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11-07-2001, 10:16 PM
I was just wondering if I was abnormal. I've had as many as 60 something orgasms in a day.

Is that weird? Or are other people out there the same? (men and women)

:cool: ;)

11-07-2001, 10:19 PM
DAMN, boy!

Myself, I can only handle about 35-40 within a 24 hour period before my uterus threatens to collapse and my various *cough* body parts protest vehemently...


Must be nice!

11-07-2001, 10:29 PM
I am sorry fun_guy_ir...I find it very, very hard to believe you had 60 orgasms in a day....:confused:

The last 45-50......you had to have been shooting blanks!!!!:D :D

And to be honest...I never count the orgasms I have... if I walk bulllegged the next morning then I know it was really good!!!:D

And to me if you count them... you are concentrating on numbers and not what is being done to you.....just my opinon :D

11-07-2001, 10:38 PM
Sorry to sound presumptive here...

But a man doesn't have to 'cum' to experience an orgasm.

Orgasm is a sensation, basically manipulation of your nerves.

Ejaculation is the physical act of discharging bodily fluids in a state of orgasm.

So, he doesn't have to shoot anything at all to orgasm...

And women don't need penetration nor any true stimulation to orgasm either - ever heard of 'Cum on command'?

In the Karma Sutra, I believe it is referred to as the 'deer in water' excercise... Extended flexing, clenching, of a Kegel muscle flex will wreak havoc on any woman's spinal cord (were orgasms originate)...

11-07-2001, 10:49 PM
I know what you are saying is true...not going to argue that...

And yes I have heard of Cum on command...but what fun is that?? If everyone would be cumming on command no sex would be had by all!! :D :D

And besides...sneezing is an orgasm too...LOL..maybe he had a head cold that day!!

Ok Everyone can slap me now :D

11-07-2001, 11:00 PM
It didn't post my last message for some reason, ... most of the time, i'm cumming, not just orgasming.

And it's not about counting the orgasms, but haven't you ever wondered, "what's the most orgasms i can have today" he he

or am i really weird? :P:D

11-07-2001, 11:01 PM
Hey, I would never ever even *think* to raise a hand against someone who bows to my overwhelming intellect...

oh, no, wait... umm, err....

*Prys her foot out of her mouth*

Just teasin...


Although I find myself questioning that number too, regardless of his youthful age, I still find it rather hard to believe...

I taught my friend Tim to orgasm without ejaculation, and he was hitting - at max, getting sexed every living breathing waking moment in a 24 hour period - only on average 40 orgasms...

Beyond that, he said it really just hurt too much


11-07-2001, 11:08 PM
Ever measure it???
Was it a cup...1/2 cup... I think that would be more challenging than just how many orgasms can I have today??? :D
Let's see how much juice I can squeeze!!! :D

And if you are doing 60 a day..you must be able to fill a gallon!!!
(Post it up on Ebay....LMAO)

11-07-2001, 11:10 PM
The number is real, don't think it happens every day, or every week or something. I just did it once to see how many i could have in one day.

And about hurting, it does kinda start hurting, but if you keep doing it, the hurt is replaced by numbness, and then it starts feeling good again :)

he he, or was that too much information :P??

and no, i never measured the ammount LOL

11-07-2001, 11:13 PM
Well if you can have 60 loads blown....

I'll have what you were smoking that day!!! :D :D :)

Sorry... lmfao..this is just to unbelieveable for me...

Oh by the way...WELCOME TO PIXIES!!!! :D :D :D

11-07-2001, 11:24 PM

I am sorry, but if I were to believe you were cumming and orgasming at the same time...

Well, let me ask you this.

I know guys sometimes get this rare, extremely painful problem called blue balls.

I've heard it hurts something intolerable.

But on the opposite end of the spectrum there's something called 'dry balls', which is equated to a woman's birth pains - which believe it or not are excrutiating, especially without drugs.

I know you're young, darling - but age can only count for so much.

Considering the fact that my b/fs cock hurts so bad he can't get another erection after about 8 rounds, and with the numbness symptoms, you might suffer from a touch of nymphomania. My first Master had it bad - I didn't walk straight anytime I was in His Ownership.



That's a real *WHOPPER* there luv...

And thanks Diva!!


11-07-2001, 11:28 PM

This is my last post for tonight...(Before I get myself in trouble here)....lmfao...but you said blue balls....you asked for it!!!! :D :D :D

Nite all!!! :D :D

11-07-2001, 11:32 PM
*Falls over and dies laughing*


Elephantitus of the testicles...

Mmmm, yummy.

Thanks Diva - what a wonderful thought to put on our pillows...


11-07-2001, 11:37 PM
ha ha hahahha

cute pic ;)

well, sorry, i've never gotten blue balls, or dry balls, but if you'd like to know the details lol, the more i cum, the clearer the cum is, so that after 8 or 9 times it's usually pretty clear from then on. he he :-) ok, I realllly need to stop sharing. he he

11-08-2001, 12:18 AM
I've debated w/ myself about sharing this, but I have to... I was reading "Three Dog Nightmare" by Chuck Negron, (former Three Dog Night singer, for those too young to remember). He relates the tale of how he overdid it with sex, his dick got so inflamed & swollen that it finally... oh, it's too horrible to relate here, just get the book & read it, a good read other than that. He does, I think, have the most embarrassing ER story I've ever heard of...

11-08-2001, 06:22 AM
Scotzoidman how dare you start a story and not finish it!!! LOL...DID it go KABOOM???? :D :D

And fun_guy_ir..even after a good nights sleep I still find it hard to beleive!! :D :D

11-08-2001, 08:07 AM
fun~guy~ir---Just; out of curiosity;how old are you?I once orgasmed; 7times;in a night; while parking;with my previous
girlfriend.I wanted to do it more;but she didn't because she was
sore.I was 17yrs. at the time and she was 19.She had ;already;
had one baby!I have orgasmed;at least;once daily since I was
15yrs. of age but 60 times is almost to much.It couldnt;possibly;
have been enjoyable.By the way-I am 57yrs now.That's alot of
orgasms. Irish
P.S. Judge not ,lest ye be judged yourself.To each his own!

11-08-2001, 08:08 AM
LOL Diva... yes it did... split completely open, blood everywhere, and no sympathy from anybody at the ER... now I can picture all the guys reading this, shifting uncomfortably in their chairs... happy now, Diva?;)

11-08-2001, 08:18 AM
don't really know if i would be expirienced enought to have a real comment for this thread...but a comment by both DreamGrrl and Diva, brought some wierd images to mind, and that was "Cum on Command".....

Could you imagine all the men in the world walking around in over starched jeans, every time a lovely woman looked them in the eye as they are walking along a street.

just a thought

11-08-2001, 08:48 AM

I hear ya, bud. All I know is that if I could "cum on command" I'd have never made it past 17 (my tight jeans stage) without having the same problem as the singer from 3 Dog Night.

11-08-2001, 10:28 AM
Always something new here at Pixies.

I've read all kinds of threads here, some more interesting than others (to me)…Funny stuff, real interesting things, some serious, (thank heaven) some HOT people & topics,….even some sad…

Now we have something for the “STUPID” category.

Thanks to our Diva, at least it got a little comical.

fun-guy, “to me” you sound like an 11 year old telling the guys what you think a pussy looks like.

11-09-2001, 11:48 PM
:( That was quite mean, why would you say something like that? just curious... you don't actually have to reply

Sorry fun_guy_ir

Wasn't trying to hurt your feelings… Pixies has always been a casual, personal, fun brake from the real world bull shit. We laugh at ourselves and each other. I think Woody Allen would like it here. (maybe that's who Diva really is)
You started a thread with a statement that caused a lot of raised eyebrow responses. With two score of years of a VERY full and happy sex life, I don't feel isolated from the wide and norm (and a few time, the fringe) of sensuality. If I missed the point… or am ageing in ignorance, please ENLIGHTEN me and LIGHTEN UP.

12-12-2001, 09:55 AM
Diva, where the <HELL> did you come up with that picture on page one?? THAT hurt ME!! and I was just looking!! LOLOL

People, let's remember that each of us is different, in many ways. I've done 7 in one day, but that's another story! ;) I don't believe it, but that's not saying it isn't true. One thing for sure, that was one BODACIOUS day!! Even trying!! LOL

Diva, why don't you go see how true it is? I know you'd be counting accurately!! LOL


12-12-2001, 11:20 AM
Excuse me!!!I think that I will go sniff some; pepper;so that I can
start sneezing! Irish