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View Full Version : New Member, New Erotic Writer

07-10-2001, 08:37 PM
Howdy from Texas, Y'all!

(Ah ain't rilly uhn iggernant hick, but thems of us frumm TEXAS
rilly do say "Howdy!" an' "Y'all" purty offen like.)

I just discovered Pixies Place on 4th of July and several of you good folks have made me feel very welcome. If you haven't "met"
me yet, and you like making new cyber friends, please check out my profile and see my post in the "New Members" thread of this forum on July 5th.

I am supposedly a trained writer, but except for one short sci-fi story and some humorous poetry, I've stuck to news, advertising, public relations and non-fiction articles, UNTIL NOW! The interactive story forum here grabbed my attention and started the little creative wheels in my brain spinning. I have posted my first two attempts at short erotic fiction here. The 1st is an addition to the thread "Movie Maddness" started by sba6996, and my 2nd is a new thread called "Trish + Steve + Julie = True Love" which covers a later adventure of the characters introduced in "Movie Maddness."

I've had enough success with my non-fiction writing to be confident in those skills, but I sure would appreciate both positive and negative feedback and suggestions about my early erotic efforts. If y'all happen to like them, I'll probably write some more
pretty soon, since I had so much fun dreaming up these sexy situations. I sort of figure any healthy straight or bi men would love to find themselves in Steve's jockey shorts, and I hope ladies will especially enjoy Trish and Julie and their strength, brains, and creativity.