View Full Version : Merry Christmas
12-02-2001, 07:23 PM
Hi :)
where its summer for Christmas:D
Barbeque, my place...clothes optional
BYO too
afterwards, massive orgy, i mean group session :D
all invited :D
12-02-2001, 07:41 PM
Where it's also summer for Christmas....Prawns on the barbie :D
12-02-2001, 07:53 PM
have you guys ever seen the movie "Shrimp on the Barbie" its with Cheech Marin, its a pretty good movie.
12-02-2001, 07:55 PM
Nope can't say that i've ever heard of it. :D
12-02-2001, 08:03 PM
Merry christmas from colorado
were hopefully we'll have a white christmas! Clothes are also optional:D
12-02-2001, 10:02 PM
... where we ALWAYS have a white Christmas and where clothes are only optional if you're willing to get frostbite! Also where there's always a wood fire burning and we know how to 'faire l'amour' in both official languages!
--- sweetstuff
12-02-2001, 10:13 PM
Merry Christmas from CT where it is usually cold and snowy.....unfortunately not this year so far. I agree with Sugarfree there is nothing like a nice fire to snuggle up to. The only problem with fires is that they get so hot you have to start taking clothes off....wait a minute....that is not a problem at all ;) have great holidays everyone!
Prophet Reality
12-02-2001, 10:37 PM
Happy Yule from the Netherworld. Where it fits the occassion as it needs to. So sugarfree what exactly is 'faire l'amour'? Call me stupid if you wish, maybe my poor sleep depirvied mind is not getting it.
12-02-2001, 10:46 PM
I don't have a fire place but I have a fire inside and I hope that everyone fans their fire adn has a good time for the holidays. Big cuddly smooches :)
PS I want a strap-on for christmas anyone know a good place to get one?
Prophet Reality
12-02-2001, 10:50 PM
I say go to Pixies on toy store. Here is the link: Pixies Toy Store (
12-02-2001, 11:38 PM
Yes RedHertz-
You can get a fine one in Cleveland.:D
It’ permanently strapped onto me!!!!!!!! :p ;)
12-03-2001, 12:04 PM
Pantfanatic---LMAO:D :D
Anyway, Merry Christmas from Florida where we like to sing --
"Put away you hot chocalate and give me a beer, I'm spending Christmas in Florida this year."
P.S. we dont really have to worry about fireplaces down here much either even though technically it is winter. But who can complain about 75 degree days all winter.
12-03-2001, 01:26 PM
'Faire l'amour' is French for 'make love' --- and what sexier lanugage is there than French for lovemaking? Of course, for those who don't speak French, you might need someone bilingual to translate... I think I know just the girl! ;)
Joyeux Noel, donc, a tous mes cheris... Que tous vos jours soient heureux, et que tous vos nuits soient encore mieux!
(Merry Christmas, then, to all my darlings... May all your days be happy, and may all your nights be even better!)
See? Sounds better 'en francais'! :D
--- sweetstuff
p.s. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir, voulez-vous coucher avec moi...! Maybe it's not a Christmas carol, but it's a great song nonetheless! ;)
12-03-2001, 02:59 PM
(now stop laughing!! Just fight your way through this. Try phonetic English.)
Oue oue mammouzel. Moi voulez coucher avec vous, sa swa! (en mounze vous):confused:
(Merd de lo, What have I done)
Now after you pick yourself up off the floor and stop laughing, I want to tell you I can’t write or spell a word 'en francais'. (like I had to tell you,:redghost: (Hell, I have a difficult time with English) although I did have the opportunity to learn this most vital verbal necessity.:D Never even say anything written out. And I can say Getain or Goulwa, Jon Boune, and oh yes, e fa frawa. I dearly would like to connect with you and Faire l'amour', but it will have to be in English.:o
Let me guess what part of the Great White North you are in.
12-03-2001, 04:28 PM
Merry Christmas from Maryland,
I hope everyone at pixies has a happy and healthy holidays I would love to see some naughty christmas picts .I will send some
what do you say sugar?? seems to be a few canadiens hear jay
12-03-2001, 07:56 PM
Joyeux Noel mes amies! :D
Merry Christmas to all my family here at Pixies...
May this holiday season bring joy and love into all your hearts...And naked snow angels in the snow!!! :D :D ;)
And Please....Don't Drink and Drive!
its naked bodies down here Diva :D :p
its gonna b a hot summer here and a great 1 too :D
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
And naked snow angels in the snow!!! :D :D ;)
And Please....Don't Drink and Drive!
12-03-2001, 09:26 PM
its gonna b a hot summer here and a great 1 too
12-03-2001, 09:32 PM
Can we make sand angels...*L*...we are at the beach here at Xmas time....laying under palm trees...and drinking pina coladas...:D:D
12-03-2001, 09:33 PM
Sharniqua......don't make me tell you kiss my ass too!!! :p
I am soooooo jealous!!!!! I hope the sand beatles bite you!!! LOL
glad to Diva :D
come to hot NZ and ill gladly kiss, if ur lucky...sumthing xtra for the road back home :p
...sand beatles?? no sand beatles here:D
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
12-03-2001, 11:18 PM
Happy Holidays from SUNNY FLA:cool: Until last year I had gone 32 years never having seen snow. I always missed it . If I lived in Texas it snowed in Florida and vice versa. I always promised hubby that if I ever saw snow I would make naked snow angels(LoveDiva4U~ have you truly made them?). Well, my hubby took me to his folks' house to see snow last year and I almost lost it when his Dad(pretty stuffy) told me it was a good thing the snow was not deep or I would be expected to fulfill my obligation. Wishing you all white Christmas deep enough to make naked snow angels...... Tootles! Lilith>>> who will not be getting frostbit this year
12-04-2001, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
Sharniqua......don't make me tell you kiss my ass too!!! :p
I want to watch........ I want to watch! :p :D
12-04-2001, 04:10 AM
Pantyfanatic, I would be delighted to teach you the intricacies of l'amour en francais --- I'll translate anything you want me to say... English works too! As does your noble attempt at phonetic spelling...
Let me see what I can make out there. I think you said 'Bonjour, comment ca va?' (Hello, how are you?); then 'oui, oui, mademoiselle. Moi, je veux coucher avec vous ce soir!' (Yes, yes, miss. I would like to 'lie with you' tonight!) --- then something unintelligible, then something I won't translate ( ;) ) --- and then a list of words that included 'je t'aime' (I love you) and 'il fait froid' (it's cold).... The others, I can't make out! Did anyone else fare any better? I'm afraid my high school french is a little rusty. I'm not as bilingual as I'd like...
Jay, a Canadian Christmas party sounds like a fabulous idea! But maybe we should start a new thread, so we don't totally hijack this one... :D Calling all Canadiens, Canadiennes, and Canadians, and anyone who just wants to get a taste of the Great White North, come celebrate! Alons-y! (Let's go!)
TDK, Bilbo, Sharniqua, and anyone else who's not wearing longjohns as they write, your beach parties and barbecues sound like a great idea, and any other day of the year I'd be right there with you in a moment! But somehow Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without the snow, the fresh-cut pine from the back lot, and the fire in the woodstove... A little mulled cider or wine, some Christmas baking, and then a ride in the one-horse sleigh... Now that's the life for me!
--- sweetstuff
p.s. No sand beetles here, that's for sure!
p.p.s. Did I mention that the North Pole's in Canadian territory? Even Santa Claus knows we're the place to be! :D
12-04-2001, 05:07 AM
The first unintelligible (Merd de lo) that I heard a lot, was something you spread on your fields.
I liked your translation “'je t'aime' (I love you)” better than my attempt. “Getain or Goulwa” are brands of cigarettes. “Jon Boune” is a ham sandwich, and your accurate “'il fait froid' (it's cold)” is a personal story about something that happened in a jeep.:p
A million years ago I spent some time in real frogland with some NATO people. And that certainly was the most gallant effort dealing with my feeble attempt.;)
I am glad that is from your high school French. Those Quebecians bother me with their radical idiocy. :confused:
12-04-2001, 08:08 AM
Just so Diva and Sugarfreecandy can get a true picture of the up and coming Aussie X-mas......It's 11:15pm and 29 degrees C
Sorry but you can keep your snow.....we'll keep the hot sun, BBQ'S and beaches to celebrate with.......
But then again it's always sunny here...yes even in the middle of winter............LOL
12-04-2001, 09:45 AM
For our Northern Hemispheric Forum Folk
Xmas is likely to be top of 35C (95F) 95% humidity
and the probability of a tropical cyclone in the area.
Much beer and cold meats will be consumed without a single
fire or snow angel in sight.
To get around this short-fall of Xmas Traditional stuff
Please post ASAP pictures of as many Pixie ladies making
such naked angels in the snow.
Sharni, a naked sand angel for comparison has merit.
Just thinking.
12-04-2001, 01:49 PM
...Christmas just isn't Christmas without a blizzard or two! :D
Oldfart, see the rest of my response in my Christmas Party A La Canadienne thread...
--- sweetstuff
12-04-2001, 01:55 PM
Cyclone Oldfart?....bugger that...i'll stay down the bottom part of Qld...*L*
Summer heat...beaches...barbies and such are what our Xmas's are here in Aust. We love them as much as you love your snow and fire i'd imagine...
Never ever seen snow so i cant give a comparison...but as i dislike the cold immensely i think i'll stick with an Aussie Xmas:D:D
.....Christmas will always be Christmas whereever u are :) as long as ur close ones are near and the happiness are around u
12-06-2001, 08:52 PM
A question for all of you that celebrate christmas in parts of the world where it doesn't snow, do you decorate your houses and put up christmas trees. I've never had a christmas with out snow, or a least just a few minutes away, so its hard to imagine a christmas without snow. What stories to you tell your children about santa and his sleigh? Sorry if that sounds kinda stupid but just curious.
Merry Christmas
12-06-2001, 09:21 PM
A question for all of you that celebrate christmas in parts of the world where it doesn't snow, do you decorate your houses and put up christmas trees.
Yep we sure do have Christmas trees and decorations :)
What stories to you tell your children about santa and his sleigh?
And Santa still has a sleigh here too....though sometimes it is pulled by Six white boomers (kangaroos) instead of Reindeer :)
12-09-2001, 11:05 PM
I once spoke to a lady from up north who was attending our nightime holiday festival and parade. She said that she thought the people in Fla seemed more spirited in that they have to work so much harder to get that Christmasy feel. Santa comes down the chimney or in the back patio door here whatever it takes. We still leave carrots for the reindeer even though most rural kids know deer will eat dogfood. One of the plusses here in sunny FLA is that the roof is never covered with snow when you are trying to string lights!
some ppl here in NZ do docorate their houses but some dont have the time to do so, onlya tree goes up with allthe docorations and lights, here in Auckland, we have the SkyTower with is also lited with Christmas lights again this year:D
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