View Full Version : Make Love Not War
11-06-2001, 11:19 PM
OK let this thread be the gathering point for all humourous phots about the September 11th attacks on the USA.
I hereby begin this thread with a picture that symbolizes what happened on that terrible day, and what Afganistan and America should do to solve their conflict.
Remember: Make love, not war!
Post those other pictures... I know they are out there.
11-07-2001, 06:37 AM
If you read the email going around about the number "11" for the past few weeks, you will love David's response to it. I don't know who David is,but his response is hilarious. Make sure you read beyond the Original Letter.
Original Letter:
The date of the attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.
119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11
Twin Towers - standing side by side, looks like the number 11
The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11
I Have More.......
State of New York - The 11th State added to the Union
New York City - 11 Letters
Afghanistan - 11 Letters
The Pentagon - 11 Letters
Ramzi Yousef - 11 Letters (convicted of orchestrating the attack at the
in 1993)
Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9 + 2 = 11
Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6 + 5 = 11
Oh my God! How worried should I be? There are 11 letters in the name "David Pawson!" I'm going into hiding NOW. See you in a few weeks.
Wait a sec ... just realized "YOU CAN'T HIDE" also has 11 letters!
What am I gonna do? Help me!!! The terrorists are after me! I can't believe t!
Oh crap, there must be someplace on the planet Earth I could hide!
But no..."PLANET EARTH" has 11 letters, too!
Maybe Nostradamus can help me. But dare I trust him? There are 11 Letters in "NOSTRADAMUS."
I know, the Red Cross can help. No they can't...11
letters in "THE RED CROSS," can't trust them.
I would rely on self defense,
but "SELF DEFENSE" has 11 letters in it, too! Can someone help?
Anyone? If so, send me email. No, don't... "SEND ME EMAIL" has 11 letters....
Will this never end? I'm going insane! "GOING INSANE???" Eleven letters!!
Nooooooooooo!!!!!! I guess I'll die alone, even though "I'LL DIE
ALONE" has 11 letters.....
Oh my God, I just realized that America is doomed! Our Independence Day is July 4th ... 7/4 ... 7+4=11!!!!!!!!
PS. "IT'S BULLSHIT" has 11 letters also.
11-07-2001, 12:25 PM
Humour is a wonderful way of dealing with tragedy.
We all remember NASA = Need another seven astronauts.
Trivialising or even worse embracing a power trying to
destroy you is like wearing a mincemeat bikini in a shark tank.
Embrace the humour, but remember the shark.
11-07-2001, 02:01 PM
Heres some that i was sent:D
11-07-2001, 02:02 PM
11-07-2001, 02:04 PM
I like this one:D:D
11-07-2001, 09:54 PM
This one goes with Sharniqua's "It wasn't me"....
11-07-2001, 10:04 PM
I just got this one! OMG...
11-08-2001, 01:54 AM
One for Osama
11-08-2001, 01:56 AM
Another "STATE" of affairs
11-08-2001, 02:08 AM
Seen resently fying over Afgahn territory!
11-08-2001, 08:34 AM
To go along with Bilbo's plane we have another entry in the " coming to Afganistan" catagory
11-08-2001, 08:39 AM
This just in for all the football fans out there:
11-09-2001, 12:25 PM
Wonder if something like this would be Osama's last request??:D :D
11-09-2001, 08:26 PM
12-06-2001, 06:31 PM
Very interesting perspective on recycling....
Subject: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
All of the rubble from New York... all the huge blocks of concrete and steel the old busted up computers, refrigerators, water heaters, air conditioners fire trucks, Lazyboy recliners, broken glass, etc., should be shoveled into C130's and C5A's, flown over Iraq and Afghanistan and dropped from 32,000 feet.
An old Coldspot can do a heck of a lot of damage from 5 miles up!
With each assault we can drop pamphlets: "Greetings, from the 110th floor of the World Trade Center". The next day it could be from the 109th floor... then the 108th floor, the 107th, etc., etc.
After 110 days of this, I can't imagine much left standing on the
ground. Can't you just see the headlines: "WORLD TRADE CENTER STRIKES BACK!" What wonderful irony this would be and think how much money we wouldn't have to spend on bombs or missiles! ...not to mention the 100 million tons diverted from New York and New Jersey landfills...
12-06-2001, 06:54 PM
Excellnt Idea Diva,
Lets start collecting and lauching immediatly.
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