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06-14-2020, 08:13 AM
A friend of mine has a Quote of the Day post. Interesting offering for today:

"Three weeks after I first moved to the United States with my family, and one week into our American public school adventures, my youngest daughter asked me, 'Mummy, did you know that we pray to the flag every morning at school?'

"Any discussion of an American 'civil religion' needs to take account not only of history and of ideology, but of the religious rituals that surround our secular cult. Walk into many public elementary schools in America a few minutes after the opening bell, and you will know: we already have an established religion in this country, and its graven image is the flag. Our youngest child recognized it right away."

-- Rev. Rosalind C. Hughes, "What American Flag-Worship Looks Like To A New Citizen", 2017-07-12

06-15-2020, 02:27 AM
Interesting. I had never thought of the Pledge (I assume that's what the little girl saw and heard) as being a prayer although I can see how it might look like that. I always thought of it as a commitment to the liberties and freedoms we enjoy under the Constitution. And the flag, I see that as a symobolic representation of those liberties and that freedom.

06-15-2020, 10:10 PM
Yuz guys both awful smart, dats fer shore. Me, I juz likes r country and we gotta real nice flag. Sayin' dah pledge is a way of showin' dat n' dats sumptin I do not mind doin.

06-16-2020, 04:53 PM
Well put, Goofy!

Teddy Bear
06-17-2020, 02:20 PM
Well put indeed. I believe when we say the pledge we are affirming , our commitment, our respect and love for this great country, the USA.