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10-26-2001, 05:53 PM
Just a quick question-does anyone else,besides me look at the profiles?I enjoy gettin' a general idea of who I'm chattin' with and what floats thier boat,but most of them are pretty vague, if there's any blanks filled in at all.Is everyone that shy?Just curious.

10-26-2001, 05:56 PM
Oops,sorry all.Guess I should have posted this in general chat.

10-26-2001, 06:51 PM
I enjoy looking at the profiles whenever I get a chance, especially if I get PMed by someone with whom I'm not familiar. I figure those that leave theirs blank feels if someone really want to know about them, then they would take the time to PM or EM with questions.

10-26-2001, 09:02 PM
Good point Nubian.I guess even w/ the anonymity I'm still a little shy and worry about offending someone or putting them off by being to presumptious(sp?)

10-27-2001, 06:41 AM
I too am a bit shy, although you wouldn't know it by some of my posts.:p I do worry about offending at times since it's so hard to convey exactly what you mean (and the right tone) in the short notes we post to the forums. However, I've found that people are **generally** easy going here and are not quick to take offense. This has allowed me to come out of my shell, so to speak.

10-27-2001, 12:37 PM
As Nubian says, it is the tone and content of the material
posted which will tell you whether a person appeals.

Profiles are sometimes an expression of wish rather than

Say what you mean and read the replies carefully.

You'll work out who you want to chat to.

12-12-2001, 10:01 AM
Yes, I do look at the profiles, as I enjoy some of them as much as the messages. And as for myself, I am not shy and have posted everything. I have nothing to hide at all. In fact, I welcome the contact, go ahead and check it out! :)
