View Full Version : Typecasting

03-31-2021, 02:20 AM
I'm sure there's a thread (or several) on this topic somewhere, but can I find it?

Anyway, I was having a wee peruse of my 'What's happening here?' thread and noticed there are a variety of different body types amongst the ladies I have been seeing. So, it got me to wondering what body type, hair colour, height etc float people's boats?

For me, with one notable exception who frequented this fine place with me, I've always tended to be drawn to the more well-built lady, not too tall and (usually) with dark hair. More recently though, and perhaps merely as an aberration, I've been extremely drawn to one oy my colleagues who is tall, slim almost to the point of skinny, with hardly anything 'up top' - though she does have the most amazing-looking nipples, evident when it's a bit chilly!!!

Anyone else have a 'type' they wish to talk about?


04-01-2021, 02:57 AM
I like the looks of a lady with perky breasts and visible nipples; a nice shaped rear; height ... where she still would not be too tall even if she was in heels; weight ... not skinny but not too plump either. Mainly a lady that knows how to smile and feels comfortable with who she is. Sparkling eyes and nice teeth are a bonus. :)

04-09-2021, 12:29 AM
Surprised that no one else has posted anything, DM. Well, maybe not real surprised but it sounded like a good thread that could generate some posts.

04-09-2021, 12:57 AM
Surprised that no one else has posted anything, DM. Well, maybe not real surprised but it sounded like a good thread that could generate some posts.

I'd hoped for half a dozen at least; back in the day there would have been that many pages worth already!



04-10-2021, 01:22 AM
Well, if not quantity ... quality in the two that did post. :D

04-10-2021, 08:14 AM
Well, if not quantity ... quality in the two that did post. :D

Haha! Yeah, I'll take that! :D


04-14-2021, 04:36 AM
I've been thinking about this and knowing how much my "dream lady" has changed over my life time, I have to ponder the word statement that will describe that. So I will be back here.

04-19-2021, 06:43 PM
Quality now comes in threes! :D

04-20-2021, 12:46 AM
Quality now comes in threes! :D



03-16-2022, 10:10 PM
Well when i was playing with the ladies, I wanted someone that was taller than me. long hair and that shy smile. I liked at lease a b cup and more womany than plump.

with men i like the "dad bod" he has to be taller than me but also more dominate in bed.

I would love someone describe me as "'part calico choir girl...........and part satin dance hall doll, with amber eyes and a dash of hellcat red in her hair --- the kind of woman that a man wants in his bedroom when he's sick.............and in his bed when he's not.'"

04-03-2022, 04:53 PM
Curvy but not obese.

Thats it.

Teddy Bear
12-05-2022, 10:51 PM
i love a man who has a nice smile and does it often, i always notice a man's hands, they are good if large and slightly callused, from working hard. i don't like weight builders, they always look top heavy to me and it feels liked you're hugging a Brick wall. i prefer a snuggly slighty overweight but not fat man.

He should have confidence in himself but not show off type. He should look good in any style clothes, my favorite is tight butt hugging jeans, a flannel shirt and work boots. but if you are dressing up he should look killer in a suit.

On the beach or naked he will just look yummy and make you want him just by seeing him.