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View Full Version : Not the Phone Call I Wanted

11-09-2024, 02:10 AM
The day before yesterday I had a surprise call from a Pixie mate. It was Mrs. ScareCrow informing us that Larry had passed four days before from cancer. She said considering it was the big *C*, it was reasonable comfortable and quick. Whatever that is! :( He left us with his wife of 48 years 'Mrs. King' (inside joke from PAGAN III), two daughters, six grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren at the age of 73.

ScareCrow served his country in the US Air Force, worked 28 years for the local school district. Retired, he kept busy as delivery driver with local pharmacy when he wasn't involved in starting the Tuscola Jaycees, and active in American Legion Post #580

Scarecrow was definitely "...real people of the cyber world" Pixie. He has been a Pixie three weeks longer than myself and one of PAGAN most often attendees. He and I usually spoke on the phone over the Holidays and I know all the Pixies that knew him during any of the PAGAN gatherings, where online images became truly real people will note his passing.

Glad we met ScareCrow. Thank you.

11-10-2024, 09:26 AM
Big 'C' is a horrible thing, but if it was quick, that is a relief to know.

RIP Scarecrow.


11-10-2024, 10:59 AM
Ug, another death issue. Never any fun, but yeah, Scarecrow going this route is a big'un.

11-26-2024, 09:21 PM
Scarecrow (and Mrs King) were nice people who took the time to help shepherd a couple of Aussies about. They and the Dicksbros took a wide-eyed plane-nut to Chanute to see stuff he hadn't seen before. There's a new hole in my world.

01-01-2025, 05:58 PM
So sad. He was good people.

02-02-2025, 10:17 PM
DAMN!! :mad:

This is NOT going well at all! Today I spoke with BiBi's daughter to learn she left us on the 25th of January 2025. :tear: She stated her mom had three days of feeling sick and after declining the direction to call EMS, did eventually concede. She didn't state the exact minutes but said they arrived quickly only to pronounce death. As sad and shocking as it was, she said BiBi always told her she prayed for a quick end. Sad, but a comfort for her and all of us.

I am NOT intending to add to this thread!

[I as a closer to BiBi than only our postings here and I will make notes elsewhere.]

02-16-2025, 10:17 AM
Well, fuck fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck.

02-25-2025, 09:24 PM
It sucks to hear of the passing of beloved Pixies. I've not been around much because...life. But I keep in touch with a few via FB and phone.