View Full Version : Personal Question
11-29-2001, 09:56 AM
I was watching "E"channel on the TV;last night.They advertised
an upcoming show on Bob Crane(the person that starred in
Stalig 17 or whatever.)It said that he had a sexual addiction and
had also been accused of sex with children.Then they had a clip
of his son saying that while his father did alot of things wrong;
that he didn't deserve to have someone kill him!That got me to
thinking.In the old motorcycling days-if you had a problem;with
someone;you took it up with him!His wife,children,ride,etc.,were
off limits.Your own friends would;kick your ass;if you messed with
them.It was an unspoken code.I was just wondering what the
many members;of pixies;would do if someone messed with thier
kids,without consent.I know that;right or wrong;I would kill them.
If my; old buddies;got them first-they would; probably;wish for
death!Results please. Irish
11-29-2001, 10:13 AM
If someone messed with my daughters and or step-son or family member, my first instinct would be to kill them. As any mother or father would think, and some do.
But I couldn't. Where would that leave me? In jail not being able to spend time with the ones I protected so fiercely.
I would definetly want justice to be served. Time in jail or the death penalty and I would work with the cops to find this person and do everything imgainalble to have him prosecuted to the full extent of the law!!! Sometimes the justice system don't work in our favor as seen with OJ Simpson...but my quest to have him or her jailed would never end.....And I am firm believer that what comes around, goes around and in some way justice will be served.....
Do mess with a mothers children!!!!!
11-29-2001, 10:47 AM
Irish, short answer, hell yes I'd kick anybody's ass that messed with my kid. That streak in me is just below the surface. Here is a longer answer.
As the father of a young daughter, I have had to think about this a lot. She is very attractive, and drives these young guys crazy. I have adopted a nasty kind of attitude about protecting her.
First I do some preventative things. I insist that I get introduced to everyone she sees. I wear my cowboy boots before the meeting giving my 6'3" frame an extra two inches. Then I grasp his hand firmly looking hin square in the eye, and say something on the theme of "watching over my little girl". It has worked so far. They know I'm serious, and if someone does step out of line as I'm sure they will, I'll be in that kid's face faster than they will believe. I'd have to make sure the whole school knew I was for real. Of course the good news is my daughter could probably smack around anyone that got out of line all be herself. And yes, I'm proud of that!
11-29-2001, 01:15 PM
Perhaps us pervs with the extra testosterone also have a direct drive to the protect and vengeance reflex. Even us old ones.
Advantage to being alone and this age, no one is dependent on me. Now I have no other distractions, responsibilities or causes. GO AHEAD AND BECOME MY CAUSE!!
FIRST, I would force myself to do everything along with the legal system to see that justice was done, just like Diva.
THEN, if that didn’t work, like sometimes it doesn’t, I would do what is necessary!!
My grown daughter is somewhat past the highest danger point, but she IS MY DAUGHTER. Now I have granddaughters that will be coming young girls.
I started by teaching her to be aware. I didn’t have the stature of Darren, so I made sure I was always cleaning a pistol and mumbled in a deep gurgel a lot when introduced to a new date.
11-29-2001, 01:50 PM
pantyfanatic---My daughters are also grown.They both have two
children now.One has two boys and the oldest has a boy and a
girl.Fortunately;for her;but not for my protective mode;she looks
just like my daughter did.Both of my daughters did modeling and
are very good looking.Actually;they both were fairly tough.My
youngest worked for the Police Dept.(911 operator)and it was
helpful in getting her a concealed weapons permit.At least that
made things legal because she always had a pistol on her.You don't grow up around a bunch of bikers and not know how to
defend yourself!I like to think that I would do things legaly but
seeing how the law works;I know myself good enough to know
that I wouldn't.I would spend the rest of my life in jail.Been there
before.You sleep with one eye open&on your back&never drop the soap.But I'd rather not.I would depend on my son-in-laws
to take care of them.They're pretty rough.One was an Army Ranger(Airborne)and made almost 300 jumps. Irish
PS.One of my grandsons is Autistic.Try to keep your cool;when
the prejudice appears.I don't know how my daughter handles it!
11-29-2001, 04:03 PM
I personally believe John Grisham had the right of it.When our judicial system fails(many more times than it should)There is "A Time To Kill".There are some people(?)in our society today that just don't deserve to live.Being the father of 3 girls(grown) & 4 grandchildren,if someone messes they will die-hard.Take care of your own! I wouldn't hesitate;old lessons retained from long ago and faraway.If they did get by me shorteyes usually merit special attention inside.And besides I do have a long memory re. certain things.Sorry to be so virulent but I have very strong feelings about scum who harm innocents.
dam man darrenfate, what u said is the reason why so many guys are afraid of meetin the g/f's parents especially the dad...
11-29-2001, 05:38 PM
dv847--I know where you're coming from.Old habits;die hard.I
used to tell people that if they beat my ass;by cheating;that they
had better kill me;because if it took 20yrs.-I would get them.After
awhile;they;think that you're crazy and leave you alone. Irish
PS.In my day;everything ;was about earned respect.Now;it's;
just winning!I know where ;darrenfate;is coming from.My daughters; used to tell their boyfriends that if they passed their
fathers inspection that the rest was a walk in the park!
11-29-2001, 05:57 PM
Affimative on that Irish
My oldest had aboyfriend for a short while thatalways brought at least 2 friends when picking her up(?)and even then wouldn't come in off the back porch.Didn't last long tho';she decided he was a wimp.She thought me normal(he-he-he),he told all his little friends i was scary.Can't imagine why.
11-29-2001, 06:19 PM
You teach your kids as best that your able, turn them loose and let them make their mistakes the same as we have.:)
It will only become my business if she has to do something she DIDN'T want to do.:mad:
11-29-2001, 08:04 PM
As a father of four kids, three boys and one daughter. If someone hurt them my first reaction would be to hurt the person that hurt them. But I realize that is not the right way to think. Most of the time the justice system works and sometimes it does't. I would probably wind up in more trouble than the person who hurt them.
I like other dad's here am probably more protective of my daughter than I probably should be but I think she feels safe knowing that if someone did hurt her that I would be there.
Even though i had a violent past and have now grown up and matured id still probably have to do what i have to do and i would hurt the person that hurt my loved one.
Prophet Reality
11-29-2001, 10:32 PM
I myslef come from a very abnormal background. It is believed that in my culture that the boyfriend should present himself before the father and explain why he is worthy of dating the daughter. I myself do not have any kids, but I agree with this completely. I have also decided that if and when I have a kid, and if it is a daughter that I will insist on this meeting. And if the b/f doesn't then she doesn't go out. Now I also believe that men or women that hurt children for whatever reasons should be sent to a special prison just for them. At this prison they will be humilated and degradated the entire time. And of course there is no parole or being released back into society.
11-29-2001, 11:39 PM
…..and Darren, Irish and I will run it on the weekends!!! :mad:
11-30-2001, 07:54 AM
Have any of you ever seen how ;child molesters or wife beaters;
are treated in prison?Even other PRISONERS cannot stand them.
They;consantantly;get their asses beaten by the other prisoners
and the guards;conveniently;don't see anything.There is a large
system;that runs things inside of prisons.In the old days;the
"Die Hard"motorcycle gang;from Manchester,N.H. used to run the
inside of Concord State Prison.Not officially of course.I don't even
know if they still exist.(The gang) Irish
celt guy
12-01-2001, 12:08 AM
I can say from experience that I'd take things into my own hands. Luckily someone pulled me off before things got too far out of hand. Even with a close call I'll take my chances on slipping through the justice system rather than chancing that the offender will.
12-01-2001, 06:12 AM
I have done the best I can to rasie my kids to act like they should. If they make a bad decision they know they have to face the concequnces.
but anyone that tries to force them to do something is a whole other ballgame.
I always meet my daughters B/F before they ever go out. Since I am such a small fella, 6'8" and built more like a defensive lineman it usually works pretty well.
But I have also told my son that if he ever messes with a girl or treats her with anything but respect, he will not only find himself in trouble but he will have to face me when he gets home.
to some it up if you mess with my kids, wife, or anything else of mine, I will come after you and I won't ever quit.
12-01-2001, 12:33 PM
As someone who has spent her entire life devoted to the education and protection of small children I can tell you that PREVENTION goes a looooong way. If small kids are given the information they need to help keep themselves safe they will do their best to follow it. They should also be given tools to help deal with any bad things that may happen. I told my kids it was okay to hurt, bite, scratch, hide from etc... grown ups who tried to hurt them. Kids are usually not empowered with enough information to help themselves safe.
Adults who prey on children are mentally ill. They are, in general, not treatable so they should be deat with accordingly, as unredeemable (death penalty ok by me). If it were my children or a child I was close to, it would be dangerous to leave me within striking distance of the perpetrator.
Another issue is the teen issue, it is funny how many men, who would kill anyone who messes with their daughters or grandaughters, think themselves somehow innocent when THEY oogle late teen girls. Abuse is abuse........
12-02-2001, 10:32 AM
It is normal for people to look at younger, trimmer members of the opposite sex and think nice thoughts. Doesn't make them abusers, just normal.
People who go beyond that are different.
Abuse my daughters, No4 shotgun to each kneecap and one to the groin. Hard to abuse with no genitals and a walking frame.
Prophet Reality
12-02-2001, 10:46 PM
To go along with Oldfart. It is one thing to look at a younger person of the opposite sex, but completely different to act upon it. And I agree with you Lillith too, I would pity the person that did something like that. Even if it is not my child or someone's I know. I also agree with Oldfart, but I prefer to use a mace or club on the kneecaps.
12-02-2001, 11:28 PM
Always believed that any real rapist of a woman of any age, should be locked in a room for 20 minutes with her father, a 4 ft. long 2x4, a Hefty bag and a sponge!
(and I don’t think whatever his age will matter);)
01-27-2002, 01:27 AM
I have to say that as an only child I am my dad's baby girl.... thats why I waited a year and a half to tell him I was raped by a stranger that I've seen 2 times since but still haven't turned in to the cops... and also I haven't told him I was coerced into giving up my virginity because I made a bad decision to do drugs.... and then there was the b/f I had who liked to hit and burn me.... I didn't tell him about that until a year afterwards.... I guess this doesn't make any moms or dads feel any better but from the other side of the coin, the fervor with which you parents react does scare us... it did me....
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