View Full Version : thanks diva
11-05-2001, 02:22 AM
i just found pixies 3 nites ago and after reading a few of your posts, i signed up. this place is awsome!! just wanted to intoduce myself and thank diva for 'bitchin'. i'm guilty of just reading and not posting but i have an excuse. i'm a forum/chatroom 'virgin', but with diva's encouragment i felt i should just jump in. so if i stumble around for a while plz forgive me, i'm still learning. and as for diva's 'bithchin', from what i've seen so far, the real members know where your coming from. when ya'll say your a big happy family, you really back it up. i look forward to "using" my membership more often and encourage everyone else to do the same.
thanks for being here.
11-05-2001, 06:26 AM
Well I must say I am impressed! After only 3 nights you posted your first message. SOME HAVE BEEN HERE 6 MONTHS AND HAVEN'T SAID A WORD!!!!Gggggrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Guess my bitching days aren't over! ;)
So welcome to the family Darrell!! (Damn sounds like I am a member of the Mob..lmao) But I am sure you will have a great time here and meet alot of interesting members! Don't be shy..just jump right in!!!!
11-05-2001, 11:34 AM
Like all families, some you'll love, some not.
Find your place in the forum and you'll pretty quickly work
out who to tag with and who not.
Watch that Diva woman, she's been known to have fun.
Lady Pleaser
11-05-2001, 05:27 PM
Doesn't matter if you stumble, some body here will just pick you up. Have fun and just jump in.
11-05-2001, 07:56 PM
Always happy to have a new member on board. Happy foruming.
11-05-2001, 08:12 PM
Glad to have you aboard! Have fun!
11-05-2001, 08:20 PM
Gee looks as of the vocal one Diva stikes again.!!
One down,
1,100 more silent ones to go!
Welcome, and its true, most of the poster's here are helpful if not friendly
11-05-2001, 08:53 PM
Are you saying I talk too much Nutworld?????????????????????????????????
:D :D :D
11-05-2001, 09:52 PM
My Darling Diva,
Absolutly not. We need more vocal people like you around here...I'm just glad that someone is here trying to get more responses from the other 90% who are token members at best.
Diva, from what I have seen of your oral skills..talking might be one of the things you do best..but I'm sure it doesnt top the list.
11-06-2001, 06:21 AM
:p :D :p :D :p :D
Ok Nutworld....I am not going to disagree! ;) :D
12-01-2003, 08:24 PM
12-02-2003, 10:25 AM I miss Nutworld...I hope he is well...
And I wonder whatever happend to Darrell????? Spontaneous combustion????
Thanks for bumping this thread (((Scarecrow))) just brought back some great memories...:D ;) and got me smiling after being away for a week and a bit! And thank you...You don't know just how much I needed that!!!!
12-02-2003, 11:45 AM
I think that made a lot of us think back and smile at a lot of people and a lot of things just from the bump.;)
Thanks SxareCrow. :)
12-02-2003, 12:56 PM
Keep bitchin!
12-02-2003, 05:30 PM
WOW! If this doesn't get some of them lurkers outted.....I dunno what will!
And wtf IS nutworld??? Hmmmmm? And this darrell too! Hmmmmmm?.....again!
12-02-2003, 06:13 PM
nutworld was a wonderful friend and member who is sorely missed.
darrell got lost in the prune back in June. Kim freed up nicks that had not been used/visited the site in years. If they lurked they remained but if they had not visited in forever then they were removed from the database. That is why he is listed as a guest.
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