View Full Version : You ALL Have To See This!!!!
11-04-2001, 04:59 PM
LMAO....Made you look!!!!! :D :D :D Heeheehee
Sorry...just in corney mood ain't helping .....:D
11-04-2001, 05:07 PM what sort of punishment should we give/or make Diva do for the deception
some pic of her being battered by a hot cock?
any other surgestions?...mmmmmmmmmmm?
11-04-2001, 05:15 PM
Bilbo...something like this????? :D :D
11-04-2001, 05:18 PM
OOOOOPPPPPS.... that one was way too BIG!!! LMFAO
Here is the right ;) :D
11-04-2001, 05:24 PM
How about BOTH @ the same time?
11-04-2001, 06:13 PM
<<Walks up behind Diva and smacks her on the butt for that one>>:D
11-04-2001, 08:28 PM
I'm with bilbo on this one...Both for you bad girl...:D
11-04-2001, 10:48 PM
where to you come up with these?!! holy cow. Do i dare ask what next. hehe:D
11-05-2001, 01:56 AM
What more can one say?
celt guy
11-05-2001, 07:42 AM
why should craftsman get to have all the fun. I'm sure someone here can think of something more personal (_l_).
Bilbo she would like it to much.some pic of her being battered by a hot cock?
11-05-2001, 10:39 AM
i'm all for it..who cars if Diva likes it TOO much. I mean isn't the point her to "punish" Diva?? Why not give her too much of a good thing?
It sounds like great fun to long as it is the real thing and not craftsman
11-05-2001, 11:30 AM
Unconvinced she's been bad enough to punish yet.
Diva, try harder.
11-05-2001, 01:46 PM
LOL Oldfart!!
excellent perspective.
11-05-2001, 06:04 PM
I would LIKE it to much you guys!!! So that is not really a punishment now is it???? :D :D :)
Put yout thinking caps on...LMAO
2 Magic Craftsmen I can handle....
Wonder if I can handle 3???? Heeheehee!!! :D :D Especially one called the Intruder....;) :D
11-05-2001, 06:22 PM
Diva, you are scaring me.
Anybody who uses Thompsom linner bearings in her dildo is one hell of a woman!!!!
Maybe I WILL let you be the seducer******* :p
11-05-2001, 06:26 PM
Is that what it is?????? LOL....
A Thompson linner Bearing????
Can you tell me where I can find/buy one???? :D :D :) LOL
11-05-2001, 07:17 PM
At the risk of sounding rude, my imagination tells me that you'd probably relish the matter what our devious minds come up with.
Especially a woman that uses Thompsom linner bearings in her dildo!!!
11-05-2001, 09:07 PM
Hey!!! Who said I used one of these????? LOL... :D
I want to know where I can buy one of these Babies!!!! Woohoo!!! ;) :D
So that is not really a punishment now is it????
11-05-2001, 09:46 PM
hi diva ur the bomb baby love ur pics and ur posts you have a great sence of hummor wanna get married ???????
and if u really want a toy like that i think i saw them once at if u cant get one let me know and ill custom build one to you every fantasy !!!!!!!! :D
11-05-2001, 09:55 PM
OMG..these are real things you can buy!!!!!! OMG!!!!
The pics that I posted I got from a g/f of mine in an email, I never thought it was an actual site!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!
Thanks for telling me about it pantylicker... :)
But I don't know if I would ever have the guts to order one???!!! LOL
Think I will stick to plain old manual labor....LOL...
And thanks for the compliment * Blush*
11-05-2001, 10:04 PM
Think I will stick to plain old manual labor
Diva will have to do some serious manual labour........for US!
and post the results....
Now how can I be involved in that?
11-05-2001, 10:31 PM
I was wondering the same exact thing there, Bilbo!!!
I guess my journey won't present quite as many challenges as coming from down under though
11-06-2001, 02:09 AM
Maybe coming from downunder will have it's probs and challenges at the moment...but the thought of cumming downunder Diva would be well worth the hassells:D
11-06-2001, 06:13 AM
And you two say that I need punishement..... :D
Haven't you ever been taught. it's not polite to talk about anyone when they aren't here?!?!?! LMAO :D :D :D
Your lucky I like you two....:D :D :) Hee hee hee
11-06-2001, 06:21 AM
11-06-2001, 06:37 AM
Hey me a favor please.....
Smack Bilbo upside the head for me!!! :D :D (BOTH HEADS!!!) ;) ;) :D
11-06-2001, 09:37 AM
did u go to the link i posted and look around if so what do you think ??????/:D
11-06-2001, 10:22 AM
hmmm Bilbo,
Just the idea of cumming anywhere NEAR Diva, has me ready to errupt!!
I have to matter what the distance I'm quite sure it would be one helluva worthwhile experience.!!
PS- I'm REALLY glad that Diva likes me !!
11-06-2001, 11:10 AM
Hey Pantylicker..... go read the post right after the link you gave me....that should answer all your questions ...LOL ;) :D :D
And Nutworld.... I really have to see that eruption.....!!!!! ;)
So I hope you got the camera ready! ;) :) :D
11-06-2001, 08:01 PM
Diva, are you being naughty AGAIN? Sheesh...looks like it's time for you to have a spanking.
Can I do it? Puh-leeese??? ;)
11-06-2001, 10:39 PM
*LOL*...well i smacked him for he's wandering around trying to figure out what the fork he did...*LMAO*
11-07-2001, 05:44 AM
And now I know...*pouts*
11-07-2001, 06:20 AM
Looking at your pics Sharniqua you "Smacked" one head pretty darn good!!!! ;) :) :D
And Bilboooooooo....quit your should be just got smacked!!!!!! :D :D
Too bad I couldn't do the Smacking................. ;) :D
I am the one who should be pouting... :( :D
11-07-2001, 06:34 AM
mmmmm...perhaps Diva you should know that the pics were taken well before I got your smack upside the head...and when I did get it...I was told that I'd find out why, soon enough
Revenge is sweet Diva...very,very sweet....LOL;)
I'll be watching you!
11-07-2001, 12:36 PM
I think the punishment should fit the crime.
How about taking away these smiley faces from her replies for hmmm, say 48 hours! :) :D :rolleyes: :cool: :p
You have been - not so-bad Diva!
Tease us some more!
11-07-2001, 01:16 PM
I just have to say that this is the longest thread, that started out about absolutely nothing, that I've ever seen. We can have fun with nothing, damn, we're either desperate or we just know how to have a good time with nothing. I knew I was easily amused and it is great to see everyone else is also.
11-07-2001, 04:48 PM
Hey Biggun...I remember vividly a television show about nothing that ran for many years (Seinfeld)....maybee this thread will do the same???? LOL..:D :D
And Darrenfate..YOU JUST TRY TAKING MY :D ;) :) :p AWAY FROM ME!!!!! :p
11-07-2001, 05:00 PM
LOL !!! Always rising to the challenge. Damn it man, say no to you and look out! Did we detect a little Diva hot button here, hmmm? Yes I believe we did.
Does your beau know this? Man, he must be tempted to say things like, "Betcha can't suck it all", and "You can't keep up with me, another round of kamikaze shots" :whiteghos
11-07-2001, 09:10 PM
Darrenfate Challenge is good!! But it's me who says those things to my Beau...LOL..not him!!!!
And Look what I's even named after me!!! :D :D :)
11-08-2001, 01:59 AM
it's even named after me!!! that a mango or a....LEMON!
11-08-2001, 06:12 AM
Like Sharniqua says "It's a FORKING smiley Bilbo!!":D :D
I am gonna smack you upside the head again....!!! :p
11-08-2001, 08:24 AM
Oh! my mistake
:D :D :D :rolleyes: :D :D
11-09-2001, 01:05 AM
As the official hostess of your self proclaimed "Seinfeld" thread, do we need to impress the thread moderators in order to keep this going? Jerry and company had NBC, so its fair we try and impress someone. anyone.
Hey are we being watched? What are our Nielsons? In Michigan they are high, now if only the LA market would come through. Hell Diva they love skin out there, can we interject some into the show? I've got lots of questions, and everyone who knows you understands that you always have ALL the answers!
11-09-2001, 06:30 AM
Darren don't ask me all these questions first thing in the morning. You should know better. We'll do lunch and discuss it then. :D
Showbiz is a complicated world. :D :D :D ;)!!!!!!!!!!
11-09-2001, 10:10 AM
I come bringing gifts, its unbearable to be on the wrong side of your gaze. I hold here in an outstretched hands a large steaming hazelnut coffee and a blueberry muffin. Not a morning person, eh? Shhh, just eat.
BTW, where did you perfect that withering stare look? You must be professionally trained. Its so unsettling, so Divalike!
11-09-2001, 12:14 PM
<Licking fingers>
Mmmmm thanks was very delicious.....and very sweet of you... :)
So what's for dessert? ;) :D
11-09-2001, 12:50 PM
Ahhh, well I am glad your mood has improved so much! As far as dessert, did I miss lunch? Or was it that your people met my people and had lunch together without us?
11-09-2001, 01:10 PM
Yes they did meet without us :( They are all fired!
But they have arranged for a lovely dinner and cocktail meeting at Spago's :D
Let's say 8'ish...... :D
11-09-2001, 01:30 PM
Spagos at 8?
Would that be in the venerable Beverly Hills location or newest jewel at the Four Seasons in Maui? We just might have better luck staying here in LA. I just love the pan-seared black bass with fennel cherry tomato salad and virgin lemon olive oil. What will you have, or do you want to just skip to the dessert? :cool:
11-09-2001, 05:41 PM
Oh definetly Maui!.... But I think I'd rather stay in a room and order up a bowl of fresh strawberries and cream and some smooth tasting cognac.....Mmmmmmm
It was a very long and hectic day! I'm drained. So I think I'll draw a warm bath..... and let you place the call to room service. :) ;) :D
11-09-2001, 06:20 PM
Before you take that bath, how about a long slow massage for my tired drama queen? I'll start at the feet, while you sip that delicious cognac. Its ok to close your eyes, relax.
Each toe gets its own due attention, now each foot, your calves, thighs. Mmm roll over so I can massage those tired back muscles now. You look sensational tonight. The hot oil makes you melt, my large hands slowly rubbing that nasty old tension go away.
Listen for the surf, my dear. Its playing our song. Your warm bath awaits, I'll pour you another :D
11-12-2001, 09:30 AM
Its 4:45 am Hawaii, and you just fell asleep. Now I have first hand experience that you are a nocturnal "animal"! The weekend was incredible, more than I could have dreamed for. Maui and the Four Seasons suit you, we should stay the week. Life is good, and you are special.
I've ordered up some fresh Kona coffee, and a warm muffin for when you awaken. It should be just the cure to ward off a hangover from those single malt scotches you devoured last night. Just call extension 400 and they'll deliver. I'm into the local office for awhile, I'll be back to scheme with you on how to get a new agent, you are so underappreciated in Hollywood!
;) D
11-12-2001, 11:32 AM
You are so right! I am so unappreciated! :D :D
That was an incredible evening you laid out for me....the massage was so very relaxing...and exactly what I needed. The sound of the surf, the cognac and you made it a very delectable evening...I will relish every minute of it....Thank you :)
And I think I can arrange to stay a week... I need a holiday and this is just the place for it! And besides I am very curious as to see who you have in mind for a new manager!
I await your return from the office :) Might find me in the shower or sun-tanning on the balcony!.... ;)
11-12-2001, 01:08 PM
I await your return from the office :) Might find me in the shower or sun-tanning on the balcony!.... ;) [/B]
Honey, I'm home! Hmmm no answer, that's ok, it was a corny line anyway, I'm not sorry you missed it. Ah, there you are in the early afternoon sun, lounging with eyes closed, letting the warm Hawaiian rays rejuvinate you. All thoughts of business vanish, we'll return to your new manager later ....
Topless - so like you! Forgive me whilst I stop, and drink in the vision that is you. My hands are twitching now, and I am beginning to squirm - you have that effect on me. My hands have wills of their own, reaching out from behind the chair to softly caress your perfect breasts. Your eyes are hidden from view behind those sunglasses, but I detect a hint of a smile at the corners of your mouth. You are pretending to still be asleep, but your suddenly hard nipples don't lie! What is it you want now, my diva?
11-12-2001, 08:21 PM
It's just like you to use a corny line like "Honey, I am home!" Yes I heard you! :D
But I am still pretending to be sleeping as your hands grasp my breasts. It feels so good...and to be laying out in this hot tropical sun makes it even more exciting....
My eyes are closed and I tremble under your light touch as you circle my erect nipples with those big strong hands....
(If I could only take a peek and see the look on your face)
....I moan with anticipation as to what is to come next....Mmmmm.......
11-12-2001, 08:40 PM
Lust in the afternoon. What a concept. I love life!
I stop and put that warm suntan oil all over my hands. As large, full, and perfect your breasts are, each hand easily can handle one breast each. I lean over and put the tip of my tongue around your ear, knowing full well this drives you crazy, and that you MUST acknowledge me!
All pretense of sleeping is gone now, I take those sunglasses off so that I may look into your eyes. Ahh, just what I expected, they are lustful, and full of contentment. No hurry here, my love, my hands are very happy caressing each breast fully, slowly, and completely. After a very long time, I stop and open the wine I have for us. I pour some on your nipples, oh, now look at the mess I made! The red wine stands in such contrast to your body. It has run down your stomach and into your swimsuit bottom. I'll just have to clean it all up. As I CAN do two things at once, my mouth takes care of licking your breasts clean, while my hands follow the wine's trail. As I slide my hands down the front of your suit, I feel that you are absolutely wet - and not from the wine. The suit melts off of your now steaming body. I will soon find out what wine goes best with you! Four other bottles are lined up for my private taste test. My mouth waters in eager anticipation with what lies ahead...
11-12-2001, 09:53 PM
I slowly grab your tie and pull you towards me. As I kiss you deeply and passionately, I start unbuttoning your shirt and
letting my hands roam freely across your chest, and my tongue exploring your sweet tasting mouth.
I unbuckle your belt and unzipp your trousers in one swift motion. Still devouring your kisses, we stand, so that I may completely
free you of from your clothes. There we both stand..naked on the balcony,like two wild animals waiting eagerly to be fed.
(The press would have a field day if they saw us! )
I strutted my ass over to the bottles of wine and grabbed the red one, took a sip right out of the bottle and I threw you a wicked smile and I slowly poured it over tongue is racing to catch it all..down your neck...your right nipple...across your abs....and it finally makes it's way to your throbbing 8 inches of pure I drop to my knees.. grab your butt cheeks and start licking the top of your sweet head..making sure to catch all the wine...
I feel you quivering with my every touch...with my every lick...I take your cock a bit deeper into my throat..grabbing the shaft and holding it tight....the other hand is on the wine
drenched balls that are ready to explode....MMmmm they need sucking too...Mmmmm...
what is this? a love affair boliing up??? :p
11-13-2001, 06:18 AM
Damn Darren !!!......Looks like that reporter from the "Inquisitive" discovered us!!....DAMN PRESS!!! :D :D ;)
11-13-2001, 08:37 AM
The lust burning in in your eyes is only quenchable from the wild passionate sex yet to come. You growl at me and deliberately force me to stay where we are, in full view of that photographer from the "Inquisitive".
I am on the edge, you now exactly how close you can take me. Aside from your eyes, the single most sexy part of your body is your mouth. Its so versatile, so expressive, able to convey your mood with just a subtle shift of appearance. I can tell with just a glance whether to kiss you or duck! Nothing subtle now, you suck me completely, your throat now relaxed you engulf every last inch of me! Sensing my slight hestitation, you murmur, "Feed my mouth now, there is time enough for my pussy later!" With that I explode, wave after wave of beautiful white cum is shot down your eager throat, and you lap up every last drop, continuing to suck me until I am completely dry.
As I pull you to your feet and we embrace, you whisper in my ear "The film critic at the "Inquisitive", reviewing my last romantic comedy wrote that I was "wooden" in my portrayal of the love interest. I guess they won't say that ever again!" Stunned, I look at you, there is a subtle smirk is on your face. Once again Diva, you have won, beaten the press at their own game.
I grab your hand and race with you to the shower. I'm not through with you yet, I say hoarsely. Your perfect pussy is now the object of my desire. I can't tell for certain, but I believe I heard you purr ...
11-13-2001, 09:55 AM
We were like two lustful teens, racing towards the bathroom.
Still in a lip lock, we could barely keep our hands from each other.
You were right , the best is yet to come...Nothing like having great
sex in the middle of the day!
Once in the bathroom, you grab me and sit me up on the counter in front of the huge bevelled wall mirror. With your back towards me you start the shower...Mmmmmmm what a view I had!
Your perfect butt seemed to be winking at me..your bag hanging loosely and relaxed...
(Mmmm could this be possibly happening I thought to myself?)
You then turn and say "After you.." Just then I grab your hand and pull your forcefully towards me. I wrap my legs around your waist, hy hands around your neck and thrust my dripping wet pussy into your groin. Instant hard on once again. Without using any hands..your manhood slips inside of me with ease...Ohhh if the reporter could see us now!
The bathroom filled with a hot mist covering our entire sweat drenched bodies.
You are thrusting very hard now..holding my hips in place...
My back arches towards the mirror in pure then place your hands on my breats and sqeeze them so very hard... pulling them towards you with every motion your hips make. Both pounding with everything we have, you lift me up off the counter and carry me to the shower and let the hot water hit our entangled was almost like making love under a very orgasmic!!
11-13-2001, 10:32 AM
Mmmm, we fit together so well my Diva! You are so wet, inside and out! I slide so easily and so far within you. We establish a rhythm that carries our ecstacy to unheard of heights. As I hold you high in the air, your breasts madly bouncing independent of your body, the visual sights making me growl with desire. Your eyes widen in lust and anticipation as an incredible electric shock coarses through your body, an orgasm of gigantic proportions shakes you, the first wave turns out to be merely a hint of the succeeding orgasms that rack your body, satisfying the core of your being.
Still inside you, I carry us out of the shower, and into the bedroom. Dripping wet, I continue to pump your wanton pussy, now just a bit slower. I lean forward, and say, "But wait there's more". With that, I pull out of you and back, flipping you onto your stomach your incredibly shaped round ass fills my view. "I want you from behind, baby" ....
Will a week be enough? ;) :D
11-13-2001, 10:49 AM
I simply want to completely please you.....
With each stroke taken, my hands grab a hold of the sheets and I hang on for the ride of my life. Screams of delight start to fill the the sunlite room...."Oh Yes... Harder Darren..harder...please don't stop!" The harder you pound the louder I scream! "Ohh, that's it...fuck me hard..Oh yes...yes ..Yes!!!!!!" I can feel you tensing up as I are about ready to shoot your load...I whisper, "Don't waste in in there...I want you to shoot ot all over my face....!" And just then you pull out and turn me around and sprays' of warm, hot cum start hitting my face....MMMMMMMMMm..... It felt so good...and to watch it ooze out of you was a complete turn on..... I try feverishly to suck the remaining drops off your spent, throbbing cock.............
11-13-2001, 11:13 AM
Ohh Diva,
You have completely and utterly satisfied me in every way. As I watch your still eager tongue lap up my cum from your body, I'm struck by just how good we are together. It all stems from an unheard desire - almost a competition amongst us, to please the other. The ebb and flow, with each one taking their turn at the proper time, we are both moved far beyond the sexual pleasure boundaries that we thought existed.
Its time to get dressed, my dear, lets hit the town. I want to buy you a Hard Rock Cafe Maui t-shirt that you can wear braless! We jump into the rental car, and arrive to begin our walk along the beach. There, did you see that humpback whale breach? During our Hard Rock repast, you slip your shoes off and playfully run your foot up and down my legs. Several times, you rest it in my crotch, stirring me yet again!
As we drive back to the Four Seasons, I want you all over again, just as you intended. The night is still young, possibilities unlimited.
Tomorrow I have my own surprise for you Diva. I will take you to the rainy side of the island, to the rainforests and wild bamboo stands. I shiver with anticipation. Your body, vibrantly glowing with health and beauty will be such a contrast underneath me on the rainforest's black sand beaches!
11-14-2001, 09:16 AM
I sleep soundly cradling you in my arms, in the classic spooning postion, we just fit together so well like this. I dream of you Diva.
I awake before you (no stretch there) and pack a picnic lunch for us with just the usual items, smoked salmon, freshly baked bread, Australian Shiraz, and a small cooler filled with ice holding dessert.
I pack a few things for the beach, and then wake you gently, hot macadamia nut coffee in hand. Awake darling Diva, you can sleep in the car, its a long twisting four hr drive. Without (much) protest you comply. As we drive, the island changes character, getting wetter and more lush with each bend in the road.
Your eyes take in the huge red flowers and the magnificent rain forest canopy I know the area well, I pull up in a small secluded indentation roadside. I take your hand and walk you through the rocks to the beach below. Did you ever notice how I always walk behind you? Its so I can stare at that beautiful ass of yours as it sways deliciously in front of me.
You lay down the large towel, openly purring with delight. You slip your swimsuit top off, and lie down on your stomach, enjoying the suns rays. Looking down at your form, I feel completely yours. Lotion my back, will you Darren, you ask...
11-14-2001, 11:24 AM
"This place is so beautiful, so refreshing"...I say, as you massage my back with the oil. " It feels so good after the long drive here. How did you ever find this secluded beach? I guess it don't's me with you here.. right now...Mmmmm...I thought to myself.
As you apply the oil, I can feel your hands covering every inch of me, not to miss a spot...
I can see from the corner of my eye that you are enjoying it. You move down to my legs and apply some lotion there as well, but not without giving my ass a few sweet kisses and nibbles....
Once you think I have enough sun screen on, you lie back
beside me and say "Ahhhh this is the life...!" "The sun, surf, private beach and my Diva..What more can a man ever want!"
I guess I must have dozed off for a few minutes under the hot sun.. Because when I awoke you were not beside me.
I sat up and started looking around...I spotted you sitting on the rock, where the waves were pounding up against it.
You were so very handsome, sitting there..the water splashing up on your spectacular muscular form...I was getting wet just looking at you.
My eyes were completly focused on you...and before you know it I was rubbing my clit and fingering myself under the hot sun....Mmmmm....My suit bottom's were in the way so I took them off....the sun hitting my exposed pussy felt really, really good..
Not to often one can sun tan in the nude, away from the press. I continued rubbing my clit and bringing myself to orgasm after orgasm...
When I opened my eyes.. you were standing right on top of me.......
11-14-2001, 02:44 PM
The soft wind lightly blows, its salty tinge reminding me its the vast Pacific Ocean that I now survey. I feel like I am the luckiest man on the face of the earth at this very moment. The sun, the hot black sand, and Diva are all here. Thinking of Diva, I glance back over my shoulder.
I smile slowly, as she has her hand between her legs, head thrown back, caught in a Kodak moment! Her body gentle shakes with each successive orgasm, her thoughts elsewhere as she rocks herself to self induced ecstacy.
Never have I wanted her more! What a sight, those lush curves of her body contrasting so starkly with the black sand. The only thing missing is me! Gone from my mind was the gentleness of last night, I wanted her totally amd immediately.
As I stand over you Diva your eyes fly open. I push you roughly back, and leap on you like a wild beast. With one large thrust I fill your pussy with the entire length of my cock. Over and over I plunge into you your eyes rolling back in your head. In the back of my mind I hear sounds from the road above, yet nothing will stop me from my lust crazed state ...
11-14-2001, 08:11 PM
The animal deep within your soul is finally being unleashed...
You are thrusting into me like there will never be a tomorrow.
Each and every pound into my soaked pussy is greater than the last..the harder they are the louder your moans and groans....Mmmmm..
The look in your devilish yet so very mysterious...I never know what you will do next...
11-14-2001, 09:22 PM
With another great push I sink to your core. Unexpectedly, I lift you off the ground, still embedded deep within you. Like the old Burt Lancaster movie, I carry you down to the waters edge and continue to make love to you as the waves crash over us, oblivious to the world beyond. Another of my fantasies fulfilled, sweet Diva! Whatever we have left to give each other I want from you yet this day, in every way.
Right in throes of our lust, I look up to see upon the cliff a long lensed camera held in the quivering hands of an Aussie photographer! He begins fumbling in his flak jacket for another roll of film. We have just made his day, hell his year, as the Inquistor has offered a bounty upon any paparrazi pics of you that become available, so renowned is your fame! The 10K reward will double this poor sod's income!
I shout, yet the little man freezes, transfixed by what he sees! Unhappily I withdraw from you unspent, and upon standing he scrambles away in fear of his very life! With a squeal of his jeep's tires he is gone.
Enraged at the intrusion I stand veins bulging from my neck, fists clenching and unclenching. You rise behind me, put a soft hand on my shoulder and speak....
11-15-2001, 09:16 AM
"Don't worry about it Babe..I recognize that Oldfart even from here. I can handle him. He is money hungry so I will just up the bid on those photos. I will call him later..."
With a smile, you turn slightly towards me... Your physique was amazing. Even after the intrusion of the paparazzi, you were still semi hard.
"Are you sure you can handle him? I don't want your sexy self plastered all over the tabloids!" I grab your hand and pull you closer to me.."Yes Darling, I can handle almost anything," as I gently brush the hair from your forhead and my other hand massages your beautiful, unspent penis.
"Let's not spoil this wonderful day worring about this", as I kiss the veins away from your neck.......Now where were we....oh yes...I remember...." And with that, I drop to my knees and become one again with your weakened manhood. I gently take it all in..almost like I was going to swallow it whole. Twirling my tongue over it and applying a little bit of pressure with my tightly wrapped lips...I move my fingers across your chest, around to your back and grab a hold of your sexy cheeks..With a rhytmic motion I start pulling you in and out of my mouth..I can feel your heart beating on my tongue...your shaft is hard once again...Your moans, very hands firmly grasping your ass..
You grab my head and start pounding it against your groin....You were fucking my mouth to your content....Mmmmmmm..your pre-cum tasted so sweet....And I thought to myself...
"Mmmmmm I wonder if he can handle me doing......?"
11-15-2001, 05:24 PM
I can see by the malevolent look in your eyes that something wicked this way comes, or is it cums? Nevertheless, you have this disarming way of easing my tension, of making me focus on the mouth, er task at hand! You do hate so to be ignored don't you my Diva! Of all the mean things that I could do to you, ignoring you would be at the top of your list! But believe me, with your sex appeal, that will never happen in my lifetime!
You shift positions, grasping my member tightly, stand, grinning. "Are you ready for anything", you ask? I can see that I should be careful with my reply. This is not a casual comment that you toss out. Your charms prove irresistable, however, and I cave in like a sandcastle trying to deny a mighty wave. "Yes, Diva.", I reply. "Are you sure", you ask softly, eyes avoiding mine. I think to myself, not for the first time, damn you and your mystical power over me . Struggling to come up with something that is not so lame, the best I can do is say: "Yes, only remember, my turn is next" .....
11-16-2001, 10:25 AM
'We'll you are going to have to catch me first!" And with that said I ran into the water, leaving you standing in my dust!!
The water was a bit cold..but I never really noticed it! I started swimming away from you, being the avid swimmer that I am, you couldn't catch up to me! You repeatdly kept saying "Ok Divaaaaaaa..... I give up, come back here!" But I didn't give in...not yet.
I wanted you to watch me.... to see the hot sun glistenning off my ass with every dive I see my breasts floating...that's what I wanted...Ohhh yes... for you to want something so bad, that you ached for it.
You stood there mesmerzized by my every move. Ohh How you wanted me! And ohhh How I loved to tease you!!!!
I lost view of you for a split second..and looked around. You were nowhere in sight! I was a bit frightenned. There are sharks in these waters...Ohhhh My God ....I thought...what if............
11-16-2001, 02:54 PM
Watching you frolic in the waves made me smile. I stood on the shore taking in and expelling huge breaths of air as I got ready for what lay ahead. As you dove into a huge swell, I quickly leaped in myself. Swimming underwater, I closed the distance between us in less than 30 seconds. What a sight! your head is bobbing above the water, and the rest of your naked body is at eye level. The water must be cold to you judging from your erect nipples! Maneuvering behind you, I stay out of sight beneath the surface.
I go deeper, and pushing off the bottom, rocket myself upward, grabbing your neck in a half nelson wrestling hold as I do so! Just like Baywatch lifeguards, I sidestroke back to shallower water, never letting you go. When I can stand, I rise and pull you sputtering from the ocean!
"You have been bad, my Diva. Its time for you to pay". And with that I put you over my knee! Your delicious ass squirms as you struggle to be free, but I am not in the mood to let you go unpunished. Slap! Slap! Slap Slap my hand spanks your cheeks, and they redden from the blows. "Say you are sorry for running from me Diva! " "Never!" you shout, and redouble your efforts to escape. Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! A tear wells in your eyes! Your bottom now glowing red - "Say it, and I'll stop" ....
11-18-2001, 12:28 AM
And to think this all began with an innocent cup of java and a muffin!:o
11-18-2001, 09:48 AM
Stranger things have happened Lil!!! :D ;)
11-24-2001, 09:09 PM
I'm Baccckkkk!
Not sure if that was a warning or a promise, have to think about that one for awhile. Had a great week on vacation amongst other things kayaking in balmy Carribean climes of St. Maarten (rough life I know).
Lilith has a good point, what starts out so innocently can mushroom in ways no one could predict! BTW, Lilith, what do you need in the morning to get you going? Perhaps I can be of service ....
Where was I? Oh yes! Diva, shall we continue or shift story lines? Hmmmmm, as with sooo many other men on this site Diva, I await your command!
11-25-2001, 01:05 PM
Welcome Back Darrenfate! :)
Glad to see you all rested up! Hope you had a wonderful time!
As for your next command....heehee...I will leave that up to you you can stop spanking me anytime!!! :D :D
11-26-2001, 11:43 AM
Still, then Diva keeps her silence. As I raise my hand once again I see for the first time, the subtle smirk on her face. Realization dawns on me then She LIKES this ! . I have been outfoxed!
Stopping suddenly I stand Diva up. Gathering our belongings with the other hand, I march you up to our vehicle and escort you to the passenger seat. Get dressed I growl, and be quick about it! Your eyes are still laughing silently at me! Revenge will soon be mine!
I hop in the driver's seat and gun up the narrow road, finally stopping at a trailhead leading into the rainforest. "Where are you taking me now, you ask?" Now, its my turn to smirk. "You'll find out soon, very soon my dear". I grab our cooler and a special bag I had prepared for just this occasion. We start off on the trail. Soon, the jungle envelops us, the lightly used path we tread causing us to walk single file. You are ahead of me, dressed in your hiking boots, a bush hat, a brown short sleeved shirt and pleated grey hiking shorts. As always, the view of your ass swaying in front of me as you walk is a focus of my rapt attention.
When we come to the clearing, I stop you. At the far end is an unorderly patch of green bamboo trees, growing tall and uneven in the afternoon sun. Without another word, I grab my bag, and your wrist and pull you there. I reach into my pouch, and haul out the ropes I brought! I bind your hands, each to a different tree. Ahh there you are now, helpless arms forming a V shape over your head, body open to me.
Your eyes are shimmering now with barely suppressed excitement. Ahhh, a new facet of your personality has emerged today my Diva! I move forward, and cupping your face in my hands kiss you deeply. As I move away, I unbutton your shirt. Your voluptuous breasts now free from their cotton prison burst free.
I leave you there, as I go back and retrieve the cooler.
Lunchtime! You begin to swear and curse at me to remove your bonds. I refuse. "What's in it for me, Diva? " I ask. Sensing my resolve you switch to a different tactic ....
10-28-2005, 06:55 PM
Made you look again :grin:
/me socks Scarecrow in the arm
10-28-2005, 08:06 PM
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