View Full Version : Problems with Pixies past few days????
11-23-2001, 09:19 PM
I don't know if this will post...took me 1/2 hour just to log in. And another 20 minutes to get to this point.
Anyone else having problems??? Or is it just me.....?????
11-23-2001, 09:39 PM
thank gawd.....I thought it was just me!!
It's taking forever to do anything on the site...
11-23-2001, 10:11 PM
It's been very slow lately. Took about 15 minutes just to upload. Hope this problem gets fixed soon!
11-23-2001, 10:30 PM
It has been slow for a couple of days now and seems to be getting slower all the time.
I have no Idea what is going on but I wish they would get it fixed
A couple of times today that I tried to get to the boards I could not get in at all, but I could get to the stories.
ok ppl, as mentioned b4 by Kim when it was slow b4, when ppl in the US have public holidays, no one is the server for the forum has not been rebooted thats why its slow...i hope im right there
hmmm, i dont seem have to wait for 15 or 30mins for it too load and u guys are closer to me to the server and i know Diva has a faster connection then i do...
well if u make it to read this message, just keep i mind just b patient, pages will load up :)
im sure things will speed up when staff at the hosting place gets back to work? (whenever that is?)
11-23-2001, 11:38 PM
I've been having the same problems here..
So its not just you Diva.
By the way ..the way things are going...I'm gonna be 50 by the time this finishes loading for anyone to read
Just Kidding Kim :)
I know its not your fault.
11-24-2001, 12:14 AM
I figured it wasn't just me, other web sites weren't running as slow, but to those of us with high speed internet connections like cable or dsl, a wait of a couple of minutes seems like forever! (Do I miss my old 33k dialup modem? Not even!) I did time how long it took to bring up this reply page, it was only 2 mins., but I think sometimes it takes longer... definitely has cut down on the # of new posts... what a drag, long holiday weekend with Pixie's running slow... I NEED MY FIX, I'M JONESIN' HERE!!!!!
Sorry bout the primal scream, I'm ok now, really...
11-24-2001, 03:16 AM
I’m with you AGAIN… [starting to be annoying, always right on… only just ahead of me. (half laugh)] same process… and withdrawal symptoms here. I hope TDK is right!
You said this has occurred before. I don’t remember it from Labor Day or the 4th but if it has rectified itself in the past, OK. How come our Sharnique (in Ozzie Land) is also having problems? Aren’t the interim servers from UK just repeaters?
This is going to be a long weekend!
Thanks for the fortitude to ask about this. You saved me a lot of irritation. I’m dumb enough to keep coming back and getting more frustration.
AFTER STRUGGLEING, I see you finally found my little note to the newbee. (ha ha) We’ll talk about the spanking later.;)
its slower for her coz shes also accessin the same server as u guys, or mayb us Kiwis here could b hoggin the bandwidth so none can reach OZ on the quickest route :p i think the server is located in the US...? and i dont think the forums server has a mirror site? u need to ask Kim about that?
well the forum has sped up, back to normal and its 12:50am NZT or NZ daylight savings time, however u want to put it
Originally posted by pantyfanatic
How come our Sharnique (in Ozzie Land) is also having problems? Aren’t the interim servers from UK just repeaters?
11-24-2001, 06:57 AM
nope, no prob here
flying on TDK's coat-tails perhaps.
none of sharni's delay.
11-24-2001, 07:25 AM
It's been slow on my computer too! Msn is also slow .I guess it was to much turkey .:mad:
11-24-2001, 07:40 AM
Has been slow and or non existant for us to...
as of 10:40pm EST Aust Time Sat 24th ...system running back to speed
11-24-2001, 08:34 AM
TDK--Things will be faster,when NZ gets electricty!Things slow down ;on the weekends;because it's hard to get someone to turn
the handle on the generator.Don't get pissed,I'm only fooling
around.I have made a career ;out; of being a wiseass. Irish
11-24-2001, 09:23 AM
PIXIES IS BACK!!!!!!:D :D I am so happy it wasn't just me!! I thought maybe it was Kim's way of smaking me upside the head!!!:D :D ;)Now I am going to see if any new men posted sexy pics!!!! :p :D
11-24-2001, 09:45 AM
Sorry all - I had no idea it was being slow. Please let me know when the site does play up - I pay a small fortune every month so I expect it to be available and fast all the time:(
The problem is that I don't notice it because believe it or not, I surf at 9.6 Kps through my mobile phone so its always very slow for me!
You say its fixed now but if it happens again email me plz!
11-24-2001, 10:45 AM
It's slow again :((
11-24-2001, 11:04 AM
Yes it seems to be back down to a crawl, I don't have a problem with Kim or Pixies I just hope it is fixed soon!
Guess I have become more addicted than I thought!
But that's ok because there is still a great family here so I will ride it out however long it takes.
11-24-2001, 02:26 PM
Ok, I'm making enquirys as to why its so slow. Is it the whole site or just this message board?
It may be that the database is now getting too big (to many pictures posted!) so I may have to do some pruning!
In that case I think I should set up an archive of pictures that people have posted - what do you all think?
Hopefully will be resolved soon!
11-24-2001, 02:46 PM
Thanx for the quick response Kim :)
For me it is only the forums...the rest of the site works fine...
There are loads of pics in the forums now and i believe archiving is a great idea...
11-24-2001, 03:26 PM
Scotzoidman - I’m with you AGAIN… [starting to be annoying, always right on… only just ahead of me. (half laugh)]
PF -
Another case of Great Minds running in the same gutter?;)
Still running slow here as of 2:30 CST(US), at this rate the UT/Vandy game will be over b4 I'm done. Hope Kim can find the prob, I guess we have to let her know more promptly in the future... 9.6 kbs, Lordy that's slow!
i really dont get it...we are not the 1s with the slow speed, its the aussies and some in the US...
well its gone a tad slow again, its odd
TDK--Things will be faster,when NZ gets electricty!Things slow down ;on the weekends;because it's hard to get someone to turn
11-24-2001, 08:38 PM
It only seems to be the forums the rest of the site seems to be working ok at least for me in the southern US. First began to notice the slow down wednesday and it has only gotten slower since then.
An Archive would be ok by me if that is the way you wanted to handle it. I just don't want to lose them, somtimes I go over to Pixies Discus Archive and read some of the older things you have there.
Whatever you decide is ok by me.
Thanks to you again for Pixies!
11-24-2001, 09:10 PM
It's back up to speed now... at least for me... thanks Kim, you're beautiful!
11-24-2001, 09:13 PM
Back up for me too :)
11-24-2001, 09:21 PM
Seems to be normal now!
Thanks Kim.
11-24-2001, 09:50 PM
The forum is working fine for this Aussie too...
Thanx Kim
guess the kiwis got tired of hoggin the bandwidth, LOL
Originally posted by Sharniqua
The forum is working fine for this Aussie too...
Thanx Kim
11-25-2001, 09:05 AM
I've been told its all fixed now. If there are any more problems let me now ASAP and it will be fixed!
I am working on an archive as we speak so you can look forward to that!
11-25-2001, 01:33 PM
Thanx again Kim....for the hard work and time you put in to have Pixies running smoothly...:):)
11-25-2001, 01:35 PM
Big thanks for me too(((Kim)))!!!
And I think archiving the pics is a great idea!! We sure don't want to run out of room here at Pixies!!! :D
what was the problem over at the servers Kim?
Originally posted by Kim
I've been told its all fixed now. If there are any more problems let me now ASAP and it will be fixed!
and cool, cant wait to see the archive :D
I am working on an archive as we speak so you can look forward to that!
11-26-2001, 02:05 PM
I was never told what the problem was, just that it was fixed! It seemed to be a database problem so chances are the machine just needed rebooting, and as I believe it was a holiday in the USA, that was not done!
Pixies-Place has a dedicated server, as you might expect, so that means if I dont complain about its performance no-one will. So its important that I am aware of any problems!
As for the archive, I've finished making it (pictures of the women only so far..) but have a small problem; its about 30 megs big - how do I upload it through a 9.6Kps modem??????? Any suggestions...
11-26-2001, 05:17 PM
its about 30 megs big - how do I upload it through a 9.6Kps modem???????
Just a thought but maybe using a compression agect may help...I've noticed that the options for uploading pics have the ".zip" extention....Winzip or Winrar maybe an option.
Or uploading as Thumbs linked to the pics may help
just a thought
secrectly go to a cybercafe and upload it there? use a friends computer to upload it, a friend that has DSL or able so they dont know what ur uploaded as 56k modems only upload at ONLY 33.6ks, well thats my thoughts on this subject...or u can do it small bits with ur 9.6k, say a meg a day? 1 month it should b uploaded? just my thoughts
Originally posted by Kim
As for the archive, I've finished making it (pictures of the women only so far..) but have a small problem; its about 30 megs big - how do I upload it through a 9.6Kps modem??????? Any suggestions...
It is Tuesday - 2:45 pm, Pacific Standard Time. Pixies is almost not functioning. It took me 10 minutes to get to this spot to post this message. Things are running verrrrrry slooooooooowly!
pixies is slow again...the speed has been decreasing slowly...guess the servers are overloaded and mite need an upgrade?
11-27-2001, 07:20 PM
Has anyone emailed Kim?....she has said to let her know asap...then she can get the problem fixed
I will be sending her an email off now.. :)
11-28-2001, 01:09 AM
“Thanks” to our operations monitor, Sharinqua. Quick action, quick results!;)
BUT, we have to get someone else to do the job as well as you. :) Your hot body need to be in front of that camera. Bilbo, you need to keep that juicy lady cumming and you keep clicking.:D :D
:mad: NOW GET BACK TO WORK!!!……………..I MEAN FUN;)
well its 8pm NZT and its running smoothly again...
11-28-2001, 08:28 AM
Kim---The site was slow all day Tuesday!The site; answered right;
away but the threads were super slow.I thought that ;it was; my
computer acting up.I didn't mention it because;after being in my
own business;I know how people bitch about things that event-
ually fix themselves.I have had problems with sites before and
usually;later in the day;they"catch up." Irish
P.S.This is just to let you know.I'm not bitching!
11-28-2001, 02:48 PM
Thanks to those who keep me aware of the speed. I have made further enquiries into why the site seems to slow down but then speed up again. Hopefully it will be fixed very soon!
Have fun all!
PS. please everyone update your virus checkers!!!!! I have recieved hundreds of emails with that virus in since monday!!!!
The "mass mailer worm" BadTrans.B has infected thousands of PCs around the world and has replaced Sircam as the most virulent worm in circulation
heres a link about it
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