches that I'll be landing on your lap again! (Oh wait. You're not wearing britches... Not wearing anything, for that matter! Well, you can bet whatever you like!)
Diva, that's some mighty fine dancing you're doing with Nutworld there! Fancy footwork! You two look like you're really enjoying yourselves, dancing close like that --- maybe when I get a minute, I'll be able to find someone to dance with me too!
Bogeyman, by all means, come on in!!! It's a pleasure to meet you. And mmmm, I do mean pleasure! (I love your pics in the other forum, by the way...)
Jay, patience is a virtue and deserves a reward! Can you think of any way I can reward you for yours? ;)
PantyFanatic and Sharniqua, glad to see you're making yourselves at home and getting into the party... Thanks, Panty, for playing doorman while I was gone! But why are you two trying to get rid of our guests? :mad: This party's only just getting warmed up!
And last but certainly not least, OldFart, glad to see you're enjoying my wine cellar! But be careful, unless you want to end up wearing lipstick and razor stubble like TDK over there! :p
Well, I take it this isn't much of a limerick crowd... Can anyone think of another good party game? I'd suggest strip poker, but since no one's wearing much to begin with, I think it might be a short game --- anyone still wearing anything is probably just looking for the excuse to take it all off anyway!
--- sweetstuff
12-19-2001, 09:06 PM
…trying to get over were sent on the snip hunt.:yellghst:
But why are you two trying to get rid of our guests?
Sharniqua had just arrived, was only following the lead. (...and she knows the difference);)
Don’t worry!
They’ll figure it out….and be back stiffer than ever… and with a better attitude.:yellghst:
All part of becoming an old bull.:cool:
celt guy
12-19-2001, 09:16 PM
Hey panty! As luck would have it, my attitude, and everything else, are just fine, so you'll have to run your own errands. Personally I'd say have a drink and relax though...
12-19-2001, 09:17 PM
Shit, typical of me to be late to a party. But I have brought a couple of bottles of COLD peppermint schnapps to make it up to all of you. It's great for shots or for pouring it over those lickable private areas! Yum!
Who wants to dance?
12-19-2001, 09:19 PM
Mmmmmm..Ill have a shot of peppermint schnapps!!!!...Welcome Rabbit!
Hope you left your clothes at the door! :D :D ;)
12-19-2001, 09:34 PM
Clothes? What clothes?
(rabbit serves Diva some schnapps naked)
Diva, you are absolutely stunning. Let's dance.
Hope my woody isn't in the way ;).
12-19-2001, 09:50 PM
Since my dancing partner is cutting a rug..with schnapps in hand...I wonder what othe mischief I can wander into.....
Thanks for the dance Diva, excellent as usual.
Prophet Reality
12-19-2001, 10:15 PM
Wow, where di my clothes go now. Damn I hate it when I lose them at a party. Maybe I should just go pictish all the time.
Hey Diva can I get a shot of Schnapps off of your delectable nipples? And SFC... can you be next? Of course offering my body for shots too.
just being invited was reward enough but if you insisted grab that can of whipped cream off the table and folow me to the igloo....
as for party games how bout a game of spin the bottel?????:D
12-20-2001, 09:13 PM
<<Pourring schnapps all over my body while I am dancing with rabbit>>
I love the smell of peppermint!
Taste good too!!!! Mmmmm
Anybody want to lick some off my body????? :D :D ;)
Hmmmmm....spin the bottle....haven't played that in years....I'm game!!! :D :D ;)
12-20-2001, 10:13 PM
Did I hear someone say Peppermint Schnapps body shots off Diva????
Count me in for some!!
I'm in for the spin the bottle game too.
12-21-2001, 09:03 AM
Did I hear someone say Peppermint Schnapps body shots off Diva????
Yeppers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
Spinning the bottle...
......where it stops nobody knows........................????????? :D :D
12-21-2001, 09:39 AM
(dancing with Diva, my hands on her ass, as guys lick her breasts)
Wow, I've never done this type of dance before! Guys, just make sure it's Diva tits you lick and not mine...other than that, ENJOY!
celt guy
12-21-2001, 10:18 AM
i dont know about the rest of the guys here, but frankly I dont like my odds much in soin the bottle.
12-21-2001, 07:55 PM
Your not suppose to spin the bottle on the end of your……..
You just spin it and see which lovely lady it points to.
Give that to CeltGuy. He’ll show you how it’s done.
No CeltGuy. That’s not the way you spin and point. YOU stand still and see where the SMALL end of the bottle points when IT stops spinning. Now get that thing out of there!
No Sharniqua, I told you it scares me when you get hold of something GLASS!
Irish, I know you already have something to point at the ladies with, but there are NO ladies in the basement!
Don’t worry NutWorld, it’s already empty. You poured all the Peppermint Schnapps all over Diva and licked it off!!! What do you mean you thought it was a CREAM soda bottle and swallowed it.
Never mind. Now I have to get another bottle…………………
Prophet Reality
12-24-2001, 12:57 AM
Well since all the peppermint schnaps is gone, how about some butterscotch schnaps? I have a big bottle with Diva and SugerFree's names all over it.
12-24-2001, 08:04 AM
<Hands Prophet a can of whip cream and some marrachico cherries to go along with the butterscotch shcnapps> ;) :D
Hey any plastic sheets????? ;) :D ;) :D
12-24-2001, 08:46 AM
and on Monday, and Tuesday, ….. and Wednesday……..and….!;)
12-24-2001, 09:25 AM
Butterscotch schnapps
Butterscotch schnapps
Butterscotch schnapps
12-24-2001, 09:46 AM
Hmmm... wonder if OldFart likes butterscotch schnapps... he can be so ambiguous sometimes...
12-24-2001, 03:19 PM
Wow, I think the butterscotch schnapps sounds like a marvelous idea... I'm all for playing sundaes! The peppermint was a good idea too, but I'm a sucker for butterscotch... Maybe some of these gentlemen will serve me some on them, as well as serving themselves on me? ;)
Have a great Christmas everyone, and excuse me if I disappear from the party for a little --- hard to visit Pixies as I'm driving back & forth between Toronto and Ottawa and home! I'll poke my head in whenever I can, so let's keep this party going --- like I think I said before, the Canadiens and Canadiennes really know how to feter la nouvelle annee, so I vote we keep this thing rolling until New Year's!
--- sweetstuff
p.s. Rabbit, welcome to the party!
p.p.s. Good thing I keep my bar & wine-cellar well stocked! Help yourselves to anything you find there, folks!
12-25-2001, 03:32 AM
Merry Christmas all. I'm fond of a drink we call a Troy Dann, its real name is a cock sucking cowboy. Buterscotch schnapps with Baileys floating, so smooth.
Hope you all have a good day
Prophet Reality
12-25-2001, 12:03 PM
Okay gang, when I am done with my Diva Sundae everyone else can enjoy too. Glad I brought enough for everyone.
And SFC... I will be more than happy to give you some penis shots of buttersctoch schnapps.
Happy Yule all!!!
12-27-2001, 08:48 AM
DAMN THAT'S COLD!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Prophet Reality
12-28-2001, 02:14 AM
Cold Diva, well let me warm you up. I think I saw a bear skin rug in one of the other rooms.
12-28-2001, 12:58 PM
(as Diva moves off with Prophet to warm up)
It would be my pleasure to service you in any fashion you deem desirable. Shall we start with that extra bottle of peppermint schnapps I kept in my car?
01-01-2002, 05:53 PM
Hey, who's responsible for this snow sculpture outside?
01-01-2002, 05:56 PM
...and this one...
01-02-2002, 07:24 AM
Relax, he's frigid.
01-02-2002, 09:51 AM
Thanks so much for having us over. It’s been a BALL. (so to speak):rolleyes:
This has been a very good year………. so far.
“2002” The same from front or back. Kind of like the drunk standing at the urinal in the men’s room of the strip bar. Wasn’t sure if he was cumming or going.:confused:
OK, let me help you clean up a little. You can start with the glasses, I’ll collect all the panties. Don’t worry, I’ll visit all our Cinderella’s and check to see that they fit right. :p
Thanks again for a fun time.:)
(Hope someone remembers some limericks next year.) ;)
01-02-2002, 10:08 AM
I couldn't agree more SFC..
Excellent bash...hell-uva way to blow out the candle on '01..and start '02.
Maybe we'll have to make this bi-anual kinda thing...I sure did like those body shots w/Diva...and the skinny dipping with SFC..and the recovery time wasnt that bad either.
Next time I'll whip up a batch or 2 of Blue Motorcycles.. to bring with me.
happy new year!!!!!!! great party I can't wait till next year hope every one enjoyed them selves as much as I did and thanks for the kiss at midnight sugar see ya later
01-02-2002, 08:32 PM
Hey, who's responsible for this snow sculpture outside?
.... I will not tell a was I!!!!! :D :D ;)
I had to leave SFC a little reminder of the good time we had!!
Gotta love those Canadian party's!! :D :D
And Panty...sorry to dissapoint you...but I didn't wear any panties here!!! :p :p :D :D
Great party SFC!!!!!
01-02-2002, 09:41 PM
Don’t worry, I’ll visit all our Cinderella’s and check....
I'll be the judge of that..........after I peek up your skirt! :D :D
01-03-2002, 12:42 AM
I'm so glad you all braved the icy weather to join me here --- I have to agree, this has been a great party! I'm definitely game to host another party, if you'll all cum again, so just name the occasion!
All the same, I'm not one to let my guests drive home drunk, and I've been keeping an eye on my wine cellar so I know how much has been consumed here! Looks like you'll all just have to spend the night --- I hope no one objects? ;) There are plenty of beds here, but personally, I prefer the sleepover atmosphere of piling everyone in together... On that note, everyone's invited to join me in the master bedroom!
We'll clean up the glasses in the morning --- for those who used glasses. I quite enjoyed the "alternative" serving methods we've been using! I'd be happy to clean up any mess I may have left during those shots of schnapps... *slurp, slurp*
C'mon, everyone, last one in bed is...
... missing out on the best part!
--- sweetstuff
oh well I guess I have no choice but to spend the night in fact I may have to stay till the snow melts so I can find my keys hope thats not a problem Sugar??? as for hosting another party valentines day is just over a month away. if you need any help with the preperations just ask.
celt guy
01-03-2002, 02:23 PM
I'm definately "up" for the sleepover. I'll even make breakfast (or be for that matter) breakfast in the morning. As for another party... just let me know when. How about Valentines in Jamaica?
01-03-2002, 03:48 PM
Hey...I will stay too!!! I don't have one of these at home waiting for me!!!! :p :p :D :D :p ;)
01-03-2002, 03:58 PM
Anybody up for some Rum and Eggnog??????
:D :D :D ;)
01-03-2002, 08:09 PM
Thanks diva. I'll probably NEVER be able to drink another glass of egg nog again! ;)
A sleep over at SFC's eh? Sounds nice. That igloo was getting a bit cold anyway. I think I'll jump into the shower and wash all that schnapps off of me that folks intended for Diva but hit me with instead.
I'd love it if one of the ladies would be good enough to help me out... :p
Prophet Reality
01-04-2002, 03:11 AM
What a bash SFC! I certainly had a blast. And the sleepover sounds great. In fact I agree with jay, may have to stay until the snow melts so I can find my keys and my way home. Anybody want some hot cocoa with some Bailey's in it?
01-04-2002, 08:26 AM
Staying just a little while longer.
SFC, you're down to six bottles of Chateau la Face '69.
01-04-2002, 08:34 AM
I wonder who let the clown in???
Who invited him?????
He has been in the corner making these Porn Balloons....:eek:
Wonder if he is trying to tell us something??? :D :D
I'll take some of that bailey's cofee please and I'm next in line for the shower but I think to save water we'll have to go guy and gal at the same time k.
01-05-2002, 12:40 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That damn clown is killing me! Very creative!
Nice one, Diva!
we get invited to stay and then the hostess disapeers or is she in one of the bed rooms wit some other luckey guest?
01-11-2002, 11:53 AM
Did someone mention Easter? Already?
01-15-2002, 09:21 PM
Since this is a Canadian party...thought you all might enjoy this one! :D ;) :D
Typical French Canadian Baby!
A Quebecer buys a round of drinks for all the folks in a bar after
announcing that his wife has just produced a "typical" Quebec
baby boy weighing 25 pounds.
Congratulations are showered upon him from all around, and
exclamations of "WOW!" fill the air.
A woman faints nearby from sympathy pains.
Two weeks later, the Quebecer returns to the bar. The
bartender asks,
"Say, aren't you the father of the typical french Canadian baby
that weighed 25 pounds at birth?"
"Yep, that's me," replies the Quebecer.
"Well, how much does he weigh now?"
"Seventeen pounds," answers the proud father.
"Seventeen pounds?" says the puzzled bartender. "What happened?
He weighed 25 pounds at birth."
The Quebec father takes a slow swig from his Molson EX beer,
wipes his mouth on his shirt sleeve, leans into the bartender and with his french accent and deep voice says, "Had him circumcised."
:D :D :D ;)
01-15-2002, 10:10 PM
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