View Full Version : Long Awaited Pixie meeting - Head to bed or talk first?
11-12-2001, 03:17 PM
So, you finally worked up enough nerve meet the cyberperson on the other end of the computer. You have been talking together for a long time, and decided you just ~had~ to meet. What are the circumstances you set up, and do you meet to talk first or pile into bed immediately?
11-12-2001, 07:09 PM
We have had plenty of time to talk its time to get busy!
11-12-2001, 08:04 PM
Well the first thing I would do, is plant a huge wet kiss on him! :D :p
Then I would talk over lunch or dinner. (I would have to see
if the "sparks" are still there that we shared online.) And if they were and we had known each other for a long time....then I would jump his bones! :D :)
And definetly make it an all nighter!Mmmmmmmmm!!!! :D
the queen
11-12-2001, 08:30 PM
I've done this before. We were screwing within an hour. Ahhh... memories. :)
dam...nothign like that happens to me....:(
Prophet Reality
11-12-2001, 08:40 PM
Been there and nothing happened. But I think if were someone like Diva or White Tigress oe FAllen Angel or BlueStarLit... Well I think that's all that needs to be said on my part!
11-12-2001, 10:53 PM
Oh Diva you temptress I wish you'd jump my bones.
Make us even hungrier for dinner afterwards. :)
11-12-2001, 10:56 PM
I've met a cyber partner before..and she was nothing like the way she described (talk about blowing that image) but the biggest problem we had was the chemestry from the on-line sessions was lacking, so it didnt go anywhere.
Strangely enough the on-line sessions stopped shortly thereafter..anyone besides me wonder why?
11-13-2001, 08:49 AM
I've never met a cyber partner before, and I'm very interested in the stories of so many of you that have. I'm thinking that the smouldering sexual tension that will be built before any such meeting would run high and that while my brain would say, whoa, slow down, I'm not sure the situation would play out that way.
Nutworld, when you say that she was "nothing like she described" what do you mean? Physically?
11-13-2001, 09:09 AM
yes..she was nothing physically, except her hair, and eyes.
I think that I'm pretty open minded but still the "sparks" dissappeared.
11-13-2001, 12:45 PM
Agree with Diva.
Talk, get a sense of whether the magic is there, look over the
shoulder to make sure G/F's still in Australia, and still talk.
All the time in the world for other things.
11-28-2001, 01:52 PM
For would be talk first :)
I would need to get to know someone a bit before i could jump into bed with them...believe it or not....i'm actually very shy in the real world
11-28-2001, 02:11 PM
The only way that I could have any kind of relationship;would be;
to talk to the person first.Even playing around;isn't any good;if you don't have the same likes and dislikes.I hate to be steriotypi-
cal here but I'm starting to sound like a woman!I don't care.That's
the way that I feel.I don't think that I could have a relationship
with a person unless I knew them; in person;first. Irish
PS.Different strokes;for;different folks!
11-28-2001, 04:24 PM
I've had a bad experience with meeting a chat partner. She was coming to tour DC and I figured after chatting for six months it wouldn't hurt to meet and have lunch or dinner.
A week before she was to come she called me... I never gave her my phone number. Then I got a twelve page letter (front and back) about how we were "destined" to be together. Her letters were nothing like her chats... yes, I said letters. In the week before she came I got four letters and at least one call a day!!!! Talk about wigging someone out!
True not all are like that, but you never know.
12-12-2001, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by andyhart
I never gave her my phone number.
Sounds as if she knew more about you than was given to her.... If you really didn't blow smoke up her skirt and it turned into that.... I think that was you best chance to get things back in line.
While not wanting to hurt any ones feelings, my first reaction is to (politely at first) get one on one and right in her face to let her know where your at.
Don’t avoid this issue. She’s got the edge until you can meet and DEAL with it. It has to be where you both want it or it can’t be.
Just a gut reaction……:rolleyes:
I like to meet most of yous that are on here at Pixies :D
that does not mean go and screw them either if thats what some of u think?
12-12-2001, 11:03 PM
I’d like to MEAT a lot of the (female) pixie people to…. But BilBo said they have to quarantine KIWI before I’m allowed to be in contact?????
Diva taught me to be a trouble maker.;)
12-13-2001, 09:13 AM
andyhart---I know the feeling of being(virtualy);stalked;by some-
one that you have no interest in and it's not enjoyable!I went
with a girl;in High School;and broke up with her because we had
none of the same interests.When;I;got out of the service(approx.
4yrs. later)She had gotten married.Having just gotten home and
married myself;I was Christmas shopping with my cousin.She was
(very obviously);dragging her husband around;and following; my
cousin & I; around;from store to store.I felt;embarrassed;for her
husband and myself.Naturally;my cousin;thought it very funny as
we had many sexual interludes when the other was there and
had almost a friendly rivalry.I feel sorry for you.Unwanted attention is not fun. Irish
12-13-2001, 11:51 AM
yes. I've been there and it was great. After chatting for six month and figuring out we were from he same town, we finally met the first time just to talk. after that, it was the best sex I ever had. there was nothing she wouldn't try and the same in return. But as for this being to good to be true, it turn out she was getting too serious and I had to cut it off. No girls, I didn't use her. we both went into this wanting to try out different things that we were not getting at home. I explain this to her and tried to be sensitive but to no avail. At least she has given up this idea and we are still friends. We no longer chat but on the rare occassion that we see each other, we are pleasant.
12-13-2001, 07:58 PM
I've never met an on-line partner before so I would be VERY nervous to try it. I guess I'd have to talk first because I doubt that I could just jump in the sack immediately.
Sheesh, guess I'm getting old! :(
01-13-2002, 12:43 PM
I met a guy online. We had been chatting for about 4 months. Then we incorporated phone calls into the relationship as well. At this piont I was not affarid that he was some type of serial killer or stalker because he gave me his work number and it turns out he was an attorney.
After 5 1/2 months, we finally decided to meet. We lived about two hours away from each other. So we decided to meet halfway reducing the chance that we'd run into someone we knew.
We met that morning for coffee. Then we went to a museum. We went out for lunch, went to a concert in the park, and then we hit the sheets! It was great because we had taken so long to get to know each other, and when the time came to actually meet, we didn't just rush into bed, we made a day of it. When we left each other that evening to go back to our respective places, i knew I had fallen for him. I've always been a sucker for an older man. (he was 48 and I was 27)
We continued to meet until his wife started questioning him about all his trips out of town. We kno longer meet but we still call each other, send online greeting cards and we never let a holiday or birthday pass without calling each other. I found a great friend....
I went all the way across the continent and an international border to meet my cyber-pal. We had chatted for about 6 mos, very hot and heavy talk. Before we met we had discussed whether or not there would be sex during my stay and acknowledged it was a possibility but had not decided one way or the other. She met me at the airport, drove me to her place, we started talking....about sex....and then the clothes came off. Two weeks of no holds barred sexual experimentation followed. Then she got clingy and I had to break it off. I didn't use her either, it was agreed before hand that there would be no formal relationship. She just wanted more after we had been together awhile. And she didn't look quite like I had expected either but goddamn; her energy, her willingness, her eagerness, her imagination made her the most desirable woman in the world. I still miss her, she was uninhibited to say the least.
01-14-2002, 06:13 PM
I think talking first is completely necessary. Plus, like others said, what if there are no "sparks" or perhaps even any physical or emotional attraction whatsoever. You don't want to jump into bed and then realize that you completely detest that person's personality or lack there of.
I've met women from the internet on 4 different occasions. The first was an "alright" experience. She was 3 years younger than me at the time and very immature as I soon found out. She played the mature woman untill we had sex a couple times and she started talking about marriage...this was after about 4 months of knowing each other. Needless to say I wasn't ready for that much of a commitment. Other occasions have went alright, sex was usually on the forefront of each others minds and with the other meetings thats all it was, casual sex. If and when I meet someone from here or anywhere else on the internet, if we have been talking about sex the whole time, then yes, jump right into bed. If it took us awhile in our conversations to get to the topic of sex, then maybe a date or two before we jump in the sack. It doesn't matter with me really, if we meet for just sex that's fine. If we meet and there are mutual feelings other than sexual..that's better.
03-27-2002, 05:29 PM
I have met with Two of my Cyber Honeys'. One I have known for over 6 years and to this day we still have the HOTTEST SEX ever. We had been talking to one another for over three Years before we decided to meet. We're not only Lovers, we're best friends. My S/O lost interest in Sex after Menopause and I am glad I have a Friend that cared enough to keep me fulfilled. We have not hurt anyone and don't plan to. It's a relationship that revolves around needing one another and at the same time living our own lives. I hope I'm making sense. There is no pressure and no commitments. We simply enjoy one another completely to leave things the way they are. We do Love one another, but are satisfied with the way things have worked out. Oh and let me just say..................after three years of talking and learning one another.........................we went straight to the Sack and stayed there for a little over a week. Room service is so COOL.
03-29-2002, 11:43 AM
there are quite a few folk here I would like to meet....and I'd do it on their terms.....maybe just meet and see how it goes from stress on doing anything beyond some would be interesting to meet the faces beind some of the postings and conversations ive had with some of ya.....
There's a lot of people on here I'd like to meet just to hang out with... a Pixies convention if you will! I can see it now... Pixiecon '02!! :D
03-29-2002, 05:52 PM get it organized...and I'm sure we'll show up!
PS. I' not opposed to sharing a room with a stranger! :)
03-29-2002, 05:57 PM
Do they make enought latex and lube to hande a convention like this?
03-29-2002, 05:58 PM
I wonder if the hotel is opposed to pushing a couple king sized beds next to the jacuzzi?
If they are Ophelia, then they have no business being in business...LOL.
03-29-2002, 07:40 PM
and the pudding.....dont forget the pudding..hehehehehehe fill the kiddie pool with chocolate pudding.......
03-29-2002, 08:32 PM
Yummy idea MindBoxer can we put bubbles in the hottub too??????????????
03-29-2002, 10:54 PM
No, no, no bubbles - nude Jello wrestling in the hot tub!
03-30-2002, 12:54 AM
fill the pool with champagne.......bubbles up the ying/yang.....and a lot of drunk and horny pixaholics.....hehehehehe what my twisted lil mind can concieve........with cherries and bananas floating about......have a fruit salad table nearby......all the juicy!!!!!!
04-02-2002, 03:07 AM
If it's a long week/weekend I suggest grabbing some food and some drinks and taking it slow. Enjoy every second and every nook and cranny for as long as you possibly can or until the neighbors start banging on your doors and windows.
04-03-2002, 03:38 PM
At long weekend is the least we could do, I mean it is a Pixies convention, there's the tattoos and piercings to check out, then everyone's fav pics, only this time in the flesh....heck we could be there for a week easy!
07-22-2010, 10:20 AM
It depends on if PF is standing there :p
07-22-2010, 11:04 AM
the first time I met a man I had know solely from the net and phone he showed up unexpectedly on a bad week (ya know....) and we had a huge run of bad luck that involved me not being able to get out and hook up after our first day together, we basically showered together and spent naked time in the hotel bed together.
The next online man I met while I was still dating my ex gf, playing World of War craft (although for me it was more like world of whorecraft.... I'm such a flirt) she and I drove up to hang out and do some christmas shopping in his town. Well she browsed for gifts ( hell she had all my money and we were buying for the people she wanted to get gifts for anyway why did she need my input!) while he and I walked behind her and talked, he was very quiet, seemed uncomfortable and not quite sure of what to do. the end of the evening she and I dropped him back off where we picked him up and he hugged me (I don't remember if he hugged her too....?) I thought he was going to kill me with that hug..... less than five months later I was naked in his room offering him any and everything.....
My last hook up swears he's been tryin to talk to me for over a year through here. I only really remember him initiating one PM correspondence which was ..... December 2 or 3 of 2009 between the 3rd and 8th we logged more than 24 hours of phone time. I found out he was traveling home by car from the east coast to TX.... so I guessed he would be overnighting in Ga.... BINGO! I worked a 12 hour shift drove about 6 hours in the dark in a torrential downpour to grab him and find a hotel....I was awake for well over 24 hours and fortunately we didnt seem to have neighbors....
Overall my online to f2f meetings have gone quite well, I choose good looking men with great personalities and hearts of gold...... well ok Marlborodasreds is hardcore no heart...... :nod:
07-26-2010, 06:28 PM
I tried this along time ago while I was still in college. I put a personal ad on the web, she started e-mailing, IMing, then exchanged phone numbers, all over a course of about two months. I didn't have a car at the time and she said she would pick me up so we could meet face to face and... She never showed up! :banghead:
07-30-2010, 11:39 PM
some times we get scared we won't live up to others expectations........ so we chicken out. I know for our first meeting Marlboro was worried I wouldn't show up and I was worried he'd take one look at me and turn around and walk back in the house.... after a 5-6 hour drive I would have been devastated.
07-31-2010, 12:01 AM
I was already in love with the first Pixie I met; I think we were at his place 5 minutes before clothes were dropped on floors. We'd waited so long, we weren't about to wait any longer. :) I imagine it depends on the relationship you've managed to build in the meantime, and if the attraction (both in the fact of it, and the level thereof) is mutual.
08-18-2010, 07:32 PM
a li'l bit o' sqeezin', a li'l bit o' pleasin', some strokin' 'n' pokin' 'n' rolling all about. . . we get the juices flowing and we're go go goin'
til we come!
pillow talk is fun :angel:
08-19-2010, 12:41 AM
i met my hubby on line..he met me and whispered to me if i wasn't married he would marry me in new york second. thngs came around i became divorced and lo and behold we are married and still going at it..
yep the man is my soulmate :cheerlead
10-14-2010, 10:19 PM
well I've met cyber buddies a couple of times, one we went off on a picnic to visit, lots of kissing and touching but kept our clothes on until we got back to the room and then it was nonstop for most of the night, a short break and back after it. Now days we usually get right to bed. Another we met at breakfast, visited and then hit the sheets. The couple I joined met for drinks first, so I guess the only time it was right to bed was when I met a lady who agreed to sponsor my admission to the local swing club
10-17-2010, 06:10 AM
What did we do again?
10-17-2010, 07:17 AM
I believe within moments I was in your arms ;)
10-17-2010, 05:49 PM
would be nice to talk first but who can wait
straight to bed it sounds fantastic
Lord Snow
10-17-2010, 08:04 PM
I would think it depends on your correspondence before hand. If the two had been talking for several weeks/months and felt comfortable with each other upon meeting...straight to bed sounds like a decent idea. However, if they hadn't been talking that much then I would say dinner, drinks, see what happens. Personally, I'm in no rush. Sex is fun, and quite enjoyable but not necessary. I tend to enjoy just being with the person; with or without sex.
12-04-2010, 06:31 PM
"We have too much clothes on."
Teddy Bear
12-04-2010, 07:29 PM
I have met 2 wonderful Pixie men in person. The 1st was just a friend and stayed at my house with my family for a week. The 2nd was a two day get together with some one I'd chatted with on line for years.... the 1st day was talking, out to lunch and some hot kissing, touching... The 2nd day was spent in bed and was terrific!!! I'd do it again anytime! :)
"We have too much clothes on."
That was corrected quickly though. :D
Pussy Willow
12-06-2010, 06:52 PM
With me, it depended on what I was looking for.
7months after leaving my husband of 25 years, I was just looking to hook-up, all I wanted was sex....I guess I needed to know that it wasn't me, and with a purely sexual relationship my heart was we headed straight to the bedroom.
I met my new guy online, with him I wanted something I looked for a someone who could carry on an intelligent conversation, we talk, we laugh we really enjoy being together.....and of course the sex is AMAZING !!!!!!
So when dating online I really think it depends on what you're looking for........if you're only looking for sex, that's going to be the expectation. If you're looking for intelligent conversation, you might have to look a little harder and a little longer but it is out there..............
Sorry if I'm running off at the mouth, but you asked.............
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