View Full Version : Strangest Sex
11-11-2001, 02:08 PM
What the strangest sex you've experienced....wether it be the place or the actual act?
Mine would be:
My first B/f and i were horse in front and him behind..and the movement got us horny...we ended up having sex on the horse...*L*
I dont recommend this to is not the most comfortable or safest place to get it on...*L*
11-11-2001, 08:43 PM
Doggie on a 450 Honda, parked. had rained and the grass was wet. Not terribly satisfactory.
I think my best sex yet was in the parking lot of six flags and the strangest one is all tangled up and tying each other up in xmas lights while we where decorating.
11-14-2001, 09:21 PM
The strangest place I had sex was in a haunted house in an amusement park after it was closed for the night.
Talk about spooky...felt like someone was watching us the whole time :D :)
11-14-2001, 09:36 PM
The strangest place for me was in a bed. Was actually comfortable. Only problem was we fell asleep afterwards.;)
celt guy
11-14-2001, 10:04 PM
We were watching. and you were spooktacular.
Without details I would have to say my oddest was at a funeral dinner. Now thats what i all offering condolences.
11-14-2001, 10:17 PM
Here are my top three...
#3...In a large room with a fire place with about 13 other people sleeping including a priest
#2...In the woods behind my house (situational) 3 guys on me while my girlfriend and her friend watched
#1...My all time favorite...On a fire escape overlooking Madison Ave. on the Upper East Side at about 4-5 o'clock on a friday afternoon this past summer. YAY!
Prophet Reality
11-14-2001, 10:50 PM
Mine has to be in a cemetary after it closed. We did it on a sarcophagus like structure. It was pretty wild.
11-18-2001, 07:34 AM
I would have to say that the strangest plae for me was in a coffin in the back of a friends hearse on Halloween night. Now before you go freakin out He bought the coffin new and just had it back there. it was very confining. my girlfriend and I were drunka nd it was the closest place.
11-18-2001, 07:43 AM
Anyone wany to buy any pictures;of Diva;in a haunted house;in
an amusement park? Irish
11-18-2001, 07:47 AM
I'd have to say the strangest place for me was in the darkroom at work while my
father-in-law and a few other employees were working in the next room.
11-18-2001, 10:08 AM
Hey Irish... If they buy my I get Royalties?????:D :D
11-18-2001, 04:43 PM
LoveDiva4u---I've had partners;in business before and I ended up
throwing them out and running things myself!You had your chance
but were overcome by the foolishness of youth.Now;the PROFITS
are mine!I expect a large calling for the pictures.Eat you heart
out--or whatever else I think of. Irish
11-18-2001, 05:15 PM
Irish is another member who will get smacked upside the head...heeheehee :D :D
11-18-2001, 08:31 PM
LoveDiva4u--I'm looking forward to it.I'm sure it will be alot more
enjoyable then the; many times; that I was smacked upside the
head as an enforcer for a few motorcycle clubs.(gangs)I can tell
from your pictures that you are a lot better looking than they were.Talk about the stupid things that you did in your youth.I used to think that showed people that you were tough.How un-
important!!I'm glad those days are over with and now I have you
to look forward to. Irish
11-19-2001, 04:16 PM
probably the strangest place that me and my b/f had sex was on a consulting table at the veterinary surgery where he worked. i helped him lock up and we got a bit frisky when he started to listen to my heart with a stethoscope!!!
It was pretty wild and pretty damn good!!!!
11-19-2001, 06:23 PM
Under an overpass on the hood of a Mercury Cougar:p I still get tickled everytime I drive over one and hear that clop*clop* clop*
That was tied with on the ground in a pine tree farm....needed antibiotics to clear up massive fireant bite in a delicate place:D
03-11-2003, 03:51 PM
Strangest so far...
1. In the bathroom of our best friends on Halloween night while they were downstairs giving out candy! I sat on their toilet while my wife faced me and rode me until I came...
2. At the in laws house on their "catwalk" above the living room - they were out at the time, but we used one of their towels to throw down to soak up any mess and took it with us...
03-11-2003, 05:39 PM
I don't know if I can top some of the ones... but my top two are.....
1) At home plate at the local ball park... (not while the game was on...) but the sprinkler system did.....
and the best..... I'll put it like this......
03-11-2003, 06:31 PM
Two places spring to mind, both with my ex...
1) On the stairs, 20 floors up in a block of flats (apartment building)
2) In a cubicle of a communal public swimming pool in Paris (France) on our honeymoon... no (real) risk of getting caught, but it was fun hearing people walk by while we were doing it.. with her trying her best to keep quiet - she managed too.... just!!
03-11-2003, 06:51 PM
have done it in a Scottish Castle----------many years ago, and on the banks of the river CLYDE as a passenger boat sailed past!
03-11-2003, 06:57 PM
GOING to do it at GlenCoe, in the spring; ride up on the 'bike, and get "down & dirty" in the heather, with our leathers still on!!! :D
strangest place... hrmmm, not sure which is the strangest so maybe I should just name a FEW....
ferris wheel AND the rollercoaster
back booth at night club
front row at a concert (the benefit of dressing goth, both her and i wearing skirts made it easy)
03-12-2003, 12:07 AM the woods the water fall
will explain later
03-12-2003, 01:37 PM
Strangest place would have to be:
In a cave behind a waterfall in the dead of night.......candles lit all around us and a flask of hot drink waiting for us in the car in case either of us fell in the river which we had to cross by torchlight to get up into the cave!
Strangest sex would have to be:
With someone I'd only met in person a few hours before. Previous to that I'd never even kissed a guy I'd only just met let alone have full sex, plus oral, plus sharing a bath and a toothbrush - STRANGE!!!!!!!!!!! But good.........oh soooooooooooo good! :D
03-12-2003, 05:24 PM
Th most unusual place was in the 15th row of a United 747 returning from Hawaii. It was about 2 AM, the flight wan't crowded and the girl I was with wanted to join the mile high club. We had 4 seats to ourselves so no one was in a direct line of site and the cabin lights were dimmed. She went to the bathroom and removed her pantyhose and panties. We climbed under a blanket and spooned. Nice and quiet. We both came as quietly as we could. Afterwards when we got ourselves together we though we were a cool as could be until it dawned on me that the air around us reeked of sex!!!! Anyone who was awake had to know what we were up to. Fortunately the plane arrived in Chicago at 5:00 AM and all everyone wanted to do was get off the plane and get coffee. I will never forget this lesson - Sex smells - It may smell great but boy is it strong.
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