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View Full Version : Memorial Day

Teddy Bear
05-22-2015, 05:33 PM
Wishing everyone a great holiday. Whooohoooo for 3 day weekends!!

Pause sometime and remember our Veterans. Thank you to those who served and thank you also for your families waiting for you to come home.

I'm headed up north to visit family. Hope the traffic isn't to terrible.

Please be safe everybody. :)

05-22-2015, 10:57 PM
Happy Memorial Day to you, too, Teddy Bear. Do have a safe trip to see your family and enjoy the weekend.

For all the men and women who have or are serving in our armed forces ... God bless you all! And God bless our friends in the world who have been at our side so many, many times and made sacrifices equally as great. God bless you as well.