View Full Version : More New Members (starting 26, July,'01)
07-26-2001, 09:00 AM
My new cyber friend, Siobhan, and I agreed the old New Members thread was getting almost too long to handle.
I hope more members who haven't introduced themselves yet will consider making posts to this new thread.
I've been online for 9 years, and this is the friendliest site I have ever found. So, how about it people? Please, introduce yourselves here, and let us know as much about yourself as you can, without compromising your security, on your Pixies Place profile page, also.
Also, several of my Pixies friends and I love to check in from time to time at the Pixies Place Chat room, (My Chat name is MrC,) and many of us visit by ICQ and MSN/Hotmail instant messaging. Real time and near-real-time contacts make it easier to enhance friendships, and OTHER relationships. VBG
I hope we will all hear from more of you shy members who have just been reading and viewing and not posting!
TTFN (an old abbrev. for "Ta-Ta For Now")- RW :cool:
07-31-2001, 11:57 PM
Woo Hoo!! I get to be the 1st to post! *giggle*
I thought the 1st thread was a little long, and I was afraid all this typing would somehow get lost. Thanks bunches for starting a new one. :D
About me: I'm 26 and from the east coast of the US. I love meeting new folks to chat with; easy when you're a night owl like I am. I'm a BBW, meaning I'm not thin, but I'm very comfortable with me. I'm not 'lazy' or 'fat', just 'extra curvy'. *giggle*
I love to laugh and have fun and joke around, as you'll learn. I also enjoy reading and writing erotica. No pic yet, because the digital camera I bought tonight won't work on my 'puter. Just my luck. *laffin* Look forward to talking to ya, so say 'Hi'. ;)
08-01-2001, 06:41 AM
hi everyone, hope things are good round your bit of the world. again, thanks for starting anew thread, nice to be near the top...
I'm 21 years old from the Uk, and love this site. my main interests are erotic readings and kinky bedroom fun, i hope there are others here with similar interests???...
Im a bit worried about putting my photo on here, nothing too rude, but has anyone tips for taking a picture of my self (i bet youv'e all done it!!) and get a decent result, you know, something flattering...
ok, im done, please feel free to chat and stuff, and take care...
heres a not so naked pici...
08-01-2001, 07:00 AM
At the risk of scaring everybody off, I will introduce myself. I am a 43 year old male, 6' tall and weigh around 170. Brown eyes and brown hair. My hair is to the middle of my back and is wavy. I also have a beard that I keep trimmed.
I am a woodworker by trade, but also build computer systems and networks. For relaxation, I will write poetry and erotica.
An animal person, we currently have 4 dogs and a cat. Rather the cat chooses to live here and we are her servants.
I am married and very Heterosexual, but have no problem with whatever anyone wants to do. As long as nobody is hurt, go for it!!
I am a very sensual as well as sexual person. I can be very romantic, candlelight dinners, flowers for no special reason, cozy B&B weekends. I also believe the greatest part of sex is giving your partner the greatest pleasure possible.:D
Karlos Fandango
08-01-2001, 11:19 AM
Hiya everyone i am Karl, Everyone calls me Karlos, I am 23 from Kent in SE England, i am a cuddly man who is currently single, But i was in a relationship for 3 years untill X-mas. I am now looking to re-enter the Available market. I love to sing with my band and my major passion is Music, I love to be in love and i love (Straight) SEX (Dont we all????) but isnt it the best when your having sex with someone who you know loves you and you love them???? Ahhhh...... Maybe i am a old fashioned romantic....... Probably LOL
Talk to you all soon,
Love you all
Evening all
thought i had better introduce myself.Icall myself KIWI as thats what most people call New 35,race dirt track cars,own a hot rod{23 T bucket},love sex,have G.F and am a soon to be first time {that i know of}dad.did i mention i love sex.have visited pixies for a while and after seeing rollergirl,hotbody,mrs diver,liegh etc i thought i had better at this computer stuff so if any one is a computer whizz please P.M me as your help would be very appreciated.guess thats all
P.S any other kiwi members
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