View Full Version : Today's weird news

12-05-2021, 10:54 AM
A woman on a Delta Airlines flight from Syracuse, NY & Atlanta, GA was met by the Airline's Red Coat team when she got to her destination. Her offense? Breastfeeding a cat (allegedly)

12-06-2021, 02:36 AM
Oooooooo Kaaaaaaaa. :rofl:

Teddy Bear
09-09-2022, 09:45 PM
OMG ! That woman must have leather nipples. Ouchy

Teddy Bear
09-26-2022, 05:12 PM
TB questions most everything as you may or not know. I was thinking was it possible for a human female to breast feed a cat.

I mean the ability to do so. Its been awhile since i owned a cat. But Ido remember a cats nipples are little- bitty things, . Whereas human nipples are so much bigger i think a kitten could not close its mouth around it. Can they suck with open mouth?

And once that kittens teeth start coming in they are going to hold tight. Kittens and puppies both havet razor like teeth add to that cats ;knead; the mom while sucking, fexing those needle like sharp claws. Ouch upon ouch.

With that in mind i asked Google ;can a female human breastfeed a cat; It didn't answer it the way i asked. Didn't see (looked quickly, may have missed it) All the answers were a kitten should not be fed human milk. They have health needs not in human milk. Will i would think so.

Sorry if i wasted your time but i had been wondering it and figured i would share with my co-pixies. S0 now you know. May be a trivia answer some day and you'll know.


09-27-2022, 06:26 AM
Yeah, it's pretty definitive, that even if technically possible, it's a really bad idea. Nothing wrong with fact-checking, though. Good on ya for that.

10-23-2022, 05:41 PM
A pussy feeding a pussy. Makes sense.

Teddy Bear
11-07-2022, 09:33 PM
A pussy feeding a pussy. Makes sense.

LOL good one :D