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View Full Version : Number of posters

Lady Pleaser
10-30-2001, 07:42 PM
It's sad to think that there are ove 3,000 people registared on Pixies but only 15%(504) have 3 or more post. Lets hear from the other 2500.

10-30-2001, 07:48 PM
Yep i agree...

Come on lurkers....come out and play with us;):D

We really are quite a great lot of ppl and we dont bite....unless asked that is...:D


10-30-2001, 07:53 PM
On Rup&Chilis thread only 1 IN 10 views posted a comment.
HOW SAD..............;-(

10-30-2001, 10:38 PM
Since I have been registered I have tried to become involved but I have only a limited time in the evenings to get on line. But I don't know why if you went to the trouble to register you would not want to say something or at least comment once in a while.

There is a great community here and all you have to do is speak up to be a part of it.

celt guy
10-31-2001, 12:01 AM

how can i resist that request. I promise to be a good boy from now on, unless you have other requests. Love the stories by the way

10-31-2001, 12:29 AM
I agree totally

It really is a lot more fun to interact...rather than sit in the back ground...and besides you need to chat and comment to start new relationships.....think of the possibilities

10-31-2001, 05:47 AM
I, I!!!


come on ppl post....

10-31-2001, 06:28 AM
That's a big 10-4 here as well!!
I think all the others that don't post are CHICKEN SHITS...LMAO...CLUCK, CLUCK CLUCK!!!!!!
:D :D :D

Prove me wrong!!!!!! :D ;)

11-01-2001, 02:11 AM
I have been regularly visiting Pixies for quite a while, (started around June) just never took the time to post even though a few topics or situations stirred deep. Lady Pleaser has finely prompted me. A long time ago my grandmother told me, “You have two ears and two eyes, but only one mouth. Use proportionally!” So I guess I consider myself an observer, instead of a voyeur. Even registered and filled in my profile sometime back. Had my Pixies mail box since July.

Truly have found a great bunch of people here, Love Diva 4U being one of my favorites. She has a fantastic sense of humor, (a funny picture) thread, is as quick-witted as Scotzoidman, can be as eloquent as Nubian, and sure as hell is hot like Dexyangel and a lot of others. I have come to feel much closer to most all of you than I expected.

Now that I have jumped onto the bed, I obligated to get over to TazzMan’s thread about “FORMAUL PLACE SETTINGS”.

11-01-2001, 02:34 AM
Well, ok then. This is my first time posting...I have seen Pixies-place go through a lot of changes over the last few years, I should have joined a long time ago but i was happy reading stories and at one time even submitted my own. I believe the reason i have never posted is to do the fact that I am a "JOE" What I mean is, I am average, average hieght, average weight, average everything...that includes my opinions, they are moderate, i don't need to express my feelings for years at a time and i don't need every weekend to "let loose" I sorta just live life as an observer. Well I bet now you wish i kept my mouth shut...


11-01-2001, 04:41 AM
i would post more but i don't think i ever have anything good to say =P

11-01-2001, 06:24 AM
Well thanks alot.....sheesh.... someone got me blushing again.

Pantyfanatic...thank you. **BLUSH** You are too kind.:)

SteinFibers...what the hell you talking about??? I am the most AVERAGE ONE HERE!!!! So don't use that as an excuse around here or me!!!....:D :)

And Radies....I bet you are very interesting....can't find out if you don't post!!! :D

Welcome to Pixies....now start posting!!!! ;) :D

11-01-2001, 06:48 AM
Diva;s right, she is average :p, but very sexy, :D me like

11-01-2001, 02:36 PM
Hi :) I've just joined today, I'm 17 and hope to get to know you all well.

11-01-2001, 02:46 PM
Man, you've got to post when somebody calls you a chicken.


11-01-2001, 06:24 PM
To anyone who is nervous about posting...I just started myself a few weeks ago and trust me it is GREAT! I posted a thread Hello All with my pics and I have gotten nothing but great warm kind feedback DON'T BE SHY!! we will love you I promise:-D

Lady Pleaser
11-01-2001, 07:54 PM
thanks to all the new posters. Lets keep it up.

11-10-2002, 05:18 PM

11-10-2002, 06:49 PM
Love seeing new folks post as well. Pixies is so much fun when so many people add their ideas, thoughts and touches of humor (not to mention pictures).

I know I'm awfully shy ... ah ... welll ... maybe not awfully ...

Simply said, "I love Pixies!"

Uncle Silky
11-10-2002, 09:21 PM
i like Stein already.

11-10-2002, 09:31 PM
I have been posting a little but no one seems to have noticed me yet. I also feel like I don't have alot of interest to say, you all seem so much more experienced than I am. I am just learning by reading :)

11-10-2002, 11:09 PM
i keep visiting every week, when i am free, its makes me cool my head make me horney but some times i post. why is that new stories illustriated are not added?

08-28-2004, 09:37 PM
Looking threw old threads and found this one that mentions only 3,000 registered Pixies. Oh how we've growin'.

08-28-2004, 09:40 PM
Yes, it was started just about 2 weeks before I joined. Amazing how much we've grown.

08-28-2004, 09:52 PM
You inspired me to do some math...Now of the 17,893 members 3800 have posted something, anything, which is roughly 21%

08-28-2004, 10:35 PM
wow!!!! now that's alot of lurkers being toooooo quiet.....where is everybody hiding? :confused: oh please come out and play :sex:

08-28-2004, 11:03 PM
PM them....Is what I do :p

08-29-2004, 12:21 AM
You inspired me to do some math...Now of the 17,893 members 3800 have posted something, anything, which is roughly 21%

How do you know it is 3,800? Just a quick look over the boards tells me there is at most 50 posting. That is making at least one post a week. So that is . something of a % So Posters of the World Unite. Down with knickers!

08-29-2004, 12:39 AM
They have absolutely no idea how much fun they are missing by not being part of it.
*walks off shaking her head*

08-29-2004, 12:48 AM
I'd say how about setting a rule up that if they didn't post a response to SOMETHING, ANYTHING in say 60 or 90 days that, they lose their priviledge to view the pics until they posted. Could that be set up?

08-29-2004, 12:57 AM
How do you know it is 3,800? Just a quick look over the boards tells me there is at most 50 posting. That is making at least one post a week. So that is . something of a % So Posters of the World Unite. Down with knickers!
I know it is 3800 posters because I looked up all members who had at least one post...and there are 3,800 of them. And there are many more than 50 current posters. I think we discussed this while you were on your last hiatus....every single person who clicks on this site contributes in one way or another. Some more than others but I'm grateful for getting to hear from all 3,800 who have decided to post.

08-29-2004, 01:34 AM
I know it is 3800 posters because I looked up all members who had at least one post...and there are 3,800 of them. And there are many more than 50 current posters. I think we discussed this while you were on your last hiatus....every single person who clicks on this site contributes in one way or another. Some more than others but I'm grateful for getting to hear from all 3,800 who have decided to post.

3,800 would make a good party. :)

08-29-2004, 02:43 AM
I'd say how about setting a rule up that if they didn't post a response to SOMETHING, ANYTHING in say 60 or 90 days that, they lose their priviledge to view the pics until they posted. Could that be set up?

We just started something similar on the site I work for . . . it's the "it's only fair" rule but that's a fee-driven site.

There's always going to be lurkers. It's healthy to see a site grow but I totally see you point, too.

08-29-2004, 08:01 AM
3,800 posts would be a lot to check if they all posted at once.

08-29-2004, 09:10 AM
I joined a site where you had to post to maintain membership...notice I "joined". I'd rather have honest responses and convos driven by people's desire to make contact than a site filled with responses people make in order to keep their status as active. I was not impressed, and did not post and am no longer there. I'd like to think I am the type of person who adds positively to a message board or forum but tell me I have to or else, and you just colored every post I would make.

08-29-2004, 11:22 AM
I'm hoping numbers cruncher PF can shed some entertaining light on the numbers. :) It's one of the only things I like about him. :D

08-29-2004, 12:17 PM
As I have said before this is one of the few female friendly, female active adult sites I have found. The sites that make you post pics or your out tend to have lots of pics and no chat. Other then smut stuff. You never see posts by single females. Just couples.

08-29-2004, 12:22 PM
I was peeping at a new site the other day and was totally flabbergasted to find it had a forum set up for pics and replies to pics only but not anywhere to just sex eachother up and play and flirt and talk...no place to get to know people.

08-29-2004, 12:30 PM
So I guess my idea would turn US into THEM huh?
Then my idea isn't so great. I sure wouldn't want that! :trout:

08-29-2004, 12:32 PM
I was peeping at a new site the other day and was totally flabbergasted to find it had a forum set up for pics and replies to pics only but not anywhere to just sex eachother up and play and flirt and talk...no place to get to know people.
That sems to be the trend along with rating sites. The rating ones can get very nasty with the remarks to.

08-29-2004, 12:41 PM
Is why we will never have ratings or contests.... breeds hurt feelings and it's so much nicer to just all see the beauty in everyone and support each other in our sexual endeavors and exploits (or lack there of).

08-29-2004, 01:18 PM
...(or lack there of).

Hey! You said you weren't gonna tell! :(

08-30-2004, 02:42 AM
Perhaps, rather than the "you must post" bit, can a counter flag a non-poster after 6 months, send a standard PM asking if they still want to be here, to click on the attached button. No click, no member?

Sounds a bit hard, but hey??

09-01-2004, 10:42 PM
kathy1 is right that a WHOLE bunch of people are missing out on a lot of fun.

Perhaps a combination of cowgirltease and Oldfart ideas could work by bringing up a flag for notice that suspend the pic viewing privilege if not responded to. It is silly to carry 78% of the people signing up, on the rolls indefinitely. We cannot tell how many are regular lurkers and which are just lost souls, only by postings though. Hopefully, the man behind the curtain, has the means to see how many revisit even if it is only his “secret number”. I don’t know what burden a majority of empty fields put on the database, except for the time factor.

I agree with Lilith that every post ever made is part of Pixies and could well give you permanent membership without causing a problem, as far as the numbers I have been able to squeeze out. We all have seen a, self-proclaimed lurker come out of the shadows when the right thing struck their fancy. I also understand Lils’ thoughts that a “forced” posting is not likely to generate earnest feelings and ideas. There also always is the whole image game of showing high membership numbers for a variety of reasons. That part I’ll leave to the “fluff-pumpers”. :rolleyes: I do better just dealing with the facts.

Our query capabilities are limited and have a problem with the difference between x = <n, x = n< and x = >n, x = n>, especially while dealing with zero, but here are some siftings. I did get some slightly different numbers than Lil, but here’s the general state of affairs.
“Never have so few provided so much enjoyment and pleasure for so many.” ;)

As of this posting-
Using the search capabilities under membership, I find 17,593 members currently listed.
The earliest of any post date shown is 2001 April 29.
The ones that have signed up as members and never posted are 13,784. That’s 78.3%.
That should leave 3,809 members that have at least once. (but doesn’t according to our database, but it only shifts the totals a couple percentage points)
There is a total of 1,586 member that posted over 10 times.
We have a total of 478 senior members (over 100 posts)

The number of members that have made at least 1 post in the last year is 1,677.
of the current membership,
Of this last years active members, 920 have posted more than 10 times.
There are 66 members that have posted over 100 times in the last year.

We have 853 members that joined before this last year and still posted at least once.

There are many ways to request and interrupt data, many that we do NOT have available, to support most reasonable statements, but there is no question in my mind that the ratio of people enjoying our home and the ones we get to see and talk with is a pretty wide spread.

The bottom line for me is I’m damned glad to be here and even happier the rest of this group is here. ……………………………. Well, …. most of them. ;)

PS :mad:
I tried to underline and bold print the highlights, but we are SO god damn limited in the number of images we can have that you will have to hunt if you want any of the information.

*stomps away with his blunt pencil*

09-02-2004, 02:25 AM
Like I said about 50 posters. So I win the bear. :p

66 posters. This is root 66.

09-02-2004, 03:38 AM
Well, if we don't always have quanitity ...

we do have QUALITY.

You all are the BEST!!! Thanks for being Posting Pixies!! ;)

09-02-2004, 04:54 AM
So very, very, Interesting.........................

Not unlike the previous posters to this thread i have to wonder are "lurkers" and nonposters just here for "A Quickie?" And that thought leads to the next and the next.
Here's a thought, without them we exibitionists would have no one watching us and it would certainly take the steam out of the hot, no sense of being "caught" =no turn on

Also as it's been pointed out there ARE those that unexpectedly post at most illogical moments .
I too came upon pixies "by accident" just out surfing one day all hot an horny looking for some free stories to fuel my libido further....I can only say that i love this place right out the gate and beyond the people are kind AND horny and above all courteous. It's a shining example of good
(un)clean fun! I really liked the following quote so i borrowed it ty
thank you thank you thank you and consider yourselves one and all HUGGLED!!!!!! :grope:

09-02-2004, 04:55 AM
oops here's that quote......
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

09-02-2004, 05:28 AM

I'm with dicksbro on this one. No site is perfect, but this one does seem to have a very good mix of posters, both of text and pictures. And yes boilergirl1, this is a very courteous group when compared to similar sites. I consider that to be one of it's more attractive features.