View Full Version : looking for sex in north central texas

11-10-2001, 01:12 AM
hi, im a 19 year old guy with an unbelievably overactive sex drive, sometimes I walk through a grocery store and I wonder if the reason the women are smiling at me is because im giving off so many pheremones,.....

I mean young and old.... I see female... I dont care the age, of course there are laws, 18-?? if your still alive and havent died from old age.... and of course you dont turn to dust because your litterally jackhammered by a very very overhorny 19 year old guy for 8-9 hours.

if you can meet this description, we need to meet, I and kid you not,... I love to eat pussy, its the most important part of a good night of sex, anything we can do erotic, I love to do.

If you think you can handle this kind of labido, then try me, Satisfaction Garuanteed. ;)

email:[email protected] (or msn messanger)
yahoo: leonheart2001us

you think those erotic stories are erotic, then lets spend a night together and prove that wrong.

-always hard, 24/7 365
