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View Full Version : BLue Swede

12-20-2016, 12:13 AM
Does Blue Swede still ever post here? She was a friend on an old (now defunct) forum

12-20-2016, 02:06 AM
Does Blue Swede still ever post here? She was a friend on an old (now defunct) forum

Seems not; her last post is shown as February 2010!

Shame, she is/was a sexy lady.

There are lots of sexy ladies who no longer post here; we always had folk who'd 'pop in' for a while and show themselves off to us, but there was also a solid core of people who posted pics regularly of whom Blue Swede was one. As I said, shame.


12-20-2016, 11:12 PM
Amen, DM. Lot of great folks have passed through the halls of Pixies-Place. Wish they'd return, we miss them all. Went back and looked at some of Blue Swede's posts. She is/was a sexy lady to be sure.